Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #27 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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BBM I wonder what they knew/thought about TA made them question themselves in the first place. I would have hoped they would have told Nurmi there was no way he was correct, defend TA. They sound rather timid to not have immediately called Nurmi on his BS. IMHO, they should have know that there are good attorneys and bad attorneys, they are in the attorney business PPL! (snark)

idk - but imo if any one i knew was being accused of this i would first jump on the side of the children until i got my questions answered, and i think that might be what they are saying - and i know that police can lie and trick perps to get them to confess, but i didn't know that attys could lie to witnesses about evidence to try and get the testimony they wanted
Good point, Sulamith! For being in a legal affiliated field, all these PPL people seem woefully ignorant about lawyers and legal proceedings! It is kind of ironic. Especially Gus "Silver Director Can I plead the 5th?" Searcy.

The PPL just sells legal insurance, they aren't lawyers. jmo
:welcome4: lvcarolinagirl, glad you joined us. Great first post!

No, the photos are both crime scene photos.
The clothes can't be hanging in the bathroom and in the washer at the same time.

Defendants' blog:
Defendants' myspace:
Defendants' other myspace:

They are also listed on the front page.

She also has a youtube with one video of Travis as Eddie Snell

:waitasec: Flores???
Do you mean Searcy???

THANK YOU - that was the blog and I didn't see anything of value in it anyway. I knew there was a list somewhere! LOL
From page 27 of 40 (, the text message sent from Travis to Jodi on May 10, 2008:

Why don't you have him come *advertiser censored** you in the woods, I can only imagine you are so worried about me reading. You are paranoid because you have no respect for people privacy and you dare insult me of all people. Someone you have should through your actions you hate more than love by denying me a human right to privacy countless times. You have a lot of freaking nerve. We are all not like you in that aspect.

Recognizing that this was sent via text, I have respectfully cleaned up the spelling/grammar/punctuation to make it more readable:

"Why don't you have him come *advertiser censored** you in the woods. I can only imagine you are so worried about me reading. You are paranoid because you have no respect for people's privacy and you dare insult me of all people - someone you have showed through your actions that you hate more than love by denying me a human right to privacy countless times. You have a lot of freaking nerve. We are all not like you in that aspect."

(Also please note that in some of the prior postings, it was not transcribed quite accurately from the original document.)

I'm sure Travis had a very good reason for sending her this text. That is why these communications should never be taken out of context, and why Juan tried to bar them all. As we know from this thread, the written word conveys much less than the entire intent.
i read a post from chris hughes last night that nurmi called his wife and told them they had 100% prood that TA was a pe....... - i can't even type it..... and that they were very upset and started to question themsleves, they didn't know at the time that attys can lie and say anything to witnesses to eliict testimony they want, but that they now dio know that this is 100% a lie by jodi - and imo i believe them

THAT is disgusting but true....and for the guilty it is a great way to get ppl to flip on one another or tell the truth. in this case though..that is just messed up and sick.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
i read a post from chris hughes last night that nurmi called his wife and told them they had 100% prood that TA was a pe....... - i can't even type it..... and that they were very upset and started to question themsleves, they didn't know at the time that attys can lie and say anything to witnesses to eliict testimony they want, but that they now dio know that this is 100% a lie by jodi - and imo i believe them

I don't want to insult the attorneys on this forum, but this corresponds 100% with my experience dealing with lawyers.
I have seen them lie in the most vile, contemptible ways and I do not trust them.
I think this is something people don't realize - people who have never been involved in litigation with high conflict personality types.
THAT is disgusting but true....and for the guilty it is a great way to get ppl to flip on one another or tell the truth. in this case though..that is just messed up and sick.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

I don't think playing dirty is part of the "obligation" to represent her. Nurmi got on board with this disgusting defense at some point, and it is despicable.
This is the best photo I could find of his hands. He has very long fingers, and rounded cuticles. They do NOT look the hands in the peni pic at ALL.

View attachment 29691

Thank you!
Also the peni pic the fingers are kind of crooked. I still kind of think its db because I remembered thinking that his fingers looked odd to me.

Of course I don't even pretend to be as savy or as good at this stuff as a lot of you guys are :) But its just what I was thinking while listening to him testify.

Please accept my apologies if that is rambling I've got the "official" flu lol
I don't think playing dirty is part of the "obligation" to represent her. He got on board with this disgusting defense at some point, and it is despicable.

Seems like I saw on his site he specializes in defending sex crimes. This is kind of just up his alley.
The PPL just sells legal insurance, they aren't lawyers. jmo

I think what people can't understand is that someone who is on an executive level selling legal insurance should know enough to contact his attorney before heading to court to give his testimony. It is obvious he is lying or he would not have asked the judge if he could plead the fifth. Gus lied and got caught. I'm sure his attorney advised him not to return to the State of Arizona and stick with a phone call, only. Oh, and to tell the truth this time. Isn't he due to testify in an evidentiary meeting on the 13th? jmo
Eddie Snell 10 Poor Commitments for Prepaid Legal Associates
Uploaded on May 28, 2008
Travis Alexander doing a standup of the 10 Core Commitments (10 Poor Commitments.)
Category Comedy


This is the video the defendant has on her youtube account.

Travis Alexander - Eddie Snell's Paustenbalm

Uploaded on Jun 12, 2008
Eddie Snell's 30 second commercial promoting his latest entreprenuerial venture.
Category Comedy

*Uploaded 8 days after brutally murdering Travis

Also note the TEAM RENEW banner

Mario wearing a Team Renew shirt in this photo, pictured along with the defendant, Bobby and Victor.
I have had a hinky feeling about Chris Hughes, can't put my finger on it..seems he might be trying too maybe deflect any culpability away from him or his wife, Sky for something they know or have done. IIRC, Sky is on the witness list and she is in possession of TA's journal, or some of them. I hope they call her to testify.

I think he is doing exactly what any good friend would do.
I respect the man and the way he conducted himself during his case-in-chief. But then, I was certain that Jeff Ashton proved his case also. One never knows how 12 people will interpret the same evidence. They bring their own life experiences with them when deliberating.

I fear I will throw something at the TV and throw this iPad if I have to watch JA another day on direct. Perhaps I will not watch again until I hear that she is on cross.

Another aspect to consider is whether or not the jurors will have the ability to weigh the evidence and testimony. For example, if Person A and Person B tell diametrically opposed stories, will the jury give them equal weight? That is, will they consider them to be equally important and relevant to the case? Or will the jurors have enough common sense, insight and gut instinct to determine which of those two persons is more likely to be both accurate and truthful, and therefore, give greater weight/importance to that person's testimony?

That is my biggest fear: that the jurors will give equal weight to all testimony heard. :(
So... anyone think Monday will be yet *another* day ending with no valid, reasonable evidence of Travis being abusive?

I do... :wave:
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