Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #27 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Okay time for me to simmer down, watch some Jon Stewart on the DVR to get my mind off my contempt for JA, and get some sleep. Nighty-night all!

Did you see what I saw in the evidence presented by the Prosecution? Juan Martinez was so prepared and ready. Please don't worry. Trust Juan Martinez to put another one on Death Row.

Hope you'll all get some rest and do some food shopping because next week is going to be stressful.

:wave: Good Night Everyone. :eek:fftobed:
I agree 100%! I am still wondering what information that someone has discovered here on WS that the prosecutor has not figured out yet.

I think it's that the penis in the photos do not belong to Travis.

IMHO if someone has information they feel is useful they are free to call it in.
It's all good. :)

Either way, as I said before, I believe he has enough to convict her.

I think those photos were flashed accidentally on purpose last week in order to lay the groundwork for this latest smear tactic of Travis being a pedophile. It is beyond disgusting, but I think that was/is the defense angle.

These are just my thoughts on it. :)
Did anyone read her plea to 2nd degree. it came off as almost a threat. basically a let me plea to 2nd degree or else im dragging his name through the mud. i cant wait for the cross examination. she handles herself well under the scripted rehersed questions but when faced with facts and corned with her lies, we will see her desperate behavior as seen in the inerrogation.

Settlement Conference Memo:

View attachment 29681

Wow! This reads exactly like it is dictated by JA. It even credits her in citing cases.
It comes off exactly like a threat.. It is.
While I am reading this I am remembering her going to his memorial, sending flowers to his GRandmother, making tribute pages on her MySpace, writing in his memorial book, and on and on and on……
This goes against all of my instincts of what being a person is. She is only the same in that she is flesh and bone.
I cannot imagine what Travis must have gone through? Or did she save this annihilation for last when he wouldn't give himself to her?
His poor family & friends. She destroys everything within her scope.
Evil to the umpteenth degree! A Black Hole. W-O-W!
I agree 100%! I am still wondering what information that someone has discovered here on WS that the prosecutor has not figured out yet.

The latest being discussed are the two photos the defense displayed to the courtroom that are (allegedly) of Travis's genitelia, taken by him and sent to SWIWN(She who I won't name) via cell phone. We've been discussing whether they are actually from him and/or of him; especially when comparing the details of the fingers shown in the photos.

We've also discussed other things brought up during SWIWN's testimony that has been proven to be suspect (thanks to much of the sleuthing of this community).

JM is King of prosecution and needs no help; however, some of us Juannettes need to feel valued and appreciated and ....oh, wait wrong thread...

Since the prosecution can only cross on what they know to be false and how do they know what is false (beside EVERYTHING) until they know what she is testifying to? I mean, how many here knew ANYTHING about HALF of what she has thrown out there? How is Juan to know? Unless someone from the defense leaked it to him?

The defense has four years on their side. When dealing with lying liars that do nothing but lie, four liar years is equivalent to twenty human years.

Oh, Edit to add (darn that adhd) we scrounge, we scurry, we sleuth, we investigate, we then send all to JM...why? because we are the Juannettes - we are his backups! (singer/dancers/sleuthers - tomato/tomahto)
Is there something that I have missed in this? How does anyone know that JM doesn't know everything he needs to know to secure a guilty verdict? What is it that someone here has discovered that the prosecution does not know and that they need to know? I'm confused.

No doubt JM is 50 steps ahead of anything I was discussing. He is chomping at the bit to reduce JA to a blathering, pathetic sub-human without remorse. And without a doubt he will prove the premeditated murder that was festering in her mind like a cancer until she cut it out. JM will have her looking even more of a fool and cold blooded murderess then we could even Hope for. Haha the thought of JM slapping his forehead and exclaiming "snoods, why didn't I think of that?" is kinda funny! Anyway I was just ruminating about the pics of Travis' fingers in other pics and if they are the same fingers in the penis pick. I'm sure JM has already analyzed them. He seems extremely thorough.
OMG! A "chaotic relationship" is somehow mitigation for the DP??? I hope she is confident that way when she does get it, it will be an even bigger blow to her. I can't even begin to describe the increasing amount of contempt I have for JA after reading this and the story about impending testimony from her that TA was looking at little boys!

I don't know what the jury can legally consider, but I know how I judge JA's assertions. If it's about Travis, and there isn't physical evidence to back it up, and there aren't reliable people testifying to the same exact thing, then I push it to the side. However, what ever comes out of her mouth I take as testimony as to her character. To me, she has been telling everyone what a creepy person she is, and what a twisted life she has been living. All the grossness is on her. As far as I'm concerned, she hasn't been doing herself any favors on the stand. And, TMI Probably good for the defense that I'm not on the jury.
i just had to post that i am soo upset - in shock - just idk wth - how can she make these claims - i just don't know - and if any of travis' friends or family are reading - i am so sorry for what you are going thru - and no way in hell do we believe one iota of this story about your sweet friend/family member :(
btw some one post a link to the transcripts and vidios of the testimonies? i don't know how to find the tia
From the article discussion yesterday's closed court meeting:

According to the transcript of Thursday’s hearing, Arias told psychological counselors and a domestic-violence expert that in January 2008, six months before she killed him, Arias walked in on Alexander in his bedroom when he had photos of young males spread out on his bed.


Martinez claimed that Arias had alternately said that Alexander was viewing pictures on a computer and viewing printed photographs. Furthermore, he brought two Mesa police investigators to the witness stand to say that they had found no pornographic images of any kind on Alexander&#8217;s computer, nor had they found photographs in his house.

Yeah, that chic is done! Wrap 'er up and slap a label on her a$$. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!

BTW, this is also about the letter. If we all remember, there was discussion about a letter (or two) from Travis that was said to be copies of letters and possibly forgeries? Anywhoo...supposedly this letter she mentioned may be tied to (or one of) those letters and linked to the story of walking in on Travis in with the photos spread out on his bed.

I think this is further rope to hang herself, or should I say drag her self around the world behind a semi - as it's now long enough!

I believe she will see to it that those letters get out, whether it be in the courtroom or through the Enquirer (via her mother) and I also believe Juan is fully aware of this. This is be the end of her.

<Where is that darn pop-corn smiley?>
The interesting difference here is that the defense DID NOT mention this alleged "pedophila" at all in their opening statement ... if it is such a lynch pin in their case - the "reason" she felt she had to defend herself - why didn't they????? We all know why.

I hope the jury sees right through her lies to the black void where her soul should be. IMO

It was alluded to in OS when wilmott described the phone sex where TA allegedly said JA sounds like a 12 yr old girl. So he swung both ways at least with kids?:notgood::maddening:
"'snoozing' husband"? Mine's a 'snoring' husband! Ugh!

which, btw, I now feel like I can vent with ya'll ladies...right? I can vent....right? (a little thought cloud popped up with the two step-brothers, "did we just become best friends?") Anyway, back to venting :furious:

My snoring DH (who, btw can sleep through ALL the alarms I set for him, yet will wake to the slightest typing of fingers on my laptop keyboard) insists that he absolutely can not get to sleep with the television AND my laptop. I have to choose one. JUST ONE. How in the darling heck am I going to watch trial reruns and catch up on this board, especially...ESPECIALLY next week?

Is anyone up for a temporary roommate?

Oh, (more rant) and another thing....I'm so tired of him walking into the living room/kitchen/bedroom (or what ever room I choose to sneak away to) and him piping off, "what? is this still going on? (chuckle, chuckle) just can't get enough of this, can you?"

My daughter has now started, "Mom, that lady has been in court for ever!"

<end rant>

OMG!!! I think I love you!!:floorlaugh::luv::luv:This has me rollin! You just described my Mister to a T! He's sitting on the love seat right now, head back, open mouthed snoring, tv blaring, but as soon as we get to the bed he's gonna start barking about any tv and/or laptop activity! :banghead:He makes me CRAAAAZY!:banghead:Oh yes, dear friend, it does feel good to rant, thank ya very much!:great:I guess I should add however, I don't know what I'd ever do without the ole f@rt! I only married him 42 years ago so I'm kinda getting used to having him around! Hope every one has a good week end!
The latest being discussed are the two photos the defense displayed to the courtroom that are (allegedly) of Travis's genitelia, taken by him and sent to SWIWN(She who I won't name) via cell phone. We've been discussing whether they are actually from him and/or of him; especially when comparing the details of the fingers shown in the photos.

We've also discussed other things brought up during SWIWN's testimony that has been proven to be suspect (thanks to much of the sleuthing of this community).

JA is King of prosecution and needs no help; however, some of us Juannettes need to feel valued and appreciated and ....oh, wait wrong thread...

Since the prosecution can only cross on what they know to be false and how do they know what is false (beside EVERYTHING) until they know what she is testifying to? I mean, how many here knew ANYTHING about HALF of what she has thrown out there? How is Juan to know? Unless someone from the defense leaked it to him?

The defense has four years on their side. When dealing with lying liars that do nothing but lie, four liar years is equivalent to twenty human years.

Oh, Edit to add (darn that adhd) we scrounge, we scurry, we sleuth, we investigate, we then send all to JA...why? because we are the Juannettes - we are his backups! (singer/dancers/sleuthers - tomato/tomahto)

:laugh: "SWIWN" :floorlaugh: Hilarious!!

(some of your JA's need to be changed to JM's)

Thanks for the laugh while I (really do) go to bed now! :eek:fftobed:
Yes that is what I thought of ...I used to do historical Civil War Reenactments and we wore those

O/T but OMG how have I never heard of a snood? Is it a northern thing? Any other southerners out there that have no idea what a snood is? And now I want that pic for my avatar. Or Linda's greyhound who apparently also sports a snood.
I think this tactic makes her look really, really bad! That's a good thing on trial! It's horrible what she's trying to do to the family, but the tactic is so incredibly transparent and unbelievable that it will totally backfire. Nobody will believe it, first off (and was it on the computer or pictures spread over a bed? Juan has evidence she said both at different times! Busted).

But also, who stays with a guy like that? Nobody is buying her broken-so-much-by-Travis' "abuse", so it makes her look like a big fat liar who also thinks nothing of staying with a pedophile even when he's telling her he doesn't want her anymore. No, she goes way out of her way to stalk him from other states, and she has proven stalking is just something she does -- apparently even with pedophiles, eh? Well isn't she a lovely girl.

They won't buy it. It's such a bad move. Yay!!
O/T but OMG how have I never heard of a snood? Is it a northern thing? Any other southerners out there that have no idea what a snood is? And now I want that pic for my avatar. Or Linda's greyhound who apparently also sports a snood.

Hee hee! I saw them in a trendy catalog a couple of years ago and noticed that new term I'd never heard before, no. I didn't know the word for the historical ones, either :) Learn something new every day!

I don't think there were modern snoods 5 years ago. Not in the South at least :D

You remind me about what a toboggan is and where. I'm a Southern gal but lived in Chicago as a kid. I still have no idea who has that as a sled and for whom it's a cold weather hat! "Your sled kept your ears warm? Huh?"
When ja tells her story its related to a well known book or movie,,wonder when this new story was thought up? If it was around 08-09 i'm thinking michael jackson gave her the idea
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