Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #32 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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May 10, 2008 - Phone sex recording; Jodi is already talking about going to Utah in June - has already started her phone relationship with Ryan. Reference to Travis visiting Jodi later that month.

May 28, 2008 --.25 caliber pistol is stolen from Jodi's home; Lisa and Travis talk on the phone for 40 minutes after not speaking for a couple of months; Plans to visit Ryan are in place already.

May 28-June 2 (date unknown) -- Jodi hacks Travis Facebook (and probably confronts Travis about whatever she saw that she didn't like); Travis tells Jodi it's over for good and to stay out of his life

Night of June 1, early morning of June 2, 2008 -- Jodi tries to call Travis 2 or 3 times, but calls went to voicemail; Travis calls Jodi 2x in early morning hours (before car rental) and speaks for 30-40 minutes, possibly the conversation where Travis tells Jodi to stay out of his life for good

June 2, 2008 - Jodi rents car and establishes various elements of her eventual alibi/cover-up

June 3, 2008 - Jodi borrows gas cans from Darryl; Jodi calls Travis around 8-9 P.M. Unclear whether there was a conversation or if it went to voicemail. Jodi then turns off her phone for the next 20 hours, and heads to Mesa, AZ.

June 4, 2008 -- Jodi shows up at Travis' house at 4 a.m.

Excellent sequencing. Nurse has a timeline spreadsheet and I'm not sure the first three items are on it yet.
wow... just wow. Does she not remember the tape that played 22 MINUTES AGO where she said she liked it when he grabbed her a$$

Also, how the heck do you expect any one to believe that he wanted you to where this shirt WHEN HIS ASSOCIATES WERE AROUND but refused to call you his girl friend and show you any affection in their presence??

No words...
I grab my BF a$$ often in public , great now I'm an abuser.
Her dang butt is the main star in this trial. It sure gets a lot of action.
The conversation we just heard was 5/10/08 - she was living in Yreka @her Grandparent's house . . . she had moved back in April 2008 . . .those conversations they were having a lot at that time . .. . he said something that got her upset on line . . . she said she was in a sad mood . . . . .they logged off and then she called him a little while later . . . . recording - she got her phone the day before she left a helio from Gus Searcy

she had put her old phone razor in the drink holder in the Uhaul with hot chocolate that spilled . . . .

we joked about recording our conversations . . . . I kept hitting save, save save so I wouldn't lose it .. . . JA recorded it at TA's request

Some of what we heard on the tape - early on discussion bout Abe . . .compliment he made about JA and insult toTA and JA said she should have corrected . . . . when in Oklahoma Abe said JA deserved to be treated better . . . . she wasn't going to tell TA until he demanded to know what we were talking about . . . . by the elevators? Not by elevators but by the crowd.

Abe Abdulhadi . . . . . TA was gonna kick his *advertiser censored* . . . I gave him a whip you a$$ vibe to him . . . when Abe and JA went on a date in Jan 2007 - Abe kissed her . . . she pulled away and was shy . . . . after that TA interrogated her about the dates she had that day . . . she liked Jon a little more than Abe but was getting a platonic vibe from . . . . TA asked if anyone kissed her - Abe did in the Barnes and Nobel . . . didn't tell him about the parking lot kiss . . . .

When I was getting ready to move TA and I had a come clean conversation before moving . . . he felt that I lied on our entire relationshp - all lies, thought JA was a fraud, he was just more mad about Abe kissing . . . . then she told him about kissing in the parking lot.

He got mad . . . already mad because she gave him a pamphlet earlier that day (mental health) . . . . he flipped out . . .threw me down - started choking me. . . .squeezed my neck, everything went grey really fast then went black . . . . I can't breathe I didn't have any air . . . he was on top of my waist and tryin to pushi him off . . . he weighed over 200 lbs at that point . . . . my arms falling back on the carpet . . . .sometime in first week of April 2008. . . .

After the incident where you realized you were one of those battered women that didn't speak up?
About 3 months after that
Talk on the phone call . . . . drunk chick hanging on TA . . . story JA told before (yes - she appears to be trying to cry)

all sex talk references to prior experiences all happened before she moved back to Yreka . . . (some talk of future plans)

TA always grabs JA's a$$ to prove a point . . . truck stop in Aronberg (sic?) there were other incidents . . . objection . . . . overrulled

Exec. Director banquet . . . . down to restrooms - he grabbed my butt and said Objection hearsay . . . what purpose did he grab your a$$?
There was guy named Mark who was standing there who expressed an interest but we never went on a date.
The point he was proving you belong to him? (objection X2)
What was your belief he wasdoing this .. . he was claiming me
You weren't wearing the tee shirt or the shorts?
No I never wore those in public

Did he prove his point of you being his on other occassions by grabbin your butt (objection overruled)

Tell us of another occassion whenhe did that
@ the truckstop resteraunt . . . convenience store/truck store . . . he did it

Las Vegas convention 2007 - he did it in front of Abe
(does anyone remember everytime and date your S/O grabbed your butt? - just wondering)

He did it inpublic when other guys appeared to be watching us . . .

TA wanted her to wear the tee shirt in public . . . . JA thought it was embarrassing so she wore it as kind of pj's

Danny Jones . . . .acquaintance of JA -didn't really know him . . .we carpooled to a convention . . . he was in the back and JA rode shot gun . . . . he was more of friend of TA .. . . Danny did not express interest in dating JA.

Tape sounded TA was interested in visiting or spending a month in Argentina . . . . he talked about going to Brazil a year or year and half prior tothat but he never went to South America.

Some of the sexual behaviors that took place discussed on the tape before you moved.
So, Travis was trying to keep her a secret, but he was also grabbing her *advertiser censored* in public to show that she was his?


And having sex on the FRONT porch!
Someone at the trial needs to jump up and grab her freakin neck.
Attorney says he gonna ask Jodi about some of t sexual behavior discussed/recorded on this tape.
She was encouraging Travis to leave a snarky comment to another guy on his MySpace, but Travis didn't want to because he didn't want to 'humiliate him.'

He's not a bad guy, so I don't buy her characterizations of him. Not to mention the fact that she's a repeated known liar, and it goes against credible witness testimony of TA prior.

Jodi was wanting Travis to beat Abe up when they were on the playground like most teen age girls.
I honestly do not know who is more nauseating - Arias or Nurmi?

They both are soooooo disgusting.

Nurmi is an embarrassment to the legal profession.

Absolutely agree on this one - it's a real toss up between these two despicable people!
I thank the defense for this tape. TA now has had a voice and he sounds like such a nice guy. I'm really glad to have free time because at this point if Jodi said her name was Jodi I wouldn't believe her. Will be back for the death penalty.
travis tried to kill her (sure sure sure)

I have never heard of such a person who gets knocked unconscious so many times from so little trauma.

We now know that JA will be mostly unconscious as she shoot TA, stabs him, and slices his throat wide open,
Stuffs him in a shower stall cleans up and then leaves for SLC. . . . .

whereupon she miraculously
gains consciousness!!!!!!
If we have heard all the bombshells... I am not impressed and think it is a nose dive
OMG....going to the "I was asleep" thing....Nurmi, you are almost as bad as SHE is.
Quick question for those of you that could watch (I'm at work): everytime I could click on the live cam, the defense team members weren't shown. Did anyone see them and how did they appear to be enjoying this tape?
TwitterMichael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

Arias said that Alexander grabbed her butt in front of other men who were interested in her to show ownership.

TwitterMichael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

Arias said Alexander wanted her to wear it in public at a convention in Huntington Beach, but she was embarrassed and wore it as pajamas. embarrassed that she took a picture of herself wearing it and posted on myspace.
That was the LONNNNNNGEST explanation for why she recorded the conversation: hot chocolate? cup holder? Razor phone? Searcy? overnight? whaaa???

Too wordy and detailed an answer means she's a LIAR!! Travis didn't ask her to record that conversation. As a proud motivational speaker, he surely would have performed better and not mumbled so much like he was about to conk out.

I really thinks it's over for her. This phone sex tape was damaging to her credibility. Travis said he doesn't even like Spider Man, so he didn't send her any such boys underwear!

Yes, I agree. JeanC. used his being a motivational speaker against him in that sex phone conversation, I don't remember what she said, does anyone? moo
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