Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #32 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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They talked about recording this? He didn't want people to see them holding hands once, but he requested her to record his phone sex? Funny how there is absolutely NO mention to the recording during all the blahlblah talk.. You'd think you'd mention "I hope this one records!" Orrrr "I'm glad we got it recorded this was hot.." or ANYTHING.. But no, no mention to recording it at all. I thoroughly believe TA had absolutely no clue.
I just literally laughed out loud when she stated Travis requested she tape that conversation.

Um. Sure. Whatever.
No normal person even has the ability to record phone conversations. Only phsychopaths.
She's the victim now , she didn't even want to record this. The jury can't fall for that one!
OKAY – Seriously,….my boyfriend would NEVER NEVER NEVER spend this much time on the phone talking about NOTHING with me. This guy SERIOUSLY liked her enough to spend his time with her. Good Lord, my boyfriend would have been like – honey, like…is there a point to this call? No? ok, talk to you later – ciao!!! ….He seriously pays a LOT of attention to her when they’re NOT even talking about sex. No guy who ONLY used a woman for sex would bother to spend that MUCH time entertaining someone else unless he cared.

-Calls her pretty, says she’s very photogenic – he’s very complimentary to her

-“Never seen you look bad in my life” – how nice is that to say?? Far cry from “*advertiser censored*”

-And he says all this and compliments her before ever really talking about phone sex– just talking normal stuff – not even trying to get anything out of it

-JA: (regarding their fights)
“well there’s this one time I remember….well it’s not like I keep track of it or anything” --- BULLLLLLSHooT

OMG – SHE STARTS THE TALK ABOUT THE SEX– SHE’S THE ONE THAT BRINGS IT UP FIRST!! *He follows her lead – but she brought it up first.
This woman totally coached him on secs – this tape is living proof of how she goads him on!

-(Talking about him tying her to a tree):
JA: “That is so debasing– I like it!” (!!!!!) She tells him A) that she knows it’s degrading and B) SHE LIKES IT --- UGH! So how else was this man SUPPOSED to treat her, other than the way he did, when she’s the one who is telling him to CONTINUE DOING IT!!! How is that ABUSE??

Dead serious – she used the word “licking my p****” –NEVER ONCE talks about vjay sex – NOT ONCE – I hope Juan picks up on this!!!!

-OMG – she’s the one who brings up marrying people – she initiates the marriage talks – she totally is insane over him
I’D REALLY LIKE TO MARRY SOMEONE[…LIKE YOU]….SOMEONE WHO CAN BE FREAKY!! She completely sneaks the words “like you” in there. This woman WAS ON A HUNT!!!

"Omg – you are full of ideas"

-Says he loves the braids...

-She talks like she’s 12 – like a Valley Girl – totally not the way she’s trying to talk to the jury now. She pretends to be dumb in her convo with him. I'm sure that empowered him. Very manipulative.

TA: “Honey – before I met you, I never jackd off” Now I jack off 2-3 times a day" !!!

-She totally leads him on and was his sex instructor

-He says “because you’re such a p*rn star, you turn me on so much” – it’s not great, but the tone is not derogatory. I mean, she *IS* talking like a prn star – so what did she expct him to call her??

-The woman behind TA’s brother is having a read hard time not crying – furrowed brow

-Good lord – she’s the one who keeps bringing up the prn talk!!! He’ll stop, and then she’ll start moaning again – she totally eggs him on

-“You introduced me to ky – until you I had never even heard of it” – this guy was SUCH a newbie and she totally *advertiser censored*-ified him!!!!

-She keeps reminding him about sex – she talks about the first time they grinded and how the “residue” was all over the place – she’s the one who keeps bringing up the sex – she’s CONTROLLING HIM! Not the other way around – she continuously keeps throwing the topic of sex in his face

-“your idea of getting social is getting drunk” – okay so she drinks too?? uh…isn’t that also against Mormon law?? *How come he’s the only one being judged on breaking Mormon law? *So I wonder if that explains a lot of her erratic behavior and irresponsible financial situation??

-I’m convinced she’s a nmpho!!!
When he starts singing – she starts moaning again – like she’s trying to goad him back into having more phone sex!!!! NYMPHO!!!!!!

-I really think she has a sex problem – not a battered woman syndrome

-There she goes moaning again – while he’s singing the national anthem

-She’s actually SMILING while she’s listening to herself sing Fergie – I swear to God – she just smiled!! She lost herself and while her head is bended and her hair is in her face, she started smiling – but you can see it. She just LOVES hearing herself.

Regarding Angela she says – “she’s my sister and all, but I honestly think she’s a LITTLE BIT -DUMB!”

I’m not sure how in the world is this tape supposed to help HER!!! All it does is show how she initiate the sex talks and tries to continuously manipulate him for what seems to be hours – and all it shows is him being nice to her and him entertaining her for a WAY long time. I don’t know of many men who are willing to “verbally cuddle” after they “finish”. My man is snoozing 90 seconds after – HA!! Travis at least has the decency to entertain her with conversation afterwards. My guess is that this did more harm to her than good. Nancy Grace will rip this to shreds.
Does anyone else wonder if Juan protesting to this call being heard in court, might have been his strategy all along? Kind of like letting the DT call Lisa (ex-girlfriend) as their witness, or protesting the texts being allowed?

This way, it benefits the State even more because it is supposed to support the DT's argument, but it supports the State, and since the DT entered it as evidence, then they can't appeal it's entry.

I think he might be even better than we think. IMO.
Why wouldn't HE record it, if he wanted it recorded? What a lie!

Why didn't he say on the phone "remember, I want this recorded, so push save at the end."

She's such a liar!
Did she mention why she recorded this or anything about it? I missed that.
Please please ...

TwitterMichael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

This was the first that Arias managed to save. Alexander wanted her to, she said.
I'm thinking it's a little too late for damage control. Just sayin'.
If you read the defense attempt to plead to 2nd degree murder they invested a lot into showing him as not only deviant, but a deeply sexual hypocritical LDS member and they really for whatever reason, maybe the nature of the community, believed this was very damning and important. (I can't find the PDF link I'm sure it's out there.) It really looks like:

1) they didn't believe the entire tape would be played, admissible, and maybe they didn't expect the family & prosecution to agree to it.
2) They gambled on this exposure meaning more, being more damning to a LDS community jury perhaps.
lol. I was shy. -Jodi.
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