Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #38 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I keep going back to "rejection". It seems to me that JA experienced a lot of rejection, either perceived or otherwise, from everyone. Especially men. Could this be "Daddy issues"? Trying to gain acceptance from male figures, only to be cheated upon, not marriage material, sexual object etc? Psych is not my thing. There is just something off here, obviously. IMO
Hi panthera

I wonder if she got into the shower with his body and washed herself off, bandaged her hand and then left...

Yes, and possibly that is what that cup which was found in the shower was used for. Although she is pictured in long pants, she may have had a short sleeved or sleeveless top on and washed off her arms. Or she could have used another shower elsewhere in the house.

I have not gotten the impression from reading all the posts that TA has been placed on a pedestal. He, like all of us, had flaws. ITA, that all of us deserve every protection under the law to not be harmed. I also think TA was totally unaware of who he was dealing with in JA. I do not think he expected to pay with his life for being a "complete jerk".

It angers me greatly when I hear of women who were raped because they were dressing provocatively and "asking for it" or about children that were molested because, well I can't even go there.

I am not sure of exactly what you meant in your post, but please rest assured that we bear witness to all the victims in this case. Respectfully IMO

It's just MOO, but the poster did not say TA deserved it. No one has said that.

But I have read plenty of posts stating that they believed TA didn't even have sex with JA, and when it became obvious that he did, that he must have been raped. There are MANY posts that make some huge leaps to wipe away any human flaws in TA. I find it funny that the whole PPL thing is called shady and run by grifters, people lacking ethics. And then in the next breath remark on TA's high values and morals. Wasn't TA a big shot in PPL?:waitasec:

Look, I'm not saying the guy was awful, I just get really annoyed when so much effort goes in to blaming other people for the stuff he actually DID do. Jeez, nobody said he had it coming, so why the need to make him into some Saint?

That's all I have been trying to say. :). I don't mean any disrespect to anyone.
How do you suppose JA got out of the house, probably covered in blood, unnoticed by anyone? Has the backpack or purse ever been found?

This is something that I would love to know the answers to. What did she do when all was said and done and TA was dead? How did she get clean? She had to be covered head to toe in blood! I wonder if she showered over TA's body?
I keep going back to "rejection". It seems to me that JA experienced a lot of rejection, either perceived or otherwise, from everyone. Especially men. Could this be "Daddy issues"? Trying to gain acceptance from male figures, only to be cheated upon, not marriage material, sexual object etc? Psych is not my thing. There is just something off here, obviously. IMO

I think that can all be summed up by Alex in the movie Fatal Attraction:

I will not be ignored, Dan.

She was also one big ol' Borderline Personality Disordered crossing over that borderline straight in to sociopathy.

I have not gotten the impression from reading all the posts that TA has been placed on a pedestal. He, like all of us, had flaws. ITA, that all of us deserve every protection under the law to not be harmed. I also think TA was totally unaware of who he was dealing with in JA. I do not think he expected to pay with his life for being a "complete jerk".

It angers me greatly when I hear of women who were raped because they were dressing provocatively and "asking for it" or about children that were molested because, well I can't even go there.

I am not sure of exactly what you meant in your post, but please rest assured that we bear witness to all the victims in this case. Respectfully IMO

Before Jodi murdered him, it was SHE who placed Travis on this pedestal (read her letter)!
Yes, and possibly that is what that cup which was found in the shower was used for. Although she is pictured in long pants, she may have had a short sleeved or sleeveless top on and washed off her arms. Or she could have used another shower elsewhere in the house.


i was thinking she probably ran the shower on him while she got in the tub to wash herself off, since she was prob trying to get her dna off of him, or, if she did get in the shower, if her hair came off on him, then use the cup to flush off her dna/hair? either way what a sicko
Just watched the Scott Peterson documentary on youtube. I pray that the jury in this case is as dedicated to the truth as the jury was in the Scott Peterson case. I did say the same thing for the KC trial but that was a fluke. This time we will have a guilty verdict. I hope and pray.

I think people, including me, might be sensitive to that notion is because that's exactly what the defense is hoping for here. That even one juror might not "like" Travis Alexander, find him a "pedophile", "abusive" and someone who deserved to be murdered.

That is exactly what they are hoping for with this defense.

It's unconscienable in my opinion. How true victims get revictimized in court.

So the only opinions that are allowed are "Travis was a straight-up guy without duplicity" or "Travis deserved to die"? :waitasec: I can't think he was less than honorable and still think he was a victim? Okay then.

I certainly don't believe that Travis deserved to die because he lied about his virginity or kept up a sexual fling while blogging about marrying the right girl.

Why would a juror think that?

Why is it necessary to pretend he didn't do or say those things? How does it smear his good name if all that is being said is the truth?


ETA: also, this isn't the courtroom. It's a discussion forum and the jury isn't supposed to even be reading here so I don't see how anyone calling a spade a spade will sway the jury.
It's just MOO, but the poster did not say TA deserved it. No one has said that.

But I have read plenty of posts stating that they believed TA didn't even have sex with JA, and when it became obvious that he did, that he must have been raped. There are MANY posts that make some huge leaps to wipe away any human flaws in TA. I find it funny that the whole PPL thing is called shady and run by grifters, people lacking ethics. And then in the next breath remark on TA's high values and morals. Wasn't TA a big shot in PPL?:waitasec:

Look, I'm not saying the guy was awful, I just get really annoyed when so much effort goes in to blaming other people for the stuff he actually DID do. Jeez, nobody said he had it coming, so why the need to make him into some Saint?

That's all I have been trying to say. :). I don't mean any disrespect to anyone.

The world is so much easier for some to understand when it's black and white, with no shades of grey. I think black and white thinking is behind a lot of this.

My stepfather was a sociopath, criminal, drug addict. He intentionally burned down our home for insurance money, killing our 5 family pets. However, he paid the bills on time and was a creative and accomplished carpenter. It is hard to reconcile all these behaviors in the same person---because they don't make sense, but people are like that. The shades of grey are what is hard to reconcile, and it drives people to black/white thinking.
Before Jodi murdered him, it was SHE who placed Travis on this pedestal (read her letter)!

I find most men are not comfortable with this kind of fake adoration because they can feel that it's not genuine but manipulative. That is all over her little girl awkward voice on the taped conversation and this letter. She does not present as a person resting in her own personality but as one who is entirely focused on creating a person who the other will find pleasing.

Again, how is Travis to blame for this? She chose this stance. She resorted to it. She strategized it. It was her weakness. I don't think most men would even find this attractive. Creepy even.

BUT on the surface it could be appealing. For a short time.

And let's not forget, Jodi Arias is very very comfortable with creating personas and images related to her very self. She's even comfortable doing this in what would normally be a very scary situation: a police interrogation. She is VERY COMFORTABLE because it's simply her way of life.

Said it before and I'll say it again: I never underestimate the manipulative powers of a sociopath.

She hit on every weakness of Travis she could find. And exploited it.

And this defense is trying to spin that toward his direction of manipulation. This jury will be smarter than that once they've received their training in The School of Juan Martinez.
It's just MOO, but the poster did not say TA deserved it. No one has said that.

But I have read plenty of posts stating that they believed TA didn't even have sex with JA, and when it became obvious that he did, that he must have been raped. There are MANY posts that make some huge leaps to wipe away any human flaws in TA. I find it funny that the whole PPL thing is called shady and run by grifters, people lacking ethics. And then in the next breath remark on TA's high values and morals. Wasn't TA a big shot in PPL?:waitasec:

Look, I'm not saying the guy was awful, I just get really annoyed when so much effort goes in to blaming other people for the stuff he actually DID do. Jeez, nobody said he had it coming, so why the need to make him into some Saint?

That's all I have been trying to say. :). I don't mean any disrespect to anyone.

When a murderess is invoking a "battered woman defense", it's like you have to make an angel out of the victim in order to convict the defendant.

Remember that in this trial, merely being a fan of the UFC has been used against Travis. Nothing is said of course about Jodi's training in mixed martial arts. And now his kinky side is being used by Jodi to smear him as a "rapist".
Can someone let me know if I've done this? I've seen posts like this and I'm not sure what that other site is...???

the jodi arias is innocent site <--------big :nono:

(no you have not been doing that... that I have noted :wink:)
But none of those people dated him. I'm not sayin Travis was a bad PERSON, just a bad boyfriend. I know everyone has their own sexual fantasies, but I find his disrespectful. Jodi was obviously not a strong/stable woman, so she consented to anything he wanted. But Travis did lead a double life -- as the perfect guy to his friends, and as a sexual bad boy in private. I also think he should have been more direct/firm/honest with Jodi instead of letting her back in again and again for sex.

That said, anything he may have done pales in comparison to the evil that is Jodi Arias.

How do we know he didn't consent to everything she wanted?
I think it's possible that once Travis realized what JA was going to do, he very well could have started to pray at that point. In the photos, the one right after he has that surprised look on his face in the shower, he has his head bowed and his eyes closed. Also, JA said that he had gotten on his hands and knees, assuming this is true, maybe he was starting to pray at that point, and this was when she inflicted the first wounds. That would have been perfect in her warped, evil mind.

Just think of it, when he saw her with the gun, knife or both, what must have been going through his mind. That things could have gone so terribly wrong, gone so far, and that she really was as crazy dangerous as he was afraid she was. And for it all to have come down to this.

Unfortunately for psycho JA, God knew Travis' heart, He knew his struggles, and she had no power to interfere with what was going on between Travis and God.

JA should be worrying about her own dark, empty soul at this point. This is my own belief of course, and jmo.
Poor guy
I hope he had time to repent as you say.
So the only opinions that are allowed are "Travis was a straight-up guy without duplicity" or "Travis deserved to die"? :waitasec: I can't think he was less than honorable and still think he was a victim? Okay then.

I certainly don't believe that Travis deserved to die because he lied about his virginity or kept up a sexual fling while blogging about marrying the right girl.

Why would a juror think that?

Why is it necessary to pretend he didn't do or say those things? How does it smear his good name if all that is being said is the truth?


just jumping off of your post: this thread is to discuss the trial. Not everyone will agree... but I expect everyone to be on their best behavior in discussing opinions.

So the only opinions that are allowed are "Travis was a straight-up guy without duplicity" or "Travis deserved to die"? :waitasec: I can't think he was less than honorable and still think he was a victim? Okay then.

I certainly don't believe that Travis deserved to die because he lied about his virginity or kept up a sexual fling while blogging about marrying the right girl.

Why would a juror think that?

Why is it necessary to pretend he didn't do or say those things? How does it smear his good name if all that is being said is the truth?


It's not necessary. But you must understand this is a message board where people are discussing a trial. And the defense strategy is attempting to convince the jury, where it counts, that this victim deserved to die for his weaknesses or "faults".

A juror might think that because it's what being sold to them. There is an agenda going on here to manipulate even one juror to believing Travis deserved to die, therefore give JA more lenience. That is the entire nutshell of these last two weeks of testimony.

And that, imo, is far more egregious than a conflicted man navigating his life and religion and relationships.

This IS a life and death situation on many levels.

Having an opinion on this victim's humanity is just that. An opinion.

Making a life/death decision on this is in a whole different sphere but it is what we are discussing here...and it's what counts ultimately.
Oh drat...
I've been working on a month-by-month timeline in an effort to make sense out of when what things happened, how far apart and in what sequence - using testimony video and also the time-line thread.

I color-coded what I copied from parts of transcripts from minor4th, Kmouse and wenwe4 so they could approve, edit or not and at least get credit for what they did - far more than I've done trying to cut and paste it into a monthly chronology. I pasted it here (still not done with it) and all the formatting disappeared.)'

Not going to give up, though - Many things are making more sense to me with seeing everything chronologically as a (long) list. after doing this - I now think She's FAR worse off than I thought yesterday. Wow.

I started with DT OS - when things between Darryl and JA were going south and she discovers PPL. I'm up to the 'sex' tape - sort of. I'm not including testimony about how computer data is stored, etc. but the date when something was sent (if provided) - yes. I'm only listing events that have actual dates and are reasonably or obviously relevant actions/events to the murder, I'm not getting into how JA felt over this or that or any of her uncorroborated stuff, unless it's unbiased and reasonable - no details about dogs, or department stores, etc. I'm trying to keep it fact-based only (or as close as possible, but I'm putting my own notes in here and there which clearly show a bias on my part,)

Maybe when I get it cleaned up, formatted properly and ready to post (in the time-line thread, probably, it will be there for anyone to look at and edit or add to if they have dated testimony that I've gotten wrong or haven't added yet.

It's just a list like this:
bold/dark red: DT OS transcribed by minor4th, copied verbatim
bold/green: testimony transcribed by Kmouse, copied verbatim
plain old boring black text - my entries taken from testimony, if in parentheses, my question or comment)

Respectfully snipped for length

Wow awesome! Please post a link in this thread so that we can be sure to find it when you're ready. Thank you thank you!!!
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