Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #38 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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while we are on rules: no it is NOT OKAY to post name variations of the victim either (re: "jerk") This includes the defense team as well. If you see a post that you are concerned with hit the alert button.
I have not gotten the impression from reading all the posts that TA has been placed on a pedestal. He, like all of us, had flaws. ITA, that all of us deserve every protection under the law to not be harmed. I also think TA was totally unaware of who he was dealing with in JA. I do not think he expected to pay with his life for being a "complete jerk".

It angers me greatly when I hear of women who were raped because they were dressing provocatively and "asking for it" or about children that were molested because, well I can't even go there.

I am not sure of exactly what you meant in your post, but please rest assured that we bear witness to all the victims in this case. Respectfully IMO

See the absolute most we know about him is through Jodi. Obviously she isn't one to be trusted. I can get that someone can look through his old blog and other pieces of him online and hear the tape and get a general dislike of him without agreeing he deserved to be killed. That's one thing. Not everyone can like everyone else and the great things people see in someone may not be evidence of a great person to someone else. That's ok.

I reserve nasty words and ugly absolutes for the ones that deserve it:
OJ Simpson-wife beater and murderer who got away with the killing his wife in the criminal trial.
-Scott Peterson-cheats on his wife and then kills her and his unborn child.
Drew Peterson-serial cheater, lover of barely legal girls, convicted of killing one wife, has made horrible callous remarks about his presumed dead current wife and made 0 efforts to try to locate her, then moves in another barely legal girl into his house until her dad talked sense into her.
Josh Powell-history of spousal abuse, wife mysteriously "disappears" and then he blows himself and his two boys up.
Jason Young-history of spousal abuse, convicted of killing his wife with their little girl present.
Raven Abaroa-Felon and serial cheater and who knows what else, who is awaiting trial for murdering his pregnant wife.
William Fisher-Maricopa County, AZ people may remember this case. He has currently been on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted list for almost 13 years. History of abuse and control. Killed his wife and kids, blew up their home, and has been on the run since then.

Travis Alexander-somewhat crude and immature, involved in a MLM which could make him slimy in some ways, had some egotistical writings online, religious hypocrite, rubbed some people the wrong way, got involved with Jodi Arias and had a consensual relationship complete with all sorts of sex stuff that many people aren't into that both consented to, and was up front about not wanting a relationship with her. No history of abuse of any type-gets stabbed 27 times front and back, throat sliced and almost is decapitated and is shot once in the face (NOT necessarily in that order lol!).

I personally see the big picture. Compared to those listed above....really? Those were the worst of his faults? I'm strange like that maybe but when I hear absolutes about him I admit it kind it makes me a little mad because to me he seems like any other guy compared to the ugliness of some men. All MOO of course.
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I find most men are not comfortable with this kind of fake adoration because they can feel that it's not genuine but manipulative. That is all over her little girl awkward voice on the taped conversation and this letter. She does not present as a person resting in her own personality but as one who is entirely focused on creating a person who the other will find pleasing.

Again, how is Travis to blame for this? She chose this stance. She resorted to it. She strategized it. It was her weakness. I don't think most men would even find this attractive. Creepy even.

BUT on the surface it could be appealing. For a short time.

And let's not forget, Jodi Arias is very very comfortable with creating personas and images related to her very self. She's even comfortable doing this in what would normally be a very scary situation: a police interrogation. She is VERY COMFORTABLE because it's simply her way of life.

Said it before and I'll say it again: I never underestimate the manipulative powers of a sociopath.

She hit on every weakness of Travis she could find. And exploited it.

And this defense is trying to spin that toward his direction of manipulation. This jury will be smarter than that once they've received their training in The School of Juan Martinez.

ITA, the taped phone call really illustrated this, she used flattery and manipulation to conceal her true self and attempted to manipulate Travis into loving her. My own opinion is that Travis was naive and susceptible to this because of his lack of experience with women. Someone who was more seasoned might have picked up on her inauthenticity in time to save themselves.

I think people, including me, might be sensitive to that notion is because that's exactly what the defense is hoping for here. That even one juror might not "like" Travis Alexander, find him a "pedophile", "abusive" and someone who deserved to be murdered.

That is exactly what they are hoping for with this defense.

It's unconscienable in my opinion. How true victims get revictimized in court.

I feel that the sex tape has prevented this. That tape was like MUSIC to my ears when it was being played in court for the first time. And it was amusing how the defense spent the remainder of the day doing damage control. I especially liked how Jodi tried to wiggle out of her KY jelly admission. Not only did it reveal Jodi as a woman with a very high sex drive (consistent with Travis telling his friend that she was nympho) who enjoyed kinky sex talks with her "anal rapist", but that she also introduced sex ideas into their relationship.
I have a question. Could a member of jury send a note stating Jodi is repeating her testimony, the same questions and answers over and over, lets move on and still remain a juror?
i'm starting to wonder if the role playing costumes existed, as far as i know there is no french maid or little red riding hood outfit or spidie underwear that has been entered into evidence. yet on the phone sex tape, they talk about role playing lots of times. maybe they pretended and didn't have the actual outfits? i queastioned the claim travis wanted her to wear a french maid outfit to clean his house. the house was never locked and anyone could have come in, i don't think he would have wanted that.
The two jurors closest to Jodi won't even look at her testifying.

One female, one male.

I noted the male demonstrating that behavior the very first day she testified. He looks at Nurmi or straight ahead. He doesn't swivel his chair in her direction much less turn his head. It's almost like he couldn't sit there if he looked in her direction.

Then I heard beth K describe the woman closest to JA this last week demonstrating that exact stance.

I have complete confidence in this jury. There is just ONE man who concerns me but I don't exactly know what I'm reading so not gonna describe it. I think they are paying attention and they will come to the only reasonable conclusion here: conviction. Then I think they will find her crimes fit cruel, heinous and depraved and they will sentence her to death.

Interesting! - How many feet/yards between the two closest jurors and JA in the witness stand? TIA
I don't think he knew she was on her way. Hey, didn't she have her phone off during her whole time in AZ? And phone records would show if she called him (her records, his records) and we haven't heard about that yet...have we? Just checking to make sure I haven't missed that part, LOL

I would think that if he was looking forward to her visiting him and she was driving alone in the middle of the night, that there would be calls between them, just checking on her what she said happened, but that I don't think evidence will prove happened...again, because she was careful to have her cellphone off the whole time in AZ.

Hi Dawg

Phone records June 2
Phone records show several calls between Arias and Alexander in the early morning hours:

Arias called Alexander four times between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.

These calls were all very short, the longest 17 seconds.

Alexander called Arias twice during the 3 a.m. hour:

The first call was just under 18 minutes, the second about 41 minutes.
Arias called Travis at 4:03 a.m. The call lasted 2 minutes, 48 seconds.

June 3

Arias called Alexander twice:

A 17-second call at 12:57 p.m.
A 2-minute, 50-second call at 1:51 p.m.
ITA, the taped phone call really illustrated this, she used flattery, manipulation, and flattery to conceal her true self and attempted to manipulate Travis into loving her. My own opinion is that Travis was naive and susceptible to this because of his lack of experience with women. Someone who was more seasoned might have picked up on her inauthenticity in time to save themselves.

When one slices and dices a murder with 20/20 vision after the fact, it's easy to see what people should have or could have seen.

My sister's killer ate Thanksgiving dinner in my home a month before killing her. yes there were signs he was not "right" , that this was a very risky situation, etc.

But let me tell you, NO ONE thinks as their first line of thinking that a person is plotting a murder. Unless, like me, you've experienced it first hand then have to live the rest of your life navigating waters fearing the worst can actually be in your sights and you can't see it.

Dating has become a mine field for me since my sister's murder. That is one of many aftermaths of enduring a situation such as this.

"How could I not see this coming?" vs. "no one could ever see this coming".
Interesting! - How many feet/yards between the two closest jurors and JA in the witness stand? TIA

It's kind of hard to tell because as I've posted, this courtroom isi HUGE so when she's on the stand she's like a tennis court away from the gallery. From the area I sit in (the family area), it looks like the closest juror might be about 10 feet from her? And the jury box itself is very large. So the next juror to that one (the man who NEVER looks in her direction) would be maybe 13 feet?).

The jurors seats swivel. Many have naturally swiveled their seat to look at the witness stand during the trial. So it's notable when these jurors don't swivel their chair but maintain a straight ahead posture.
the jodi arias is innocent site <--------big :nono:

(no you have not been doing that... that I have noted :wink:)

Thanks. I have never visited that site. Nor would I. I value my meals too much, even after i've eaten them. ;)
This may be more appropriate to the legal thread but...
How is the "out of scope" used exactly on cross examination? For instance, does Juan get to ask for instance, "Where did you get the gun?" even if Nurmi has not asked specifically about the weapons?
Is Juan able to ask any question relevant to the actual murder? TIA
Keep in mind this "part" of him some don't like emerged after he was getting scared, concerned, not knowing what to do with this woman.

If he was what some call him, he would be like this in general and the opinion of him formed by dozens of people would reflect that.

This side of him is a complete shock to everyone that knew him, even his roommates had no idea what was going on behind closed doors.

Heck, he was dead in his shower and they went about their business thinking he was out of town (thanks guys) :) kidding...

Each is entitled to their opinion, I happen to think his character, the one described by the masses is the accurate person. Not what we see happened when he met Jodi.

I think that when one resorts to relativistic thought there is a loss of critical boundaries and standards. Then, all things are possible, all things become equal. Logic and commonsense, on the other hand, have to do with probability. Otherwise, one could equally argue that Travis simply had a mask and underneath was a depraved character just like JA.

Othello, for example, was largely a noble character. What makes him tragic is that he possessed a singular flaw, his jealousy over Desdemona. The probability is that Travis strove for good character as testified to by many others. I perceive Travis as a tragic character, essentially striving for nobility, who somehow lost his way and found himself in a dark wood, succumbing to a dark side that ultimately turned out to be his fatal flaw.
I agree, I don't even see there was a struggle.. I see him hit in some way (gun/knife) and pretty much down for good.. only adrenaline, maybe crawl, yell out some involuntary utterances, maybe true right at the beginning the yell for her to "get the neighbor" or "get help" "I can't feel my legs" just the natural thing we might yell out...then he is silent (by her own words also, he didn't say anything else, he made some noise) but no talking..

I think it was just a dying man, crawling, bleeding and getting continuously stabbed and yelled at (in her words) "SHHHH STOP IT! BE QUIET!! SHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I actually believe that

ITA and it makes me just heartsick, since I believe that he probably did beg for her to go get help, and go to the neighbors......never realizing that the person he was talking to was his psychotic killer. What a shame.
I have a question. Could a member of jury send a note stating Jodi is repeating her testimony, the same questions and answers over and over, lets move on and still remain a juror?


That would be the best !
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