Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #38 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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When one slices and dices a murder with 20/20 vision after the fact, it's easy to see what people should have or could have seen.

My sister's killer ate Thanksgiving dinner in my home a month before killing her. yes there were signs he was not "right" , that this was a very risky situation, etc.

But let me tell you, NO ONE thinks as their first line of thinking that a person is plotting a murder. Unless, like me, you've experienced it first hand then have to live the rest of your life navigating waters fearing the worst can actually be in your sights and you can't see it.

Dating has become a mine field for me since my sister's murder. That is one of many aftermaths of enduring a situation such as this.

"How could I not see this coming?" vs. "no one could ever see this coming".

I hope I was not misunderstood--no one could have anticipated this murder. Rather I was saying that if Travis were more experienced, he might have noticed that JA was overly accommodating and pandering.

Yes, hindsight is 20/20, and it's unfortunate that Travis does not get to tell us his side in his own voice. I think Travis' overall innocence made him more of an unsuspecting victim.

What a heinous and horrid thing to share a family dinner with a soon to be murderer. Clearly, not a shred of decency in either of those two.
I think the little girl voice is simply a tool that some women find to be very useful in manipulating certain types of men. Think Marilyn Monroe. Some men really go for that "helpless itty, bitty, needy" female. Even Michael Jackson found the little girl voice to be a useful tool. Gives the appearance of innocence.

OH absolutely. I never associated with abuse, I associated it with an intentional thing someone does to attract a certain kind of attention from someone (Ok I will say maybe unintentional in case someone was offended by the use of the word intentional) I just recall seeing a television show where a voice coach, specialist debunked a line up of women who swore this is how they talk and they don't know why nobody takes them seriously.

He had them all talking like strong normal women by the end of the show.
It's kind of hard to tell because as I've posted, this courtroom isi HUGE so when she's on the stand she's like a tennis court away from the gallery. From the area I sit in (the family area), it looks like the closest juror might be about 10 feet from her? And the jury box itself is very large. So the next juror to that one (the man who NEVER looks in her direction) would be maybe 13 feet?).

The jurors seats swivel. Many have naturally swiveled their seat to look at the witness stand during the trial. So it's notable when these jurors don't swivel their chair but maintain a straight ahead posture.

Thank you for the valuable insight into the jury. From watching her testimony it does appear she is occasionally turning to look at them, however, interesting not all are looking at her.

JA said [yes, I know] that she arrived at TA’s home around 4am and there was computer activity at that time on the TA’s computer. Next (and this time hard) evidence of JA at TA’s home were the nude photos, time stamped around 1pm, IIRC.

Is there any evidence of JA's activities between the ~4am computer time and ~9 hours later for the nude photos at ~1pm? TIA

I’m just wondering if JA snuck into TA’s home and watched those video’s on his computer at ~4am, maybe read/deleted emails/cellphone-texts/etc, and then went out and slept in her car waiting for his roommates to leave the house and for her to get some sleep and maybe even dye her hair???

Then, maybe she snuck into the house again around 1pm to find TA on his bed, nude, just masturbated, and asleep??? She then could have found his new camera, taken those two nude photos of him and woke him up in the process???

I just can't see him being so happy to see her after whatever blow-up happened in the week/s prior.

Maybe he then got dressed and went downstairs to clean the house??? Maybe it's then that she took those raunchy nude photos of herself??

To take this one step farther - what if Jodi didn't even arrive until say noon or 1PM? Travis could have watched the vids himself when she wasn't even there. I do not believe she arrived at 3 or 4AM - the only "proof" being her own statement - in other words, nothing.
There was computer activity AFTER the nude pics, right? That IMO, is when she would have been on the computer herself.
It's just MOO, but the poster did not say TA deserved it. No one has said that. [/B]
But I have read plenty of posts stating that they believed TA didn't even have sex with JA, and when it became obvious that he did, that he must have been raped. There are MANY posts that make some huge leaps to wipe away any human flaws in TA. I find it funny that the whole PPL thing is called shady and run by grifters, people lacking ethics. And then in the next breath remark on TA's high values and morals. Wasn't TA a big shot in PPL?:waitasec:

Look, I'm not saying the guy was awful, I just get really annoyed when so much effort goes in to blaming other people for the stuff he actually DID do. Jeez, nobody said he had it coming, so why the need to make him into some Saint?

That's all I have been trying to say. :). I don't mean any disrespect to anyone.

I am so sorry, I did not mean to imply that was what was said at all. The fact that we take time to post here, on a victim friendly site, says it all. You raise some very valid points, and I agree that TA could have used better judgement when it came to JA.

A lot of the the posters here have shared their wealth of knowledge, from either
A Professional or life experience standpoint. IMO, all points of view are needed as that is how we can get a better understanding, not only of what transpired here, but of life in general. Every single point of view is important and, at least for me, helps me understand people and situations better in my everyday life. I read about the experiences of so many posters and my heart aches for them. They really help put things in perspective. Respectfully, IMO
I seen the fb page where her email to Travis regarding getting no credit or attention. But it's too blurry! Is this posted elsewhere? Would really like to read it.
To take this one step farther - what if Jodi didn't even arrive until say noon or 1PM? Travis could have watched the vids himself when she wasn't even there. I do not believe she arrived at 3 or 4AM - the only "proof" being her own statement - in other words, nothing.
There was computer activity AFTER the nude pics, right? That IMO, is when she would have been on the computer herself.

I love when something thought provoking comes up that I think I missed. After all were we privy to phone records yet? You are right, who's to say she did get there at 4am?
I hope I was not misunderstood--no one could have anticipated this murder. Rather I was saying that if Travis were more experienced, he might have noticed that JA was overly accommodating and pandering.

Yes, hindsight is 20/20, and it's unfortunate that Travis does not get to tell us his side in his own voice. I think Travis' overall innocence made him more of an unsuspecting victim.

What a heinous and horrid thing to share a family dinner with a soon to be murderer. Clearly, not a shred of decency in either of those two.

I don't know what I was replying to there M'Ladyship but I agree with you 100%.

I heard a lot of people saying , much later, "how did my sister not see this coming?".

In our case, these guys conned a bank (my bank) out of $3K loan with no jobs or collateral (other than her life insurance policy), a custom home builder who signed a contract w/ them for a custom home (pre spending her life insurance before they killed her), Jaguar/ Mercedes other luxury car dealers, a Rolex watch seller who ordered them a watch (again prespending the life insurance while she was alive), and at least 7 women who ALL CAME OUT OF THE WOODWORK once our case hit the media. These guys had conned all of these people in to thinking they were anything from pro basketball/tennis players, international businessmen, German air force pilots , bankers, etc.

Again I never under estimate the manipulative powers of a sociopath.

Oh and I've mentioned it before...a 7 year long 10 plus million dollar hearing that my father and I had to testify in nearly 2 decades later, resulted in one of them getting off Death Row with a mental retardation claim. Yes he still has a conspiracy conviction for the detailed premeditation and cover up but he's "legally mentally retarded".

Once JA is sentenced to death, she will have all kinds of attorneys wanting to "help" her. Luckily on one level the focus will be off Travis' faults and on to her victimhood, by the system. How the system has victimized her over and over for decades until she dies a natural death, alone, in prison.

Thank you for the valuable insight into the jury. From watching her testimony it does appear she is occasionally turning to look at them, however, interesting not all are looking at her.


What's weird is it does appear she's making eye contact but she's really looking in their general direction but, to me, it doesn't appear that she's making specific eye contact with anyone. I'll look for that specifically this week but it's more like how an actor looks out to the audience but they are not making any eye contact but a general gaze. That's what it looks like to me, which fits the pathology here.
I seen the fb page where her email to Travis regarding getting no credit or attention. But it's too blurry! Is this posted elsewhere? Would really like to read it.

it is transcribed in the media/timeline thread (at the end of the thread as it is chronological)
When one slices and dices a murder with 20/20 vision after the fact, it's easy to see what people should have or could have seen.

My sister's killer ate Thanksgiving dinner in my home a month before killing her. yes there were signs he was not "right" , that this was a very risky situation, etc.

But let me tell you, NO ONE thinks as their first line of thinking that a person is plotting a murder. Unless, like me, you've experienced it first hand then have to live the rest of your life navigating waters fearing the worst can actually be in your sights and you can't see it.

Dating has become a mine field for me since my sister's murder. That is one of many aftermaths of enduring a situation such as this.

"How could I not see this coming?" vs. "no one could ever see this coming".

I would like to say that in reading the experiences the victims here have shared makes me cautious of who my lovely daughter's date.

Thanks to all who have shared
I find most men are not comfortable with this kind of fake adoration because they can feel that it's not genuine but manipulative. That is all over her little girl awkward voice on the taped conversation and this letter. She does not present as a person resting in her own personality but as one who is entirely focused on creating a person who the other will find pleasing.

Again, how is Travis to blame for this? She chose this stance. She resorted to it. She strategized it. It was her weakness. I don't think most men would even find this attractive. Creepy even.

BUT on the surface it could be appealing. For a short time.

And let's not forget, Jodi Arias is very very comfortable with creating personas and images related to her very self. She's even comfortable doing this in what would normally be a very scary situation: a police interrogation. She is VERY COMFORTABLE because it's simply her way of life.

Said it before and I'll say it again: I never underestimate the manipulative powers of a sociopath.

She hit on every weakness of Travis she could find. And exploited it.

And this defense is trying to spin that toward his direction of manipulation. This jury will be smarter than that once they've received their training in The School of Juan Martinez.

I agree and I too find most intelligent men are not comfy with this adoration which is really manipulation. A decent, mature man does not want to be responsible for someone else's happiness. So don't go on and on gushing about how happy HE makes YOU.
Just let him experience your happiness with yourself, your life, your circumstances, etc. Don't pin it on him.
I've been wanting to write about something related to this defense and it has to do with what this defense team attempts to normalize which also is a dovetail off what Betty Broderick tried to fly in justification for her heinous double murder.

Not only does this defense insult true domestic violence victims who are in fear of their lives on a daily basis but it also insults women, like me, who have navigated the world of dating complete with "bad boys" and all the dynamics we've survived and thrived through.

There are some very common dynamics that happen with men and women. So common that there are entire sections in bookstores devoted to them. There are movies devoted to them. Some of the best poetry ever written is inspired by them. The pursuit/retreat , Mars/Venus , "he's just not that in to you" , love and rejection dynamics.

It is very common for women to feel intimacy too soon and engage in sex way too soon thinking it's a springboard to a relationship. When in reality is the ending point for the man. As the pursuit he is naturally feeling ends with that act. Then men will distance and women will turn themselves in to pretzels to try and "get that feeling back". In reality, most of the time at that juncture, it's over. And the woman would be better served learning from her mistake and moving forward being more cautious in the future. I will say that I do know there are some instances when sex occurs quickly and the relationship thrives. But this is not the norm in dating in my opinion and most people are just "shopping" at that stage of dating and rarely does a man fall instantly like that and commit. It can happen but it's not the norm by any means. And I think men should not be penalized for wanting that pursuit. That's how they are wired. Women are smart to understand this.

Sometimes when this has happened, a man will stay involved with the woman just for the sex. People will generally "take" just as much as you are willing to give. If a woman acts like she's ok with this "friends with benefits" situation, then where is the man at fault? How does he know it's all strategic in her mind...some attempt to lure him back. But he's long gone and looking for the "new cow" (that's from an Ashley Judd movie Someone Like You that is based entirely on these dynamics). In my personal experience and , as a therapist and basically a woman on this planet with female friends, it is a VERY VERY rare occurrence for a woman to transition from falling in love with a man to this "casual sex" situation without an agenda and the associated constant heartbreak going on.

This was the dynamic Jodi and Travis were in. Yes, he "used" her. But she was playing along...calling him her "friend", apologizing for even mentioning "marriage" to him, escalating the sex. She was playing a game that is played all day long in our culture. This was not an unordinary dance. This, in my opinion, also does not equate abuse. Unless you call a woman devaluing herself by pretending and manipulating in this way self abusive. I know, I've done it. I'm not too proud to admit I've engaged in this behavior on more than one occasion to the detriment of my self esteem. It stems from a fear of abandonment and other things but it is not uncommon and not one side is to blame for it exclusively.

BUT....none of this dynamic. Not one single grain of it, equals a motive to murder.

Just like Betty Broderick. That's an old story too. Man leaves wife during mid life for a younger model. Well, yeah, that sucks. And it's also not a motive to murder. It's anger inducing yes. It's disappointing and devastating to some women. But a motive to murder? No. Never.

It's like this defense is saying "oh your feelings got hurt? Then it's ok to slaughter that person". That's basically what they are saying.

And really, how much do we blame Travis? She bent over backward to demonstrate to him she was ok with their arrangement. This is all over that tape. How is HE made to blame for this?

So, finally, she insults every true domestic abuse victim with this defense but also every woman who dug deep within herself and found the strength to pull herself out of a dynamic she actively engaged in putting herself in, cut her losses and stepped in to her future learning something about holding one's head up high and living a life that creates that "best revenge".

I don't care how many wooden spoons she claims from her childhood or naughty fantasies he served up. This defense adds up to one big fat insult to women.

And of course, it would be a man steering that ship right along with this sociopathic murderer.

Shame on them all.

Best. post. ever.

I agree 100% with every single word.
i think jodie might have decided to kill travis not only after he planned to take mimi on the cancun trip, but when he bought a camera. she was not going to let him make anyone else his *advertiser censored* star.
I think she is pretty darned strong. Takes a lot of guts to stab someone.....slit their throat from ear to ear and shoot them in the head. She is no little waif. What one finds disrepectful others do not. Fantasies are just that......fantasies and he never carried them out. JA said he didnt. It was betweeen two consenting adults and frankly it isnt anyone else's business. The only reason their private moments have been brought out to be critized after the fact is this wench is on trial for heinously murdering this man and she is doing everything she can to make Travis look bad and she like the little angel. GAG me with a spoon.

I dont think she consented.........I think she was the aggressor with a man she knew had not had the sexual experiences she had and she so willingly showed him a world he had never known.

When did he let her back for sex? She moved and from what his friends have said he was glad. Who wouldnt be. He was not even into the sex talk. He was bored and falling asleep. Who was chatty Kathy? Ms. Arias. I think he tried to appease her trying to keep her at a distance.

Women who did date Travis have spoken out and they said he was nothing but a gentleman. A man or a woman can cross paths with a member of the opposite sex that can bring them down to their level. Travis had no clue how dangerous this sociopath truly is.

I see nothing showing me Travis was a jerk. I will never believe the words of a sickening pathological lying murderer who lies everytime her mouth opens. SHE is the only one saying he is a jerk because she stupidly thinks the jury will believe her concocted lies and they will not fall for such baloney imo.


I totally agree with you. Thanks for bringing it out.
I think their relationship, which morphed into "sex only", got the point where it was nothing but "dirty sex" that Jodi went along with/enjoyed/played the game. He continued with the "dirty sex" talk and otherwise because she went along with it and IMO he thought she was enjoying it as much as him. The "sex tape", IMO, proves she either liked it or went along with it. Hence, "consensual" "debasing" sex between the two.


In her warped mind I think she was continuing to cater to and encourage his fantasies. She figured if she did this after awhile he would be afraid to marry a "nice" Morman girl because he would not be able to act out those sexual situations which Jodi allowed him to do. Remember in the tape she wonders about the people they will eventually marry, afraid they would never be kinky enough....planting the seed in his mind that maybe he should consider her "marriage material" after all.

I have been a Latter Day Saint for more than 35 years, and I have NEVER, EVER heard of someone committing suicide in this manner as any kind of "blood ritual" by any member of this church. Ever.

Latter Day Saints consider suicide to be a very bad thing. And there is no act, except maybe cold blooded murder ala JA, that is so serious a sin that it cannot be repented through penitence, prayer, confession, and restitution. Nobody would be made to feel they need to "cleanse" themselves in such a "ritual" over sexual impropriety, so I really think this whole "blood atonement" idea should be relegated to the trash bin. Thanks.
are you saying that blood atonement is not mormon doctrine or that it doesn't apply in relation to sexual impropriety? TIA
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