jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #65 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Any guesses on what the DV expert is going to say?

I am really interested in what she is going to put out there. Honestly, I don't feel JA was abused, as the matter of degree of abuse is not so severe. A mom with a wooden spoon and a dad who disabled the car is really not abuse.

I guess what I am saying is that we see such horrific abuse out in the world and noone 'snaps' and kills anyone. The only case I can remember reading was the lady who burned her house down with the dh in it. I can't remember her name, his name was Mickey. The final straw that caused the breakdown was him burning her books for school (she was hoping to get away once she had something to support her children).

I don't know if I am asking clearly, but just wondering what exactly the DV expert can really say is abuse? The emotional back and forth seemed like it was two sided.

I had downloaded some pictures from this board. It was a group of pictures of travis in the shower, more than I had ever seen--maybe 12 or more? It had a title of something like '11 minutes.' Does anyone have that link? Because I lost the page.

My other question is--how many people here take an 11 minute shower? Isn't water a premium in Arizona?

Here you go:

My water heater doesn't allow an 11 minute shower, if it did, I might!
I want to ask all you Websleuthers a question regarding the knife. Let me prefice this by saying, I have not been able to follow this trial as closely as many of you have, so this may have been discussed. The knife. I know Jodi testified that she put it in the dishwasher, but i find it very strange that Juan never asked her about the disposition of the knife. He asked her about the gun and the rope (which we agree did not really exist, but had to come into play to explain how the knife was in the bathroom/bedroom). I have seen a photo of the open dishwasher with an evidence sticker in it next to some knives. Am I just overthinking this or do you think this is something that will be brought up on rebuttal? I can't believe he would grill her on all her lies and never bring up what she did with the knife unless he was going to take her word on that testimony.

I think he didn't bother because "she was in the fog" then. JMO
I want to ask all you Websleuthers a question regarding the knife. Let me prefice this by saying, I have not been able to follow this trial as closely as many of you have, so this may have been discussed. The knife. I know Jodi testified that she put it in the dishwasher, but i find it very strange that Juan never asked her about the disposition of the knife. He asked her about the gun and the rope (which we agree did not really exist, but had to come into play to explain how the knife was in the bathroom/bedroom). I have seen a photo of the open dishwasher with an evidence sticker in it next to some knives. Am I just overthinking this or do you think this is something that will be brought up on rebuttal? I can't believe he would grill her on all her lies and never bring up what she did with the knife unless he was going to take her word on that testimony.

IIRC when discussing having a memory of putting a knife in the dishwasher she qualified it by saying something along the lines that it could have been a memory previous of the murder of putting a knife in there. So basically her statement about that is meaningless.
OMG I just sent Beth Karas an email to thank her for her years on InSession and I started crying. I just respect her so much!!! I can't wait to see who is smart enough to scoop her up first!
Just curious, any of the younger women here learning anything from us older folks? Asking because my world consists mostly of males than females.

I'm not one of the younger women but I learn something new every day here!

Thanks to you all! :tyou:
OMG I just sent Beth Karas an email to thank her for her years on InSession and I started crying. I just respect her so much!!! I can't wait to see who is smart enough to scoop her up first!

LOVE LOVE LOVE Beth Karas!!!
I became a fan of her's in the Scott Peterson trial
All of these questions I believe JM is going to resolve in closing or with other wits. His bringing them up and then dropping them tells me so. He's just locking her into those bogus answers ahead of time. Very smart guy. Might have to start referring to JM as Sherlock. Sherlock Holmes who said '...when you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'
My quotes problem has returned. Don't get that.
Anyway, I've only been to Indiana a couple of times and my impression was, very green and very flat. I live in West Texas in the land of mountains and the Rio Grande river bordering New Mexico.

I have been there! I grew up in Beaumont, Texas. Theynhave one season...HOT. Texas is like four different states. LOL. Lived there fifty years, been in every part of Texas. Where I live in southern Indiana it is very hilly and beautiful, very green. And i love the four seasons. Kentucky has some of the most beautiful mountains. It is funny thoug, when I drive north toward Indianapolis, it gets very very flat (corn country) and I think I am in East Texas again. I guess every part of our country is beautiful. Where you are it's very dry right? My brother lived in Midland for years.

Back to the trial, we will all have to find a way to celebrate when she is convicted. This is all so sad for Travis and his family, and to think JA has even thrown her parents under the bus. If being whipped with a belt by your parents causes abuse, I would be so warped. I truly deserved every whipping I got and it didnt take many for me to get a clue!! I credit my parents for all their love and correction and think all these TH's who don't believe in correcting children are nuts. That is just my opinion tough. My parents raised six upstanding, happy and law abiding children. I am old and I am the youngest!

Apparently nothing was of help to Jodi. I think some folks are born evil.
My question would be:

Can I please see your finger, up close? I want to know if there is a scar on the underside of that finger. One that was not stitched properly. She bled for her hand during the murder, bad enough to leave a hand print. Had she really cut it that badly on a glass the night before, surely Travis would have taken her to get stitches.

As a juror, if I see a scar, I throw out all possibility of that finger ever being hurt by Travis, and I send her to death row for wasting my time with her lies.

i cut my finger badly about 3 weeks ago. badly enough i had to go to the emergency clinic. you'd never know it happened to look at it now.

the best evidence of that finger will come in rebuttal. a guy she had dinner with in utah, i believe, will testify she had bandages on her LEFT hand, which she has denied. her stabbing hand.
it's also just nonsense that she got that injury from TA's physical abuse and says she didn't seek medical attention for it, because she didn't want to tell a dr. how it happened.

really? do they hook you up to a polygraph in the dr.'s office? she could have explained it any way she wanted---we know she's a good liar. just say 'i jammed it' or something. no way she would have suffered with that finger---which had to be painful---and not seen a dr. about it. it happened JUNE 4. she just won't ever admit it. and look at her journal entries right after she says it happened---her writing looks just fine to me. you can't write well with a popsicle splint she claims TA put on it.
I want to ask all you Websleuthers a question regarding the knife. Let me prefice this by saying, I have not been able to follow this trial as closely as many of you have, so this may have been discussed. The knife. I know Jodi testified that she put it in the dishwasher, but i find it very strange that Juan never asked her about the disposition of the knife. He asked her about the gun and the rope (which we agree did not really exist, but had to come into play to explain how the knife was in the bathroom/bedroom). I have seen a photo of the open dishwasher with an evidence sticker in it next to some knives. Am I just overthinking this or do you think this is something that will be brought up on rebuttal? I can't believe he would grill her on all her lies and never bring up what she did with the knife unless he was going to take her word on that testimony.

Hi Gulf Coast mom,
Where you from? The gulf coast is so pretty!
hey that is a pretty cool sub I kids would love that! Anything else about him though....meh

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By age 26, as a performing member of the Magic Castle in Hollywood, he became one of the highest paid magicians in the world. :floorlaugh:

I thought he lived in a trailer?

He wrote all that stuff about himself? Geezzzzzzz
I would be interested in the 'rules' on what the jury can ask. It doesnt make sense to be allowed to ask questions that simply get thrown out. Do the jurors get an explanation of why the questions are thrown out? Hmmm


Good article on jurors questions NOT being answered

good info. thanks. looks like jurors are told not to speculate on why their question isn't answered. that would be pretty hard to do!
I wanted to touch on something someone said about the jury asking to see the scar etc.

That would be interesting to see if she has a scar. In 2000, I tried to open a Christmas gift with a butcher knife. Yes, I was a statistic that year. It bled so much and hurt like crap. It burned like you would not believe and I could not bend it. I went to the emergancy clinic a few hours later when I could not get the blood to stop, to find out I needed surgery because I cut through the tendon.

Today the scar is not even visible from where they did the surgery. If I show it to you you would see it. However, since she didn't get medical help there should be a scar that is visible. I did a slicing motion trying to open the box, and cut right through it in between the knuckle and the hand. And to this day it doesn't have a lot of feeling. Which is common with the nerve and tendon damage and the fact I waited a few hours. Wonder if she can feel that finger?

I have been there! I grew up in Beaumont, Texas. Theynhave one season...HOT. Texas is like four different states. LOL. Lived there fifty years, been in every part of Texas. Where I live in southern Indiana it is very hilly and beautiful, very green. And i love the four seasons. Kentucky has some of the most beautiful mountains. It is funny thoug, when I drive north toward Indianapolis, it gets very very flat (corn country) and I think I am in East Texas again. I guess every part of our country is beautiful. Where you are it's very dry right? My brother lived in Midland for years.

Back to the trial, we will all have to find a way to celebrate when she is convicted. This is all so sad for Travis and his family, and to think JA has even thrown her parents under the bus. If being whipped with a belt by your parents causes abuse, I would be so warped. I truly deserved every whipping I got and it didnt take many for me to get a clue!! I credit my parents for all their love and correction and think all these TH's who don't believe in correcting children are nuts. That is just my opinion tough. My parents raised six upstanding, happy and law abiding children. I am old and I am the youngest!

Apparently nothing was of help to Jodi. I think some folks are born evil.

Ditto ditto ditto. Yes, I live in the land of dust, wind and tumbleweeds. Remember one time I was on a plane coming home and a guy from S. Carolina sitting next to me was looking out the window having never been in this part of the world and was asking me where the water and green was. He actually thought he was going to be seeing cowboys and Indians. HAHA. We can actually have every season in one day and did just last week. On occasion we have had winter in the front yard and summer in the backyard and vice versa. Arizona, Australia and the Middle East are the only three places in the world who have those humongous rolling dust storms that engulfs everything and those are called "Haboobs" which really cracks me up.
And of course PS...we Texans don't have a problem with giving evil people the death penalty.
I want to ask all you Websleuthers a question regarding the knife. Let me prefice this by saying, I have not been able to follow this trial as closely as many of you have, so this may have been discussed. The knife. I know Jodi testified that she put it in the dishwasher, but i find it very strange that Juan never asked her about the disposition of the knife. He asked her about the gun and the rope (which we agree did not really exist, but had to come into play to explain how the knife was in the bathroom/bedroom). I have seen a photo of the open dishwasher with an evidence sticker in it next to some knives. Am I just overthinking this or do you think this is something that will be brought up on rebuttal? I can't believe he would grill her on all her lies and never bring up what she did with the knife unless he was going to take her word on that testimony.

IMO this will not come up. I believe either Det. Flores or the ME testified that there was no knife in the house that matched TA's wounds, despite the fact that JA said she put the knife in the dishwasher. There are others on this board that have a better grasp of the facts about the weapons than me, but I'm pretty sure there's no point in asking her about the knife. It's probably at the bottom of Lake Mead along with the gun.
i cut my finger badly about 3 weeks ago. badly enough i had to go to the emergency clinic. you'd never know it happened to look at it now.

the best evidence of that finger will come in rebuttal. a guy she had dinner with in utah, i believe, will testify she had bandages on her LEFT hand, which she has denied. her stabbing hand.
it's also just nonsense that she got that injury from TA's physical abuse and says she didn't seek medical attention for it, because she didn't want to tell a dr. how it happened.

really? do they hook you up to a polygraph in the dr.'s office? she could have explained it any way she wanted---we know she's a good liar. just say 'i jammed it' or something. no way she would have suffered with that finger---which had to be painful---and not seen a dr. about it. it happened JUNE 4. she just won't ever admit it. and look at her journal entries right after she says it happened---her writing looks just fine to me. you can't write well with a popsicle splint she claims TA put on it.

too bad someone on that trip to Utah to see Ryan hadn't taken pictures of Jodi, then maybe the bandages or bandaids would show up!
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