jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #65 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Bravo younger man. I don't have girls, I have men children. I used to think that was reassuring until JA came along and now I'm afraid for them.

And, men children would see to be the most vulnerable, since they are not raised the same way women children are. They are not taught the hazards that await them in the real world, such as the likes of Jodi, and certainly there's more than one!
That's the same finger that has had it's run of bad luck (Juan said something to that effect, he really has a sense of humor)!

OMG I wrote that down too and several media behind me quietly chuckled. Sometimes I think he's being funny without trying to. Sarcastic I think.
I, unfortunately, did not get to see the live testimony when it aired. I had to work. But, when I did view it, I had to go back and listen to that part at least three times. At first, I thought..she just admitted to her finger getting hurt on June 4th. I wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy and listened to it a couple times.

I could imagine being there. Just dumbfounded that she did that and then the shock wears off, and you realize she just admitted it. At home does not even have 1/2 the perspective as being in the same room. Was it as quiet as a pin when everyone realized what happened?

LOL. Even JM couldn't believe it. He said "pardon?" and SHE REPEATED IT!
One thing still nags at me: Since it seems to be pretty conclusive that JA used the knife from the onset to slaughter Travis, why did she bother with a gun? The only reason I can think of, is that she used the gun to force him into that vulnerable sitting position in the shower, and / or she actually held the gun in one hand while inflicting the initial stab wounds. :furious:
I know there has been speculation on her wanting to make it appear that there were two intruders. But why not shoot him first to make it more believable, if that were the case? Which to me would point even more to premeditation, but then having two weapons already does that anyway, right?. :waitasec:
And not using the gun first proves another point as well as far as I am concerned, which is that she wanted to make Travis suffer more by killing him in the violent way she did. And imo, anyone who can murder someone in such a violent, personal and bloody manner would have to be in a complete and total murderous rage. Or totally insane and she is not that.

Thoughts anyone?
I'll tell you this Kelly, from where i sit, in front of the media, I can tell when something of importance has been said because it's silent but all around me there is a furious tapping of laptops which was the case here. I think I let out a tiny gasp and heard some around me. EVERYONE on the break and after court was like "OMG, she admitted that finger!". She tried to wiggle out of it but she was so far gone in to the admission at that point it was ridiculous and showed her slippery nation even more.

We felt the bombshells that day were :

1. the CLOSET photo/gun testimony (I wrote "she can be convicted on this closet business alone).

2. The finger admission.

I agree with the wiggling. IIRC correctly she stated yes to JM question about it being hurt on June 4th 3xs before she even realized what she had done and tried to act like she was talking about another day.

I think she is cooked goose on that one.

You're right, I believe that piece of it is direct evidence. Then when you piece it together with her finger (which refutes the abuse claim) injury it all becomes, together, circumstantial.

But very good question!

Oh, now I see he whole picture. Thanks.
I want to ask all you Websleuthers a question regarding the knife. Let me prefice this by saying, I have not been able to follow this trial as closely as many of you have, so this may have been discussed. The knife. I know Jodi testified that she put it in the dishwasher, but i find it very strange that Juan never asked her about the disposition of the knife. He asked her about the gun and the rope (which we agree did not really exist, but had to come into play to explain how the knife was in the bathroom/bedroom). I have seen a photo of the open dishwasher with an evidence sticker in it next to some knives. Am I just overthinking this or do you think this is something that will be brought up on rebuttal? I can't believe he would grill her on all her lies and never bring up what she did with the knife unless he was going to take her word on that testimony.

I think that he didn't ask Jodi about because she would only lie further about it by saying something more about the "fog" she was in. IMO he will put the CSI person on the stand that checked out every knife that was in the home, and that none of them (including any in the dishwasher) could of been the murder weapon. He knows she said it on direct, so why question her on it during his cross and giving her any chance to muddy up the statement by letting her talk further on it. Experts will clear that lie up.
There are alot of instances where he got her to commit to the way she says they happened (which we know are not possible) then just dropped the issue. I think it is intentional. IMO it is because he will bring in experts to refute her story.
I heard some psychologist woman saying on TV the other day that school age boys cut the bottoms out of their pockets so that the chicks can put their hands in the pockets to do things to them in class. Asked my 26 yr old son if that was the case when he was in school but he didn't answer, he blushed and laughed. If I ever see a chick with her hand in a guy's pocket from now on, I'm gonna be thinking about that.
And, men children would see to be the most vulnerable, since they are not raised the same way women children are. They are not taught the hazards that await them in the real world, such as the likes of Jodi, and certainly there's more than one!

My 15 year old has watched much of this trial for a crime scene investigation class he's taking. This and our ongoing dialogue, I'm quite certain he's well informed and armed.

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Originally Posted by Chester_from_THM
That reminds me, I know there has been a lot of discussion about whether TA knew JA was taking photos.

I originally thought he did, because the click sound of a camera is very unique and unmistakeable. But I wonder if it is possible to disable the sound on a digital camera?

It does seem very odd/out of character that TA would willingly let her take nude photos of him. But it looks like he is giving a gesture towards her/the camera in that nude photo of him on the bed. That sideways "V" with his fingers.

But maybe this could be explained by the fact that it was on his camera, and he probably thought he would just delete them when she left and he'd just appease her and hope to get her out of his house with minimal conflict.

Now that I am thinking about it, JA probably asked him to try out his new camera.

And that whole part of her story about him yelling at her about not being able to hold a camera -- even a 5 yr old could do that. Just does not ring true to what an abuser would say AT ALL. How many 5 yr olds are using/holding cameras? She has not experienced domestic violence IMO, none of her examples/stories ring true, and she doesn't know how to make them sound true.

On my cameras you can turn the sound off.

bbbm and bbm

One more thought on TA's hearing the camera while in the shower -- even if JA might not have known how to silence his camera -- think about how much you can/cannot hear in the shower... the sound of the water spraying all around you + the sound inside your head when your head is under the shower itself...

Just a thought...
Been there and to Midland whoever said they were from there. Lots of stinky oil wells and cow poop.

I from Rotan, TX.....cattle and cotton. Tumbleweeds and sandstorms. Have about 1,200 acres of cotton farms and 1,300 acres of cattle/horse ranch.
Also have a beach house in the Galveston area. Visiting our son in Houston now for some fishing, BBQ cook off and Rodeo.
I still am behind on watching all of yesterday's cross examination and was just wondering: Regarding the shower photo of Travis that shows him with a shocked, surprised expression on his face, was this brought out in the trial yesterday? I was just curious as to what JA's excuse would be for that one.
In this group of photos, it's the one with the 5:27:18 time stamp.
One thing still nags at me: Since it seems to be pretty conclusive that JA used the knife from the onset to slaughter Travis, why did she bother with a gun? The only reason I can think of, is that she used the gun to force him into that vulnerable sitting position in the shower, and / or she actually held the gun in one hand while inflicting the initial stab wounds. :furious:
I know there has been speculation on her wanting to make it appear that there were two intruders. But why not shoot him first to make it more believable, if that were the case? Which to me would point even more to premeditation, but then having two weapons already does that anyway, right?. :waitasec:
And not using the gun first proves another point as well as far as I am concerned, which is that she wanted to make Travis suffer more by killing him in the violent way she did. And imo, anyone who can murder someone in such a violent, personal and bloody manner would have to be in a complete and total murderous rage. Or totally insane and she is not that.

Thoughts anyone?

IDK what I believe about the gun. So many here have come up some logical reasons that I just can't do more than say that in my gut it was at the end, after she got him into the shower. The expert testified very little blood pooling in the brain, so he was close to or deceased at the time . My thought, while never having been around a dying person, is that possibly their were noises even after she stabbed him and cut the throat. She mistook that as him still being alive not that he was dying. And shot him to make that happen. All my :twocents: I really don't think we will ever know and honestly my brain is in circles at this point. If it weren't for an earlier posting by a WS regarding the layout of the bathroom/bedroom/closet/hall I would still be scratching my head on it.

MOO, and to be taken with a very large grain of salt, is that the DV expert will say that JA has classic signs of a battered woman: she continued to see him even when she alleges she didn't want to because she was afraid of him; she engaged in what might be termed unusual, even degrading sexual acts because she was afraid of him or so much under his control; not realizing that you are being coerced into doing things you don't want to is typical of an abuse victim; the abuse at the hands of her parents set her up for an abuser; all of her previous boyfriends treated her badly, another sign that she didn't recognize abuse and/or was so used to it that she accepted it as normal; that a normal woman in a normal relationship would never agree to a clandestine relationship like they had; that threatening and aggressive physical behavior by men causes her to have flashbacks.

And so on.

What will be really interesting to me is if JM asks why she didn't seem frightened by his aggressive questioning of her. That I would really like an explanation for.

More talking heads... The people in the jury are not ignorant or they wouldnt be sitting where they are. When this trial first started I was worried about the jury having so many men. I have really been trying to pay attention to what the male population has been saying on social media and in the comments on news stories. The males seem to be more inclined for the death penalty, while the women still seem to be divided. I simply can not wrap my head around why anyone would still be sympathetic towards Jodi. If Jodi was a man and Travis had been a woman the death penalty wouldnt even be questioned.

Juan was the perfect prosecutor for this case. She has shown NO symptoms of domestic violence up on the stand. She's shown she can hold her own and she's also shown obvious aggression toward JM. She wants to "Whatever him in the nose" She may be thinking she's fooling everyone all the time... but she's not. JM has allowed her to show her 'true colors' and I feel he has done a brilliant job on this case! I can't wait to see what he does next! MOO
Is there a exhibit of a map and her travels entered into evidence?

I hope so... Because all the talk of miles, directions, destinations don't really mean much without seeing it. To me anyway.

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Anyone remember Lorena Bobbitt?

Lorena was a spectacular actress or she felt great remorse. IMO it was her performance in the end that got her off. IMO

I'm so thankful Jodi is neither a good actress nor is she remorseful in any way shape or form.

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I agree. You can bet she thinks she is though. She probably sits in her cell every night having delusional fantasies of herself being acquitted, winning an Oscar, and being surrounded by cheering throngs of fans.
I wonder if any of the jurors will preface their questions with "Yes or No!"

this is going to be utterly fascinating.

maybe there should be a thread "Questions I would ask Jodi if I were a juror."

You are absolutely right! That would be a hoot if done. Think I'll check in the legal thread to see how evasive juror questions are followed up in AZ as we have a couple of Arizona lawyers in that thread.
Is it just me or has JA seemed to age about 5 years just in the course of this trial? I am in the camp of people who thought she was quite attractive (sorry) but now to me she is at best plain and at worst , well, herself.

The only day I saw a glimmer of her old "bombshell" self come out was the first day of cross examination and it appeared, to me she had more makeup on, her eyebrows were different, her hair was different and a little sexier and I think it was all for Juan Martinez' benefit in some kind of Jodi-style seduction attempt.
okay so I feel like she was downstairs looking through T's stuff...working herself into a rage...looking at vacation photos and his emails to Mimi and their plans...

yes..she wanted him to suffer and cry and beg...she controlled him initially with the gun...

who would stab someone in the head? my god....

Jodi is in for a huge shock....she is never going to see the light of day...she will be in solitary...there will be no doubt in the Jury's mind.

I hope she flip's the F out....haha Jodi...should have listened to what your mama told you about right and wrong.
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