jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #65 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Can someone please point me to the video where you saw her peeking out from her faux crying hair curtain in some kind of a grin? I missed it. gracias
I think on Dateline the lady author says Travis turning 30 was a huge part of all this. Thirty is the last year he can stay in his wards Singles group. At 31 you must go into another, older group. He wanted to quit wasting time with Jodi and find someone to marry.

Apparently, he went to his bishop to repent for the sexual dalliances. He was really trying
I from Rotan, TX.....cattle and cotton. Tumbleweeds and sandstorms. Have about 1,200 acres of cotton farms and 1,300 acres of cattle/horse ranch.

Can't top any of you. I'm from Kentucky, and all we have is the Derby :blush:
But it's sure fasinating to hear/read about all the different States and people that are here, together with the same purpose ~
IDK what I believe about the gun. So many here have come up some logical reasons that I just can't do more than say that in my gut it was at the end, after she got him into the shower. The expert testified very little blood pooling in the brain, so he was close to or deceased at the time . My thought, while never having been around a dying person, is that possibly their were noises even after she stabbed him and cut the throat. She mistook that as him still being alive not that he was dying. And shot him to make that happen. All my :twocents: I really don't think we will ever know and honestly my brain is in circles at this point. If it weren't for an earlier posting by a WS regarding the layout of the bathroom/bedroom/closet/hall I would still be scratching my head on it.


I agree that we will probably never know the whole story, and I agree with the shot being last. However, I can't get her statement to Det. Flores out of my head where she said she 'chickened out like a little b**ch" I still feel that she fully intended to shoot herself after she killed Travis, but she couldnt go through with it. She 'chickened out' and out of frustration and anger that she couldn't bring herself to go through with it, she stood over Travis...pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger. That's MY story and I'm sticking to it. MOO
I am very curious about the remote that she returned to DB. JM asked him what she returned but didn't question him further. Can JM bring DB back?

I'm also very curious about MM's friend. She stated that she crashed at MM's on the floor and that MM's friend was there. Who is that friend and why have neither of these people testified?

One last one, why did she say "we" twice while describing her trip from Redding to Monterey. Was someone else with her for that leg of the trip???
I think JA may have disposed of the gun and knife somewhere between TA's house and or in Hoover Dam area.

But, due to no smoke smell noted on JA or in her car, I believe the burning of her murder garments happened after her visit to the SLC UT area, while on her way back to Yreka (or wherever she returned the rental car.) This was a ballsy move of her part also because she invited/encouraged the LE stop near West Jordan UT with her flipped license plate while having bloody clothes and blood stained seats in the car. JMO

ETA: I'll bet those car floor mats, if she burned them, probably stunk to high heaven.
I agree that we will probably never know the whole story, and I agree with the shot being last. However, I can't get her statement to Det. Flores out of my head where she said she 'chickened out like a little b**ch" I still feel that she fully intended to shoot herself after she killed Travis, but she couldnt go through with it. She 'chickened out' and out of frustration and anger that she couldn't bring herself to go through with it, she stood over Travis...pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger. That's MY story and I'm sticking to it. MOO

She never intended to kill herself ever!

She kept postponing it....girls got priorities!

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My 15 year old has watched much of this trial for a crime scene investigation class he's taking. This and our ongoing dialogue, I'm quite certain he's well informed and armed.

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I think the problem is more so the stigma for a man to report and the way society can tend to trivialize male victims of abuse by females due to women being perceived as less capable to physically harm a man IMO.

I watched this interesting ABC hidden camera report where a male and female actor pretending to have a physical altercation in public where one was the aggressor, and then the roles were reversed.

When it was the male being hit, people walked by, one woman fist pumped, and when asked afterwards in a panel most observers assumed he did something to deserve it.

Here's the clip.
Is it just me or has JA seemed to age about 5 years just in the course of this trial? I am in the camp of people who thought she was quite attractive (sorry) but now to me she is at best plain and at worst , well, herself.

The only day I saw a glimmer of her old "bombshell" self come out was the first day of cross examination and it appeared, to me she had more makeup on, her eyebrows were different, her hair was different and a little sexier and I think it was all for Juan Martinez' benefit in some kind of Jodi-style seduction attempt.

She looks terrible. Karma! Once upon a time, her looks were her meal ticket. It must disgust her to look in the mirror. I cringe when I see people post that she's 'hot' Takes all kinds to make the world go 'round.
I still am behind on watching all of yesterday's cross examination and was just wondering: Regarding the shower photo of Travis that shows him with a shocked, surprised expression on his face, was this brought out in the trial yesterday? I was just curious as to what JA's excuse would be for that one.
In this group of photos, it's the one with the 5:27:18 time stamp.

If I was a juror my question to Jodi would be if you were dressed and leaving at that time, and it was 100 degrees outside in that area, why were you wearing black socks and long jogging pants? perhaps that is why the shocked look on his face was because he saw her outside the shower dress like that. and possibly with a knife or gun in 1 hand and Camera in the other.

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I think the problem is more so the stigma for a man to report and the way society can tend to trivialize male victims of abuse by females due to women being perceived as less capable to physically harm a man IMO.

I watched this interesting ABC hidden camera report where a male and female actor pretending to have a physical altercation in public where one was the aggressor, and then the roles were reversed.

When it was the male being hit, people walked by, one woman fist pumped, and when asked afterwards in a panel most observers assumed he did something to deserve it.

Here's the clip.

Thank you button wasn't enough. Going to start that conversation today! It too will be an on going one;)

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I don't quite know where else to put this so putting it here.

I purchased two "Thank You" cards for Beth Karas yesterday. One from me and one from the WSers to give her on Monday.

I do think it's her last day working for In Session...I'm not sure what happens with her after that w/ this trial but I'll find out. Not even sure if she knew last Thursday.

I'm also driving to Sedona for the weekend and going to find her a beautiful necklace that represents AZ. Turquoise probably. She wears alot of necklaces so I'll find something that seems in her style. I will post a photo of it here after I get it.

If you guys want me to either make this a WS thank you gift or want me to pick up something else just let me know. I 'm ok going either way with it...I just need to have something special in my hand to give her on Monday. 19 years and the end of an era.

The card I got her for the WS community says this:

"The kindest hearts
expect no reward
and deserve
it all the more"

"You give so much of yourself
in the kindness you show
and the lives you touch.
That's why you deserve a heartfelt "thank you"
and a wish that all the goodness you share
comes back to you"

Any ideas on how to sign this appreciated. I will just figure it out but want to capture the right sentiment.

Sigh....I'm in denial but I'm just so sad about this. I believe she will be snapped up somewhere but...dayum...
otto: They did some sexual role playing. Did she tell him that she was going to play the role of the insane woman attacking the man in the shower ... Hitchcock shower scene re-enactment with a gun that looked like a toy gun.
I wondered about this possibility and mentioned they may have been role-playing several thread back. I think this might have been how Jodi was able to get so close to defensless Travis with the knife.
Can anyone tell me the time stamp of when the pictures of Travis were taken on the bed? Also am I correct in thinking that the Jodi pictures were taken at about 1:30pm? TIA I really have a hard time believing that Travis would willing let Jodi take naked pictures of him that day. In Jodi's own words (yeah I know she lies) he wouldn't of let her take pictures of him in the shower, why then would he let her take pictures of him like that on his bed?
She never intended to kill herself ever!

She kept postponing it....girls got priorities!
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We may never know what really happened in that bathroom. :banghead:
I think JA may have disposed of the gun and knife somewhere between TA's house and or in Hoover Dam area.

But, due to no smoke smell noted on JA or in her car, I believe the burning of her murder garments happened after her visit to the SLC UT area, while on her way back to Yreka (or wherever she returned the rental car.) This was a ballsy move of her part also because she invited/encouraged the LE stop near West Jordan UT with her flipped license plate while having bloody clothes and blood stained seats in the car. JMO

With as much blood as there was upstairs, I have such a hard time figuring out how she got out without leaving it downstairs, wherever she went.

Obviously she takes bloody towels and camera and puts them in washer. Were there drips everywhere? I noted there were some labeled on the washer itself.

There had to be a bag of some nature as others are batting around. Obviously she changed clothes and cleaned up. Did Ryan say what she was wearing when she showed up at his place?

There is a missing piece somewhere. If she put everything in a bag, maybe its in the landfill after she dumped in a dumpster somewhere. When she stopped for food, noticed a dumpster and put in there, especially in the middle of the night? That bag has her clothes, the gun, the knife, the supposed rope?

I don't quite know where else to put this so putting it here.

I purchased two "Thank You" cards for Beth Karas yesterday. One from me and one from the WSers to give her on Monday.

I do think it's her last day working for In Session...I'm not sure what happens with her after that w/ this trial but I'll find out. Not even sure if she knew last Thursday.

I'm also driving to Sedona for the weekend and going to find her a beautiful necklace that represents AZ. Turquoise probably. She wears alot of necklaces so I'll find something that seems in her style. I will post a photo of it here after I get it.

If you guys want me to either make this a WS thank you gift or want me to pick up something else just let me know. I 'm ok going either way with it...I just need to have something special in my hand to give her on Monday. 19 years and the end of an era.

The card I got her for the WS community says this:

"The kindest hearts
expect no reward
and deserve
it all the more"

"You give so much of yourself
in the kindness you show
and the lives you touch.
That's why you deserve a heartfelt "thank you"
and a wish that all the goodness you share
comes back to you"

Any ideas on how to sign this appreciated. I will just figure it out but want to capture the right sentiment.

Sigh....I'm in denial but I'm just so sad about this. I believe she will be snapped up somewhere but...dayum...

That's so thoughtful! I'm honored to "know" you!

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I'm a 30 year old male and can attest to this being correct.

Thank-you for this. I think for many young men today it has still got to be true that they like a challenge. And that they will respect a woman who waits to get to know them before having sex.

Having something to look forward to is always wonderful. With young people that just jump right into the sex they are missing out on all the sweet anticipation..all the longing..the yearning.
For me, all that made the sex, when it finally happened, so much better. A long slow build up was always what I liked.

My mom gave me a great piece of advice that helped me in my twenties . She always said that sex itself can create “romantic” feelings in a woman that can mimic the feelings of love. Often women feel they are in love with a man after they have been having sex, whereas they may not have felt that way if they had left sex out of it. In short, if you want to trust your feelings of “am I in love?” then you probably should leave sex out of it until you are sure.
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