jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #61 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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He needs to follow up showing her the photos with the interview with her begging to see them out of morbid curiosity. That would be extremely effective.

I agree! When she refuses to look at the photos on the stand he needs to say "Well you weren't always so hesitant to look at these photos, were you? What happened to your 'morbid curiousity'?!"

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy sIII (so please excuse the typos!)
I missed Jodi walking off the witness stand, anyone get a screen shot of her angrily crossing her arms?
I am confused. Did Jodi purposely take a picture of Travis after she killed him?

I didn't see any tears, personally. It (I mean she) started sniffling and covered its (i mean her) face, but when it got up I didn't see any tears on its face.

She can't empathize with anyone other than herself.
She broke down because she finally got it that her story does not work and Juan is going to call her on it.
Oh you didn't bring your sacked lunch today? Your head hurts? Let's adjourn for the day, MissA. Oh, are these pictures upsetting you? You don't like looking at your handiwork? Let's take an early lunch for you. If you have any other problems, I'm right here to your left. Just ring this dinner bell and call me ma'am, don't bother with formalities like "Judge". Whatever the court can do to serve you, madam defendant.

Did Juan Martinez miss it when JA said that while Travis was in the shower and she was kneeling/crouched down outside taking photos that Travis and her would look at the photo and were deleting them. Well which of the two is deleting the photos? The wet one under the shower head or the one holding the blasted camera taking photos from the outside of the shower where the water won't damage the camera?
Fake crying jag 100% .. He's got her though, she is absolutely toast. Demean a woman, why not bring it on.

Who is the host on HLN right now? He's not too bad ..
Oh, I think that was a real breakdown and real tears, but it's not because Travis is dead. She's crying for herself because she has been exposed as a monster and there's no way out of it.
I don't give a poo that she's crying. She did that. All of that. Every stab.

If I was on that jury I would want her to be confronted with all 28 stab wounds and the neck wound. I don't care if she cries. Make her look at them. Let her lie and say she doesn't remember doing it. Just make her accountable.
Those photos just don't lie. What she did was pure evil and vicious. Thats all we need to remember.
Actually call me naive but I had no idea she actually took the picture of him laying dead in the shower. I thought the police did it.

That is a crime scene photo from the police. He wanted her to point out where she was standing to take her photos- in that photo. He did it to get a reaction. It worked!
She is not crying! The hands are to hide the fact that there are NO TEARS!

I disagree, I could hear actual snotage being pulled back up the nose. Is she crying for TA or herself is the only question, JMO
Oh I do think that JA will cry real tears once she realizes she didn't win this game! She has to win! Once she realizes in that cold broken heart of hers....she is going to sob that Jodi couldn't save Jodi.
She is not crying! The hands are to hide the fact that there are NO TEARS!

and those fingers were perfect for about 15 seconds until she realized that both hands were in plain view for all to see...then of course she separated her fingers and bent the ring finger....not sure how she does that my my hubby is double jointed in his fingers and he can make then look totally disjointed. :waitasec:
I predict that when the lunch break is over, Nurmi will request a weekend recess until next week.

I hope you are wrong, but can see it so Juan does not get to leave the jury with the murder in their minds.
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