jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #61 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Hi. Can somebody here please tell me just how late today (central time conversion, please :) ) the testimony may go??? I have only been able to view a few hours of the past couple days' testimony, so do not know how late in the day the judge could end testimony for the day. tyia

Nurmi's "drop dead" time request was 4:30 MM.

So 5:30 central time?
Expert in body language talking on Insession, says that those were not real tears, her actions were "I'm caught", actions.
I disagree. I think that he KNEW that she was right and he was wrong, and was doing to provoke her indignation. And set up for something later............ :moo: He's toooooooooo smart to play something FIVE TIMES! for something this trivial. He's never done that I'm thinking he MUST have something up his sleeve...... I trust that he does. We'll see!

He may have been testing what she looks like/reacts like when she is actually right vs. when she's lying.

Somebody, even if it is 'the people' are paying him to do a job. I dount they know or believe that all of their clients are guilty.

At some point somebody has to do it. In my opinion knowing he tried to get out of it makes me feel better about him.


I can agree with that. What I don't agree with is Defense attorneys making up stories and presenting them as fact in order to defend someone. Everyone is entitled to a defense attorney, but I don't feel everyone is entitled to a fantasy defense! This is what I see happening more and more.
The atty. can say that the client told them so and so, but I truly believe some of their so and so's were directly suggested by their entitled defense attorneys!

They should not be allowed to stand in court and lie, it's just not right.
All imo, of course.
adding ~ I want to see the facts without having to work so hard myself to figure out what they are.
Do you think defense attorneys ever feel remorse for the pain they cause victim's families, especially when they know their client is guilty of the crime? Or is the almighty dollar that important to them?

Sorry to bump this up but as a DT I thought I would answer. Yes, for me and my colleagues it can be very tough to know what the family and friends or victim experienced. Many of us have areas we just don't practice in because it's too disturbing. At the end of the day most of us do what we do to make sure that we all have our rights protected and it's not our place to decide who dersrves a defense and who doesn't. That's how some innocent people ended up in jail or even on the "row." Their attorneys were so convinced of their client's guilt that they didn't bother to put up much of a fight.

For me, I atone for my being a DT by volunteering to help Domestic Violence Victims get custody arrangements or divorces when they can't afford representation and I also represent victims when they are having a difficult time navigating through the criminal justice system.

We aren't all bad. I promise!!!
This is the first youtube update from this am! NOTE: Just the end of it..........


I've been trying to reply but keep getting booted!
My post was about the defense lawyer's style of questioning.
The style puts me in an emotional state (stomach churning) where I can't stay in/use my head as I react to his tone and body language (like JA has stated is her reaction). The way he restates what she didn't say ~ (so you were two feet outside the shower?, when she said it was a little further so as not to get the camera wet. He then repeates, so you were two feet outside the shower?) ends up causing confusion and frustration with the lawyer within me. Some jurors may be having this reaction too.

The jurors will calm down by the time deliberations begin. Ugh, my booted first response was much clearer.

Keep in mind, I'm one of the rare ones who thought KC's prosecution blew it - my gut instincts may mean something or they may not.
Just adding my :twocents:
Well apparently you were right on that one. After my emotions settled, I rewatched part of the trial, and caught myself cringing at Jeff Ashton. A lot. Don't get me wrong, I respect the heck out of him, but I did at times think "what the heck is he doing" and "he's not actually making a point".

Sorry for the OT.
She is only crying for herself, imo. :seeya:

Isn't it interesting how her defence lawyer objects to ridiculous points, however, lets Juan continue asking these questions with no objection.

IMO, Jodi's defence is telling her to put on her best performance for sympathy. Jodi and her team knew these questions would be coming today and note how Jodi's eyes are looking very hooded today, no make-up, etc., so that she is looking like the vulnerable little girl.

I :please: this jury knows the shape of the world!!!!!

Yep, lots of us Atlanta folks for that trial that can have Katie as the standard (augh, she is GREAT!)

So far,

Forensic Femme
you and me!

We'll even find a rooftop place for post trial...Eddie's attic is a block away!!

I'll definitely follow the trial, but I'm in the Dallas area. :) I'll enjoy a TX sized drink for y'all!!
Jodi says, "That's not what I said."
Jodi says, "That's not what I said."
Jodi says, "That's not what I said."
Jodi says, "That's not what I said."

Guess we all didn't hear her say that Travis had one foot in the shower and one foot out of shower when he body slammed her.

Thankfully though she seems to remember a whole lot more.
I see Jodi's crying (or attempts to cry) today as being out of frustration. She killed this guy, lied about it for over 4 years, and now has been cross examined by Juan for several days.

She may be amping it up to obtain sympathy, but she's already admitted to killing him. I don't think it really matters if she cries or not.

And for women, crying can be caused by many emotions, so given what she is talking about, and the situation she is currently in (on trial for her life), I would actually be more surprised if she didn't show any emotion at all.

She also is not in control at this point, and that would be another factor adding to her frustration.

I think you nailed it EXACLY!

I gave it thought and realize I sometimes cry when I'm in a heated argument - because I'm frustrated and very likely have lost control of the fight and frustrated over that. Because its physically and emotionally draining to maintain control over a heated debate. Juan is more practiced at this. His stamina is holding up better. He is getting frustrated too, but it isn't taking the physical toll that it is on Jodi.
I've been trying to reply but keep getting booted!
My post was about the defense lawyer's style of questioning.
The style puts me in an emotional state (stomach churning) where I can't stay in/use my head as I react to his tone and body language (like JA has stated is her reaction). The way he restates what she didn't say ~ (so you were two feet outside the shower?, when she said it was a little further so as not to get the camera wet. He then repeates, so you were two feet outside the shower?) ends up causing confusion and frustration with the lawyer within me. Some jurors may be having this reaction too.

The jurors will calm down by the time deliberations begin. Ugh, my booted first response was much clearer.

Keep in mind, I'm one of the rare ones who thought KC's prosecution blew it - my gut instincts may mean something or they may not. Just adding my :twocents:

I feel the exact same way woebegone, for the same reasons. I said the other day that Jodi's testimony is hard for me to watch. The reason is because of the questioning, though. I can't see how she can possibly get away with this given all the actual evidence. But if the case depended on her testimony on cross, I think there's a good chance she would get convicted of a much lesser charge, if that's even possible under AZ law where the charges are 1st degree or felony murder.
Hi. Can somebody here please tell me just how late today (central time conversion, please :) ) the testimony may go??? I have only been able to view a few hours of the past couple days' testimony, so do not know how late in the day the judge could end testimony for the day. tyia

Supposed to stop at 4:30 Mountain time. :) Ooops, that's 5:30pm Central.
I read why he tried to get removed from the case, but it was not due to her. I 'll find it. I was hoping it was, but it was not. I think it had to do with his wanting another case.. I'll find it

IIRC it was because he was in the process of opening a private practice and this trial would take a great deal of time and effort. Ultimately, the court made him stay on the case, but to avoid a conflict of interest granted him $225.00 an hour to work on the case instead of public defender salary.

(I wonder if Wilmot is public defender? If so, I wonder how it feels to sit there on a public defender's salary while Nurmi pulls in $225.00 per hour.)
I am confused. Did Jodi purposely take a picture of Travis after she killed him?

I didn't see any tears, personally. It (I mean she) started sniffling and covered its (i mean her) face, but when it got up I didn't see any tears on its face.

She can't empathize with anyone other than herself.

That is what I was surprised about. It no longer surprises me now what she has done :banghead: That evil person is capable of anything.
oh wow I just heard JA say she was wearing clothes when she was taking the photo of Travis, I missed that the first time
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