jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #63 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I am putting myself in a time out :chillout:
I need a hug.

Here you go

Oh, and don't worry ----> I am sure Mike is fine, but I don't know how Nurmi got his purple shirt.............:what: :)waitasec: too much crime watch, right?)
What has that got to do with her demonstrating his head with the left side up?

We know he was shot in the right side of the head.

She has the right side of his head facing the floor.

She was trying to make his position fit the forensics but she got it wrong. Too Bad!

Actually, she could have shot him in the right side of the head, but the trajectory of the bullet would be wrong.
No, I don't think Travis had any kind of mental illness at all. I think he was pretty much straight arrow Mormon who was discouraged about not finding his soulmate and fell into the hands of a succubus. I think he was trying to get away from her and straighten out his life.

You may have been confused about my sons. I have nine children. The first four were boys, then five girls. One of my sons (now deceased) was a violent psychopath, a beautiful handsome young man with a terrible anger that started at birth. Shortly after he died (drugs/alcohol/failure to call 911), the next son suffered a psychotic break followed by multiple hospitalizations, 13 suicide attempts and a long slow road to mostly independent living. He is fully disabled with schizophrenia/bipolar and I fix lunch for him every day and help him manage his life. He will never have a career, wife or children.

The only thing similar to Travis Alexander and my son was their age and the compassion I feel for his grandmother and his siblings. This morning I cried thinking about them preparing for what they would hear at trial today. Their lives are changed forever because of this tragedy and even justice cannot lift the weight.

The world is a darker place with Jody Arias in it. LWOP is too good for her because I saw how much my son loved prison and the attention he got in there. He was a big shot there and a loser on the outside. He wanted to go back!!! The thought of Arias being a celebrity in prison makes me sick. I want to think of her rarely in the future and when I do, I want to picture her on Death Row getting out for one hour a day to exercise in a cement square with a handkerchief of blue sky to look at far overhead. Day after day after day.

Thanks was just not enough. I appreciate your insight and experience. You are so right about the attention in prison-I have seen this dynamic and it is so maddening! I hadn't thought of that aspect of JA getting LWOP. The thought of her being bigshot around prison is indeed disgusting.
Can all of the lies and deliberate cover-up after the murder be seen as a part of pre-meditation? Sort of as an overall plan?

After the murder would be a cover up, which she admitted to on the stand.
This Susan Moss (on NG) is an SNL parody.

She IS a living parody - she could play herself on SNL.

I wish she wouldn't shout and rhyme. I don't get how that does anything positive for her. I thought she made a good point once (I think), but her gimmicks are so distracting what she says gets lost.
Jodi quickly tires of places, people and things. DP would be too easy on her.

I want her to live a very long life in a boring little cage, a routine life decade after decade. No life long friends. Nobody to mesmerize.

She would be living that if she received the death penalty. The appeals take so many years but she would at least be isolated from other prisoners and not be as much of a danger.

She is the type that could convince someone else to commit a crime for her.
It doesn't matter which hand she held the gun in because she held it straight out in front of her.

ETA: according to her testimony.

And she said she held it with both hands. Which makes the trajectory of her shot even more suspect.
I just want to say how very sad I am that humans can be so violent. I dedicate my life to teach NVC (Google it :) but, I don't know...can it reach the likes of a Jodi Arias? I think of less violent sociopaths/psychopaths/personality disordered individuals and...heck, politicians and TH's and then I think, I just can't police the Universe. But if I could just have one superpower... ::: heavy sigh::::::
You had to notice how clearly she answered questions while pretending to weep uncontrollably.

I think others have noted this as well.

If I knew how to post side by side pics, I would post a pic of Jodi today after balling her eyes out, and the one shown of her after coming out of chambers. There is a marked difference, that shows she was not crying today.
oops! Newbie error I origonally posted msg below in court observer's thread by mistake due to flaky tablet with 2 tabs open :blushing: here it is where it belongs :)


I'm not joking with this. I honestly believe her shaky, spaced out act today during cross was meant to give credence to the shaky Chiuaua behaviour she claims to display when mean men (like scary prosecutors and TA) are mean to her
I have been reading since the trial began but just finally got registered. You guys are great and really help to clear up things I am so confused about.
Actually, she could have shot him in the right side of the head, but the trajectory of the bullet would be wrong.

No, that's really impossible. It entered through his right temple and lodged in his cheek. Downward motion. No entry wound in the cheek. That trajectory is pretty clear.
She would be living that if she received the death penalty. The appeals take so many years but she would at least be isolated from other prisoners and not be as much of a danger.

She is the type that could convince someone else to commit a crime for her.
Yeah DR is NOT our current system it takes years for it to happen. While they are waiting it is 23 hours in, one hour out, teensy little cell, very little contact with others. GP is what would be too easy on her. At least on DR she would have no one to talk to or manipulate other than herself. Or the wall. Her bed maybe.
Do the jurors get to see close ups of Jodi's face as we do watching online? Do you think they caught her smile while crying?

Anyone know what time and what YouTube video to catch this on??
Sadly for TA, I'm now thinking that he did call out, scream for help, got confused. Her "ninja" story is the closest we will ever get to the truth. She stabbed or shot him and he didn't go down. He might have been incapable of understanding what happened to him and may well have asked her to go and get help (not understanding her intent or what had happened)...I believe her "ninja" story more than I believe her now.



It is truly sickening to imagine that at some point, when he was close to death and completely confused (and probably not able to actually believe that Jodi was trying to kill him), he asked her to go and get help.

I hope that Juan spends p-l-e-n-t-y of time in his closing arguments describing this horrific act to the jurors so that it remains front and center in their minds and they will have no confusion about any of this self-defense nonsense.
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