jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #63 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I predict a mistrial or acquittal. Juan botched the case on cross for the most part.

1. He didn't establish a credible motive. No focus whatsoever on the May 26th text exchange (where he was very mean to her) and no attempt to link it to the May 28th "burglary". He seems to think that cancun crap is enough. It isn't.

2. No attempt to refute her claim that Travis guilted her into seeing him. Juan could have pointed out the flurry of phone calls she made to him on June 3rd to undermine her lies.

3. Never properly pointed out the inconsistency of her sexual talk and fantasies and her claims of being raped during the relationship. She claims she was anally raped in 2007. When describing this she pretended to act like she was raped, by pausing, crying, etc. Yet, just a little while later she's exploring her sexual fantasies with him, requesting facials and wanting to frak him like a "horny little school girl". Juan should have pointed out how far-fetched it was for a rape victim to continue to engage in mutual, enjoyable, kinky sexual relationship with her rapist. This would have crushed her whole "sexual abuse" crap. I don't feel that Juan made this point clearly enough.

4. He had her cornered on the rope issue. She bungled by admitting that she had no reason for throwing the rope away. Juan could have pointed out that "reason". The rope was imaginary -- conjured up to explain the knife's close proximity to the crime scene -- and her lie about throwing it in the dumpster was made up to explain why no rope was recovered.

5. The gun!!! He had her here too. All he had to ask was;

Juan: Isn't it true that the reason you disposed of the gun was because it didn't belong to Travis but to your grandparent and you knew that leaving it at the scene would have further implicated you?

There are other things, but these stick out the most.

And JM didn't mention that she had to remember to also take the piece or pieces of rope she says Travis cut off in the bathroom earlier!
I hope in his closing he tells the Jury whether they decide the gunshot came first or the knifewounds it is still premeditated murder and show them how that works for either scenario.

Did he try to do that for the knife part in what I missed today?
Re: the laughing vs crying. To be honest, I can't tell. If you are making your crying face, and all others can see is your cheeks and teeth, it could look like you are smiling/laughing, so as much as I hate JA, I can't say that I am sure that she was laughing in that moment. I think it's easy to project that onto her because of how much we loathe her and because of the type of person she is, but again, I just can't say without being able to see her entire face, vs just her cheeks and teeth.

I do think she was really crying, because real tears were falling, but I also don't think that that matters. It makes her look a touch better than the typical sociopath, but that can just be acting. Her ACTIONS that day, and the days following, heck even the days leading up (stealing the gun, all of he preparation and thought put into the road trip), tells me all I need to know about her. Crocodile tears or no croc tears. She needs to spend the rest of her days under lock and key because with her possessive, obsessive, stalker sociopathic personality, no one is safe with this nut on the loose.

A couple of years ago when my New York Jets were making a playoff run, this rapper wrote an anthem for the team called "J.E.T.S (Put Your Arms Out)" to get the team and fans amped up. It was all over New York radio stations and was pretty darn funny but here's a picture of the rap "artist" apparently channeling his inner linebacker (JA style):

Can't believe I actually "thanked" a post that referenced the JETS. lol
And yes, I ONCE was a fan. :(
Oh, and I thought she said she remembered up until a little bit after the gunshot? So, why when JM asked her if she was crying when she shot TA, she said she couldn't remember instead of no? I guess she slipped up on that one.
That's her shoe! ?

No. That's Travis' back. The blood streaks down his back line up with the blood streaks in the other photo with JA's foot/black sock in the foreground. His head is out of view, but is facing to the left.
What I don't understand ( and I don't think the jury will, either) is if she was in the closet and he ran from the bathroom after her, into the closet, how did she get back in the bathroom before he did in order to point the gun at him and tell him to stop?
there is a popular rap song w the lines

superman that ho, it means ejaculate on her back. all these pics of them with their arms out keep reminding me of the dance that goes w the song.

it is by soulja boy....

just watch the video for a sec... lol

[ame=""]Soulja Boy Tell'em - Crank That (Soulja Boy) - YouTube[/ame]
Some of the things I thought were really interesting today were when he talked a little about how things might have been how she perceived them, but not actually how they were. For example when she talks about him standing over her after he body slammed her, she says she wasn't looking at him and didn't see that he was crouching down to grab her but assumed he was. Of course we know she didn't see it because it didn't happen, but I thought it was interesting that JM said "Well if you weren't looking at him, how do you know he wasn't just trying to help you up and apologize?"

Then he points out that she talked about how he was in such great shape but somehow couldn't catch up to her when she rolled to the side, got up and ran even though she was dressed and he was apparently already standing over her and probably could've grabbed her shirt...if this were a real story.

I think the picture with the dimensions of the room was a big deal. When you look at that, it just doesn't make sense to run to the right and end up in the closet when you can run to the left and get away. If the guy is naked is he really going to chase you outside? He also gets her to say that when she slammed the door, he didn't have his foot or hand in the door, she was able to slam the door all the way so by the time he got to the door he had to open it. Really? She can run that fast after having the wind knocked out of her? Tile hurts to fall on. A body slam would mess you up!

Okay, if I were to try and get something that small off of the top shelf of my closet which is about as high as his were, I highly doubt I'd be able to just jump up once and grab it. If I knew where it was, I would probably still have to feel around for a few seconds to find what I was looking for especially if I'm stressed out. If he actually had a gun and saw her going for that, I don't think she would've made it out of the closet even. I know it isn't a true story, I guess I'm just kind of thinking out loud here and hoping that the jury is thinking about these things too.
The bullet did not enter his temple according to the ME's report. It entered his forehead just above his right eyebrow. In her demonstration she tried to show that his head was up with a leftward tilt to make it match the ME's report. When a linebacker (her description) charges, they have their head down because they are close enough to their target to know where it is without having to look up.

She failed epically in her attempt to portray his supposed charging stance. Other than the few cuts on her hand she did not receive any other injuries or bruises. He supposedly picked her up and body slammed her on a tile floor and then he charged headlong into her from a running charge causing her to fall backwards on the tile floor with him, and his added weight on top of her, yet all she got were a few cuts on her hand. Travis had numerous defensive wounds in addition to those she intentionally inflicted on his body like the 29 stab and slash wounds, slashed throat and bullet to his head. If she was in a fight for her life, like she claims, she would have many, many more injuries to her body. The only one that was in a fight for his life was Travis and sadly he lost.

but if she shoots him in the left side of the head how does the bullet go into his left cheek from the right side of his head to match the ME?

The leftward tilt means she would shoot him in the left side of the head and it would end up in the right cheek which is not what happened.
Re: the laughing vs crying. To be honest, I can't tell. If you are making your crying face, and all others can see is your cheeks and teeth, it could look like you are smiling/laughing, so as much as I hate JA, I can't say that I am sure that she was laughing in that moment. I think it's easy to project that onto her because of how much we loathe her and because of the type of person she is, but again, I just can't say without being able to see her entire face, vs just her cheeks and teeth.

I do think she was really crying, because real tears were falling, but I also don't think that that matters. It makes her look a touch better than the typical sociopath, but that can just be acting. Her ACTIONS that day, and the days following, heck even the days leading up (stealing the gun, all of he preparation and thought put into the road trip), tells me all I need to know about her. Crocodile tears or no croc tears. She needs to spend the rest of her days under lock and key because with her possessive, obsessive, stalker sociopathic personality, no one is safe with this nut on the loose.

Her crying or remorse would not matter to me if I was a juror after watching her for so many days being the smart *advertiser censored* that she was. She was beligerent, rude and totally disrespectful to the court. Her testimony all week showed that she was a combatant, and a know it all. She could cry a river and it wouldn't matter to me. jmo
I'm watching dr. Drew. His cohost should go back to the pageant system. An absolute knuckle head.

As to jodi's "crying" sociopaths/psychopaths well know how to turn on the water works to get out of a jam, manipulate others to loan them mOney or give them things, help them out, etc.

I am surprised by how many experts on tv seem to know little about these disorders. Psycho/sociopaths feel little anxiety. They don't panic. They don't become afraid. They are cocky, confident and believe they are smarter than everyone else.

I don't buy her crying jags for one moment.
Did he try to do that for the knife part in what I missed today?

I just saw him deal with Jodies story today which is the gunshot first and then the fog lol.

But Im concerned the Jury will stress over this and might give her the benefit of the doubt because of it.

I heard someone call the talking heads tonight and say it was a knife fight so it was self defense--like she had to protect herself from him with the knife. geez.
Whew! All my notes done over there on the other thread. If you get a chance please check out the email addresses for Beth Karas. I'm starting a letter writing campaign. Her last day officially should be this Monday (ugh! I'm in denial!) but ithink her staying on this trial is somewhat fluid. Let's bombard HLN with letters! And her!

I'm making a FB page too "Karas for Cases" (thanks A News Junkie!)

Just as a "cause" to help her land somewhere to keep reporting on trials. Someone has to see how popular she is! We need her!!!
Well we know she's NOT 5'5"1/2 - that's what she said under oath.

So she lied about an objective observable fact like her height in front of the jury who all know how tall they each are and can see her in plain sight every day compared to themselves, to her attorneys, to Juan, to the tables in the room, etc? And she took that opportunity to obviously and demonstrably undermine her credibility even more than it already has been because an inch or half inch difference in her height is critical to her story?

I think she's 5'5 1/2" ish. lol
Just something I have been thinking...I wonder if Jodi went to TA's to force him to reinstate their relationship (including taking her to Cancun) by coercing him via blackmail. That sex call was engineered to incriminate him. The photos taken on June 4th would show TA as not a pure Mormon virgin. Maybe she played that call for him, playfully in the office, maybe the CD's had dirty pix of their prior sex escapades. Maybe that was a lead-in to her ultimatum.

Perhaps during the shower she said "so now honey, see how good we are together? Take me to Cancun and be my bf." And he said no. When she took the last live shot (the inadvertent one of his lower half), she said "and now I can show that you were naked in the shower while I was here" (or something similar, you get my gist), and furthermore, you know that sex call and the nudie pix from this afternoon? Well guess what, I'm gonna expose you!" and TA blew up and said "this madness stops now."

Then, expecting that response, she slaughtered him as planned since he didn't acquiesce to her coercion.

You have just outlined the only defense that I would have believed and considered as self defense! I wanna choke her through the screen, so would justify :blushing: him coming at her and threatening to kill her. but.. but.. but.. the OVERKILL puts me back to nope, wouldn't even go that way. :moo:
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