jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #68*may contain graphic and adult content*

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I am really sick of Nurmi talking about what TA stuck in JA and where. I feel like Nurmi is acting like a perv. First nine days that's all we heard. She felt like used toilet paper. Then JM gets a hold of her and she says she ENJOYED it...and it showed in her demeanor that she actually did ENJOY it. She was believable. Today we are back to little miss innocent. I hope the jury knows how much JA is trying to scam them.
The next time I hear about that stupid finger it better be when Det. Flores is recalled to the stand during the states rebuttal case.

Really. They should let the finger go (that doesn't sound right). If no one ever mentioned the damned finger again she'd still be convicted based on all the rest of the evidence.

I know there's some issue about that palm print, and how it was her blood mixed with TA's. Well she could have had a bloody nose for all I care. What does it matter in the end? I couldn't believe she brought up the popsicle splint story again today. It's just laughable. We know, unfortunately, that DV victims often lie in the emergency room. So if she'd genuinely broken her finger, why not go to the ER with some story (we know her imagination works just fine)?

ETA: Didn't mean to sound critical of DV victims. They certainly have good reason to lie, because of their fear of incurring yet more violence. But it goes to show how NOT a victim JA is.
So what do you guys think? Did they make headway on the finger or is it just not enough? Like I said, it should all be moot because they all but proved that she simply could not have seen him masturbating that day, the day before he supposedly broke her finger. Not enough hours for that to happen. And why would he be beating her up for not loaning him money when he had just loaned her money the DAY BEFORE?
Shouldn't Jean be outside of a Florida Bankruptcy Court with her bff Mason???

She just sais that if Travis didn't want Jodi in Mesa why would he pay for her rental to get all her stuff there?

Dear Jean, there is no proof other than Jodi's word that Travis paid for the rental and you paid him back.
I am an attorney (not verified but can be). I don't know what AZ law says specifically on putting herself in harms way, I am in California. However, the issue is the degree of force. My understanding is that she didn't have a "duty to retreat" because she was there as an invitee (a legal term that just means she is there with permission). Self Defense is only justified if she used the degree of force commensurate with the threat against her. In other words - you can't shoot someone who is unarmed. She could only bodyslam him. The jury will get an instruction on this. I'll see if I can find the instruction.

The Judge mentioned that and she said once an attack/assault was made on Travis she is no longer considered an invited guest. That is why the Judge let the felony murder charge come in also.

So she did have a duty to retreat. Nurmi has wanted that omitted from the law but I dont think he will be successful.

They arent going to rewrite the laws for Jodi Arias.

I watched the 1957 movie of "12 Angry Men" last night. IMO, should be required introduction class to watch for juries on how to analytically discuss "EVIDENCE, deal with prejudice, and baggage the trial brings out in people. One great movie on how to process evidence!!!

My guess is he has only worked as a Public Defender and was picked as her Public Defender...He put some motion in to w/draw from it as i understand he was opening a Private Practice. So that is why they agreed to pay him the Private Practice rate of $225 / hr. and not the Public Defender Salary of $55,000 / Year... so Public Defender cases just don't pop up on google. Probably all pled out sex offenses.

Well, he sure is milking it!
I am an attorney (not verified but can be). I don't know what AZ law says specifically on putting herself in harms way, I am in California. However, the issue is the degree of force. My understanding is that she didn't have a "duty to retreat" because she was there as an invitee (a legal term that just means she is there with permission). Self Defense is only justified if she used the degree of force commensurate with the threat against her. In other words - you can't shoot someone who is unarmed. She could only bodyslam him. The jury will get an instruction on this. I'll see if I can find the instruction.

I found this jury instructions for Arizona.
sorry of this is a dup (posted on old thread) but is katiecoo in court today??
From Alyce's website:
"Women may hit their male partners, but infrequently batter them, because battering or abuse includes a pattern of coercion, intimidation and control, which is less frequently present in female-to-male aggression."

Today is my third anniversary at Websleuths. :)

She specifically testified that her head was NORTH--the diagram shows that could ONLY be towards the closet--NOT--west towards linen closet or south towards toilet room.

Jodi is the one that brought up the four cardinal of the world...must be her knowledge of territorial borders of her state..... hell we know she has no boundaries. She said her head was pointed south.
I am really sick of Nurmi talking about what TA stuck in JA and where. I feel like Nurmi is acting like a perv. First nine days that's all we heard. She felt like used toilet paper. Then JM gets a hold of her and says she ENJOYED it...and it showed in her demeanor that she actually did ENJOY it. She was believable. Today we are back to little miss innocent. I hope the jury knows how much JA is trying to scam them.

She was SMILING. Like she was enjoying thinking back on it.
Thanks everyone for explaining what Nurmi is doing. There for a moment I felt like he was smarter than me.:rocker:

Yes, Nurmi.....we understand what their sex life included; anal, vaginal, oral, hand, sleep, awake, happy, chair, bed, naughty,

I won't bag on his education, he has more than I have. But....I do think you are smarter.
I have a question. In one of the first days of direct I remember Jodi was about to say "Kill" as a figure of speech, but she caught herself and stumbled to find a replacement word. She made the sound of "k", then cut herself off. DID ANYONE ELSE NOTICE IT? DOES ANYONE KNOW DURING WHICH DAY IT HAPPENED? I really want to find it again. I was dying with laughter when I heard that.
Well that is what JM was getting at with his line of questioning, but her response was "[she could have gone the other way] if [she] was suicidal." She didn't explain that answer.

That IS what she said on cross, but on direct, she said,"I don't know why I didn't go out the (bedroom) door. The closet door was just open, so I went there."
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