jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #68*may contain graphic and adult content*

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I have a question. In one of the first days of direct I remember Jodi was about to say "Kill" as a figure of speech, but she caught herself and stumbled to find a replacement word. She made the sound of "k", then cut herself off. DID ANYONE ELSE NOTICE IT? DOES ANYONE KNOW DURING WHICH DAY IT HAPPENED? I really want to find it again. I was dying with laughter when I heard that.

She's done a lot of that. Once I think she said something like, "killed some time" or something to that effect. She does it mostly when Nurmi allows her to talk us to near death.

She is constantly putting her foot in her mouth. I remember her saying she wishes she could have made different decisions on June 4th. That opens the door for the jury to conclude she DID have options other than murdering Travis but she chose not to use them. Therefore, self defense is not a good defense.
Disclaimer: i believe she's lying and it was premeditated.

But her defense, as the experts emerge, will be that, after she "accidentally" shot him, he threatened to kill her and didn't stop pursuing her. Her last state of mind was therefore one of fear and a desire to defend herself. What followed was beyond her control as she blacked out or went into a sort of psychotic trance. There was never a conscious decision to kill or even harm in.

Thats not going to fly and I don't think the experts will be allowed to testify about what Jodi's state of mind was during the blackout
Anybody watching HLN? Vinnie and Mike just did a reenactment of the body-slam in the bathroom using a "dummy" Jodi. Hilarious!

links! And a link of vinnie imitating nurmi would be awesome too..
I watched the 1957 movie of "12 Angry Men" last night. IMO, should be required introduction class to watch for juries on how to analytically discuss "EVIDENCE, deal with prejudice, and baggage the trial brings out in people. One great movie on how to process evidence!!!


One of my favorite movies ever.
She just sais that if Travis didn't want Jodi in Mesa why would he pay for her rental to get all her stuff there?

Dear Jean, there is no proof other than Jodi's word that Travis paid for the rental and you paid him back.
For me even IF there is proof Travis did pay for the rental it does nothing to diminish my belief Jodi likely manipulated him to do so.

Fact is, unless there is irrefutable evidence of Travis personally requesting Jodi move to Mesa and physically in Cali helping to pack her belongings, I'm not buying it at all.

It's funny how on redirect we're being treated to so much new testimony. ;)
I just see the judge but she's very still, she's not moving?
This might have been brought up before (there are just toooo many posts to read every one of them), but LEGALLY speaking (lawyers, please!):

Hypothetically -

1) Let's say I am on the fence about her "self-defense" claim (which I am not, so don't bombard me - I personally don't buy it for a minute), and

2) JA was telling the truth on cross that it was just her "perception" that he was chasing her, although she never saw him, and

3) that she shot him first as she claims, although the gun accidentally going off while he's tackling her is iffy at best,

4) then isn't JA the aggressor, according to her version, since the only thing according to her story he did was throw her on the ground (with one foot in the shower) and she got away without him catching her, and Travis tackling her is HIS self-defense against the gun being pointed at him? How does that become HER self-defense?

Because at the point where she reaches the bedroom door without him near her, according to her claim, she could have turned left and ran out to safety. Doesn't her claim that she ran into the closet instead, allegedly putting her directly in harm's way, negate the self-defense issue?

I'd love to hear our lawyers' take on that....

I don't know if anyone caught this last week from JM but either accidentally or brilliantly he asked Jodi (after she said something to the effect that she wasn't looking at Travis after he initially attacked-- aka 'body-slammed' her) "then how do you know he wasn't trying to help you up!?!"
Something like that.

I wish he expounded a bit because Jodi said earlier that ---after Travis previously assaulted her he soon apologized.
Maybe after he 'body slammed' her....he had an epiphany to apologize!! (end sarcasm).

So yes, she WAS the aggressor any way you slice it.

Who thinks Jodi's terminology of 'body slam' came from watching too many UFC events with Travis? I know I would never use that term. Most people would say he threw me to the ground or words to that effect.

I can't watch Nurmi on Direct. He is mind numbing to say the least! Listening to him is like being punished for what Jodi did!!!!

I'll just wait for someone to recap today's scripted presentation.
Utter BS my DH's ex was an abuser .. he has numerous scars from bites and stab wounds. The house has scars too from when she smashed her way through the French doors and tore other doors right off the hinges. He's a biiig brawny guy too, and he wasn't the only one. Men don't like to hit back to defend themselves because they don't want to hit a woman no matter what she does.

Oh my gosh. That's terrible. Hope your DH has been able to heal from that.

JM will make mince-meat out of the defense witness.
I've been staring at her for a while and she's NOT blinking!
Jodi's finger has been through a lot.
She breaks glasses wherever she goes.
Jodi can look like she has a normal finger, or she can bend it funny.
See the pic of her bloody finger.
It's been sliced and diced, and still she manages to kill a man.

Is that what defense is getting at?

I mostly lurk, but had to interject something here. I too can do the very same thing with both of my ring fingers because they are double jointed!
I've seen it but never noticed the band-aids. I think that is one they used as an example of her hair color after the murder?

You should post more often!!

They're not band-aids. It's the bricks behind her hand but it does look like it at first.
I watched the 1957 movie of "12 Angry Men" last night. IMO, should be required introduction class to watch for juries on how to analytically discuss "EVIDENCE, deal with prejudice, and baggage the trial brings out in people. One great movie on how to process evidence!!!

One of my absolute favorite movies ever!!! It also scared me away from ever wanting to serve on a jury.
What's the delay again? Can't we be on time every time? Most of the time? Some of the time? *Sigh*
isn't this Alyce lady the one that Juan was speaking of when he said JA spoke about TA doing his thing with pics of little boys on the computer??
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