jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #69*may contain graphic and adult content*

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After all wasn't Ryan her Hotti Boscotti …:banghead:

She origianally called TA her Hotti Biscotti. IMO Ryan was to be TA's replacement... she had plans to murder her first Hotti Biscotti, hence the same "nick name" for Ryan Burns.
BBM - Perfectly said. I went through the same with my ex-husband. Nothing is ever good enough. The more you change and give in, the more they want. You lose yourself in the process and don't recognize the person you become. I thank God every night for giving me the strength to finally end it (and for my parents' support - without them I don't know how my life would've ended up).

I'm glad you got out, too! It is crazymaking to live with that--I remember it took me a long time to not feel like I had to do everything my mother demanded of me; As I got stronger, I could see how crazy she was and how I needed to get away.
Dr Glass now saying Travis wanted to RAPE Jodi on FB ... Sorry did someone mishear the recording? I think I've been disabled from making comments or everybody has or nobody has commented .. But COME ON!!!! Very glad she's not on the jury. Guess it shows that people may hear it that way however and have sympathy for JA.
No, I heard it too. It was on the edited sex tape and shown on screen , taken out of context.
Watch the trial online, you won't miss anything.
Dr. Lillian Glass holds a Ph.D. in Speech Pathology, and I hold her in high regard.
Beth Kara's on Dr Drew so I had to watch. I love Beth. Beth said "I have had enough! So imagine how the jurors feel.". Ditto.

That was an amusing comment by Beth. Hopefully the Jurors have had enough of this.........(nonsense).

Brian Carr is an imbecile...plain and simple. He is a media w*o*e and enjoying his 15 minutes of fame. He also probably actually thinks that he has a chance to sleep with Jodi when this is all said and done. He's a complete waste of air!

And a waste of skin.
Then we have to hope that person is an alternate. lol

Or caves when yelled at!

I'm telling ya...if I were a juror on this case...I could see it getting REALLY heated in deliberations ....if someone bought her nonsense!
IMO, it's because she always sides with the defense in all the trials she covers. No matter how absurd it is, or how illogical a leap, she'll usually agree. She's obviously playing a role, so I don't think she's a good analyst at all, because she's not really being honest; she's doing what she's paid to do, which is to stir up ratings. As a result I'm indifferent to her opinions. I think the same about legal analysts who side with the prosecution.

However, I don't think she's stupid at all. If I met her one the street, I'd probably run up and ask her what she really thinks.

I don't watch the THs if I can help it, so I don't really have any opinion about her. However, one day last week I lost my internet so I did watch IS and HLN. I was started to see JC and her team totally trash Martinez on her show. An hour later, she was part of the HLN team with Vinnie Politano. They were all over how great JM was and how Jodi was making a big mistake -- and Jean Casarez was totally agreeing with them.
I hope JM is good at explaineing "Reasonable Doubt" because I will tell you that many people don't get the concept. They will confuse it with "Beyond the shadow of a doubt". That is exactly what happened in Tampa.

Many people think if they sprout a doubt that's it's reasonable....many times it is not. It is often unreasonable. They don't understand that term and will continue to think, "if I have a doubt I have to acquit." It is my belief that most acquitals come down to this type of tihinking.


EXCELLENT POST and so very important!!!

Awhile back on one of the TV shows, the law about self defense in Arizona was read and it said something like "can only use force necessary to what a REASONABLE person would use to stop the threat".

Therefore, even if one was inclined to believe her story of Travis attacking her, surely her use of force was not what a reasonable person would use to stop the threat. Thefore, guilty again.

I agree that jury instructions and these types of things need to be very carefully explained to the jury. They are very subtle but so very important.l
This is ALMOST word for word what Carr said:

She's coming up with her own stories right now. There's a thing in the Mormon church that's called blood atonement and when someone sins the Mormons come in there and basically sacrifice them. The Mormons basically believe that this is their way to wash away their sins. I honestly think ?*****? Jodi's own safety. There's proof on the internet, there's proof of what these Mormons do. Jodi is protecting herself and her family. They will go after her family. Her second story is true.

I found her interrogation interview very convincing too, even though I knew she was lying. It is so easy to believe people like Jodi because they have spent years and years honing their abilities. When do the lies begin and end? That's why I can't believe anything she says, because the lies just roll right out, just as easily as what she is saying now.

I also think that if there was any truth somewhere in what she says, it's far outweighed by her avalanche of lies. In fact, isn't the jury instructed that if you think she's lying in anything you can disregard the rest of her testimony?
I give up. You are right. LOL

I really don't know how else to respond.

I like your response. Especially, if you were to cave that easily during deliberations:) !!!!
IMO, it's because she always sides with the defense in all the trials she covers. No matter how absurd it is, or how illogical a leap, she'll usually agree. She's obviously playing a role, so I don't think she's a good analyst at all, because she's not really being honest; she's doing what she's paid to do, which is to stir up ratings. As a result I'm indifferent to her opinions. I think the same about legal analysts who side with the prosecution.

However, I don't think she's stupid at all. If I met her one the street, I'd probably run up and ask her what she really thinks.

I've seen people on here jump all over something she said, but then she explains it and it makes sense. I don't think she ALWAYS sides with the defense but probably more so.
For those who potentially believe the self defense claim...
Does it make sense to anyone that a man who did not get physically violent when she ruined his BMW got dangerously violent while showering butt naked when JA accidentally dropped his camera on the ground? She seems to indicate she was doing him a favor by taking these shower pics, so they seemed to be getting along just fine.
This camera had 0 dings, and the camera was still working because it took those other pictures.
So do you think it is reasonable that he became so enraged by a dropped camera that was not even broken at all that he chased after her, into the closet where he would have known he had a loaded gun without its safety on a shelf that JA knew about? Then when confronted with JA pointing this loaded gun at him, he *charges* her? It makes no sense and does not fit at all in his history of behavior.
JMO... boiling down her claim, it makes no sense.
The guest caller on Nancy said Jodi's brother has posted a poem about Jodi on his facebook. Something about an immoral woman......
Wish I could read it but I'm not friends with little Joseph Arias.

Proverbs 5:3-4

3 [For] the lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey,
and her mouth is smoother than oil.
4 But in the end she is as bitter as poison,
as dangerous as a double-edged sword.
I've seen people on here jump all over something she said, but then she explains it and it makes sense. I don't think she ALWAYS sides with the defense but probably more so.

She takes the a side she's paid to, like many talking heads booked on these shows.
You can tell her "vocabulary" isn't rooted in knowledge outside of a rudimentary reading of Webster's Dictionary and maybe even a thesaurus by the way she uses words. She doesn't use them in the common/appropriate context not only that but there are times she uses them inappropriately. While you can learn words from a dictionary it's a whole different level to be able to use them with accuracy and appropriateness. For some reason I'm blanking right now on examples, but I've found myself noting her inappropriate or odd use of words on several occasions.


On MANY occasions! Txs KPinMN!
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