jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #69*may contain graphic and adult content*

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Her compassion for Travis? She allowed him to use her for sex. She was crazy about him. Perhaps this sent her over the edge...I don't know.

I have compassion for Travis. I feel terrible about the crime. I am not sure why he continued to see Arias if he didn't care for her.

I will say this, if it wasn't self defense then I feel sure it was pre-meditated.

All the evidence I have seen so far tells me SHE was the sexual aggressor, not Travis. SHE is the one who brought the kink to the party. Not Travis. He was completely unsophisticated sexually when their relationship started. He just followed her lead.
what did DD just say... a juror gave a note to a defense attorney?
Bryan Carr was given a TV platform tonight to announce:

JA Ninja Story is the TRUE and CORRECT STORY.

The reason for this is as follows:
Joseph Smith enunciated the “blood atonement” doctrine. Blood atonement is exacted on those Mormons who have committed heinous sins. Mormon vigilantes roam around the country exacting blood atonement on the “deserving”. Mormon vigilante units active in the Mesa area June 2008 targeted TA for “blood atonement”. The vigilantes when confronting an innocent JA were unsure if this lady needed to be dispatched or not. But JA fear of retribution upon her family is genuine. Mormon Ninja commando units might be ordered to Yreka to do a job.


Ok just let him know, thankfully, we discovered that wearing a foil hat will combat the troops and keep them away. Also, wearing pooka shells. Either one.. foil or pooka..and you're good.
My ex violated his restraining order just last night....that piece of paper means very little. Moo. It may help a victim in the future- but usually by then its too late.

(I'm just reading posts tonight....and sending hug vibes to everyone here--all opinions...)

I have no words, just (((hugs))). And take care of you.
I don't watch the THs if I can help it, so I don't really have any opinion about her. However, one day last week I lost my internet so I did watch IS and HLN. I was started to see JC and her team totally trash Martinez on her show. An hour later, she was part of the HLN team with Vinnie Politano. They were all over how great JM was and how Jodi was making a big mistake -- and Jean Casarez was totally agreeing with them.

I know I know...I might get blasted here, but I actually like Jean Casarez. I think she just trys to stay inpartial, but she is not stupid ~ she see's through JA. MOO
I've seen people on here jump all over something she said, but then she explains it and it makes sense. I don't think she ALWAYS sides with the defense but probably more so.

I don't hold that against her. She's a defense attorney so her opinions will be filtered from that point of view.

I'm just one of those who has a strong opinion that every legal analyst on those shows are playing a role and are voicing opinions they don't actually hold, like in a debate tournament - one side affirms the other apposes. I didn't always agree with my arguments; I just had to present them and win.

All the evidence I have seen so far tells me SHE was the sexual aggressor, not Travis. SHE is the one who brought the kink to the party. Not Travis. He was completely unsophisticated sexually when their relationship started. He just followed her lead.

I agree she was the aggressor!
I also think that if there was any truth somewhere in what she says, it's far outweighed by her avalanche of lies. In fact, isn't the jury instructed that if you think she's lying in anything you can disregard the rest of her testimony?

Yes, I believe the will be given that instruction.

I got so mad this afternoon about that goon's trial that I had to walk away. I hope the day ended better than it started. I am even more scared now about the jury.
To this day, Jodi admits Travis was a great person...and that she loves him.

This sounds like an abuse victim.

But I need some expert information....

Yes she LOVED Travis "unconditionally"...didn't she? she LOVES ALL PEOPLE!
Have you seen the photos of Travis with his throat slit? She almost decapitated him! Some "love" she had for him!

If I was a juror I would have to discount her entire testimony. But had she NOT taken the stand, I might have had a hard time giving her the death penalty.

But NOW, after seeing her TOTAL lack of remorse, her belligerence, her psycho chameleon-like personality, her arrogance, her desire to drag Travis through the mud with the "sex tape" and pedophilia claims and WORSE - to hurt his entire family, I would gladly be voting to give her the death penalty.
That comment by Travis sort of seals the deal for me that he did not know he was being taped. He would have never said any of that on a tape, ever. It would have effected his whole future had that tape gotten out. I think he felt it was a private conversation between two consenting adults. We really don't know what people talk about in private because it's private and so it should be. If I were on the jury the issue I would have would not be the tape and what was on it, but the fact that Jodi taped it and in doing so violated Travis on a personal level.

This is the 21st Century and pretty much anything goes today, in the movies, on TV so I'm surprised that anyone would interpret what he said about rape as him actually meaning anything other than rough sex. Many men have said it and what they really mean is rough sex, something a little more spirited rather than just missionary. Isn't that what romance novels are all about?????? Obviously Jodi understood because she showed up at his home after that call.

i have to agree,but it isn't rape if she is a willing party either. imo travis was sexually inexperienced before jodi and he just wanted to explore what was out there.

and as for the 12 year old girl comment,i for one think it was meant as "she sounds like an innocent virgin having her first orgasm" or something along those lines.

jodi can't have it both ways,he either masturbated to photos of young boys/liked young girls or she cleary stated he liked the adult interaction with sex so which is it.

to me he just comes across as a normal guy exploring sex,nothing i've heard here is nothing i haven't done. so am i some sort of kinky freak? :floorlaugh:

im sure if i detailed out all my sexual encounters i'd be labelled as a weirdo or something but thats my private life between me and the other party,my sexual fantasies are my business and i certainly don't judge anyone else on theirs.
So he believes her second story but still thinks she is a battered woman? Who is this guy???
The Mormons on this board would know better than me, but I'm pretty sure it was Brigham Young that originally pronounced blood atonement, not Joseph Smith. Not that it really matters, but it shows how much Carr knows.

And I venture to guess flip through the first pages of most religious texts and there are lots of fire things and stones and fish and ocean walking.

Poor Mormons.. taking a beating on this.. But alas, most know its silly.
Poor, poor boy that has to live with the knowledge that SHE is his sister! My heart breaks and goes out to him.

This is going to sound awful....and I honestly don't mean it to. When I saw her brother in court, I started to really believe the bat story...he looks like he may have suffered a head injury. That coupled with something else IIRC reading here that her parents thought she was capable in a LE interview....
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