jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #69*may contain graphic and adult content*

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lie to me once and I will most likely believe you the next time

lie to me two times and I really will think twice the next time

lie to me three times and I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth

^hypothetically speaking^

This is why I do not believe a thing that Arias says. We are now on version 5.0 (and in some areas of testimony 6.0)


I'm sure some of the things she says are true. Simply for the fact that things take place on this planet. I'd bet she's telling the truth about her favorite Starbucks drink, for instance.

I think the main problem with her lying is not that she's always lying, but that her honesty has to be weighed every time she says something.

Even the things she's probably telling the truth about are suspect, and little if anything she claims to have happened can be corroborated or verified.

It's truly maddening. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if she had some small sense of satisfaction over this if she's aware of it.

Power and control: "I'm making everyone listening to me make the extra effort to wonder if I'm telling the truth. Aren't I so 'compelling' and mysterious?"

Ugh. I must have surpassed my daily tolerance for JABS because my idiot light just went on.
what did DD just say... a juror gave a note to a defense attorney?

He said one of his (Dr Drew's) jurors wrote a note to the defense attorney
All the evidence I have seen so far tells me SHE was the sexual aggressor, not Travis. SHE is the one who brought the kink to the party. Not Travis. He was completely unsophisticated sexually when their relationship started. He just followed her lead.

I dont think Travis used her. You cant use someone who is so willing to stick their butt up in the air for the taking.

She used and abused Travis. She was experienced in sexual escapades and he was not until he met her. She used that thinking she could control him but even the wild sex wasnt enough to control him. When a psychopath cant control someone they think they are entitled to own they will get EVEN with the victim for daring to want to escape.:furious:
Jodi has lied so much, if I were on the jury, I'd discount every single thing she has said. I feel like I'd have no choice.
Add to that the real actual factual research that shows abuse victims very rarely kill their abusers.

(Quite a few victims I've met over recent years, myself included, wouldn't even pursue much needed child support because it wasn't worth having to deal with their abuser's wrath. They just wanted to get out - at any personal cost that didn't endanger themselves or their munchkins.)

The No Contact you try so hard to enforce is challenged by them in all kinds of ways too. Jodi just needed to get her SS card, or give Travis a check. I know that game they play. Yeah, they can keep the money they owe you if they'll just leave you alone and go away.
ok i will give jodi this,she has said one thing on the stand which is not a lie........ :eek:

it does hurt like heck when you get "jazz" in your eyes :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
i have to agree,but it isn't rape if she is a willing party either. imo travis was sexually inexperienced before jodi and he just wanted to explore what was out there.

and as for the 12 year old girl comment,i for one think it was meant as "she sounds like an innocent virgin having her first orgasm" or something along those lines.

jodi can't have it both ways,he either masturbated to photos of young boys/liked young girls or she cleary stated he liked the adult interaction with sex so which is it.

to me he just comes across as a normal guy exploring sex,nothing i've heard here is nothing i haven't done. so am i some sort of kinky freak? :floorlaugh:

im sure if i detailed out all my sexual encounters i'd be labelled as a weirdo or something but thats my private life between me and the other party,my sexual fantasies are my business and i certainly don't judge anyone else on theirs.

Exactly!!! I listen to this tape and hear a guy trying impress Jodi with his prowess but actually sounding kind of naive. That is the sentiment that he was trying to express but it came out...weird. No biggie! I have had phone sex and have had men tell me VERY similar things. I never made the leap that they were pedophiles because of it. I hope the jury realizes this.
Jodi has lied so much, if I were on the jury, I'd discount every single thing she has said. I feel like I'd have no choice.

So far I haven't heard one important element of the case that she has told the truth about, and the rest of her so-called testimony is most likely untrue also.

Therefore, in my opinion, it all is discounted, however, I believe has helped the State far more than it has helped her.

He said one of his (Dr Drew's) jurors wrote a note to the defense attorney

And of course being the crack interviewer he is he followed up and asked what the note said...right?
ok i will give jodi this,she has said one thing on the stand which is not a lie........ :eek:

it does hurt like heck when you get "jazz" in your eyes :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Thank you...I wondered this, not sure why I did. :floorlaugh:
I got home from work and went straight to YouTube to check out the days proceedings. No can do. 10 minutes in I had to call it quits. Enough of that hokey pokey for me. She is GUILTY, first degree, pre-meditated.. no ifs, ands or buts. Watching Juan question her was truly worthwhile, game on. I just can't sit thru Nurmi and the JA show. Let's get to the verdict and sentencing.

Any entertaining highlights from today anyone could share? I just can't listen to it to find the worthwhile nuggets.

Travis friend on dr drew said
She kept introducing different sex acts to keep him interested and he being a man
Well ya know
Add to that the real actual factual research that shows abuse victims very rarely kill their abusers.

(Quite a few victims I've met over recent years, myself included, wouldn't even pursue much needed child support because it wasn't worth having to deal with their abuser's wrath. They just wanted to get out - at any personal cost that didn't endanger themselves or their munchkins.)

The No Contact you try so hard to enforce is challenged by them in all kinds of ways too. Jodi is a stalker and an abusive psychopath. Jodi just needed to get her SS card, or give Travis a check. She just kept knocking down his boundaries and manipulating her way back in. I know that game they play. Yeah, many end up feeling the money they might owe you is unimportant if they'll just leave you alone and go away. Jodi forced that last contact Travis had with her, IMO.
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