jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #69*may contain graphic and adult content*

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I know people have said that they're afraid to share some of their thoughts here, but I'm wondering if there's anyone here who believes Jodi is coming off as sympathetic or endearing. I absolutely don't see it, and I think she's doing a lot of damage every time she opens her mouth just by seeming kind of cold and distant. Does anyone else see it differently? Am I missing something? I won't bite!

I do have some sympathy for her she is after all a human being. I think she's destroyed her own life, Travis's life and both hers and his families lives and yet she has no awareness of that fact it seems. If she came to me bawling her eyes out confessing her crimes or suicidal begging for a lifeline, I'd like to think I'd help her in any way I can. But.......
I wouldn't waste my time or energy trying to help her unless I was being paid to do so if she came to me with the same arrogant indifference we see in court. I would have no problem following the law and convicting her of first degree murder based on her attitude and testimony.
Jodi really is her own worse enemy IMO. She doesn't inspire compassion or empathy or a second chance. I think what you're seeing is all there is. An empty shell. :twocents:
Hi Wolfpack Fan...I'm a Wolfpack fan too! They were having her show that her finger does not look broken when placed over the prosecutor's shoulder....

The defense only proved JA has the ability to bend her finger, to look deformed, on cue. JMO
Bless you, I know what you mean and am just about to that point myself. I only watched a small portion of the trial this morning, then left and went on with my life. What the defense is doing now is such an unethical miscarriage of true justice it makes me ill. Furthermore, their actions show complete disrespect for victims rights. In this case, for Travis, the only victim in this case, one of unthinkable, unspeakable, cruelty and violence at the hands of a remorseless murderer. I am completely sickened and disgusted, and won't continue to give Nurmi and psychopath, liar JA the time of day as long as this continues along this vein. I'll mainly keep up here on WS and will bide my time patiently (or impatiently) for the :hero: and Voice for Justice, Juan Martinez ... :heartluv:

1. I love your little flying superman in there!! AWESOME!!!
2. Thanks for saying you understand - it's hard to explain and I feel like a bad person for letting it get to me! The best thing that happened to me during all this is finding this website ;) It's great to vent, and like you, this can be my lifeline to the trial for awhile!!

I feel foolish for letting my work at the office fall a bit behind bc I've been so wrapped up in all of this! Especially on days like today! And like Looneymama said a few posts above, the poor jury having to put their lives on hold so she can take WEEKS in the spotlight!! I hope for their sake the tazer goes off one day SOON solely for their entertainment!!
I would LOVE to know if the Prosecutor had her examined (interviewed) and what happened (that might be the little lady with a brief case that went running from the Maricopa jail and was seen in Alaska..still running) :)

These two were mentioned richard samual psychologist alyce laviolette battered women. My thought was they are both for the Defense.

Once a Defendant Lawyers up, its really hard for the Prosecutor to get near her. They will get copies of these two Witnesses reports, but I am curious if they had their own Experts examine her??

The problem with her therapists will be that they may not believe her, but if they believe that she believes she's been abused, they'll work with that. My guess is the jail would definitely have had her assessed in order to place her with the right cellmates etc. I also believe JM is very thorough and would have had her given an independent assessment and has likely already deposed the defense experts. I really don't know what the procedure is though. These aren't ordinary witnesses and their findings relate to the accuseds health and well being and that of everyone she interacts with in the jail. Besides, she's already testified that she's lied to 'them' when she stated she didn't want to tell the media folks she was suicidal while the guard was nearby lest she be placed in a padded cell. Her therapists would have had her placed in one as well, if she had been honest with them which clearly she wasn't.
1. I love your little flying superman in there!! AWESOME!!!
2. Thanks for saying you understand - it's hard to explain and I feel like a bad person for letting it get to me! The best thing that happened to me during all this is finding this website ;) It's great to vent, and like you, this can be my lifeline to the trial for awhile!!

I feel foolish for letting my work at the office fall a bit behind bc I've been so wrapped up in all of this! Especially on days like today! And like Looneymama said a few posts above, the poor jury having to put their lives on hold so she can take WEEKS in the spotlight!! I hope for their sake the tazer goes off one day SOON solely for their entertainment!!

Absolutely I understand. Thank God something gets to us, shows we're human, unlike JA. From one Texan to another. :seeya:
I just wanted to respond briefly to this, because I have served as an expert witness for civil "med mal" litigation. In my profession, we have an ethical code for those serving as experts. My fee is always set in advance of the first formal meeting, before I ever see the case records (hourly, with separate fee schedule for court days).

My fee is never dependent on the outcome of the civil lawsuit. I bill as I go, and have been involved with cases that went over 3 1/2 years, before settling as I was driving to the courthouse to testify for one case. What I do is very small potatoes compared to high priced experts for criminal cases, but I'd like to think that my opinion is my opinion, regardless of whether I review a case for the plaintiff or defendant's attorney. I have reviewed charts for a defendant's attorney, rendered a very detailed written opinion (similar to a long term paper, with dozens of references), and was paid for my time-- and NEVER contacted by the attorney again. Probably because what I had to say was not favorable for their client.

One of the doctors I worked for for many years (about 28) before becoming a Private Investigator, served as an Expert Witness in his field on many occasion. I would get charts ready, go over everything.. Fee was set in advance also and it was the same regardless of the case and I must say he gives his absolute most honest opinion. He is a well respected Doctor. I would love to think they are all like you say, and the one I worked for. I supposed the cases ranged from $10k to $70k on up.. (I'm guessing)

What i hate is the thought that many people are cheated by some of this dishonesty. I want some truth wand...
Did anyone think it was odd last week that "she" claimed he lunged at her and went for her waist before she shot him?!? Considering she alleged he choked her out previously shouldn't she have lied a little better and said he went for the throat?! Just a little something I hope the jury noticed...(unless of course she was just trying to make something up to fit as to how he rec'd a bullet in his cheek).
Hi Katie!

Love the necklace and earrings - they will look great on Beth and I'm sure she will be thrilled!

Speaking of Juan - have you seen this clip of him discussing the DP? He isn't wearing his glasses and he looks sexy adorable, LOL!

Also note what one of the jurors on a DP case had to say about determining the mitigating factor and why they voted for the DP.

After the Verdict:

Thanks again for all you do - hope all is well with Jordy.


Good grief - that 911 call is absolutely **chilling**. When the EMT was trying to get her to assist her husband, she didn't even pretend to be upset or want to bother... she said, "this is disgusting," at one point.

I saw the whole Snapped video a few months ago on the Adriano case (not sure where, but it was online - now youtube wants $1.99 for it. I'll try to dig up a link if I saved one).

It's such a treat to see JM in a completely different light... he's so quiet and reserved, even humble, gentle. What a difference from his voire dire today!

Thanks for posting that... much appreciated.
Fred, here is the testimony from Kevin Friedman Yreka PD, Scroll to Post #124, posted by 'wenwe4'

Excerpt from 'wenwe4' post:

KF talked to JA about missing items . . . she checked her room/living area in the residence and discovered money missing. A $20 and $10 bills were missing from a dresser or bedstand in the room. . . . open drawers but nothing else missing . . her laptop wasnot stolen - it was in underclothes in clothing basket. She normally kept her laptop in there to "keep it safe so it would not be stolen".

BTW, I love :heart: your avatar.
You write a book, I'll buy it. :seeya:

Fascinating post, as usual.

I'm on that bus too, ks & anagrammy! (bbm) Beautiful & insightful post, ana.

Please somehow, anagrammy, let us know what to look for when your book is published so we can be sure to find it -- your pen name, (mods, please, I am not soliciting), or better, safer and less invasive, the title. I am a big reader (English lit major), a bit of a writer myself, and I really do want to possess it and read it!
This may be off topic but I want to address what I thought of JM. Cross-exam......

Juan apparently has 30 yrs as a prosecutor. The last 17 of his prosecuting trials have been murder cases. He is highly intelligent and I think he did an EXCELLENT job. I think he was smart to leave many things out bc most of her testimony was so ridiculous, far fetched, and laughable. he got to the main points that needed to be addressed. He got JA contradicting herself left and right, showed the Jury she is not a scared "shaking chihuahua" by her being evasive and combative. He brought a good light back to Travis, and ended the cross beautifully by playing the NO JURY WILL CONVICT ME video.. He could have gone on for WEEEKKKSSS with all the bs the defense brought in. He knows what he is doing and I'm sure the jury was WAY MORE attentive to his cross because he was not talking 3 words a minute like KN. JM was not boring, walking around instead of standing at that dang podium, was animated, demanded yes and no questions instead of her usual babbling. He is a pitbull in court and always has been. Why should he talk to her like a 6 yr old child the way her defense team has? Wormi Nurmi is boring EVERYONE to death. Just one more things to add to his backfiring on everything he has brought in as evidence.
Yes, her family. I can't even begin to say how much respect I have for them. I know they don't want a mistrial, but I just don't know if I'd have to restraint to sit there like they do. I feel like I would've been thrown out a long time ago. It's just too much.

I have been thinking about the jury and how they have their own lives a lot. When she talked and talked on direct I thought about them sitting there listening to her instead of going to work, being with their families, running errands. When she played word games and talked in circles during cross I wondered how this might be affecting them financially, how this might be keeping them away from their own responsibilities which might in turn put more pressure on those around them causing strains in their relationships. Then today when they pulled all of this b.s. I started thinking about the jury again. I think the defense is insulting their intelligence and showing them no consideration when it comes to how important their time is. Yes, Travis absolutely deserves justice and the jury has an important job to do and I get that the defense is trying to save Jodi's life and everyone deserves a fair trial but honestly if I were on the jury, the longer they kept me there with this Travis bashing b.s. and Jodi's word games the more pissed off I'd be.

Katiecoolady mentioned in the "View from the inside" thread that one of the jurors who usually really pays attention seemed totally over it today. That doesn't surprise me one bit. I think all of us were agitated and over it today. So many of us had to walk away from it because it was just infuriating. I can't imagine what it would feel like to have no choice but to sit through that. :banghead:


Is the jury's personal feeling of pissedoffness relevant, iyo? Do you think it will impact their verdict? That's the sense I got from your post, but don't want to put words in your mouth.
To this day, Jodi admits Travis was a great person...and that she loves him.

This sounds like an abuse victim.

But I need some expert information....

I am a survivor of DV. I have absolutely nothing good to say about my abuser. Of the hundreds and hundreds of other DV survivors that I have spoken with over the last 15 years, I have never once heard a single victim say what a great person their abuser was.

Abusers can be very charming in person when you first meet them. I mean how do you think all these abusive people manage to get into relationships with other in the first place? They are very good at acting. I say acting because that is exactly what they do. They act like a nice, normal person would, but it is just a cover for what they really are. They really do have like a Jekyll and Hyde personality. They can be super nice one minute and the next they are something out of your worst nightmare. They are extremely jealous and controlling.

In this case I see JA as the abuser and TA was her abused victim. He did not stalk her but she did stalk him. Stalking if very much a part of the pattern in DV or DV cycle. My abuser stalked me for two years. If I had been lucky enough to have been able to move 1000 miles away from him, I can gurantee you that there would have been nothing that he could have done to make me want to go see him, much less want to have any kind of relationship with him. The further away he is from me, the better I like it. I have absolutely no desire to ever see him again, because I was lucky to have escaped with my life the last time. Oh and as an aside I do not have a dislike/hate for all men, just him because of the things he did to me. I am still afraid of him to this day.
Can you point me towards her ruling on it? I missed the afternoon session. I don't understand how/why she would allow an edited version of the sex tape to be allowed in the jury room.

Maybe Juan can make his own tape, use the sex tape, her voicemail messages, calls to Detective Flores, her inconsistent testiphony-bologny? :floorlaugh: I find it reckless for the judge to allow an edited version of anything into the jury room.

Can our lawyers chime in? :please:


Testimony = Evidence

I don't like it, either, Angel, but I say again that I think the judge is being flexible, especially to the DT, due to this being a DP case.

But since she allowed it in the first place, now it's out there and on the table.:waitasec:

Her journal entries about her darkness coming from within her. She knew she was responsible for her own thoughts and actions. Neither Travis nor anyone else could be blamed for how she felt. She said that.

She also said she had a goal. A goal is an intention. She set her own goals, and no one made her do things. Travis had goals, too, but Jodi had to be in them or else...yes, or else she'd kill him! Whoa, she took it a lot too far, huh.

I see no love in Jodi's decision to force a relationship. It's just selfishness and wanting to possess someone to have under your control. She was manipulating and basically torturing Travis with some made up lies throughout the whole relationship. This wasn't about love, but ownership. I think she finally resorted to blackmailing him into being with her. She got really murderous when he was going to have a life without her. Yes, I'm sure she put some kind of eternal bond spin on her actions in her own mind. She's got a surprise coming when she dies, IMO.
I just watched the clip of the Adriano case that DAWN TREADER posted, and transcribed a quote from JM that'll give you (and all of us!) some hope and optimism covered in warm fuzzies:

"I think that the only thing that can
be taken from this case is that
justice was served,
and that THAT justice is reserved for
the family of Joseph Adriano."
- - - - - - - -Juan Martinez​

I am not an attorney nor do I play one on TV so this is purely my opinion. I would think that part of being a good trial lawyer, either side, is being able to read people, I.e. the judge, jury, witnesses et al. The judge looked very peeved with the DT today and I am wondering if she is getting as tired as we are of hearing all this sextimony. If she is reflective of the jury, Nurmi needs to get a clue and wrap this up. JMO

Really, I feel like I'm listening to JA in her daily therapy sessions, and Nurmi's her psychotherapist. I would be willing to bet that the defense in this trial will go down in history, if not for the longest time for the defendant being on the stand, at least for the most boring, sleep-inducing direct examination by the defense, possibly both. :tsktsk:
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