jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #69*may contain graphic and adult content*

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Bryan Carr was given a TV platform tonight to announce:

Mormon vigilantes roam around the country exacting blood atonement on the “deserving”. Mormon vigilante units active in the Mesa area June 2008 targeted TA for “blood atonement”. The vigilantes when confronting an innocent JA were unsure if this lady needed to be dispatched or not. But JA fear of retribution upon her family is genuine. Mormon Ninja commando units might be ordered to Yreka to do a job.

Uh, no. This is like saying vigilante units go around the country throwing women into lakes to see if they are witches. Nothing to do with modern LDS culture. "Mormon vigilante units"? Give me a break.
I just can't imagine when its a parent...I'm so sorry to all of you who have endured a PD mother or father.

As for the bolded portion - there's been recent research conducted to suggest a 'new' form of psychopathy mostly found in females very consistent to BPD. Considering that, I think you're most likely right...but I also believe she's almost certainly comorbid too. To my understanding most afflicted with PD are.

Should anyone have need of it - this is an awesome resource for people who have been in relationships with disordered personalities:

I've frequented the Out of the Fog website, it's a wonderful resource as well as a wonderful place to find the support of others who know what you've been through. My mother definitely has co-morbidities, but figuring out what exactly they are is difficult at best because in her eyes she's fine, depressed now and then at best (even after suicide attempts). JA is similar to my mom, but different which I think could be a result of different co-morbidities with BPD in common. In any case, my experience with my mom shades my opinion of JA because I can see so many BPD traits in her.

Thanks for you kind words Britskat! After some counseling on ways to set effective boundaries with her and some reinforcement from that counselor that my mom's behavior isn't my fault or in my control I find it much easier to deal with her.
I think I need an intervention.....I was emailed by a recruiter tonight to set up a phone interview tomorrow for a job I'd applied for and I made sure to pick her earliest time available as to make sure that it doesn't roll over into live testimony. :what:
I agree. Especially since he joined the LDS later in life, although I don't know how old he was when he joined.

BTW, are his siblings also LDS? I read in Det. Flores' report that Travis' brothers had not been close to him since Travis moved to Mesa. :(


What if ... there is some truth to Jodi's belief that Travis was rubbing one out to a picture of a boy wearing spidey undies? Stay with me here for a moment ...

The single picture Jodi testified that she had seen (when she returned unannounced to Travis' bedroom to pick up the porcelain angel) was that of a little boy wearing spiderman undies. Based on that, she assumed and therefore accused Travis of being a "pedophile", which would be a devastating insult -- especially to an innocent man.

The picture was NOT kiddie *advertiser censored*, but something that would appear in junk mail from Sears on everybody's doorstep. But what would probably appear on the OTHER SIDE of the page could have been sexy adult female models wearing lingerie.

IF Travis was beating off to a photo, it would have been to the lingerie model on the other side of the sheet, but Jodi rushed out of the house before Travis could explain anything, and then she used that accusation as a blackmail threat against Travis in order to ruin his reputation. This would trigger angry frustration anytime she would bring it up in order to "press his buttons".

What if the "dire conversation" he mentioned in his angry text message (conveniently, her side of the text messages have vanished) was in response to yet another threat she brought up about the pedophilia accusation? In turn, he was threatening to expose her sociopathy to everyone SHE knew.

In the secret recording of the phone sex late night sleepy conversation, Travis referred to her body as "ultra female" (or something like that), which indicates a healthy heterosexual attraction. And we all know that every Hallowe'en stores sell sexy costumes of French Maids as well as Red Riding Hood and ultra sexy costumes of every female fairy tale character.

I'm j*zz sayin' ... ;)

Wow, fascinating theory. Reminds me very much of the time I went into my ex husbands underwear drawer and found folded up centerfolds from playboy. Well now, that was interesting as he was never into those magazines as far as I knew. So I opened up the pics and looked at them, wondering why he chose to keep these pages with these women on them. Hmmmmm.... Very puzzling indeed........ then I noticed on the back of each girly pic was the pic of a fighter jet or plane. LOL, my husband was a flight nut and LOVED planes!! he kept the pages because of the planes, not the scantily clad women. Oh I died laughing:floorlaugh:
We each have had some direct experience with various parts of a trial for the most part and if you are lucky you have had none.

What I am very familiar with is:

-Expert Witnesses (and how that works and why they say what they say)-Attorney's
-Trial and the Witness Stand
-Preparing for Trial, even a huge one and what is happening that the public
never sees and you cannot ever talk about

And one thing I know. I never ever want to be the the Plaintiff or Defendant in any lawsuit ever again (1 big one was enough for me) Unless I am just hired to work, fine. But not a party to the case, it will take too many years off my life even though it went my way fine. I felt beaten up.

Now I will be most happy just helping others prepare, or investigating. I feel for all the people in this huge criminal case. This is taking a toll I guarantee.

BBM I am looking forward to your comments on the DV witnesses the DT will call.

BTW... I love your posts.
Today we learn something which could be mind boggling when applied to her statements past and present.

Her true religion is the Law of Attraction. If you are not familiar with this concept, which has enjoyed flashes of popularity at various times over the last century, it is the principle behind the popular new age book "The Secret" and "Think and Grow Rich" before that, etc.

Arias is telling us over and over that this is what she really believes in. She mentions it frequently as a motive for why there's nothing negative in her journal about Travis. She says quite plainly that she was unwilling to "put out there" the negative for fear of attracting more of the same.

The Law of Attraction is quite commonly used in multi-level marketing programs to blame the "associates" who are not producing up to the standards held up in the "I attracted Fabulous Wealth" testimonials. We see Travis Alexander himself get up there in one video clip shown on Dateline and say, "This is where I started...." You can be that he goes on to say that through the application of positive thought and their trainings, every one of those in the audience can achieve what he achieved.

Later in the testimony of this trial, a comment is made about Travis accusing Arias of failing to "work the program"--another multi-level marketing buzz phrase.

So...once he started calling her a sociopath and a *advertiser censored*, how in the world was she going to rid the world of such negative thoughts about herself? Mind you, she is a True Believer in the Law of Attraction, which is nowhere found in Mormonism. Mormons believe that success comes from obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel-- paying tithing, keeping clean sexually, avoiding alcohol, tea and coffee, attendance at meetings, taking all callings (requests to volunteer for work), and avoiding association or sympathy for exMormons.

All these requirements are asked about in Temple Recommend interviews. A person may be denied a Temple Recommend for breaking any of these rules. Nowhere is mentioned the Law of Attraction.

Were Jodi Arias to be excommunicated for fornication, the earth would tremble with the negativity coming her way from all the Mormons who would have been informed of church action taken against her. Think of all those Mormons who would know she had been deprived of her membership AND THEY ARE FORBIDDEN TO ASSOCIATE WITH HER, as a condition of their own temple worthiness.

I am sorry if Mormons are offended by their practices being discussed, but this is vital to the understanding of motive. I have been a private investigator myself and you have to think like the perp thinks if you want to understand the crime.

Excommunicated Mormons are shunned even by their own families because of the temple recommend interview question. When you leave the church, even if you resign, like I did, you may suffer employment consequences if you life in Utah, Arizona, or Idaho where there are strong Mormon communities. Prepaid Legal was full of Mormons. Travis was a leader there. It is not inconceivable that his position as a role model and exemplar would be jeopardized. Can you imagine what his good buddies at PPL were going to think if they had to confess that they "associated" with Travis Alexander after his excommunication?

Exactly. He would lose not only his status as a desirable bachelor, he could also see his income take a nosedive as people who would have wanted to sign up under him chose someone else like Chris Hughes. Someone they wouldn't have to confess that they were associating with or sympathizing with.

Jodi Arias believed in the Law of Attraction before she met Travis Alexander. She never quit believing in it-- and who doesn't believe in being positive? It is another thing, though, to be an extremist and have a superstitious view of it where you believe that looking at an envelope with the right mental paradigm causes it to contain a bill or a check. There are wackos in almost any psychological system of success who carry normal principles to such an extreme they become a parody.

I think Arias believed that she attracted Travis to her because of the goodness inside her. When he began to name the darkness that he saw in her heart, he realized how she had dragged him down, down, down. He had more to lose by allowing her in his bed than we have previously been discussing. Since he had already gone to the bishop and been put on probation, he would surely be excommunicated.

He stood to lose everything based on his value system.

She also saw herself as losing everything based on her value system -- and once he told her THAT HE HAD PUT THAT NEGATIVITY out into the world, she (nutcase) concluded that to remove it--the only way to stop it--was to kill him.

That way, she could reframe the relationship in a positive way. For the good of all concerned. She made sure she gave Travis what he needed--the opportunity to pay for his sins with his own blood, so he could go to heaven-- and herself the freedom from the negativity that he was putting out about her that was destroying her future.

Thanks for the kind words I've received - I am a writer and am currently writing a book about some of these very topics. Even though my book is a novel, it's based on real events but I have to say is much less dramatic than the true crime we are all seeing revealed one little piece at a time.

BBM. I have been a Mormon for more than 35 years. The bolded parts above are just plain untrue. Mormons do not shun exMormons. I know and love many exMormons, including family members and have never been asked to "shun" anybody. Just plain false.
My sister is BPD, narcissistic disorder.
I 100% relate to this entire post.

Ever read "Walking on Eggshells" and work the workbook?
I set myself out of my sisters OZ and mainly only communicate via text ir Facebook now. I had to set my boundaries.

I see so much BPD, etc in JA too.

(((hugs to you)))

I've never read Walking on Eggshells or done the workbook. I've heard a lot about it though. I may have to read it one day when she finds a way to subvert the current boundary system I've put in place.

It's nice to hear that other family members of BPDer's see BPD (and a large helping of a co-morbidity) in JA too.

Hugs back at you and good for you for setting clear boundaries with your sister...they really help!
I dated a guy for a few months that was BPD. Man, those people are cray-cray! All charming and attentive at first, very captivating. Then you start getting the guilt trips, the neediness, the hot and cold manipulation. I thught I was the crazy one until I called his bluff when he pulled out another "silent treatment" episode. In the meantime I started to Google like a madwoman. It didn't take me long to discover BPD. I was sooooooooooo glad I never had him in my house. Sheesh, I'd take my Dad's manic depression anyday thankyouverymuch.

I swear I am flypaper for freaks. I would rather be single than date one more psycho. I will just play with my new Grandkids. If JA gets an acquittal (it'll never happen) I will yank my entire family from this country. It's as if the whole lot of humanity is going insane! I blame Monsanto.

Lol, Monsanto!

When I was a baby, my folks lived within miles of a Monsanto plant. One day, there was an explosion at the plant (no one seriously hurt, thank G*d) and at the time the explosion occurred, my dad was in the guest bathroom in our house. Ya know, spending "Dad time" in the potty. Eww.

Well, the explosion happened, the house shook, and my dad came staggering out of the bathroom shouting to my mom, "Patricia, I SWEAR that was not me!". ;floorlaugh:

Ruh roh. More OT.
Any compassion I might have had for JA, ever, wouldhave been squashed by my total fear and terror of her, once I saw what she did to TA and how she left that poor soul stuffed into the shower. That was the defining moment for me. I will never get over that view of him. She tossed him in a heap like old trash.

I totally agree with you. To be honest, in the beginning I felt a slight amount of sympathy because I grew up being abused by "mommy dearest"who hated me "because I looked like my daddy"and a stepfather who tried to molest me(of course, Mom said that was my fault too).Of course I was attracted to abusive guys,etc. A few years ago I had a boyfriend who broke my heart and dumped me for a younger woman. Long story, but after the back and forth between me and the other girl I got tired of it, realized how mentally broken he was making me and he was loving it, I told him to pretend I was dead....I moved across the U.S. and can rest with my eyes closed. With all of this said, I feel that Jodi is NOT a victim of abuse and it makes me sick to hear her try to portray a victim. She is pure evil...Since seeing the pics of Travis' throat slashed and the back wounds I have felt nothing but disgust for this evil beast. Sorry to rant but I have been holding back.
Do we have the same mom?! :seeya:

It's crazy to see how many people dealt with this craziness from their parents, especially their mother. I get the feeling this trial attracts a lot of us children of BPD mom's because we can see the wicked side of JA that others don't always see. My friends always thought my mom was the best, but I knew better...I see the same with JA
In today's testimony, the sex tape was played and both Alexander and Arias were speaking.
He refers to a cream pie and she plainly asked him, "What is that?"
He then explained it to me...I mean, her...yeah, to her.

I really didn't wish I had to know these things. They are destroying all my favorite snacks.

I believe she was playing dumb. Now, if he would have called it a Ji*z Pie, I'm sure she would have understood just fine.
I think towards the end, he knew she was bat crazy and he was using sex on her to keep her calm....and subconsciously, himself alive.

That thought occurred to me today while listening to the expurgated version. He was so over the top in all said to her, about her, as if he were trying to placate her somehow. Just like a victim of abuse.
I dated a guy for a few months that was BPD. Man, those people are cray-cray! All charming and attentive at first, very captivating. Then you start getting the guilt trips, the neediness, the hot and cold manipulation. I thught I was the crazy one until I called his bluff when he pulled out another "silent treatment" episode. In the meantime I started to Google like a madwoman. It didn't take me long to discover BPD. I was sooooooooooo glad I never had him in my house. Sheesh, I'd take my Dad's manic depression anyday thankyouverymuch.

I swear I am flypaper for freaks. I would rather be single than date one more psycho. I will just play with my new Grandkids. If JA gets an acquittal (it'll never happen) I will yank my entire family from this country. It's as if the whole lot of humanity is going insane! I blame Monsanto.

I go through my life and look back at the hell my sister put me through. For so long, I didn't know what it all was.
Now I can see it coming and protect myself. I maintain some contact because of my niece. (long long story)

I see that in JA, all the sex as 'love'. Travis became HERS. Her possession.
His long long text to her was truly from a person realizing they're in The Land of OZ.
Flying monkeys and all.

She does not handle rejection like normal people. Couple likely BPD and sociopathic and this is why we're here.

We should start a thread in the off topic area for BPD survivors.
I also am now seeing it in my mother. I think I pushed it out of my radar for so long, I was so busy defending my mom from my sister.

I watched the trial today and was so disgusted by what went on, had to leave while those misconstrued transcripts were going on. The judge should have NEVER allowed that in. . You cannot cross on something new.

But I have a question that nobody has brought up.
Travis had a dog named Napoleon, who was his best friend.

Where was Napoleon, when she was shoting and stabbing Travis.

Napoleon, was not there, because he would have been barking,
and there would have been his paw prints iin blood, no one ever said
anything about paw prints.

She put him outside, while she killed him.
And while she left put him back in the house, so the roommates find him inside the house
nothing unusual.

Bjut she put him outside to kill Travis. Not self defense

Why has no one asked about him?
Lol, Monsanto!

When I was a baby, my folks lived within miles of a Monsanto plant. One day, there was an explosion at the plant (no one seriously hurt, thank G*d) and at the time the explosion occurred, my dad was in the guest bathroom in our house. Ya know, spending "Dad time" in the potty. Eww.

Well, the explosion happened, the house shook, and my dad came staggering out of the bathroom shouting to my mom, "Patricia, I SWEAR that was not me!". ;floorlaugh:

Ruh roh. More OT.

Hahahahahahaha...that would be hysterically funny!! Love it!
My baby girl is 11 now, so I've got some time. (Famous last words)

And Mazel Tov on your Grands!

Um... I have to say, with utmost respect -
My first baby girl was just born! - yet she turns 22 in two weeks, somehow...

(Just kidding, obviously... although it does seem this way - it goes so fast - except when they're in diapers (or just out of them) AND mobile AND excruciatingly curious... I swear, I think I spent a few years bent at the waist, half running arms stretched out straight...

My second is about to d - d - dr - dri - - :panic:
Hey, enjoy. :)
I dated a guy for a few months that was BPD. Man, those people are cray-cray! All charming and attentive at first, very captivating. Then you start getting the guilt trips, the neediness, the hot and cold manipulation. I thought I was the crazy one until I called his bluff when he pulled out another "silent treatment" episode. In the meantime I started to Google like a madwoman. It didn't take me long to discover BPD. I was sooooooooooo glad I never had him in my house. Sheesh, I'd take my Dad's manic depression anyday thankyouverymuch.

I swear I am flypaper for freaks. I would rather be single than date one more psycho. I will just play with my new Grandkids. If JA gets an acquittal (it'll never happen) I will yank my entire family from this country. It's as if the whole lot of humanity is going insane! I blame Monsanto.

I come into contact with an individual semi-regularly who has bioplar disorder and BPD. Being around this person is beyond miserable. I think their mental/emotional growth was stunted somewhere in childhood or pre-teen because of the way this person acts. There is a book called I Hate You--Don't Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality, and let me tell you this person completely fits this to a T. One minute they are fairly nice and pleasant and LITERALLY in the next minute they are insulting you, cutting you down, being rude, being verbally abusive....then the next minute they are asking for you to forgive them. Then they forget all that and suddenly they hate you again, then ask you nicely for something. It makes your head turn in circles and is absolutely mentally and emotionally draining. Then when this person is not getting all the attention they want they sit in the corner and revert to the child/pre-teen and wail how no one likes them or wants to be near them. I never know when this person will turn up but after this last time I swear I will request to work in another unit for the day. To those of you who have to deal with this in your family, holy cow....I don't know how you do it.
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