jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #69*may contain graphic and adult content*

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I have seen this with excommunicated Jehovah's Witness. It's so crazy. One of my daughters best friends was excommunicated because she had a best friend from cheer squad who was a homosexual. She was outspoken in her teen years about bullying and tolerance and once she became an adult...BAM. Her parents and community shunned her. I just couldn't even comprehend. can you imagine? Shunning your own children because they, THEY, are a beacon of love? I just don't understand.

being friends with someone who is gay is not a reason for excommunication. Something else may have happened unknown. Be that as it may.....majorly OT. Lets see.....I wonder what color tie Nurmi will wear tomorrow.

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One thing I've noticed about Jodi is that if Jodi isn't the center of attention she calls it abuse.

She did it with travis and it seems she is doing it in the courtroom. From katiecoolady's notes it seems she is staring the gallery down and my guess is because its she is no longer the focal point cause everyone is over her.
I know people have said that they're afraid to share some of their thoughts here, but I'm wondering if there's anyone here who believes Jodi is coming off as sympathetic or endearing. I absolutely don't see it, and I think she's doing a lot of damage every time she opens her mouth just by seeming kind of cold and distant. Does anyone else see it differently? Am I missing something? I won't bite!

Okay, I'll bite. No, I don't think she's coming off in a positive way at all. However, I do think the underlying dynamic of the relationship has been proven sufficiently that it's more a heat of passion case than a premeditated murder case. I saw earlier today that one of the lawyers answered the lesser-included question, so it looks like a second degree verdict is possible. That was the main issue I had been wondering about. So if the lesser included is on the table, I don't see the dp.

eta: my dd thinks she's dp eligible for her bangs alone :/
He needs a 5250 hold

I dont think Travis used her. You cant use someone who is so willing to stick their butt up in the air for the taking.

She used and abused Travis. She was experienced in sexual escapades and he was not until he met her. She used that thinking she could control him but even the wild sex wasnt enough to control him. When a psychopath cant control someone they think they are entitled to own they will get EVEN with the victim for daring to want to escape.:furious:

Interesting. I've heard stranger motives so this might not be far off the mark. Given that she believed the world was ending, she might just be nutty enough to believe this.

But...I'm sticking with the "you hurt me so I'm going to hurt you more" motive.

BBM. I have been a Mormon for more than 35 years. The bolded parts above are just plain untrue. Mormons do not shun exMormons. I know and love many exMormons, including family members and have never been asked to "shun" anybody. Just plain false.

Thank you
If Jodi had an injury at work like she showed on her fingers, it would have an official workplace report. Who wants a food handler serving them with open oozing wounds?
I still feel sick about what they pulled today with clips from the phone sex tape. Not so much because it scares me and makes me think that it will make the jury believe that it was self defense, but because it was just wrong.

I was offended, not by the things Travis said IN PRIVATE to someone he thought he could trust enough to say those things to IN PRIVATE. No, I was not at all offended by those things, you know why? Because I was never supposed to hear those things! That was a private conversation between two consenting adults who were attracted to each other. My husband and I had a long distance relationship for a while in the beginning. When you are that far away from each other and you are that attracted to each other, things are going to be said. Maybe not everyone is like that, but some people are and that is okay.

I was offended that they took out all of the equally dirty things she said in her fake horny little girl voice and only played the things he said out of context. While I wouldn't wish this sick feeling on anyone else, I hope the jury feels just as disgusted as we did today.
BPDs typically have few friends. No lifelong friends, only short term friends. Intimate relationships are short lived and there are many.

I've not seen 'girlfriends/bffs/etc in JA's life.

They themselves are the common denominator in all the chaos and failed relationships.

it also doesn't show if her and her mother are 'close'. I doubt they are.

On my last visit with my sister, she had yet another beau. I didn't care for him at all, but I couldn't help myself and as we were sitting outside on the porch, I kindof gave him the 3rd degree. I also told him if he was smart, he would get out while he could. He sortof laughed, but 4 months later, he ran like hell from her.
OT....My dad is getting up there in years and we have witnessed him getting worse and worse with very controlling and physhcological abuse to my Mom. It is so sad to witness and not be able to do much about it. My poor Mom knows he is like this and she just lives with it to avoid confrontation. She just lets him have his way and is pretty much his nurse. When we would try to show her how wrong he was in certain things, she would give us the old "just let him have his way".

It is sad to witness and the kids are feel helpless because their status quo has gone on so long, there is really no chance of anything changing. We just hope it doesnt turn into something worse as his mental state diminishes.
This is the jewelry we gave Beth today...she said she'd wear it this week...see if you can spot it! ;)

I know people have said that they're afraid to share some of their thoughts here, but I'm wondering if there's anyone here who believes Jodi is coming off as sympathetic or endearing. I absolutely don't see it, and I think she's doing a lot of damage every time she opens her mouth just by seeming kind of cold and distant. Does anyone else see it differently? Am I missing something? I won't bite!

JA has been snowing people her entire life, I suspect. It would be irrational to believe, imv, that no one is buying it now that she's on trial.

While there may be some people out there who are completely on her side (just made me wonder about that 'other' site - the 'site-that-shall-not-be-named' and if they have a counter for it - visible or hidden. My guess is it's activity is generated by a few very busy people),

I think the majority of people who have any sympathy for her at all may think she's guilty, but condemn Travis for what they hear from the DT and thus feel sympathy for the defendant. :furious:

There may be people who have felt some sense of sympathy for her over one small, specific thing... but want her on DR regardless.

Having sympathy (unless it's full-blown) doesn't equate believing she's innocent or justified. At least I HOPE most adult people can navigate their way around differing emotions and determine what their overriding. more rational position is.

I cannot imagine the jurors sitting through all of this and not coming to a rational decision. I just can't see it - even if some of them have or have had moments of sympathy.

If I don't remind myself of this and believe it, I think I'd be in the deep end of the cray cray.
It's getting very late here. I am off to bed. Been here most of the day. All you WS west coasters enjoy your evening.
Goodnight everyone, it's been a long day, we'll do this again tomorrow.:):eek:fftobed:
I think my daughter is bi-polar and the better half is a narcissist. Life can be challenging but I manage. Maybe why I need a glass of wine each day.

I send you vibes of patience and resilience and strength. Great to hear you do manage. Kudos and much respect to you.
I can see being sympathetic to Jody if

you are not paying much attention to the proceedings, because on casual observation she can be somewhat convincing,


if you have not looked at the crime scene photos.

The Jurors fall into neither of those categories.
It's not clear to me she loved him.

So, so true. Psychopaths simply by who and what they are, have no understanding or true concept of the real meaning of "love" beyond their own existence. So personally, I don't know how this is even being brought up by JA and her DT.

Love to her would be the equivalent of our love for a really good hand tossed pizza or a good Cabernet, but nothing any deeper than that. Which, imo, is part of the explanation of how it was so easy for her to kill him the way she did. Life means nothing to her. Period. A man such as Travis, nothing but an object of her desire who she desired because of who he was and what he had. He was charismatic, he was loved, admired, and adored by those who truly knew him. He was going somewhere. She coveted that. But she knew she could never be that, and she eventually learned that she couldn't have it. And as the subhuman psychopath that she is, what she can't have, she resents, then hates, then seeks retribution. Sadly, I think that Travis had realized this, but realized it too late. :cry: IMHO

BBM I am looking forward to your comments on the DV witnesses the DT will call.

BTW... I love your posts.

I can't wait to hear what she says. I have had experience with some that shook me to my very core. And it was commonplace, I did not have a unique experience. It's just how it works.

The saying "how do you sleep at night" comes to mind. It is $$ and fame driven. We might think a Expert is paid the typical $450 per / hr. or at times maybe $4000 to $6000 by the time they are done. That is a small amount. But that's not always what they are paid. Some are paid 6 figures (depending on the potential payout someone is trying to avoid - the average Expert Witness in a pool of go to people makes around $50k to appear) or they do it for a few thousand and fame on a big scale such as a high profile case it puts them on the map to just be involved in such a case.

Understanding that some Experts discuss the case and then do not want to do it, they really do give their full honest assessment of what they think after they examine the defendant.. Or some feel they won't be able to give a report favorable to the Defense, then they are out, so the Defense moves to the next expert until they find one that fits the theme they are going with to get the client off.

There are honest experts many of them, in all fields (ask them how much work they get lol). But the Attorneys know the "go to" Experts, the ones that love to do it, become very well known on a National scale. It's almost a game.. You might even see an Expert testify for a case now across the country that you yourself used and you know why they have them too. And some high profile cases brag and get their Expert to say on the stand "What did you get paid to report on this, to examine the remains and come here today?" "nothing at all, I did not and would not take money that is how strongly I felt" OMG.. I have no words. YOU are on NATIONAL TV.. You got it back in gold...(and they get paid $50k to appear in 7 other cases that year, they can throw a free bee in!)

This is why in nearly all cases you see dueling Experts! I don't see they are doing that here, but typically I'd see a DV expert most likely examine and interview Jodi (but she may not have) and then give her report by testifying. Then the Prosecutor would have had her examined by their expert and that person would testify.

Defense might say she behaves in a classic abused women syndrome patter

Prosecution expert might say she does not believe this to be the case in fact, she would call it malingering and she behaves more like her borderline or sociopath patients, not a classic domestic abuse.

One usually just cancels out the other and the Jury might be more engaged with how one comes off on the stand.

Can it ever be about the TRUTH? One would hope? But I am afraid my poor self has been traumatized by these things we always thought were so upstanding. Only to find out how different life is when you get an up close look?

That is kind of why in the Expert part of a Trial, if Jurors knew the ins and outs of experts they may give very little weight to them and most of the weight to the evidence presented.. The Expert was not there when this occurred, the Expert cannot know for certain if a person is lying or telling the truth.. so they are rendering an opinion?

Every now and then when someone who could be classified as an Expert is on the stand, I get a great feeling of sincerity. They just seem truthful. The M.E. that testified in this case, he left me with the impression that he told it like it is. He did not down play or exaggerate.

I'll be on the edge of my seat.. And we just need to keep our fingers crossed we're never in a situation where we are innocent and a slew of experts would be hired and you sit very vulnerable to whatever they want to say. And humans will sleep very well with their check, and not give a moments concern they buried someone.
I do worry about the possibility of one juror being a holdout. Maybe one of them will be sympathetic and believe her BS. :cry:

I am worried too, Katy. I will go into a serious depressed state of mind if this happens .... again. God, please no. :please:
Katiecoolady that is a gorgeous necklace and pair of earrings!! i'm excited to see Beth K wearing them! :)
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