jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #46 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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probably asked and answered, but any ideas on who the people behind the mitigation lady are?
this is not the demeanor of someone who is so fragile and afraid (the demeanor she was trying to portray earlier on) - this is the demeanor of a cold-blooded, calculating, sociopathic murderer
He's doing this on purpose to get reactions out of her. He's brilliant. If she gets this way during cross imagine how she must have been during the murder? Oh Travis, justice is coming....
Her facial expression is slipping just a little .. gone is the poor sad me we saw yesterday, she looks older, sterner, and much more intense.
I'm laughing at the defense attorneys looking over what Juan want to use. "This is awful, how can we get it out? We can't, she's toast. Let's just stall." Ha ha
JM doesn't need her to "admit" to anything. He is proving, through evidence, that she is a liar. He has plenty of material to move on to after a sustained objection. the jury is hearing the same snarky lies we are hearing.


Beth Karas reported on Twitter, jury paying close attention. :)
If she is caught in one single lie that gives the jury the right to disregard every single word she said in her testimony.

I think.

I can't watch the trial, just reading here. The way you guys describe it, this sounds like a boxing match!

Go Juan! :yesss:

Yep, the gloves are ON!!!
Cuz, ya know, she gotta protect her fingers!
this is going to be looooong. nurmi is obviously going to keep JM tangled up in sidebars and objections. i wish the judge would overrule him as much as she did JM----but she's not going to.
The smirk on her face is incredible. I would be peeing in my pants at this point. She is looking at Juan like she is untouchable and smarter than he is.

I think she's going to burst out laughing at some point. This is amusing to her! She likes this. :waitasec:
Is this great or what????

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Contrast this rapid fire with her attorney's slooooow delivery. very unnerving for her.

How do you feel Juan is doing? He is bringing up each and every lie. She is tough and trying to confuse him.

I would be very suprised if JA confuses Juan. He has been prosecuting defendents for years. He is very smart and I don't think he misses much.

He has years of training and experience behind him.

He is an expert. She is not.
Ok, restarted browser so computer a little faster now. I asked this 20 pages ago, lol, and then left, but does anyone know who the row of people sitting in front of JA's family are? TIA
I agree Hopeful, that smirk on her face is just absolutely disgusting, how many of us would like to smack if off her face. At least there is SOME good in watching her attorney's flinch and squirm a bit, the truth is coming out. Go Juan, make them ALL squirm. As far as I am concerned they are just as disgusting as she is, how do they sleep at night defending the MONSTER that they are.
Girl sitting next to Samantha? Anyone? TIA!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy sIII (so please excuse the typos!)
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