jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #46 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Have to say I'm surprised at the way Juan is approaching this.
He seems to be jumping around on the less important features???
Think he's great, but have to say I'm a little disappointed.
No tomatoes please - that's just how I see it.

He's building up a profile of her, right now, her lies, and keeping her off balance.
omg @ that journal she 13 yrs old?

my journal entry from my 7th birthday, the day i got my journal, said the same type of thing about loving Donny Walhburg from New Kids on the Block!
With so many lies to contend with, I was afraid he'd just concentrate on the things that would hang her legally, the murder itself, lies, coverup, etc - so happy to see he is going to out her as the stalker she is too!! Even without the tire slashing/emails to other women - her obsessive desperation is already showing !!
For those of you that think this cross is jumping around, choppy, messy.. whatever the word: Just hang on. There is method to this madness!

Personally, I am thrilled!
This is redic!!! Has her counsel never seen this journal before?!?!??!?!?
What, like the DA never looked over any of her diaries? This is silly! I thought that all of this had already been reviewed???
Glad to hear Beth say that. I do have confidence in Juan, and I can see the strategic value in jumping around.
Have to say I'm surprised at the way Juan is approaching this.
He seems to be jumping around on the less important features???
Think he's great, but have to say I'm a little disappointed.
No tomatoes please - that's just how I see it.

Jumping around keeps her off guard. I think he will hit the biggies next week
and yet nurmi was allowed to use all kinds of words that should NOT have been allowed. i'm not seeing the fairness here at all. if you let the defense have a field day on direct, why not loosen the reins on the state too? JM isn't doing ANYTHING compared to what nurmi got away with.

Nurmi is pissing me off. His constant objections. :banghead:
OFGS - what is wrong with this judge. Does Nurmi need to approach about every single piece of evidence? What are they so scared about?
Don't fret Gitana1, you aren't missing much, lots of sidebars re journal entries cross
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