Jodi Arias Trial discussion, #4

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I believe the prosecution is showing the receipts ...with special attention to the time, to show the jury it took hours to get to TA's house to murder him.
Obviously she was packing a gun. TA didn't own one.

I believe the prosecution is doing an excellant job of showing a cold, calculated, premeditated murder.

Jodi went to LA first to see her friend who had a baby, or so she said. I'd find it hard to believe that she didn't actually visit the friend since she told Ryan about it before, and Detective Martinez after, the trip.

I think showing the absence of receipts in AZ is to demonstrate her premeditation by leaving a trail from which AZ is excluded. She used her credit/debit everywhere else, leaving a nice trail. That it wasn't used in AZ shows intentional behavior to hide that she was there.

This prosecutor is very good.
People keep saying how intelligent she is. I'm sorry, but I think that she could actually be the subject in that show "Stupidest Criminals". I don't think that anything she did was intelligent...nothing. I think that the only thing she is good at is bulls****ing and, even with that, she is so over the top that she calls attention to herself.

I agree. IMO all she has is a decent vocabulary.

Funny thing about psychopaths, they always think they're smarter than everyone else. Sometimes they are....but lucky for us, she isn't one of the smart ones.
She did not own up to it until 2011. She had the she wasnt there story then she was there and it was 2 strangers that did it.
Right. They have to disprove the first two stories to prove she's lying to prove she could be lying about self defense. I think. :floorlaugh:
That is what made me perk up with interest. So she leave home and rents a car as a blond and the next I remember hearing about her hair color is from the new boyfriend Ryan who ( I thought) said he was surprised she showed up at his place as a brunette.

If she was a Travis's house killing him, as a brunette, that is more damning proof she was laying the groundwork to kill him way before she arrived at his door.

That is what is interesting. She rented the car as a blonde, in between that ..died her hair brunette. (there is a reason for all this)
TA's friends would have possibly recognized her car, and or see a blonde leave his house.

This murder was so premeditated and brutal, i'd be shocked if the Jury didn't come back with a life sentence.

She had every intention of driving to AZ to Kill TA. I had not followed this case at all, and only just started watching the trial online from day 1.
So i am watching as the Jury watches.

I'd be shocked if she wasn't put to death for her crime.
You saw that picture? I thought it wasn't shown to us...

It was shown. On one of the courtroom monitors that was facing us (viewers) during opening statements. It wasn't meant to be shown, as the monitor was down towards the bottom right of my screen, and JA was at the upper left. They were showing pics of the "sexy play", and the pic in question popped up.

I've noticed they've been much more careful with their picture displays since then ;)
People keep saying how intelligent she is. I'm sorry, but I think that she could actually be the subject in that show "Stupidest Criminals". I don't think that anything she did was intelligent...nothing. I think that the only thing she is good at is bulls****ing and, even with that, she is so over the top that she calls attention to herself.

I agree. Just because you have the ability to lie well does not make you an intelligent person. She lacks any common sense.
Would love to see the house she bought with 4 year guy!

I think she met Travis, and set out to trade up.

A track home,older. When she left the former boyfriend they were being foreclosed on. She met and hooked up with Travis while she was still with former boyfriend.
Jodi went to LA first to see her friend who had a baby, or so she said. I'd find it hard to believe that she didn't actually visit the friend since she told Ryan about it before, and Detective Martinez after, the trip.


As for her visiting her friend, they were not able to hook up but her interest was to take photos of the new baby so I find it impossible to believe Jodi did not have a camera with her, most likely a camera was with her at all times. Would Jodi really go anywhere without a camera? doubtful
Jodi went to LA first to see her friend who had a baby, or so she said. I'd find it hard to believe that she didn't actually visit the friend since she told Ryan about it before, and Detective Martinez after, the trip.

I think showing the absence of receipts in AZ is to demonstrate her premeditation by leaving a trail from which AZ is excluded. She used her credit/debit everywhere else, leaving a nice trail. That it wasn't used in AZ shows intentional behavior to hide that she was there.

This prosecutor is very good.

didn't one of the receipts show a prepaid gas card purchase? And HOW DID SHE MAKE MONEY ON THAT TRIP:what:
A track home,older. When she left the former boyfriend they were being foreclosed on. She met and hooked up with Travis while she was still with former boyfriend.

Nice little pattern.
I think she has psychotic episodes.

nah, she's plain psychotic.

eta-why would she lie about her place of employment to everyone?
she told everyone margaritaville instead of that other restaurant.
I think it shows that she was running off of pure emotion, and no logic.

Frankly I dont think Jodi has much emotion accept anger and revenge. She certainly has no logic and common sense. That is a given even after the murder had long happened. Her lies are grandiose but they say pathological liars believe everyone will believe them without question.

Just listen to her talk weeks or months later......piling on more lies on top of lies and she does it with ease.

I was just reading the docs released and there's one part reffering to the pics that were deleted from the camera:

"There were other unallocated photos on the digital card that would have to be retrieved. Once retrieved, were time stamped starting on 6-4-08 at 1340 hours. The first retrieved photo was of Jodi Arias lying nude on Travis' bed posing for a picture. There were eight pictures total, six of Jodi Arias and 2 of the victum Travis Alexander. All were nude pictures and some in provocative sexual poses."

"The date and time of these photos is consistent with the date and time of Travis' death. This also indicates, Jodi was lying about not seeing Travis since April 2008. This also proves that Jodi was the last person I can prove had contact with Travis prior to his death."
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