Jodi Arias Trial Discussion #8 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Who drinks Kool Aid. Kids, not adults. But, I guess it could be an energy drink. Gator Aid. jmo

Oh no.....adults do too lol. I know some.

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Maybe that was kool-aid stains.

Across the whole back seat and front passenger seat? All four mats missing? And the car smells like smoke. They did not say cigarette smoke, they said smoke and there is a difference. We passed a 4 wheeler on the highway this weekend who blew a tire and it was burning. The smell stayed in the car for a long time and all we did is pass the truck we were not parked next to it. I would imagine if you were parked there for a time you'd still have that smell in the car. jmo
I must admit that the thought has crossed my mind that the male jurors started tuning out the testimony as soon as they got a glimpse of the nude photos of Jodi and that now they are just sitting there letting their imaginations run wild. Just being truthful. I just don't trust juries anymore.

Except they were saying the jurors were taking a lot of notes yesterday and one of the jurors filled a book and started on a second.
On Justice for Travis it says court ends at 3pm tomorrow.
Plus that was only one piece of evidence that help the ME figure out the sequence. Not sure why it is still an issue when the prosecutor stated today in court, for the record, that Flores was going by JA's testimony and not what the ME found when he stated TA was shot first. JA's statement vs. ME. Who would be considered more credible? jmo

Did Flores not admit on the stand the other day that he was wrong. That his report was inaccurate and that the ME was correct? Did I watch something and totally misinterpret it? No, I don't think so. He admitted that he was wrong. jmo
Even Flores vs. ME! The dude is a detective - not a doctor. (Which is what I kept screaming at Nurmi too.) :biggrin:

Wonder how many times he kicked himself for believing what JA had said??? She got him on that one. jmo
Did Flores not admit on the stand the other day that he was wrong. That his report was inaccurate and that the ME was correct? Did I watch something and totally misinterpret it? No, I don't think so. He admitted that he was wrong. jmo

And the prosecutor had to revisit that again today. Whoa. Do you think someone on SA's staff reads here? jmo
Yeah, abc has an article which is titled "jurors questions reflect doubt". The question about the alibi for the roommates. Is this even possible???? The article states that the jurors questions seem to reflect that perhaps the police focused on her to the exclusion of possible other suspects. Did the opening statement from the defense not state that WITHOUT A DOUBT, SHE KILLED HIM?????? Oh, I forgot.....opening statements are not evidence. My head is about to explode........
IF this jury does not convict, That's it for me regarding trials.

I know people are still upset with Casey's verdict, but I could not be more pleased to know that she is down right miserable and has to stay in a gated community. Her life has NOT turned out the way she thought it would be when she was found not guilty.

I truly think KC would have been right at home in prison.
Anyone know whether kerosene will remove blood stains?
I dunno. Would it contaminate DNA?

And as for peeps reading here all the guests make me kinda nervous. Yep. You guys! You really should feel guilty for causing me anxiety and come join us. :biggrin:
Yeah, abc has an article which is titled "jurors questions reflect doubt". The question about the alibi for the roommates. Is this even possible???? The article states that the jurors questions seem to reflect that perhaps the police focused on her to the exclusion of possible other suspects. Did the opening statement from the defense not state that WITHOUT A DOUBT, SHE KILLED HIM?????? Oh, I forgot.....opening statements are not evidence. My head is about to explode........

Even her OWN defense says she killed him, She ADMITTED she killed him.

They must want video proof that actually shows him being killed by her.


Not sure how credible this report is but, for what its worth:

CCUSED murderer JODI ARIAs has hatched a desperate, last-ditch plan to walk free from jail – and she’s tried to drag The ENQUIRER into her twisted scheme!

Now on trial for the grisly murder of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander in 2008, Arias is trying to trash Alexander’s reputa*tion and portray him as a violent, sex-crazed deviant who abused her so horrifically she was forced to kill him, sources say.

So she recruited her mother to contact The ENQUIRER and asked us to publish “incriminating letters” that Alexander al*legedly wrote during their romance. But a judge has already tossed those letters out of court.

Despite the judge’s decision, a source close to Arias, 32, told The ENQUIRER: “Jodi is certain these letters are her ticket to freedom.

“She knows her only chance at acquittal is to convince the jury she was abused and that her ex-boyfriend was a bad guy. It’s disgusting that she’s willing to drag a dead man’s name through the mud so she can go free.”

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