Jodi Arias Trial Discussion #8 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Really?!?! Wonder how I missed that in the minutes?

You've made my night! Thank you!

Hi, BritsKate. Jodi's actions towards Travis will come out in testimony about their texts, emails, Face Book, and phone calls; things that his friends observed, things that Travis told his friends, her hacking his accounts, and probably other things. Whether he went to the police or not, her behavior and actions are a part of the case.
I agree.
I think this is one of the main reasons the KC trial was lost. IMO, the state went way overboard providing way too much detail about analysis of things. Days and days and days of it. They lost the jury and if they could have kept it short and to the point, I think they could have easily got conviction.

They had so much stuff, they came across as trying to fool the jury IMO.

Hi, Hatfield. You're right. It's the old O.J. jury nullification issue.
every time I look at his memorial and hear what his friends and family said about him, it just makes me so sad :(. No one deserves this at all, but I think he could have done great things. It sounds like he was a friend to all and maybe that's why he tried to be Jodi's friend knowing she was a little "off".
What was Mimi's answer?

"did he tell you he was also dating JA, having sexual relations with JA?"
"he seemingly told you, during a camping trip, that he told you he had a stalker"
"he didn't say a name at all, but told me that he had a stalker, she had followed us on a date, she knew who I was, I told him I was scared"
"he didn't say this was Jodi, correct?"
"no, he didnt say who it was"
"well let me ask you this, you said you gave him advice this..he should seek a restraining order against the stalker. You expressed that you were scared of this stalker, and to your knowledge, did he ever seek out a restraining order?"
"He never told you the stalker was Jodi?"
"The time I recall the name Jodi is the night that we found him at his house"

Then, on redirect, Martinez asks Mimi if the stalker was female, she answers yes. He asks her what the stalker has done in the past, and making it pretty clear the stalker was Jodi.

"she slashed his tires, sent threatening emails to a girl he was dating (Lisa), broke into his email and bank accounts, and she had followed us on our first date"
From The Memorial Site Of Travis. BBM

John Hepworth

One of the things that really bothers me about this trial is the way the defense is trying to demonize Travis. Travis was one of the nicest people I have ever met. He opened his home to me when I needed it. I was in the kitchen when he and Jodi broke up. There was no yelling. They sat down in the front room and Travis explained to her that the relationship was not going anywhere. I was in the house when Travis caught Jodi reading his gmail. There was no threats of violence. There was a time when Travis was pretty upset with me because of something that I had disclosed to a mutual friend. He had a right to be upset with me. Travis told me that he wished that I respected him enough to talk to him instead of behind his back. Travis was a kind, cheritable soul who would literaly give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He remains an example to me.

IMO..Probably not the best place to break up with a a house with a friend listening in on your conversation.
Yes but I am not going to spend my time searching for something like that, sorry. :)

Many will say this is cliche, but IMHO beauty comes from within. In mind, body and spirit. If your mind and spirit are dark, there's nothing that's going to please me about your shell.

I can't think of a single defendent that raises my eyebrows.

However, I'll flirt with Yuri Melich anyday! He's a good guy, with great intentions, and always doing his best to convict the criminals.


John Hepworth

One of the things that really bothers me about this trial is the way the defense is trying to demonize Travis. Travis was one of the nicest people I have ever met. He opened his home to me when I needed it. I was in the kitchen when he and Jodi broke up. There was no yelling. They sat down in the front room and Travis explained to her that the relationship was not going anywhere. I was in the house when Travis caught Jodi reading his gmail. There was no threats of violence. There was a time when Travis was pretty upset with me because of something that I had disclosed to a mutual friend. He had a right to be upset with me. Travis told me that he wished that I respected him enough to talk to him instead of behind his back. Travis was a kind, cheritable soul who would literaly give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He remains an example to me.

IMO..Probably not the best place to break up with a a house with a friend listening in on your conversation.

Maybe TA thought she'd go all bat shoot crazy on him and wanted the friend there just for that reason. :what:


John Hepworth

One of the things that really bothers me about this trial is the way the defense is trying to demonize Travis. Travis was one of the nicest people I have ever met. He opened his home to me when I needed it. I was in the kitchen when he and Jodi broke up. There was no yelling. They sat down in the front room and Travis explained to her that the relationship was not going anywhere. I was in the house when Travis caught Jodi reading his gmail. There was no threats of violence. There was a time when Travis was pretty upset with me because of something that I had disclosed to a mutual friend. He had a right to be upset with me. Travis told me that he wished that I respected him enough to talk to him instead of behind his back. Travis was a kind, cheritable soul who would literaly give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He remains an example to me.

IMO..Probably not the best place to break up with a a house with a friend listening in on your conversation.

Unless you're worried about how she's going to react, and you want someone there to have your back if things get out of hand.

ETA: Melanie said it much better than I did!
Maybe because of the things she wrote on her blog that lend credence to TA being "persuasive, unrelenting", etc.

Hi, CreepingSkills. My guess is that Lisa's objections to Travis' compatibility had to do with his big, outgoing, sometime raucous, playful personality, not his sexual proclivities, or violent actions. He was a workaholic with numerous friends and business associates, not necessarily the ideal catch for some women I have known. Travis was obviously aware that he was charismatic and not given to bashfulness.

Lisa also wrote this:

It wasn't until I learned of the brutal murder of Travis, and after months of dealing with all the pain and emotions that come with it, that I have come to realize why we couldn't be together. Whether it was to protect me physically or emotionally, or both, I know not. But I do know that Heavenly Father was watching out for me, and continues to do so.

I love reading this girl posts......

Tiffany Wann will update tomorrow with more info on the 'other' inmate i mentioned earlier...gotta get caught up on this chat thread and work in my head on recalling actions and events and even 'jailhouse rumors' from Officers themselves about Arias and her "friend" that she had to be separated from....also rumors from DO's themselves about Arias supposedly having a male pen pal from a prison down in Florence or somewhere of the likes here in Arizona, writing notes and crime details in contraband magazines being transferred back and forth between Arias and an unknown male prison inmate during the stay of incarceration whilst i was in with her....and please, for those of you who do tend to impose judgment on criminals, and categorize us as 'all the same', please don't judge me right off the bat...yes, i was in maximum security, but not for murder, or anything heinous like crime has unsettling circumstances, which i will be willing to elaborate on in private messaging with anyone who may be interested or curious....i did spend 364 days in county first four and half months were in the pod/tower where Arias was sweet on the outside, so charming...singing out whole pod to sleep at nights at lights out with quite a beautiful voice...she is good at gathering her 'following'...but the more this trial reveals, the more i realize, i simply had the wool pulled over my spidy senses by her charm, and the protection and guidance she indirectly gave upon me while i was in her unit/pod...please feel free to private message me if you wish.....i am no 'snitch', or 'gossip girl', but i have no fear or shame in voicing my opinions and thoughts on situations....i am usually a very good judge of character, but i am beginning to believe that Jodi just likes to sweeten, and sugar coat the thorns of her evil within herself...twisted chains of evil and hatred...pure evil lurking in her soul...i may say i saw many faces of pure evil while i was incarcerated, but i am seeing now, that the sweetest face, and the sweetest voice inside there, was the most evil of all...will post tomorrow once i catch up.
15 hours ago · Unlike · 15
"did he tell you he was also dating JA, having sexual relations with JA?"
"he seemingly told you, during a camping trip, that he told you he had a stalker"
"he didn't say a name at all, but told me that he had a stalker, she had followed us on a date, she knew who I was, I told him I was scared"
"he didn't say this was Jodi, correct?"
"no, he didnt say who it was"
"well let me ask you this, you said you gave him advice this..he should seek a restraining order against the stalker. You expressed that you were scared of this stalker, and to your knowledge, did he ever seek out a restraining order?"
"He never told you the stalker was Jodi?"
"The time I recall the name Jodi is the night that we found him at his house"

Then, on redirect, Martinez asks Mimi if the stalker was female, she answers yes. He asks her what the stalker has done in the past, and making it pretty clear the stalker was Jodi.

"she slashed his tires, sent threatening emails to a girl he was dating (Lisa), broke into his email and bank accounts, and she had followed us on our first date"

Thanks for pulling that info for me and correcting my memory. :)

Originally Posted by Sulamith View Post
John Hepworth

One of the things that really bothers me about this trial is the way the defense is trying to demonize Travis. Travis was one of the nicest people I have ever met. He opened his home to me when I needed it. I was in the kitchen when he and Jodi broke up. There was no yelling. They sat down in the front room and Travis explained to her that the relationship was not going anywhere. I was in the house when Travis caught Jodi reading his gmail. There was no threats of violence. There was a time when Travis was pretty upset with me because of something that I had disclosed to a mutual friend. He had a right to be upset with me. Travis told me that he wished that I respected him enough to talk to him instead of behind his back. Travis was a kind, charitable soul who would literally give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He remains an example to me.

IMO..Probably not the best place to break up with a a house with a friend listening in on your conversation.

Maybe TA thought she'd go all bat shoot crazy on him and wanted the friend there just for that reason.


Ditto, that was my immediate thought, too. The fact that he broke it off with JA suggests he knew she wasn't wrapped too tight. He was smart to want someone around, as backup in case she became upset... He probably intentionally waited until someone else was around to tell her it was over.

I wonder if he ever outright admitted to friends that he was afraid of her.
no, you're right. i just wanted to be clear about that. i'm freaked out a juror asked about getting prints from the roommates. that's all!


Maybe it was because the only prints recovered from the scene were Travis and Jodi's.
I think JA was in the house that night and felt confident nothing bad would happen to her because of the person Travis was. She felt she could carry out her mission because he would not resist her being there (him thinking she will eventually leave). He clearly had no idea what her agenda was and maybe figured he'd wait her out as usual. jmo
Im not the least worried about these jury questions. I was on a death penalty case once and we were allowed to ask questions. The media tried to figure out which way we were leaning during the entire time the case was ongoing. LOL! We learned after the trial was over that the media thought we were leaning toward NG. We voted guilty due to the overwhelming evidence of guilt.

We had a couple of people that wanted to rule all possiblities out so that was why the media thought we were leaning toward not guilty.

These questions are good and the answers will set them at ease.....especially that no fingerprints of the roommates were found anywhere at the scene. They may have one or two on the panel asking these questions and they may not even wind up as jurors but alternates. It never means all jurors want to know these questions.


I am really glad you have faith the jurors. I so hope you are right.

I am not! I am furious. IMO Any juror with two brain cells to rub together wouldn't be asking such stupid questions during the states case. Weren't they paying attention to her defense attorneys opening statement? There is no doubt she killed him, but it was in self defense.
Did some moron actually think a roommate was involved? IMO they are looking at her, even after everything they heard and saw ...and are looking for another explanation....couldn't be jodi .....Jodi alone? She musta had help.

I am beyond disgusted!
What was Mimi's answer?
Nurmi: The times you're going on these dates did he also tell you he was dating Jodi Arias?
Mimi: No. I had no idea.
Nurmi: Did he tell you he was having sexual relations with Jodi Arias?
Mimi: No.
Nurni: Okay. Um - what he did it seem - seemingly told you - and I'm not gonna ask what he exactly what he said - but it was during a camping trip if I recall correctly he uh told you he had a stalker. It was at this camping trip in Prescott. Right?
Mimi: Yeah, yeah. He didn't say a name at all but he, when we were camping we were having breakfast with a couple of friends, and he uh he told me at that point that he had a stalker and that she had actually followed us on a date and she knew who I was. And I told him that that was really scary and that he should get a restraining order. And so.
Nurmi: And you say that uh he didn't tell you - that he didn't say this was Jodi, right?
Mimi: No. He didn't say who it was.
(Looking at page 6 of a transcript. Reading to herself.)
Mimi: This is um...
Nurmi: Huh - No! Ma'am, I didn't ask a question. May I approach your honor?
Nurmi: Well let me ask you this - you you and I kind of interrupted you - you said you gave him the advice this that he should seek a restraining order against this stalker.
Mimi: Yes.
Nurmi: And you expressed to him that you were scared of this stalker, right?
Mimi: I'm scared of any stalker. It's not something you want to (coughing - can't hear response)
Nurmi: That's well this - and to your knowledge did he ever seek out a restraining order?
Mimi: Not to my knowledge, no. He told me not to be afraid.
Nurmi: Okay. And is it your testimony that he never said the stalker was Jodi Arias that is your testimony?
Mimi: That's - from what I can remember - I don't remember him ever saying the time I remembered hearing the name Jodi and it could have been then but the time I actually recall the name Jodi was the night that we found him. At his house.
Nurmi: Okay. Thank you Ms. Hall

Incidentally she mentions Travis was a persistent personality but very respectful of her just wanting to be friends. (Ha! I've been at this so long I don't remember why I was doing it!)
Ditto, that was my immediate thought, too. The fact that he broke it off with JA suggests he knew she wasn't wrapped too tight. He was smart to want someone around, as backup in case she became upset... He probably intentionally waited until someone else was around to tell her it was over.

I wonder if he ever outright admitted to friends that he was afraid of her.
“Travis came over to our house at least every week, we had family dinners and we would always ask him about, how’s his love life, who’s he dating and recently, at that time, he had decided to leave Jodi and explained that the next day he was going to leave in his car and his tires were slashed,” Dr. Hiatt said on HLN. “And the Sunday after that, he told us about it, and said, ‘Don’t be surprised if one of these Sundays, I don’t show up and you find me dead someplace.’

“And we all just thought, wow, she really must be mad. And he said, ‘I’m serious.’ And we said, ‘we got it’.
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