Jodi Arias Trial Discussion #9 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Okay. These interviewers drive me crazy. This guy knew her, has valuable input and they won't let him talk! Does this drive anyone else crazy too? I wonder if the pros will call him and some of TA's friends to the stand. I think he could have said way more if Dr. drew and his guest would have shut up to let him talk.:banghead:

Totally agree. Dr. Drew is one of the worst about doing that. He loves to hear himself talk. NG is right there with him.

With commercial breaks and the hosts doing all the talking, it is a miracle we get anything from these shows.
I think that is a typo, it should read IMO border as in border around something, if the answer was no in the previous question to no boarder, how does one take fingerprints of someone who does not exist, answer yes they were
Now I am going back to watch video and hope I was not off on a tangent.

Edited to add, jury questions were not in the linked youtube video

they were in this video.. I just watched it

they start at 28:20
Anyone know exactly what part of AZ. this Jury came from? Please dont say one of the more popular "retirement" areas :what: I missed any demographics on the Jurors.
:seeya: Morning Y'all !

:eek: WTH is going on with those types of questions from the jury ?

:waitasec: Don't they know that Jodi MURDERED Travis and they are there to determine if it was "pre-meditated murder" -- which it was PRE-MEDITATED ... Hello Jury -- she brought a gun with her, dyed her hair, rented a car, etc etc etc ... OR ... if it was "self defense" -- which is a total crock of ...

Last night, I watched NG's Show ... but first a "Disclaimer" :

I do NOT like that defense attorney Peter Odom she always has on her show ...

BUT -- here is what Peter Odom said that caught my attention [and Nancy's attention] :

GRACE: Well, then, where is she get -- where did she get the knife? Where was it?

PETER ODOM: I don`t know, Nancy. You know, that`s going to be for her -- that`s going to be for the state to explain if they want to convict her of murder.

And I`ll tell you something. The state`s making a mistake here. The prosecutors in this case are -- she is calling the shots. They are chasing her agenda. Why don`t they get back to proving the evidence of murder against her, rather than chasing all her lies? She`s running this trial.

GRACE: You know what, Peter? That is a very astute observation. They are. She is playing "catch me if you can." But what they`re doing is laying a foundation of all her lies.


I NEVER agree with him ... BUT the comment "She's running this trial" makes me think of CA and her crew who "ran that trial" ...

The State needs to lay out ALL the evidence against Jodi SIMPLY so that the jury understands the evidence ... The State needs to point out that the defense is BS and is there to raise doubt and confuse the jury ...

I know the state is "laying the foundation" to prove Jodi's LIES ... but we all know that CA LIED ... and look what happened there ?

This should be a "slam dunk" for the State with ALL THAT EVIDENCE they have, and that is where the focus should be !

Okay ... I hope this made sense ... I have not had enough coffee this morning ... so ...



Exactly! Oh, and it broke my heart to see that little picture of Kyle. God bless him. Maybe someday they can find him and put that woman behind bars too!
Totally agree. Dr. Drew is one of the worst about doing that. He loves to hear himself talk. NG is right there with him.

With commercial breaks and the hosts doing all the talking, it is a miracle we get anything from these shows.

I thought Dr Drew was OK during the CA trial but now I cannot bear to watch him. LOVES himself to pieces :p
Yes, drives me nuts, too. Especially that woman guest co-host...who the heck is she and what value does she add? She just interrupts at the wrong times. And dr d seems like he doesn't care much for her, either.

But I had to watch since he's a shrink, and I wanted to hear his impression of WHAT'S WRONG WITH JA - WHAT'S HER MENTAL DIAGNOSIS? I have never seen anyone this whacked...

Jillian Barberie. I cannot stand her.
Yes, drives me nuts, too. Especially that woman guest co-host...who the heck is she and what value does she add? She just interrupts at the wrong times. And dr d seems like he doesn't care much for her, either.

But I had to watch since he's a shrink, and I wanted to hear his impression of WHAT'S WRONG WITH JA - WHAT'S HER MENTAL DIAGNOSIS? I have never seen anyone this whacked...

Kirchner Dr drew also thought focal was abused. So I don't take his opionions seriously
Ewww just seen the pic of JA's lady garden while eating a tuna fish sandwich. LIfe will never be the same again.

What is seen cannot be unseen. yuck

I completely commiserate, UKgirl. I was watching the trial live at the azfamily site, and when the naughty bits flashed across the screen I was enjoying a plate of sushi at the time. Had to clean up pieces of rice scattered across my laptop, oh dear. Then the live feed stopped and I had to wonder if someone was being reprimanded in the edit room. Hubby was sitting near me at the time and no longer thinks trials are boring.

On a much more serious note, I think Travis would have been so humiliated seeing those pictures aired on a live feed, not to mention being seen by anyone else. I noted that Arias didn't seem the least bit ashamed. Not even a blush. If that had been me, I'd have practically died from embarrassment right there.

According to a previous coworker at Bing Crosby's Restaurant, Arias didn't show any kind of emotion, which she found strange and other coworkers thought creepy enough to warn her about Arias. IMHO, there must be something important missing in Arias's soul. Some people are just born bad and tragedy follows when someone gets in the way of their 'plans.'
Jodi Arias Trial - Day 8 - Part 2 - YouTube

they were in this video.. I just watched it

they start at 28:20

Well, the questions about boarders were probably written by the same juror, so they would have used the same word both times. It wouldn't be until the detective said no boarders, just roommates, that "boarders" was off the table. And he probably just answered the question the way it was written since he knew what the juror was asking. jmo.
Didn't the fellow from last night, one of Jodi's ex boyfriends, Abe something say that he and Jodi were at a function and he was trying to talk Spanish to a couple and his Spanish isn't that good and Jodi jumped right in and spoke Spanish fluently? The ex girlfriend of Jodi (who now lives in Hawaii) said that Jodi was 1/2 Mexican. IMO Jodi probably grew up being bilingual.

The problem I am having is wasn't it touted how accomplished/intelligent JA is while in prison she has gotten her GED and learned Spanish and Cine language. hmmmmm

Anybody else freaked out that Jodi shut a cat away in a dark room for a couple of weeks and didn't know what to make of the animal shaking when she retrieved it?

IMO JA is a husk, an empty shell.
Good morning all :) All caught up! I watched Dr. Drew last night, and thought hearing Abe's perspective interesting, and he was very talkative, was nice to see that they didn't have to pull info from him, he was more than willing to share. I did giggle when the woman asked him about having sex with Jodi, and Dr. Drew said 'you didn't want to go IN there, uhh go there' (Freudian slip???) lol Obviously Dr. Drew seen the pics too :D
I finished reading the last thread, and the debate over shot first/stabbed first. I do have a question that I can't seem to find the answer for. Did the bullet casing that they found have any fingerprints? or partial prints? The reason I ask is.... is it possible that she wiped it/cleaned it after Travis was killed? She seemed to be in clean up mode, and IMO realized that she couldn't clean all of that up. These are the things I think of when I go to bed at night!! lol After reading last night, I just couldn't help but wonder.
I couldn't agree more. I was also wondering if when they show the Jurors the naked photos of JA if they black out the private parts? If they do show her completely spread eagle I think that's wrong. With all the men on the Jury all you need is one to stop thinking with the head on his shoulders. I think it's asking for trouble! Especially the way she has a way with Men. The rental car guy and the officer who stopped her for the license plate being upside down both said how nice she was. :banghead: It just takes one!! Just sayin.....

They already showed the nude pics to the jury and they were uncensored. Those of us watching the live feed on the net saw them as well. It wasn't pretty.
rewatching the end and wondering who 'gus searsy' (spelling ?) could be? State is asking to interview him during the 'hiatus' as he was just noticed by the DT earlier this week.. DT responds by saying that they don't want PA to interview him (and refer to ex parte previously on this)

Good morning all :) All caught up! I watched Dr. Drew last night, and thought hearing Abe's perspective interesting, and he was very talkative, was nice to see that they didn't have to pull info from him, he was more than willing to share. I did giggle when the woman asked him about having sex with Jodi, and Dr. Drew said 'you didn't want to go IN there, uhh go there' (Freudian slip???) lol Obviously Dr. Drew seen the pics too :D
I finished reading the last thread, and the debate over shot first/stabbed first. I do have a question that I can't seem to find the answer for. Did the bullet casing that they found have any fingerprints? or partial prints? The reason I ask is.... is it possible that she wiped it/cleaned it after Travis was killed? She seemed to be in clean up mode, and IMO realized that she couldn't clean all of that up. These are the things I think of when I go to bed at night!! lol After reading last night, I just couldn't help but wonder.

i don't believe they found prints on it. if she was going to go to the trouble of wiping it clean, why wouldn't she have just picked it up and taken it with her?
i think that crime scene was so overwhelming with all that blood, she started out trying to clean up and quickly decided 'screw it.' no way she could clean it all up.
Wow, the jury questions are not comforting to me. Maybe I'm tainted now after watching KC walk, but it sounds like they are looking for alternative explanations. I really hope I'm wrong.
Totally agree. Dr. Drew is one of the worst about doing that. He loves to hear himself talk. NG is right there with him.

With commercial breaks and the hosts doing all the talking, it is a miracle we get anything from these shows.

That's exactly why I won't watch them. I sometimes dvr dr drew, fast forward to Mark iglarsh .... I love that man:) but I haven't done that in a long time either.

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I know there has been some earlier discussion about the NG show and her comment about JA running the show in court, that the Prosecutor is chasing down JAs' lies. I don't see it that way. I see the Pro as laying down the fact that JA is an out and out liar, the insinuation being that the latest story about what happened to Travis (self defense) is yet another lie. At that point I think the Pro will reiterate all the evidence and points which show premeditation.
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