Jodi Arias Trial: the weekend discussion

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Wait. Who else just said that recently? Someone else lied about their childhood, stating it was "ideal" in one of these case, when it was far from it. Anyone recall who that was? Total selective memory. Oh yeah. elizabeth johnson! You know, the rat that suffocated her baby to death to get back at her boyfriend for talking to other women and who is doing no more than a few years for the crime!

She was in and out of foster care, her parents were horrible drunks and I think one committed suicide. But her childhood was idyllic, she claimed.

Yeah. And to add to my earlier post, I think some men have to be taught how not to be a victim of this type of woman just like some women have to be taught how not to be a victim. I was taught and I am teaching my young brothers in law (Now 17, 19 and 21). The middle one has this friend who is constantly "liking" every last post he makes on facebook and commenting on each one. Okay, so she likes him. But then she came slinking up to him and rubbed on him like a cat marking its territory, while she purred, "Meeeoowww". That little action brings it to another level for me. It's subtle, but it does say something. To me it says she is possessive and coupled with the facebook stalking, obsessive. We told him she's crazy and to never ever do anything with her or he'd never be able to get her out of his life.

I am sorry your brother-in-law is having to endure this...I cetainly hope he heeds your warning.

In some ways I think males are just like females and they can be targeted by abusers due to being naive or even perhaps lonely.

Our son is very happily married but there is this one girl that works with him that really makes him feel uncomfortable. She is always telling him how sexy and good looking she thinks he is. He tells her 'thanks....Im lucky and my wife thinks so too.':floorlaugh: But she never seems to get the message . She will bring him food and he walks over and puts it on a table where everyone can get it if they want it. He really doesnt want to complain about it. He told his wife though.

He said when she comes over to his desk he just starts talking about his lovely wife and children. Still doesnt get the message and its sort of scary. He made a mistake and friended her too on his FB page now she likes everything he puts on his page but what bothers him is she does it within minutes after he post something as if she is watching for when he is on.

Why? Why does any man. Because they can. Obviously the sex was more important to him then the slashed tires. Did he think he was dealing with a normal, rational person? He didn't care. The SEX was more important!

I respectfully dont agree Jacy.

He talked her into moving many hundreds of miles away from him. He was really trying to break it off with Jodi. He was trying to go on with his life like before Jodi came along. He had a pretty young woman (prettier than JA imo) going on a trip to Canun with him and he respected this young woman and they wouldnt be sleeping with each other either.

I think he did care about all the abusive things she did to him but like so many men they think they can deal with an abusive stalker obsessed sex maniac female when he really should have called LE immediately. This is another brutal case of domestic violence. I think there was a fear factor involved as well.

I know men are the least likely to report abuse of any kind that is done to them by a female. Its really sad actually to me.

And it isnt just men...........women put up with abuse too just for the sex.
Gitana, Im sorry.

I read your post again and I see it is your brother in law.

My bad.
Yep, and there is no back rubbing, tissue handing or other attempts to comfort a crying jodi? IMO her lawyers look like they rather be somewhere else!

Yuck -- wouldn't you?

Are they court-appointed?
Frankly, I haven't actually been able to watch much! I post between work.

But from the little I have seen, it appears the prosecution is doing a calm, methodical job of making their case. The prosecution team seems to know what they are doing and their witnesses are stellar.

Also, I like the judge. She also seems calm and not likely to make crazy decisions or get excited by the notoriety of the case or by the cameras.

The defense looks like they are doing a good job as well. They are doing everything they can but really, they have more than an uphill battle. It's completely vertical.

I do loathe the "hohkays" that the male defense attorney has to respond to every answer with. That's something usually inexperienced attorneys do, IMO. One of the reasons it's a no no is that the more words stated at a deposition, the more pages of transcript there will be and thus, the higher the cost of the transcript. Also, it can just be annoying to a jury or a judge. (But I'm peevy about certain things like that. Many people aren't).

However, it looks like the defense knows what they are doing. They just don't have much of anything, really, to work with.

But I am reluctant to give an attorney-like opinion because I was dead certain about casey anthony and we all know what happened there. In fact, every attorney I talked to was dead certain. It wasn't until near the end that I started to have some instinctual misgivings (oh and during jury selection, when the judge let in one woman who stated she didn't feel right about judging others. But, I got over that. How stupid was I to get over that and how stupid was I to worry about just that one juror!!!).

So, I have misgivings. The defense is going to try hard to crucify Travis when it's their turn to present their case. And sadly, from what I have seen lately, if the jury has even one woman who hates men or thinks that heartbreak justifies (or simply can cause) murderous rage or that a guy who continues to have sex with his ex after telling her he is not serious is a disgusting "sociopath", we could have a problem.

thank you Gitana and (bbm) I understand why you hold your tongue but really.. I think the p12 was a combination of 1) bad jury selection 2) bad state presentation of the case in chief

in the CA trial when the state rested I said to myself, "they are done???!!!"

in this case I feel like they are nailing it left and right in sequential order.. not in the opening (I didn't even see that) but in the foundation. I thought the CA trial was way lacking cogent foundation. (((:)moo: my pen of cows))) In this case they are even following TA's last movements by blood... showing where he struggled for his life after showing his cut up and slaughtered body.

As I follow this case as a medical professional I am seeing a logical and sequential presentation of the facts... (I have not even followed the details closely before). It makes sense to me exactly what they are showing and based on the jury questions I think they are getting that too.

Today they asked about cleaning the inside of the shower.. this jury is really thinking and asking a lot of questions.

I think and hope and pray they will get it right.

I think we are all (those of us who followed it) disabled by the CA trial.

(may anything like it never happen again)
Darn coming attractions. I'm getting the sideways stink eye from hubby cause I'm not watching them..... They're commercials! Geeesh!

It's more interesting here.:)

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Why thank you my favorite bee.:seeya:

We had a lovely time.

We got there at 3:30 and didnt even leave until 7:00. :D We always enjoy each others company so much so the time flies by. The food was delish.

How sweet!! It's wonderful when spouses enjoy each other's company. Makes my heart feel good.


Undated young Arias from her myspace page


Undated Arias from

Man, that last picture reminds me eerily of casey anthony's high school picture. Ick.

I think the KY was for all that anal sex they were having.

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Yea. Or that. Ick!!!

I am sorry your brother is having to endure this...I cetainly hope he heeds your warning.

In some ways I think males are just like females and they can be targeted by abusers due to being naive or even perhaps lonely.

Our son is very happily married but there is this one girl that works with him that really makes him feel uncomfortable. She is always telling him how sexy and good looking she thinks he is. He tells her 'thanks....Im lucky and my wife thinks so too.':floorlaugh: But she never seems to get the message . She will bring him food and he walks over and puts it on a table where everyone can get it if they want it. He really doesnt want to complain about it. He told his wife though.

He said when she comes over to his desk he just starts talking about his lovely wife and children. Still doesnt get the message and its sort of scary. He made a mistake and friended her too on his FB page now she likes everything he puts on his page but what bothers him is she does it within minutes after he post something as if she is watching for when he is on.


That made me shudder. He should de-friend her and never tell her anything about his private life again. She's scary.

BTW, technically, what she's doing is considered sexual harassment. Now, I'm not a big fan of that theory. IMO, real sexual harassment is when your boss says you have to sleep with him or her or you'll get fired or never promoted, or if someone won't stop manhandling you. I was a waitress for several years and got groped by customers and cooks alike and I never complained to my bosses. I told the customers who touched me that they got one chance to do that and the next time, they'd be on the ground. I told the cooks that I would cut off their balls. One dude kept coming up behind me in the isolated kitchen late at night and kept threatening to kidnap me to Mexico. I told him that I knew where he lived, would wait til' he passed out drunk, and go in and set him on fire.

I usually never had to deal with the problem more than once. So, I tend to think people sometimes get a bit carried away with the sexual harassment thing.

However, this girl is creepy. Especially in light of the sociopathic female monsters we have seen in high profile cases in the last few years. Men can be victims to. And I just have bizarre superstitions about not wanting people who feel negatively about me or my family to be close to me or my family. I get this feeling that their evil vibes could cause me problems, so I stay away when I can.

This woman wants your daughter-in-law gone so she can fill her shoes. That's what she fantasizes about. Freaky. I wouldn't want her anywhere near me if I were him for that reason alone.

And it is highly inappropriate for her to be telling a married co-worker that he is "sexy", on a repeated basis.
A poster, and I am sorry I cannot remember poster's name, posted a link to a woman that TA had dated. I was reading her blog and when I read a part of it where the woman writes about breaking up with him. After reading it I thought that TA could have been the same way with JA, breaking up, but then calling her after the break-up. So far I have only heard from TA's friends that Jodi persued him. Might be possible that TA also persued JA and his friends are not telling the whole story. That friend Dave Hall sure acts like he knew him very well. That friend gives me the creeps for some reason. Especially on tonight's In Session with Vinnie Politan. I am not explaining well but the link is below for anyone that is interested in reading his former girlfriend's thoughts about him.


Travis and I began dating sometime early in July 2007. I won't go into details of when we were dating, because that really doesn't matter anymore, but we dated until February 2008. I had tried to break up with him twice before, but he was always so good at winning me back. I loved him a lot, but I knew that we just weren't right for each other. I knew we couldn't remain close after the final break-up or else I would end up back with him. We didn't speak for months.

I finally picked up the phone on May 28, 2008, to call Travis back, after ignoring several calls in the past 2 weeks. Looking back, I am so grateful that I was able to talk to him! We talked for about 40 minutes and ended on good terms. I promised to try harder to make things less awkward. I know that I was granted that opportunity from a loving Heavenly Father, who knew of things to come. Alexander
Movie starting...

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thank you Gitana and (bbm) I understand why you hold your tongue but really.. I think the p12 was a combination of 1) bad jury selection 2) bad state presentation of the case in chief

in the CA trial when the state rested I said to myself, "they are done???!!!"

in this case I feel like they are nailing it left and right in sequential order.. not in the opening (I didn't even see that) but in the foundation. I thought the CA trial was way lacking cogent foundation. (((:)moo: my pen of cows))) In this case they are even following TA's last movements by blood... showing where he struggled for his life after showing his cut up and slaughtered body.

As I follow this case as a medical professional I am seeing a logical and sequential presentation of the facts... (I have not even followed the details closely before). It makes sense to me exactly what they are showing and based on the jury questions I think they are getting that too.

Today they asked about cleaning the inside of the shower.. this jury is really thinking and asking a lot of questions.

I think and hope and pray they will get it right.

I think we are all (those of us who followed it) disabled by the CA trial.

(may anything like it never happen again)

I really thought they put in more than enough evidence to prove CA BARD of Murder One.

It doesnt take a rocket scientist to link the CE together.

The mere fact that SHE never reported her missing.

and.......the decomp in HER car
and.......Caylee's hair with a death band in HER car
and....duct tape around Casey's skull was more than enough to prove the case BARD and they had other evidence as well.

That jury wouldnt have convicted if they had a video of CA doing it. They preferred to drink Baez' soap opera koolaid instead of looking at the facts. They overburdened the state too by demanding they prove things that under law they did not have to prove.

They are going to get Jodi though, imo.

I respectfully dont agree Jacy.

He talked her into moving many hundreds of miles away from him. He was really trying to break it off with Jodi. He was trying to go on with his life like before Jodi came along. He had a pretty young woman (prettier than JA imo) going on a trip to Canun with him and he respected this young woman and they wouldnt be sleeping with each other either.

I think he did care about all the abusive things she did to him but like so many men they think they can deal with an abusive stalker obsessed sex maniac female when he really should have called LE immediately. This is another brutal case of domestic violence. I think there was a fear factor involved as well.

I know men are the least likely to report abuse of any kind that is done to them by a female. Its really sad actually to me.

And it isnt just men...........women put up with abuse too just for the sex.

Well, norerest, I respectfully disagree with you. I am a very strong woman (not physically - but that never mattered to me) I would never have "talked" anyone into moving 100's of miles away, I would have gotten a restraining order immediately! NO one deserves to die, no one, and I feel bad that Travis did. However, let's say this like is really was: He wanted the sex.
thank you Gitana and (bbm) I understand why you hold your tongue but really.. I think the p12 was a combination of 1) bad jury selection 2) bad state presentation of the case in chief

in the CA trial when the state rested I said to myself, "they are done???!!!"

in this case I feel like they are nailing it left and right in sequential order.. not in the opening (I didn't even see that) but in the foundation. I thought the CA trial was way lacking cogent foundation. (((:)moo: my pen of cows))) In this case they are even following TA's last movements by blood... showing where he struggled for his life after showing his cut up and slaughtered body.

As I follow this case as a medical professional I am seeing a logical and sequential presentation of the facts... (I have not even followed the details closely before). It makes sense to me exactly what they are showing and based on the jury questions I think they are getting that too.

Today they asked about cleaning the inside of the shower.. this jury is really thinking and asking a lot of questions.

I think and hope and pray they will get it right.

I think we are all (those of us who followed it) disabled by the CA trial.

(may anything like it never happen again)

Yes, that's why I think I had some misgivings near the end. So much was not presented. Yet I still thought they made an excellent case. But then again, all it took for me was 31 days and the video of her perp walk and I knew. (I would be a horrible juror).

But yes, I am impressed with the tightness of their presentation thus far.
And I;m not seeing a lot of smarmy chicanery on the part of the defense (oh, so sorry, jodi). But, there is time.

BTW, I think Judge Perry made some grave mistakes. And I think he knows it. IMO, he wanted to see casey hang and so he bent over backwards to appear impartial. That backfired. The intense sequestration of the jury was too much. It was his decision that allowed that one juror on (the older lady who didn't want to judge). He did not allow the myspace message in from CA which would have impeached her testimony that everything was peachy keen with her relationship with casey, etc.

But yeah, they missed some major things. Like asking TonE about his statement to casey that he didn't want kids and if he did, he would only want girls, as well as his statement to her that his was not an appropriate house for a little girl to be staying at. Etc.

Nevertheless, it was pretty solid to me. But...not even one juror. So, yeah. I'm disabled too from that experience! It defied logic and I'm always afraid now of the same result in other cases!
A poster, and I am sorry I cannot remember poster's name, posted a link to a woman that TA had dated. I was reading her blog and when I read a part of it where the woman writes about breaking up with him. After reading it I thought that TA could have been the same way with JA, breaking up, but then calling her after the break-up. So far I have only heard from TA's friends that Jodi persued him. Might be possible that TA also persued JA and his friends are not telling the whole story. That friend Dave Hall sure acts like he knew him very well. That friend gives me the creeps for some reason. Especially on tonight's In Session with Vinnie Politan. I am not explaining well but the link is below for anyone that is interested in reading his former girlfriend's thoughts about him.


Travis and I began dating sometime early in July 2007. I won't go into details of when we were dating, because that really doesn't matter anymore, but we dated until February 2008. I had tried to break up with him twice before, but he was always so good at winning me back. I loved him a lot, but I knew that we just weren't right for each other. I knew we couldn't remain close after the final break-up or else I would end up back with him. We didn't speak for months.

I finally picked up the phone on May 28, 2008, to call Travis back, after ignoring several calls in the past 2 weeks. Looking back, I am so grateful that I was able to talk to him! We talked for about 40 minutes and ended on good terms. I promised to try harder to make things less awkward. I know that I was granted that opportunity from a loving Heavenly Father, who knew of things to come. Alexander

It sounds like he was a wonderful man and she is a good person too. Its good that they ended their relationship on good terms. It sounds like they became friends.

But IMO this woman wasnt slashing his tires, slashing tires of new girlfriend... sneaking through his doggie door into his bed when he was sleeping nor stalking him nor hacking his email accounts or looking at his phone messages.

So no I dont think he persued her. There is no evidence that he ever went to where she lived seems it was Jodi that was always showing up unannounced at his home.

I think he wanted nothing more than to be rid of her for good. Its sad that he had to die a horrible death to be able to get away from her for good.:furious:
so who wants to bite:

why did she keep all the receipts?

alibi that she was not in arizona?

proof that she was somewhere else (even though none of them are concurrent with murder)

write off for PPL

murder memories

scrapbook, maybe?
Were the three deposits to Jodi's account within minutes from Travis' account(s)? She had his PIN number. If so, she likely deposited the smaller amounts hoping Travis wouldn't notice. At one point she was "hired" to clean his house...cough cough. Maybe she was allowed to transfer money from his account at one time.

Robert D. Hare's Psychopathy Checklist (PCL-R) is a tool used to assess psychopathy and she appears to rate about a 36 (from what has been revealed about her).

The twenty psychopathic traits assessed by the PCL-R are below. Each is worth 2 points:
• glib and superficial charm
• grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
• need for stimulation
• pathological lying
• cunning and manipulativeness
• lack of remorse or guilt
• shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
• callousness and lack of empathy
• parasitic lifestyle
• poor behavioral controls
• sexual promiscuity
• early behavior problems
• lack of realistic long-term goals
• impulsivity
• irresponsibility
• failure to accept responsibility for own actions
• many short-term marital relationships
• juvenile delinquency
• revocation of conditional release
• criminal versatility

A score of 30 or above essentially qualifies a person as a "psychopath". People with no criminal backgrounds normally score around 5. Non-psychopathic criminal offenders score around 22.
Were the three deposits to Jodi's account within minutes from Travis' account(s)? She had his PIN number. If so, she likely deposited the smaller amounts hoping Travis wouldn't notice.
That had not occurred to me, but they are admitted into court as deposits, if they were transfers, I think that would be noted.
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