Jodi Arias Trial: the weekend discussion

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Lol! What kind of dog do you have? I just got a boxer pup!

I have 4 dogs. Two are poochons (poodle bichon mix), a very large hound and midsize mutt. They all go absolutely wild when someone they don't know or don't like comes to the house. They were never trained to do that, I know one of them will bite, but not sure of the others. They are just very protective.
Darn coming attractions. I'm getting the sideways stink eye from hubby cause I'm not watching them..... They're commercials! Geeesh!

It's more interesting here.:)

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Awww. He just wants to make sure you're enjoying the movie with him. Have fun!!!


Undated young Arias from her myspace page


Undated Arias from

Ugh. You know what? At second blush, Arias' toddler picture looks uncannily like I did at that age. Eek! (We look nothing alike now, though. Phew!)

Well, norerest, I respectfully disagree with you. I am a very strong woman (not physically - but that never mattered to me) I would never have "talked" anyone into moving 100's of miles away, I would have gotten a restraining order immediately! NO one deserves to die, no one, and I feel bad that Travis did. However, let's say this like is really was: He wanted the sex.

Yeah. I do think he wanted to have sex. Like I said, having gotten to about 30 without ever experiencing it and then encountering a person like arias, who knew just how to use it to get what she wanted - so different from most of the Mormon girls he knew - well, yeah. I can imagine it was really hard to resist.

However, the fact that he really liked the sex does not mean he wasn't a victim of stalking or abuse. I think he felt he could handle her and that she wouldn't do anything too crazy. I think he was in over his head. I do believe he may have had misgivings and fears throughout, but when she sneaked in, took her clothes off and slipped into his bed, he may have been able to ignore those feelings for awhile.
Whenever I take a shower, I lose hair.

Wouldn't Jodi's hair be all over in the shower?

They could say that the drain hair had been there from another time? But if it was dyed?

Or maybe it has no impact on the case? But I would think if she stood over him showering' there would be some of her hair on him.
Well, norerest, I respectfully disagree with you. I am a very strong woman (not physically - but that never mattered to me) I would never have "talked" anyone into moving 100's of miles away, I would have gotten a restraining order immediately! NO one deserves to die, no one, and I feel bad that Travis did. However, let's say this like is really was: He wanted the sex.

Huh? I haven't posted anything for hours...just reading and catching up. lol...what did I do now?
I respectfully dont agree Jacy.

He talked her into moving many hundreds of miles away from him. He was really trying to break it off with Jodi. He was trying to go on with his life like before Jodi came along. He had a pretty young woman (prettier than JA imo) going on a trip to Canun with him and he respected this young woman and they wouldnt be sleeping with each other either.

I think he did care about all the abusive things she did to him but like so many men they think they can deal with an abusive stalker obsessed sex maniac female when he really should have called LE immediately. This is another brutal case of domestic violence. I think there was a fear factor involved as well.

I know men are the least likely to report abuse of any kind that is done to them by a female. Its really sad actually to me.

And it isnt just men...........women put up with abuse too just for the sex.

I realize I am alone with a few exceptions in this forum in thinking this, but in no way, until she murdered him, was Travis a victim of Jodie.

He was an adult, a marketeer, a persuasive man who made choices. And he made a choice that he wanted to continue to have her as his sexual partner, in secret only, while maintaining his "motivational/inspirational speaker" hypocritical Mormon life. He was concerned with status, making as much money as possible, and finding an "appropriate wife" asap, because at his age, his time for marriage was running out per the Mormon point of view. He wanted both lives and pursued both.

He was in constant contact, I believe the evidence will show, via texts, phone calls, and emails after their official "break up."

I won't belabor this, as it will come out in the trial, if they get that far. But I just can't stand by while everyone holds him up as "poor abused Travis, she was an aggressor and called the shots." (NO PUNS INTENDED). He invited her and waited up for her until 4 or 5AM while she drove from CA that night. He didn't say "WTH are you doing here?" She was welcomed in and they had lots of sex. He didn't say "I don't want anything to do with you." He said "I wanna take dirty pix of you and do you lots of different ways." And he did. And then most likely: "no, I'm not taking you to Cancun."

She DID take control at the end, but tragically, in the worst way. We know what happened when she did. But I suggest it was due to pent up rage because of the anger she felt about being treated in a degrading manner by TA (and yes, she had choices, too, but she made bad ones). That rage, in an apparently already unstable person, finally blew up and resulted in this tragedy. Probably.

Let me say again, to fend off the attacks that will result from this post: He did NOT deserve to be killed or even injured. But for goodness sake, he was a very active participant in their highly dysfunctional relationship, and we will soon hear more about it from the defense. Unless the defense decides to give up the self-defense strategy and agree to a plea deal, which I think is highly unlikely.
Well, norerest, I respectfully disagree with you. I am a very strong woman (not physically - but that never mattered to me) I would never have "talked" anyone into moving 100's of miles away, I would have gotten a restraining order immediately! NO one deserves to die, no one, and I feel bad that Travis did. However, let's say this like is really was: He wanted the sex.

I am not trying to single you out (sorry). I was just curious as to why you might think it was Travis that talked her into moving? According to JA they broke up shortly before she moved. I can see her moving closer to him to try and convince him they should be together etc.

Honestly I have dealt with a JA type via my better half. We have been together going on 9 years now and the ex still drives by our house even though she lives hundreds miles away. I know how manipulating and conniving they can be. They use sex as a means to an end.

Just my .02 cents.
Well, norerest, I respectfully disagree with you. I am a very strong woman (not physically - but that never mattered to me) I would never have "talked" anyone into moving 100's of miles away, I would have gotten a restraining order immediately! NO one deserves to die, no one, and I feel bad that Travis did. However, let's say this like is really was: He wanted the sex.

I am glad that you are a strong woman however not every man or woman is. Millions suffer abuse yearly. Both men and women have gone through abusive relationships. A lot of them today are strong women and men but it was a hard lesson learned before then.

I had a RO against my ex and when I went to the Judge he bluntly told me as he granted the RO .'you know this is just a piece of paper dont you and it cannot protect you?' Women/men have both been murdered and the only thing left behind as evidence is the RO laying on the table.

I cant say what was in Travis' mind. But he was a healthy young man of 30 and sexual desires are a big part of the human make up. When temptation is shoved in someone's face and the temptress is so easy peasy showing up at all hours to seduce him then those weaknesses can take over.

I dont fault Travis for any of this. There is no evidence he persued her......stalked her or harmed her in anyway. She was hundreds of miles away from him........she could have gone on with her life and had sex with someone else like the guy she was making a move on just hours after she murdered Travis.

Imo, she murdered him because he didnt want to have sex with her anymore. He wanted to be free of her and she wasnt going to let that happen ever.

It sounds like he was a wonderful man and she is a good person too. Its good that they ended their relationship on good terms. It sounds like they became friends.

But IMO this woman wasnt slashing his tires, slashing tires of new girlfriend... sneaking through his doggie door into his bed when he was sleeping nor stalking him nor hacking his email accounts or looking at his phone messages.

So no I dont think he persued her. There is no evidence that he ever went to where she lived seems it was Jodi that was always showing up unannounced at his home.

I think he wanted nothing more than to be rid of her for good. Its sad that he had to die a horrible death to be able to get away from her for good.:furious:

I have heard that TA did not report his tires being slashed and since he and his friends knew who did it I cannot wrap my head around not reporting it, twice. I have made police reports for less. Does anyone know if the new girlfriend reported her tires?
Not picking anyone out in specific, but I think that a lot is being said here that we have absolutely no evidence of and it is being said as fact. I would be interested in seeing some links about the statements made.
Yes, that's why I think I had some misgivings near the end. So much was not presented. Yet I still thought they made an excellent case. But then again, all it took for me was 31 days and the video of her perp walk and I knew. (I would be a horrible juror).

But yes, I am impressed with the tightness of their presentation thus far.
And I;m not seeing a lot of smarmy chicanery on the part of the defense (oh, so sorry, jodi). But, there is time.

BTW, I think Judge Perry made some grave mistakes. And I think he knows it. IMO, he wanted to see casey hang and so he bent over backwards to appear impartial. That backfired. The intense sequestration of the jury was too much. It was his decision that allowed that one juror on (the older lady who didn't want to judge). He did not allow the myspace message in from CA which would have impeached her testimony that everything was peachy keen with her relationship with casey, etc.

But yeah, they missed some major things. Like asking TonE about his statement to casey that he didn't want kids and if he did, he would only want girls, as well as his statement to her that his was not an appropriate house for a little girl to be staying at. Etc.

Nevertheless, it was pretty solid to me. But...not even one juror. So, yeah. I'm disabled too from that experience! It defied logic and I'm always afraid now of the same result in other cases!

bbm: you and me both!:rocker:
Were the three deposits to Jodi's account within minutes from Travis' account(s)? She had his PIN number. If so, she likely deposited the smaller amounts hoping Travis wouldn't notice. At one point she was "hired" to clean his house...cough cough. Maybe she was allowed to transfer money from his account at one time.

Robert D. Hare's Psychopathy Checklist (PCL-R) is a tool used to assess psychopathy and she appears to rate about a 36 (from what has been revealed about her).

The twenty psychopathic traits assessed by the PCL-R are below. Each is worth 2 points:
• glib and superficial charm
• grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
• need for stimulation
• pathological lying
• cunning and manipulativeness
• lack of remorse or guilt
• shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
• callousness and lack of empathy
• parasitic lifestyle
• poor behavioral controls
• sexual promiscuity
• early behavior problems
• lack of realistic long-term goals
• impulsivity
• irresponsibility
• failure to accept responsibility for own actions
• many short-term marital relationships
• juvenile delinquency
• revocation of conditional release
• criminal versatility

A score of 30 or above essentially qualifies a person as a "psychopath". People with no criminal backgrounds normally score around 5. Non-psychopathic criminal offenders score around 22.

thank you for weighing in pens!
Whenever I take a shower, I lose hair.

Wouldn't Jodi's hair be all over in the shower?

They could say that the drain hair had been there from another time? But if it was dyed?

Or maybe it has no impact on the case? But I would think if she stood over him showering' there would be some of her hair on him.

good question.

but I think she took a picture of HIM showering after she lured him there after sex (my opinion only)

and she had not been in his house for a while.

She stabbed him right after the crouching down picture.

She most likely (my speculation) said "crouch down" and he did and then boom she stabs him in the chest

the way the pictures roll off that camera with the timestamps: there is no getting out of that.
Were the three deposits to Jodi's account within minutes from Travis' account(s)? She had his PIN number. If so, she likely deposited the smaller amounts hoping Travis wouldn't notice. At one point she was "hired" to clean his house...cough cough. Maybe she was allowed to transfer money from his account at one time.

Robert D. Hare's Psychopathy Checklist (PCL-R) is a tool used to assess psychopathy and she appears to rate about a 36 (from what has been revealed about her).

The twenty psychopathic traits assessed by the PCL-R are below. Each is worth 2 points:
• glib and superficial charm
• grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
• need for stimulation
• pathological lying
• cunning and manipulativeness

• lack of remorse or guilt
• shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
• callousness and lack of empathy
• parasitic lifestyle
• poor behavioral controls
• sexual promiscuity

• early behavior problems
• lack of realistic long-term goals
• impulsivity
• irresponsibility
• failure to accept responsibility for own actions
• many short-term marital relationships
• juvenile delinquency
• revocation of conditional release
• criminal versatility

A score of 30 or above essentially qualifies a person as a "psychopath". People with no criminal backgrounds normally score around 5. Non-psychopathic criminal offenders score around 22.


The ones I bolded jumped out at me.
I realize I am alone with a few exceptions in this forum in thinking this, but in no way, until she murdered him, was Travis a victim of Jodie.

He was an adult, a marketeer, a persuasive man who made choices. And he made a choice that he wanted to continue to have her as his sexual partner, in secret only, while maintaining his "motivational/inspirational speaker" hypocritical Mormon life. He was concerned with status, making as much money as possible, and finding an "appropriate wife" asap, because at his age, his time for marriage was running out per the Mormon point of view. He wanted both lives and pursued both.

He was in constant contact, I believe the evidence will show, via texts, phone calls, and emails after their official "break up."

I won't belabor this, as it will come out in the trial, if they get that far. But I just can't stand by while everyone holds him up as "poor abused Travis, she was an aggressor and called the shots." (NO PUNS INTENDED). He invited her and waited up for her until 4 or 5AM while she drove from CA that night. He didn't say "WTH are you doing here?" She was welcomed in and they had lots of sex. He didn't say "I don't want anything to do with you." He said "I wanna take dirty pix of you and do you lots of different ways." And he did. And then most likely: "no, I'm not taking you to Cancun."

She DID take control at the end, but tragically, in the worst way. We know what happened when she did. But I suggest it was due to pent up rage because of the anger she felt about being treated in a degrading manner by TA (and yes, she had choices, too, but she made bad ones). That rage, in an apparently already unstable person, finally blew up and resulted in this tragedy. Probably.

Let me say again, to fend off the attacks that will result from this post: He did NOT deserve to be killed or even injured. But for goodness sake, he was a very active participant in their highly dysfunctional relationship, and we will soon hear more about it from the defense. Unless the defense decides to give up the self-defense strategy and agree to a plea deal, which I think is highly unlikely.

As I have stated, Travis enjoyed Jodi's company and most likely up to the very last minutes of his life. She was there for over twelve hours, if he did not want her there or was not enjoying her company, he would simply tell her to look at the clock on the wall, that's about all. Guys don't spend twelve hours with a girl they do not like or care for. Look at how many states they were in! Probably at least seven different states. Jodi the stalker just happens to be in all these states smiling with Travis who is also smiling.

Seriously we would probably have very little if anything to document Travis' life with if it was not for her photos.

Unfortunately it is the final photos that matter, Jodi should be held accountable and I believe she will be.
Maybe she just "sprouted" out of a pod. Kind of like an "invasion of the body snatchers" kinda thing



Well, then, this calls for Mod/Admin Kimster! Maybe she would know from what planet ....:what:
I have heard that TA did not report his tires being slashed and since he and his friends knew who did it I cannot wrap my head around not reporting it, twice. I have made police reports for less. Does anyone know if the new girlfriend reported her tires?

I really dont think they did.

She has never been arrested for anything until she was arrested for Travis' murder, iirc.

Maybe the girlfriend was also afraid to report it. Sometimes people can think that reporting it will only make the obsessive stalker even more dangerous and angry.

Awww. He just wants to make sure you're enjoying the movie with him. Have fun!!!

Ugh. You know what? At second blush, Arias' toddler picture looks uncannily like I did at that age. Eek! (We look nothing alike now, though. Phew!)

Yeah. I do think he wanted to have sex. Like I said, having gotten to about 30 without ever experiencing it and then encountering a person like arias, who knew just how to use it to get what she wanted - so different from most of the Mormon girls he knew - well, yeah. I can imagine it was really hard to resist.

However, the fact that he really liked the sex does not mean he wasn't a victim of stalking or abuse. I think he felt he could handle her and that she wouldn't do anything too crazy. I think he was in over his head. I do believe he may have had misgivings and fears throughout, but when she sneaked in, took her clothes off and slipped into his bed, he may have been able to ignore those feelings for awhile.

Sorry, I have to respectfully disagree with you also. For God's sake, he was a man! He could have stopped all of this if he had WANTED to. When someone slashes your tires (twice) and crawles through your friggin' doggie door, and drives all over the country to be with you, you are either on an ego trip, stupid or wanting the sex!

Just to make sure everyone understands, I believe what JA did was beyond horrible. She deserves the death penalty!!
That had not occurred to me, but they are admitted into court as deposits, if they were transfers, I think that would be noted.

She could have removed cash from his accounts and then deposited into her account(s) or maybe she was draining the grandparents accounts.

Does anyone know if the grandparents will be witnesses?
She could have removed cash from his accounts and then deposited into her account(s) or maybe she was draining the grandparents accounts.

Does anyone know if the grandparents will be witnesses?
Good call. She had recently moved in with them. They were likely also victimized by her. God only knows what she might have done to them if she wasn't arrested for this atrocity.
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