Jodi Arias Trial: the weekend discussion

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She could have removed cash from his accounts and then deposited into her account(s) or maybe she was draining the grandparents accounts.

Does anyone know if the grandparents will be witnesses?

I also think that if they(DA) had that info it would have been shown in court, a possibility true but unlikely IMO
I have heard that TA did not report his tires being slashed and since he and his friends knew who did it I cannot wrap my head around not reporting it, twice. I have made police reports for less. Does anyone know if the new girlfriend reported her tires?

Possible TA was afraid of being exposed by Jodi to members of his faith!
I realize I am alone with a few exceptions in this forum in thinking this, but in no way, until she murdered him, was Travis a victim of Jodie.

He was an adult, a marketeer, a persuasive man who made choices. And he made a choice that he wanted to continue to have her as his sexual partner, in secret only, while maintaining his "motivational/inspirational speaker" hypocritical Mormon life. He was concerned with status, making as much money as possible, and finding an "appropriate wife" asap, because at his age, his time for marriage was running out per the Mormon point of view. He wanted both lives and pursued both.

He was in constant contact, I believe the evidence will show, via texts, phone calls, and emails after their official "break up."

I won't belabor this, as it will come out in the trial, if they get that far. But I just can't stand by while everyone holds him up as "poor abused Travis, she was an aggressor and called the shots." (NO PUNS INTENDED). He invited her and waited up for her until 4 or 5AM while she drove from CA that night. He didn't say "WTH are you doing here?" She was welcomed in and they had lots of sex. He didn't say "I don't want anything to do with you." He said "I wanna take dirty pix of you and do you lots of different ways." And he did. And then most likely: "no, I'm not taking you to Cancun."

She DID take control at the end, but tragically, in the worst way. We know what happened when she did. But I suggest it was due to pent up rage because of the anger she felt about being treated in a degrading manner by TA (and yes, she had choices, too, but she made bad ones). That rage, in an apparently already unstable person, finally blew up and resulted in this tragedy. Probably.

Let me say again, to fend off the attacks that will result from this post: He did NOT deserve to be killed or even injured. But for goodness sake, he was a very active participant in their highly dysfunctional relationship, and we will soon hear more about it from the defense. Unless the defense decides to give up the self-defense strategy and agree to a plea deal, which I think is highly unlikely.

<whoops... misread what you wrote... sorry boodles>
2) we have not yet seen the stalking evidence but I am sure that is coming

3) a consensual sexual relationship does not equal what was visited on Travis Alexander.. flirt or not.. multiple partners or not.. cheating on a girlfriend or not (all the evidence so far I have seen of that are alleged texts that were intercepted that were based on JA's "feelings"..)

4) she slit his neck from ear to ear and cut thru this trachea.. slashed him over and over, and then shot him in the head... then she makes up three different stories. She rents a car to GET there.. she uses a bank card up until she gets into the state of AZ.. and then nothing.. but yet she makes cash deposits into a bank account on the way that i am sure we will see were accessed

5) she not only disguised her ride but disguised her appearance with hair color

6) there is much more to come.. this is just a bit

We have not yet seen the evidence of the hacking, etc.. but you know, this guy was murdered and he cannot speak so we are at the mercy of what evidence was left behind as to if he was a victim BEFORE he was killed.. and maybe some of it won't be allowed into trial because it is heresay..

but what matters here for the death penalty is that she murdered him and she caused pain and suffering. Psychological and physical pain.
I am glad that you are a strong woman however not every man or woman is. Millions suffer abuse yearly. Both men and women have gone through abusive relationships. A lot of them today are strong women and men but it was a hard lesson learned before then.

I had a RO against my ex and when I went to the Judge he bluntly told me as he granted the RO .'you know this is just a piece of paper dont you and it cannot protect you?' Women/men have both been murdered and the only thing left behind as evidence is the RO laying on the table.

I cant say what was in Travis' mind. But he was a healthy young man of 30 and sexual desires are a big part of the human make up. When temptation is shoved in someone's face and the temptress is so easy peasy showing up at all hours to seduce him then those weaknesses can take over.

I dont fault Travis for any of this. There is no evidence he persued her......stalked her or harmed her in anyway. She was hundreds of miles away from him........she could have gone on with her life and had sex with someone else like the guy she was making a move on just hours after she murdered Travis.

Imo, she murdered him because he didnt want to have sex with her anymore. He wanted to be free of her and she wasnt going to let that happen ever.


BBM I agree. Also, she couldn't move up tp a better life style then her life in her g/p's home. She wanted much, much more!

But really, I mean, come on, really, if you want to be free of someone you don't have sex with them. You show them the exit, change your codes, change your phone numbers and secure the doggie door!
good question.

but I think she took a picture of HIM showering after she lured him there after sex (my opinion only)

and she had not been in his house for a while.

She stabbed him right after the crouching down picture.

She most likely (my speculation) said "crouch down" and he did and then boom she stabs him in the chest

the way the pictures roll off that camera with the timestamps: there is no getting out of that.

I agree with you that he was somehow convinced to take that position in the shower. I've wondered if maybe she pulled out the gun to threaten him and make him compliant. She took that last picture of TA alive, tossed the camera (ceiling shot), and then pulled out the knife and started stabbing him.

I think she was dressed when she came into the bathroom, and that she was carrying the weapons with her. I've asked many others, including my teenage son, what they see in his eyes in that last picture, and they all say the same thing.......fear.
According to rmt's timeline of events, Travis told his friends he felt the defendant hacked his FB and told her to stay out of his life forever.
Days later she brutally murdered him.

According to rmt's timeline of events, Travis told his friends he felt the defendant hacked his FB and told her to stay out of his life forever.
Days later she brutally murdered him.

I am sure the slashed tires will come in too..

you know, how was this guy supposed to know that by sleeping with her that day she was going to stab him 27 times and shoot him in the head (almost cutting off his head with a knife)

he may be guilty of giving in to sexcapades but that is it imhoo.
Imo, she murdered him because he didnt want to have sex with her anymore.

Clearly he did still want to have sex with her because that's exactly how he spent the last few hours of his life.
I'm curious as to why the defense team thinks that proving that she shot Travis first before the stab to the heart and the throat slashing is such a big deal. I understand that they think this will somehow support her "self defense" claim.

First off, the shot was to his temple. Seems to me that if he was attacking her that it would have been a direct shot to the face, not off to the side of his head. After all, if someone is attacking you, as she claims he was, then they are looking at you and coming at you, not looking to the side or moving sideways.

Prior to his shower, they had been fooling around and were naked (as proved by the pics they took). So WHY would she be packing a gun to go to the bathroom to take pics of him?

Plus she had a knife too that she MUST have had when she went into the bathroom. So she was carrying a camera, a gun and a knife when she went in there. What would be her reason to be carrying a gun and a knife, if not to kill him (premeditation).

She can't say that she shot him and then went to get the knife because if she had left the room to get the knife then she was no longer in danger from him. So she had to have gone in the bathroom with it.

I am curious how big this knife is presumed to be. It must have been pretty substantial if it was able to slash his throat so severely that his vocal cords were severed and he was almost decapitated.

The fact is that this murder was overkill to the extreme. Travis suffered 3 fatal wounds. All of them would have incapacitated him within minutes so I don't see where he posed much of a threat to her.

Anyway, I just don't see how her defense team thinks that the order of attack will help her in anyway. Travis should have been able to overpower her if he was intent on attacking her. But he wasn't, he was completely ambushed, taken by surprise and before he even knew what had happened, he was already fatally wounded.

Also, a big thanks to everyone here on this board. I don't have cable so I depend on you guys to give me the info on what is happening and you are doing a superb job of posting facts, giving updates, asking and answering relevant questions, offering insight, posting pics along with a much needed side order of occasional humor. This case is so gruesome and heinous that we need a laugh to keep from being overwhelmed by all of it.

I don't post much on this thread because I am usually trying to catch up with all of the post and I have read all of them since this trial started (whew!!!).
Why did she make two deposits into the same acct within 4 minutes of each other?

#1 deposit account#8006 $400 6/3 10:10

#2 deposit account#7148 $300 6/3 10:11

#3 deposit account#7148 $100 6/3 10:15

Well, norerest, I respectfully disagree with you. I am a very strong woman (not physically - but that never mattered to me) I would never have "talked" anyone into moving 100's of miles away, I would have gotten a restraining order immediately! NO one deserves to die, no one, and I feel bad that Travis did. However, let's say this like is really was: He wanted the sex.

Just a quick note...restraining orders don't scare away crazy stalkers.
At least not in my experience. Stalking is not a shared sport. It is a secret.
I'm curious as to why the defense team thinks that proving that she shot Travis first before the stab to the heart and the throat slashing is such a big deal.

I'm thinking it goes to the aggravating factors that make this case a DP-eligible case. If she shot him first then they can allege he was so out of it and maybe even unconscious that he didn't know what was happening to him and thus his "pain and suffering" were minimized and for that reason Arias should not be eligible or receive the DP. As it is now the entire murder start to finish was a little over a minute; not all that long and a lot happened in that short amount of time.
Can someone do a quick summary of anything
important today? I am in the middle of potty training
my daughter and didn't get much time to watch anything.

From what I saw on the timeline there was a text about tieing
her to a tree then the privacy anger. Was this the same text
or was there an explanation of how it changed?

Was there implication with the deposits that she took his money
or just that she was trying to establish alibi?
I wonder if the DT will be able to come up with anyone other than her immediate family to testify as to her character. My sense is that she'll be another Casey Anthony, and the only people she ever hung with was her latest boyfriend's current circle of friends (who in this case didn't even like her).

I wonder if they'll call the ex boyfriend and any of HIS circle of friends to testify. It would be interesting to see what they thought of her.
As I have stated, Travis enjoyed Jodi's company and most likely up to the very last minutes of his life. She was there for over twelve hours, if he did not want her there or was not enjoying her company, he would simply tell her to look at the clock on the wall, that's about all. Guys don't spend twelve hours with a girl they do not like or care for. Look at how many states they were in! Probably at least seven different states. Jodi the stalker just happens to be in all these states smiling with Travis who is also smiling.

Seriously we would probably have very little if anything to document Travis' life with if it was not for her photos.

Unfortunately it is the final photos that matter, Jodi should be held accountable and I believe she will be.


I knew a guy in college who could not get rid of his girlfriend. Every time he tried breaking up with her, she threatened suicide and got all dramatic. He was miserable but oh such a nice guy. He and his brother both were the epitome of Mr Nice Guy. Always polite, would jump up to get a door for a woman, etc. He could not say no. He could not get away from her. They ended up getting married, believe it or not. I think he cared for/about her but realized she was a nutcase and did not want to carry on a relationship with her. But in the end, he was manipulated. It does happen. Doesn't seem likely, but it does. (They are divorced but it has been 20+ yrs since I've been close to the situation so I'm not sure what happened.)

I think Travis was a nice guy. It shows in his eyes, everyone talks about how nice he was - not perfect, but a great guy. I really think he did enjoy her at first, then realized she wasn't 'wife' material for him, continued enjoying fringe benefits (partly or mainly due to *her* insistence, stalking, climbing in the dog door). And I think he cared about her up until the end. But caring doesn't mean love. He wanted out. I truly believe that. But he didn't know how to get out. He was easily manipulated and did not know how to just say 'no - get out of my life'. Maybe he did in the end, which is why she concocted this whole horrific plan to kill him.

I am not saying that he was necessarily completely innocent. Yes, he continued to use her if he wasn't interested, but she continued to literally shove herself into his life at every opportunity. I am not a man-basher by any means - most of my closest friends are males - but most men will have a hard time turning away a woman who keeps jumping in their bed. "Oh you know you want it... Doesn't that feel good... Just for tonight - I'm lonely..." Men are so easily manipulated in that way.

But I do believe he was a victim in more ways than his murder. He can be a victim and still have continued to have a sexual relationship with her. What if the genders were reversed, and a judge refused to hear that a woman was in an abusive/controlling relationship because she kept sleeping with the man? We hear about women doing that all the time. It can happen to men, too.

All of this is JMHO.
I'm thinking it goes to the aggravating factors that make this case a DP-eligible case. If she shot him first then they can allege he was so out of it and maybe even unconscious that he didn't know what was happening to him and thus his "pain and suffering" were minimized and for that reason Arias should not be eligible or receive the DP. As it is now the entire murder start to finish was a little over a minute; not all that long and a lot happened in that short amount of time.

That was brought up in the request for mistrial this afternoon. A decision had been made by another judge that even if Travis were shot in the head first and rendered unconscious he would still be capable of feeling pain from the knifing, slashing injuries, so the aggravating factor of cruelty was going to stand. In essence the judge determined that his pain and suffering were/would not be minimized regardless of the sequence of injuries. I posted earlier on the question whether a person who was unconscious could or could not feel pain. Because an unconscious person cannot report pain or respond to the sensation of pain does not mean they cannot feel pain.
I was just stalking her myspace and this picture made me laugh!! Ah are funny


Well, no doubt she changed the lives of several people -- Travis is gone, and now, all his friends, business acquaintances, and family have to show for it is a lot of memories and pictures. No more Christmases, other holidays, conferences, birthdays, etc., etc.

I've seen a lot of "bad ones" by reading true crime, watching trials (several have been in courthouses within 20--30 miles of where I live). But I think JA may be the worst I've ever seen. She killed one man 3 times, and then hit the road & started working on possibly the next one. <smh>
Responses in blue...

1) he was not an adulterer he was not married = "I didn't say adulterer." I said "adult"

2) we have not yet seen the stalking evidence but I am sure that is coming - you're probably right

3) a consensual sexual relationship does not equal what was visited on Travis Alexander.. flirt or not.. multiple partners or not.. cheating on a girlfriend or not (all the evidence so far I have seen of that are alleged texts that were intercepted that were based on JA's "feelings"..)

4) she slit his neck from ear to ear and cut thru this trachea.. slashed him over and over, and then shot him in the head... then she makes up three different stories. She rents a car to GET there.. she uses a bank card up until she gets into the state of AZ.. and then nothing.. but yet she makes cash deposits into a bank account on the way that i am sure we will see were accessed - I don't yet know what the deposits are about. I understand the prosecution's points today in showing pre-meditation based on the trail of receipts. I know she slit his neck; it's horrific. I'm not claiming he's an evil person, just that he, until the murder, was a participant getting a return on his limited investment, and not an involuntary partner in their relationship.

5) she not only disguised her ride but disguised her appearance with hair color - that appears to be fact, I agree!

6) there is much more to come.. this is just a bit - once again, I agree, there is much more to come

We have not yet seen the evidence of the hacking, etc.. but you know, this guy was murdered and he cannot speak so we are at the mercy of what evidence was left behind as to if he was a victim BEFORE he was killed.. and maybe some of it won't be allowed into trial because it is heresay..

I understand. I saw the entire set of autopsy pics and am horrified. I will never be a member of the JA fan club.

But also, because he insisted their relationship be a secret, no one except Jodi knows what went on between them. They kept secrets.
And since she is a proven liar, we're not going to be able to give her much credibility. But I still want to hear what she says, and more importantly, what any other witnesses who know anything relevant, have to say. I think their relationship is much more complicated, convoluted and mutual than his friends are aware.

but what matters here for the death penalty is that she murdered him and she caused pain and suffering. Psychological and physical pain.
Yes, she did. And the circumstances, I assume, are what could possibly mitigate the death sentence. Again, I haven't heard her version of the circumstances yet, but what has been seen so far is not a good sign for her defense.

I am not saying she "done no wrong". She murdered him, no question. I am saying let's not raise TA up on a pedestal of "man of the year" to be worshiped and portrayed as a sexual victim of a woman who controlled him.

~that's all...
Please. really! He could have said she was lying. However, he continued to have sex with her.

Trying to look at the whole picture. Travis had been very successful in his business and the majority of his colleagues were of the Mormon faith. He could have found himself destroyed as a business man. He had a lot to lose. Besides who knows what faith the majority of his clients were. That could be a very big issue.
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