JoePa's Statue

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What, if anything, should be done with JoePa's memorial statue?

  • Leave it as is, and where it is.

    Votes: 8 4.9%
  • Leave it as is, but move it to a different place on-campus.

    Votes: 4 2.5%
  • Leave it as is, but move it to a different place off campus.

    Votes: 4 2.5%
  • Take it down, move it way off campus, let us never learn what became of it.

    Votes: 35 21.5%
  • Melt it down, sell it off, and donate the proceeds to abuse survivors.

    Votes: 89 54.6%
  • store it in a warehouse away from public view

    Votes: 17 10.4%
  • Give it to the Paterno family.

    Votes: 6 3.7%

  • Total voters
just reported on ESPN (SEC media days show) that Penn State announced they will make a decision on the Paterno statute in 7 to 10 days.

( well to me that means they are going to do something with it..otherwise, why make an announcement that you are going to make an announcement....they are softening up the faityhful. get ready).

also the same news bit said thaqt Spanier has dropped his lawsuit against Penn State.....wonder what he sued them for?

I have to question why it would take so long to make this decision. Actually, why would the decision have been made to put the statute there to begin with???
I have to question why it would take so long to make this decision. Actually, why would the decision have been made to put the statute there to begin with???

The statue is in near the football stadium where he coached for 46 years. I would imagine that the decision involves the large board of control and it will require a vote to remove the statue. I don't know the rules requiring votes by the board, but I'll guess that a vote by the BOC can't occur over the telephone and a specific number of trustees must actually be in attendance at a meeting to vote. The agenda for such meeting also has to be posted in advance.
That was a joke. JoePa "turned the other way".

I think they should sell the statue on Ebay and use the proceeds to somehow start an investigation of what Sandusky did INSIDE The Second Mile and also on the admins at that facility. There are a lot more victims of Jerry (according to all the studies on fixated pedophiles) and they deserve justice. Some may be mentally disabled and can't speak for themselves (TSM had treatment programs for all types of children).

Why not post your speculations about the Second Mile in the Second Mile thread? No need to hijack the other threads.
If the NC2A makes a decision to put Penn State football on hold, they won't need to move the statue. No one will be going into the football stadium, anyway.
However, I think the statue should be removed and returned to the artist who created it. Let's not see any violence or mob scene to remove it. Cool heads need to prevail now. Just get it out of the way.

I just changed my vote from "move the statue (to the Athletic Museum)" to "melt it down and donate the scrap value to victims" because of a caption in a photo story saying when it was erected:

February 2001: Paterno and Curley agree on going easy on Sandusky.

October 7, 2001: Recovering from a slump, Paterno became the winningest coach in NCAA Division I-A history after a 29-27 victory over Ohio State on Oct. 7. Paterno passed legendary Alabama coach Paul "Bear" Bryant with 324 career victories.

November 2 2001- Statue is erected.
Give us the statue, Penn State. Take it down, and do it now.

What about this don't you understand? Seven months ago the school fired Joe Paterno for not doing enough -- barely doing anything, really -- during the previous decade to stop longtime assistant Jerry Sandusky from molesting kids. Eight days ago Penn State released its own commissioned report on the Sandusky scandal, a report that focused on blame for the cover-up and concluded it lay heavily with Joe Paterno.

And still the statue stands. At Penn State. Outside the football stadium where Jerry Sandusky worked for 30 years, where he built up his name, his reputation, to the point that he was a celebrity around State College. Sandusky used Penn State football to win over parents, get access to their kids, take them to campus or his basement and do unspeakable things.

And still the statue stands.
From link:

As much as I have come to abhor Joe Paterno's indifference and arrogance and self-serving loyalty (to himself and his image and his stupid little football program), I fail to see how digging out a statue does anything but conflict with (what should be) one of the most important elements of higher education: Open and honest and intelligent dialogue. Were I in command of this decision, not only would I make certain the statue stays, I'd surround it with flood lights and fireworks and hire Flavor Flav to hype its very presence. "Come one, come all! Camp out! Bring classmates! Observe the bronze Joe Paterno! Debate away!"

Truth be told, the last thing we (and Penn State) should be doing right now is trying to hide and forget what happened. Bronze Joe Paterno needs to remain, because we need to talk about this. We need to discuss ways to stop child abuse. We need to discuss the courage it takes to step forward, especially when it's significantly easier to remain silent. We need to discuss the goals of college.
A somewhat O/T remark about the statue.

Am I the only one who's noticed that its likeness to JP isn't all that great?

ETA If I weren't a complete Luddite and therefore knew Photoshop and stuff, I would post side by sides of photographs and the statue.
what woulod be wrong about commissioning the statutes of several small boys to be placed behind joepas statute? lest they forget
what woulod be wrong about commissioning the statutes of several small boys to be placed behind joepas statute? lest they forget

Would kind of creep me out CP........kind of like little kids following him. Maybe get rid of JP statue and then several statues of small boys. Jo gotta go.
I think the statue is coming down sooner rather than later. Maybe this weekend. The university can't keep taking hits like the one below in the national media.

End the madness, Penn State, and give us Paterno's statue

So give us the statue, Penn State. Take it down because at this point, all you can do for the world is to acknowledge that something went terribly wrong within your football program. And every second that the statue stands with its acid-churning words -- "Joe Paterno ... humanitarian" -- is another second that we think, no we know, you still don't get it.
I don't know whether it has been substantiated but an NFL reporter out of NY tweeted that the university is planning to remove the statue this weekend. I will try to find the link. I saw it on the Drudge Report but can't figure out how to link it off my iPhone.
ETA here is a link from
Joe Paterno Statue: If It Comes Down, Don't Stand in the Way

The beloved Joe Paterno statue—long a fixture of Penn State's Beaver Stadium and a rallying point for students and fans during the last few tumultuous months—may be coming down this weekend. Maybe.

Reports from several sources, including NFL Network's Kimberly Jones and broadcaster Bonnie Bernstein, indicated that the Penn State Board of Trustees decided over a recent conference call that the statue should be removed this weekend...........

That being said, if he's lying, that may be the only way to get the statue down without a massive disruption taking place, because if there's anything Penn State fanatics have demonstrated over the past few months, it's that a small but significant minority of them will absolutely lose their minds over the statue coming down...............

But if the powers that be say the statue has to come down, as an adult (you are adults, right?), you have to abide by that decision. So please do that instead of turning a sad situation ugly. Please.
the students will undoubtedly express their dissatisfacion. as soon as word got out that stalinization was under attack, riots broke out in various eastern europen countries
Report: Penn State president to make decision on Paterno statue this weekend

..........If there was a conference call, however, it's news to the Penn State board.

Penn State board member Ryan McCombie told Laura Nichols that the Penn State board "did no such thing." A second board member, Anthony Lubrano, says no vote has taken place and that the decision to remove the statue would be the school administration's, not the board of trustees.

Lubrano's assertion is backed up by another report from ESPN's Outside The Lines.

According to that report, the decision to remove the statue or leave it will not be left to the school's board of trustees. Instead Penn State president Rodney Erickson will decide whether or not the Paterno statue will be removed, and his decision is expected some time in the next 72 hours.

More at link....

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