John Edward's Love Child - Tell me this ISN'T his kid

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You know, I often wonder how it is that men like the John Edwardses of the world - and he's one of the famous ones, but I am talking also about the countless non-famous ones - seem to have such a disconnect on what is and is not ethical behavior.

Why is it that I think that if you asked John Edwards point blank "Are you an ethical person in life?" that his answer would likely be "Yes, I am." And Elliott Spitzer and Bill Clinton and John Kennedy would probably have answered in the affirmative.

But are they ethical men? Is screwing around on your spouse an ethical thing to do?

And if a man is capable of this kind of blatently unethical behavior, why would we not think he is capable of other types of unethical behavior?

I, personally, am damned tired of the so-called "disconnect" that seems to exist about cheating on a spouse. Like, "Oh, he's a wonderful, upstanding, ethical person - except that he cheats on his wife."

The fidelity issue is basic, basic, basic in terms of ethical behavior.

I agree with you. It never ceases to amaze me, and is particularly painful and baffling when it is someone you know and trust and believe to be a truly good person.

If someone would lie about this and break this vow, what wouldn't they do?

I don't get it.
You know, I often wonder how it is that men like the John Edwardses of the world - and he's one of the famous ones, but I am talking also about the countless non-famous ones - seem to have such a disconnect on what is and is not ethical behavior.

Why is it that I think that if you asked John Edwards point blank "Are you an ethical person in life?" that his answer would likely be "Yes, I am." And Elliott Spitzer and Bill Clinton and John Kennedy would probably have answered in the affirmative.

But are they ethical men? Is screwing around on your spouse an ethical thing to do?

And if a man is capable of this kind of blatently unethical behavior, why would we not think he is capable of other types of unethical behavior?

I, personally, am damned tired of the so-called "disconnect" that seems to exist about cheating on a spouse. Like, "Oh, he's a wonderful, upstanding, ethical person - except that he cheats on his wife."

The fidelity issue is basic, basic, basic in terms of ethical behavior.

Great points, AlwaysShocked.

I think ethical people can do non-ethical things. It happens every day. I know men and women who have cheated on their spouses who I consider to be generally ethical people, and I know men and women who have cheated on their spouses who I consider to be generally non-ethical people. My experience with the cheating issue is not black and white.

Spitzer and Clinton's infidelities struck me as obsessive-compulsive behavior and I have way too much experience with obsessive-compulsive behaviors (with substances, not with sex) to lob any stones at people who succumb to them.

Edwards - I don't know. Publicly, he has done a lot of good things. He has also done at least one big bad thing. I perceive him as I perceive most people - as a decent human being with feet of clay.

I doubt Edwards thought stepping out on his wife was ethical behavior. He did it anyway because, probably for a variety of reasons, he wanted to. That's been my experience when I do something unethical - I am aware that it could be perceived as unethical, but I do it anyway because I want to. Is there a disconnect for me when I act unethically? - I don't think so. I still perceive myself as a decent person doing a less than decent thing - I accept the parts of me that make bad, unethical decisions, try to learn from the bad unethical decisions and move onwards and upwards.

I don't buy into the idea that someone who could or would cheat on a spouse is capable of anything - child molestation, torture, murder, etc.... (ie, stuff that, rightly or wrongly, I perceive as "worse" than infidelity).

I'd prefer that my husband not cheat on me, but there really are much much worse things he could do to me than that (and I'd prefer that he not do those either!:crazy:).

As far as fidelity being a basic, basic issue of ethical behavior - perhaps you are right. But there are many other ways to be unfaithful to a relationship that do not include sexual behavior. I witness people slogging through THAT daily. You can leave your marriage without ever touching another person erotically - but when you decamp like that, it rarely makes the tabloids.

My prayers for all of the Edwards. I hope they will come out on the other side of this with renewed hope and peace in their family.
Plenty of men do stuff like this. I had neighbors once and the overweight unattractive guy had a child with another woman. He went to live with the other woman but would come visit his wife ever so often and she'd see him out to his car in her bathrobe and kiss him goodbye. I thought both women were total morons, but the kids all deserved better.
So, I guess that she is okay with the possibility that her husband is probaby the dead beat father of Reill Hunter's daughter.
So, I guess that she is okay with the possibility that her husband is probaby the dead beat father of Reill Hunter's daughter.

I don't know - the book doesn't come out until May 12, so I guess she talks about it more there. But from the article, it sure sounds like she still loves him.
Sorry; I think HE Is the one who's pathetic - his wife had cancer, plus they went through the horrible experience of losing their son.

She is too forgiving if you ask me; he has put her through way too much for someone who "loves" her, looks like he has another child to me. He always struck me as a good snake oil salesman.
Sorry; I think HE Is the one who's pathetic - his wife had cancer, plus they went through the horrible experience of losing their son.

She is too forgiving if you ask me; he has put her through way too much for someone who "loves" her, looks like he has another child to me. He always struck me as a good snake oil salesman.
I agree Marthatex. I also think that she is in denial about the baby. IMO, if she wasn't, she would have demanded that he take a paternity test.
Yeah, see, this is when my sympathy for her is diminished a little (I said a LITTLE! Before you come after me.)

She shouldn't be calling other people pathetic without taking a long hard look at her own life. She is the one standing beside an adulterer who humiliated her in the most public way and telling everyone what a good man he is.

Please. We ain't buying.

I'm not saying that she doesn't have her reasons for sticking with him. That is totally her call. But she should take a lesson about judging others when she obviously is living in a giant glass house.
Feds are looking at Edwards' campaign

Investigators dig through records to see if donors' money was used to cover up affair with campaign worker.

By Mandy Locke
Posted: Sunday, May. 03, 2009

RALEIGH Federal investigators are sifting through the records of money that helped John Edwards' presidential campaign to determine if any was used to keep quiet his affair with Rielle Hunter.
Edwards, a Democrat and former U.S. senator, acknowledged the investigation to The News & Observer.
“I am confident that no funds from my campaign were used improperly,” Edwards said in a statement.

~~~more at link~~~
OK, I am brain dead here...but Reile as I recall has something to do with the Jon Benet related by marriage to Alex Hunter??? Or worked on the IDI side somehow???


IMO they BOTH outta be b&^%$# slapped <LOL>..I am an equal opportunity guilty person B*&^% slapper!
QUOTE] Guess he was thinking with his lower half instead of with his head.[/QUOTE]

Oh, he was thinking with his head alright....just the wrong one.:crazy:

Three words for ya: The Maury Show.
Feds are looking at Edwards' campaign

Investigators dig through records to see if donors' money was used to cover up affair with campaign worker.

By Mandy Locke
Posted: Sunday, May. 03, 2009

RALEIGH Federal investigators are sifting through the records of money that helped John Edwards' presidential campaign to determine if any was used to keep quiet his affair with Rielle Hunter.
Edwards, a Democrat and former U.S. senator, acknowledged the investigation to The News & Observer.
“I am confident that no funds from my campaign were used improperly,” Edwards said in a statement.

~~~more at link~~~

I've always felt that if someone cheated on their spouse all you had to do was dig a little deeper and you would find that wasn't all that had been unethical about.

He should try being a man one day. Own up that the child is his, support the child financially, and try to play a part in the child's life. Somehow I don't see that happening. He has this delusional impression of himself.
Great points, AlwaysShocked.

I think ethical people can do non-ethical things. It happens every day. I know men and women who have cheated on their spouses who I consider to be generally ethical people, and I know men and women who have cheated on their spouses who I consider to be generally non-ethical people. My experience with the cheating issue is not black and white.

Spitzer and Clinton's infidelities struck me as obsessive-compulsive behavior and I have way too much experience with obsessive-compulsive behaviors (with substances, not with sex) to lob any stones at people who succumb to them.

Edwards - I don't know. Publicly, he has done a lot of good things. He has also done at least one big bad thing. I perceive him as I perceive most people - as a decent human being with feet of clay.

I doubt Edwards thought stepping out on his wife was ethical behavior. He did it anyway because, probably for a variety of reasons, he wanted to. That's been my experience when I do something unethical - I am aware that it could be perceived as unethical, but I do it anyway because I want to. Is there a disconnect for me when I act unethically? - I don't think so. I still perceive myself as a decent person doing a less than decent thing - I accept the parts of me that make bad, unethical decisions, try to learn from the bad unethical decisions and move onwards and upwards.

I don't buy into the idea that someone who could or would cheat on a spouse is capable of anything - child molestation, torture, murder, etc.... (ie, stuff that, rightly or wrongly, I perceive as "worse" than infidelity).

I'd prefer that my husband not cheat on me, but there really are much much worse things he could do to me than that (and I'd prefer that he not do those either!:crazy:).

As far as fidelity being a basic, basic issue of ethical behavior - perhaps you are right. But there are many other ways to be unfaithful to a relationship that do not include sexual behavior. I witness people slogging through THAT daily. You can leave your marriage without ever touching another person erotically - but when you decamp like that, it rarely makes the tabloids.

My prayers for all of the Edwards. I hope they will come out on the other side of this with renewed hope and peace in their family.

:blowkiss:Hiya South!

Agree with much of what you say here but just wanted to add - what irks most average people is that these public personalities often portray themselves as squeaky-clean, ethical, devoted family men while they are campaigning. Then, after being elected, they are able to take advantage of their power and status to more easily cheat and continue presenting the false persona, and people even help them cover up the unethical behavior, enabling them - even their own wives. The "rules" just don't apply to them. I think that is what makes people so angry.

:blowkiss:Hiya South!

Agree with much of what you say here but just wanted to add - what irks most average people is that these public personalities often portray themselves as squeaky-clean, ethical, devoted family men while they are campaigning. Then, after being elected, they are able to take advantage of their power and status to more easily cheat and continue presenting the false persona, and people even help them cover up the unethical behavior, enabling them - even their own wives. The "rules" just don't apply to them. I think that is what makes people so angry. Eve

I completely agree. Even if JE is found guilty of misusing political funds to pay his mistress and although he could spend time in jail, I'm guessing he won't. As an attorney with a political background and money, he has enough connections to end up with a fine, which, of course, he has the $ to pay.

I don't think JE fully realizes the impact of his behavior or cares, and my feeling is that he sees the average person as beneath him. Maybe his wife doesn't realize it either, or maybe she wrote her upcoming book because she needs money. I don't think most women would consider writing about a husband's extramarital affair.
:blowkiss:Hiya South!

Agree with much of what you say here but just wanted to add - what irks most average people is that these public personalities often portray themselves as squeaky-clean, ethical, devoted family men while they are campaigning. Then, after being elected, they are able to take advantage of their power and status to more easily cheat and continue presenting the false persona, and people even help them cover up the unethical behavior, enabling them - even their own wives. The "rules" just don't apply to them. I think that is what makes people so angry.


Hey Eve :blowkiss:

I think I am just too cynical - I assume every politician (indeed, person) has a skeleton or two in his closet that s/he doesn't want to share with the world at large. So I am never shocked when they fall out!

I do think Edwards showed an enormous amount of hubris by going forward with a presidential campaign in the face of his hidden affair. It's well-known knowledge that, rightly or wrongly, an affair KILLS a political campaign.

Still - Clinton was able to keep his marital indiscretions from derailing his political train, so maybe Edwards thought he would be able to as well.
Good grief. I watched part of EE's interview with Oprah. I do think she's naive to a point, but I also believe she's not willing to face facts and the truth.
Good grief. I watched part of EE's interview with Oprah. I do think she's naive to a point, but I also believe she's not willing to face facts and the truth.

Normally I don't feel sorry for women who stay with straying husbands but in this case she is in a no win situation. Face it, she is dying and she has small children. Even if she left at some point the children will have to go back to live with him. This way she is disrupting their lives as little as possible. Don't get me wrong, I think he is scum for what he did but in their situation I don't think that divorce would be a good idea. The best thing they can do is keep things as stable as possible for the sake of the children, who are going to be devastated soon enough. Better not to add to that burden. I think she knows full well what is going on but is choosing to think of her kids future and what is best for them.

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