John Edward's Love Child - Tell me this ISN'T his kid

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Normally I don't feel sorry for women who stay with straying husbands but in this case she is in a no win situation. Face it, she is dying and she has small children. Even if she left at some point the children will have to go back to live with him. This way she is disrupting their lives as little as possible. Don't get me wrong, I think he is scum for what he did but in their situation I don't think that divorce would be a good idea. The best thing they can do is keep things as stable as possible for the sake of the children, who are going to be devastated soon enough. Better not to add to that burden. I think she knows full well what is going on but is choosing to think of her kids future and what is best for them.

I agree completely, but why did she write a book and go on Oprah?

She said she knows about the rumors that JE is the father of RH's child. He, of course, says this isn't so. Why hasn't she insisted on a test?

It sounds like EE & JE share the same house, share responsibility for their children, but that's about all.
Maybe they need money? He is being investgated.

Or, maybe she wanted to be the First Lady. Politician's wives know the game plan.

EE said she did not want to destroy JE's chances for political office. IMO, if this was true, she became a willing particiant in the charade. I have some sympathy for EE, since she is/was battling cancer, but IMO to stand on a platform beside your husband in such a manner, she was still involved in the covered-up.
Am I being picky if it bugs me that she refers to Rielle's little girl as "it" on Oprah?

She's still helping her husband hedge on Rielle's baby, whom she refers to as "it," telling Oprah that she has "no idea" if the baby is John's, and adding: "It doesn't look like my children, but I don't have any idea."

While I'm sure EE doesn't blame the little girl, I don't blame her if she doesn't acknowledge her by her gender. IMO, there are worse things she could call her than "it". But if it bugs you, then I don't think it's being picky, just your personal feelings on the matter. I sure won't sit here and say that I'd be gracious toward my husband's love child either, but I hope that I would.
Am I being picky if it bugs me that she refers to Rielle's little girl as "it" on Oprah?

She's still helping her husband hedge on Rielle's baby, whom she refers to as "it," telling Oprah that she has "no idea" if the baby is John's, and adding: "It doesn't look like my children, but I don't have any idea."
It bugged me too - I didn't like it at all!! IMO, it seems unnatural that a loving mother would refer to any child as "it" - especially when she is aware of the gender and the name.
Am I being picky if it bugs me that she refers to Rielle's little girl as "it" on Oprah?

She's still helping her husband hedge on Rielle's baby, whom she refers to as "it," telling Oprah that she has "no idea" if the baby is John's, and adding: "It doesn't look like my children, but I don't have any idea."

I cannot imagine her "no idea" answer. If she's concerned about the children, the youngest are 11 and 9. I would guess they're aware of their father's indiscretions. I just don't understand her reactions.
Am I being picky if it bugs me that she refers to Rielle's little girl as "it" on Oprah?

She's still helping her husband hedge on Rielle's baby, whom she refers to as "it," telling Oprah that she has "no idea" if the baby is John's, and adding: "It doesn't look like my children, but I don't have any idea."

I think that is her way of showing her disgust for Rielle. She is distancing herself from the very fact that "it" has a name, a sex, and is a living child--and most likely, half sister to her own children. She just can't deal with that--and refuses to even to try deal with it.

So she just pushes it away in the "it" category.

Personally, I find it all so sad. She probably lacks the emotional and physical strength at this point in her life to acknowledge to herself or the world what her husband did.

And no, this is NOT a good thing for her children. I predict that the two younger ones are going to act out like hell when they reach teen years.
Oh...I see, Mrs. Edwards...The affair was ALL Rielle's fault? She seduced John by saying "You're so HOT!" So Rielle is 'Pathetic' and John isn't? And neither are you for lying to the American people because you wanted him to continue with the presidential campaign even though you knew the truth of what he had done? OH PULEESE don't insult my intelligence. It's one thing to stand by your man. I don't judge her for that, but to come out and publically blame and call the other woman 'Pathetic' for what her husband had a part in? Did EE really have to write a book about it? And what will her children think when they grow up and read this book? Rielle's child may very well be a half sister to the Edward's children. Personally, I've lost a lot of sympathy and respect for EE because she has come out with this book. Why did she feel the need to dedicate time for a book? Why didn't she just focus on the love she has for her children? Rielle has been pretty quiet up until now - I doubt she will sit in silence any longer because of this EE'S book. Regardless of EE's fragile health state, I think the gloves are getting ready to come off, and that Rielle is going to come back swinging.
The National Enquirer reports that RH wants a paternity test. Does that mean JE will voluntarily take a test, or will it need to be court-ordered?
If my husband had an affair, I would sooooooo not want to write about it so the public could know all the details.

Also, it seems that writing things like, "John didn't tell me the truth at first", blah, blah, would only serve to worsen their marriage.
If JE is the father of RH's child, it would appear he's still not telling EE (nor the public) the truth.
I watched the Oprah interview, and the whole situation just smells really fishy to me. I don't think John or Elizabeth are telling the complete truth. I have a really hard time believing an otherwise intelligent woman would fall for the "it only happened one time" excuse; in fact, I have a hard time believing John announced his candidacy, and then two days later, decides to confess to his wife about the affair. That doesn't make any sense to me at all - what prompted him to confess? And why didn't he tell the whole truth when he did confess? And now that everyone knows he had an affair with Rielle and could be the baby's father, why isn't he being a gentleman and taking at least financial responsibility for the baby, if in fact she is his?

I think Elizabeth wrote the book for money, and I don't think she is being truthful about how things transpired and what she found out when. And I think John is still not being truthful about anything at all. I think he is still with Elizabeth out of a sense of obligation and duty. In fact, I think that may have played a role in why he had the affair - he had a sick wife, and here was this younger, vital, healthy woman who made herself very available to him. Men have fallen for less.

I found it really telling yesterday when Oprah talked to John, and he said something to the effect of "I love my wife, I care for her." The way he said it made it sound like he was talking about a friend, nothing more. He looks incredibly foolish in this whole situation, a complete cad to Rielle and Elizabeth, and now he is just sitting there silent with this whole situation swirling around him.

I wouldn't be surprised if Rielle comes out swinging; she was wrong to have an affair with a married man, but I would bet she is pissed about how she was portrayed in that interview.

Sorry for the long post, just some of my random thoughts..........
Looks like robinparten was right...Rielle has come out swinging and is supposedly looking for that paternity test now. I'm laughing because John Edwards has screwed himself royally now...he's got a wife who's written a book trashing his "pathetic" mistress and a mistress who was waiting in the wings for Elizabeth to die so they could be together (and you all know he promised her that and the stars too) but who is now so pissed that EE went off on her that she's blowing the lid off the whole thing.

Nothing like a woman scorned....
Im not bashing EE just telling it like it is. She should not have supported his run for office and perpetuated the lie, standing by a very bad man. Shame on her! Both women in this case are bad examples IMOO.

It might be a little bit amusing if RH gets that paternity test and decides to stick a big fat fork in the Breck Girl. Not funny for his kids, but that's not her fault either, it's his. He's taken the wrecking ball to his kids' lives so that he could have some great sex. Sad isn't it?

I admit, I'm having a really hard time finding empathy for EE.

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