Jose Baez News Briefing of today 9/16

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Pretty interesting. I like how he tried to spin this case and his client- and try and turn the public against LE. On her arrests for check fraud, using credit cards etc. She has many offenses against her, and as they develop leads, gather evidence, get returns on seopened information, and build there case, that is when they will arrest her. It's not like they have to wait fo each and every charge they think she committed, people that are sitting in county jail, get re-arrested right there in the cell as new evidence is found day in and day out on any additional charges they might have against them. Casey just has the ability to keep getting bonded out, so when new charges are filed- the state attorneys office reviews the new information and decides from there if she should be charged with more crimes- that is why she keeps getting re-arrested. And lets just put this out here.....they would not be able to re-arrest her if it was not for the fact that SHE DID THESE CRIMES.

This attorney has lied before, about a plea deal....he said it was never discussed, but then later we find out it has been discussed. As for him wanting to see the evidence against his client, they don't have to turn that over to him UNTIL she has been charged. That is the law, and so far, she has not been charged with murder so therefore, the evidence and testing they are getting now to build there case does not have to be turned over yet! He knows very well that he can file a motion of discovery ONCE his client is charged with murder- until then he has no right to any of the on going testing that is being done. He can file a motion to ask the court to allow there own independent testing, or to have an observer to over see the testing.

As for our men and woman fighting in Iraqi- I take great personal offense in him even mentioning ANYTHING to do with our service men and woman- they have NOTHING to do with what his client is being charged with. My son is in the service, he is in the service to protect our country- NOT to protect criminals that are being charged with crimes in the united states. Unless it is terrorism or an attack against our country-which is not the situation in this case, there was NO reason to mention ANY OF THIS.

As an after thought, yes there is a missing child, that's what this case is all about- but apparently he has joined the ranks with the Anthony's - what child?

As for the reporters being duped by LE. That's a joke in itself- As long as it's breaking news or any new information about this case- they will report it- even if it's negative info regarding LE

As for the protesters being charged with stalking- well, I guess he does not know Florida law, because to be charged with stalking, you must show the court a pattern of an individual FOLLOWING work, to your home,to places where you might hang can't be charged with stalking just because you stand in front of someones home with a sign.

I think some of those protesters should be arrested for there actions- just as I think Cindy, George and Lee should be arrested for some of there actions towards the protesters. Going out at almost midnight with a hammer to pound some signs is nothing more than Cindy wanting more attention for herself. As the attorney said, when it gets quiet LE has to do something for attention- and Cindy has to do it also
I just wanted to compliment you on a brilliant post! :)
The one thing any attorney in his position learns quickly is that YOU DO NOT make LE your enemy.
He seems so inexperienced to me. He is not going to do his client or himself any favors by continuing to put LE in a bad light.
As for our men and woman fighting in Iraqi- I take great personal offense in him even mentioning ANYTHING to do with our service men and woman- they have NOTHING to do with what his client is being charged with. My son is in the service, he is in the service to protect our country- NOT to protect criminals that are being charged with crimes in the united states. Unless it is terrorism or an attack against our country-which is not the situation in this case, there was NO reason to mention ANY OF THIS.
Please thank your son for his sacrifice for us. And thank you and your spouse as his parents, for your sacrifice.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: As an after thought, yes there is a missing child, that's what this case is all about- but apparently he has joined the ranks with the Anthony's - what child?
If Baez wants to garner any sympathy for his client, maybe he should teach her some emotion during their 30 hour a week visit. A few tears would be helpful. In her interview she was down right cold and uncaring (at least that is how she sounded to me).

This is an exact example of what he's talking about in this interview. Respectfully to you, please rewatch anything where KC is in court, and watch as she wipes tears from her face but remains strong (as, I'm sure, she has been instructed by her attorney).

I don't defend her or him -- but, the man's right. If they had something, she'd be charged -- they're leaking to get info and to try and scare someone in to talking -- not 'cause they have enough to bring a case against her.
Maybe Yuri does need to "take a stand". LOL I would recommend he begins with the mic stand to prevent JB from spewing so much verbal garbage. It would be a "public service" which I am sure Floridian taxpayers would be glad to "contribute" to!
Reporter said 'the neighborhood is dangerous, isn't Casey safer in jail?', lmao.....

Baez said 'no more questions'

WHATEVER is all I can say. AND LE needs to make a rebuttal statement/press conference and NOW.
Stealth the part about Casey looking guilty..MAN...that really is one of my oldest questions..After all the hellabalue from the A's & JB about how misunderstood Casey is and what is really going on and why she can't tell...aHHHHH...AND after all these weeks of nothing but 'The Twilight Zone' according to the A's, come on.....
Why doesn't she do something to make herself look less guilty????

Probably because anything she could do to appear less guilty would reveal something she has lied about or covered up, and that would damage the pedestal sitting image she has of herself.

If she does testify expect her to be charged with perjury several times.

Also, LE investigating her fraud crimes is not harrassment. LE is probably very concerned with them because they may lead to more evidence of what happened to Caylee, yet I'm supposed to fault them for combing over these crimes?
I almost hope Casey gets a better lawyer when she is charged with murder, because I'd hate for a mistrial to be declared because Baez screwed up.
The one thing any attorney in his position learns quickly is that YOU DO NOT make LE your enemy.
He seems so inexperienced to me. He is not going to do his client or himself any favors by continuing to put LE in a bad light.

You're right...he must have borrowed the neighbors shovel too cause he sure is digging himself a deep hole to crawl out of.

She was proven to be lying and she admitted to it - at what point does he want us to start feeling sorry for her? She admitted to lying to the police - for what purpose? What has it accomplished - nothing except not being able to find Caylee. Obviously that was her intent. Does he not even remember her name? "A missing child'...yeah and she has a name. Where is CAYLEE?
OMG, words cannot express. Let's just say I had to stop eating my lunch...

Seriously, what professional defense attorney goes on and on or even does a PC like this? Unbelievable! Lots of other comments - but you all have them covered.

One other thing - me thinks he doth protest too much!! "I will not be intimidated". "I will not be intimidated". "I will not be intimidated". Over and over again. That tells me he's intimidated.

I also feel inclined to point out that he can't use proper grammar - "Them men and women". It should be said "THOSE men and women"!!! He also should not be ending his sentence with a preposition (at). This is something that CA has always done and it drives me crazy - "Where she's AT". UGH!! I realize it's a common thing for people to do this, and no one is perfect, but it baffles me that someone with eight years of higher education can't use proper grammar.

Nitpicking - yup! Definitely! He just makes me ill.
He needs to lay off the brownies, pick up some law books , take a public speaking class, join a gym, and hire someone to write his speeches.
She was proven to be lying and she admitted to it - at what point does he want us to start feeling sorry for her? She admitted to lying to the police - for what purpose? What has it accomplished - nothing except not being able to find Caylee. Obviously that was her intent. Does he not even remember her name? "A missing child'...yeah and she has a name. Where is CAYLEE?

Even then, after listening to the tapes, I feel the only reason she admitted to lying is because she was trapped in a room with LE and because she still felt she could spin her admitting she lied into something positive/credibility.
Well all i have to say is kc picked a perfect lawyer -to nuts -who the hell is this guy-what is he preparing her for fraud charges-meeting in his office that last all day long. some house arrest this case is spinning out of controll-le is to blame for this in someways-one way is allwowng her out of her house everyday for 6 hours-she has not been charge with murder-just writing bad checks. No need to go to your lawyers everyday for 6 hours for a stupid fraud charge. doesnt he have any orther clients that casey takes up all of his days
Oh fooey.

I like it way more when Casey has a surprise arrest.

Cops haul her in on an arrest warrant.

"We have a warrant for your arrest."

Casey has a delightful span of time when she does not know if she's been arrested for stealing from friends, for stealing from elder relatives, or for murder!

I don't defend her or him -- but, the man's right. If they had something, she'd be charged -- they're leaking to get info and to try and scare someone in to talking -- not 'cause they have enough to bring a case against her.
Not really. We already know they have plenty, and we don't know what on top of that they're not telling us - or him - about. Prosecutors in NJ just filed murder charges in the case of the college students killed a year ago at a local school - the prosecutor in that case was quoted yesterday as saying they took their time to build an airtight case.

Baez is trying to worm information out of LE without being able to file for discovery because Casey has not yet been charged with Caylee's death.

His defense is going to be that Caylee is alive, yes? And he has investigators trying to track her down, based on the information that his client has provided only to him.

If that's the case, why would he be so eager to see forensic evidence that would be meaningless if he can produce a living Caylee?
Just because he is a defense attorney doesn't mean he has to give press conferences. What intimidation is he referring to? She is being charged and arraigned on crimes the same as anyone else that is being charged and arrainged on crimes. She was given the courtesy of surrendering herself, not many people are afforded that courtesy. Instead, why doesn't he "guide" his client to telling LE the truth.
WHATEVER is all I can say. AND LE needs to make a rebuttal statement/press conference and NOW.

You are so right! But first they have to recover from their fits of laughter.

LE probably decided long ago not to let "JB" bait them. I'm sure this isn't the first "poor me" speech they've heard from him. But, I do agree, they should address the public. I wouldn't be surprised though if they take the attitude of, "We're not going to dignify that with a response". I can't say I'd blame them.
This guy is a joke. He needs to be in front of a camera about as much as Cindy does.
I clicked on the presser with a hostile attitude to began with, and really tried to see the A's point of view.
Wasting resources set me off, where is Caylee. STOP with the BS.
He just keeps sounding more and more redundant.

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