Jose Baez News Briefing of today 9/16

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
... And lets just put this out here.....they would not be able to re-arrest her if it was not for the fact that SHE DID THESE CRIMES.

Correct, and unlike a murder charge, there actually is fact that she committed the financial crimes.

This attorney has lied before, about a plea deal....he said it was never discussed, but then later we find out it has been discussed. As for him wanting to see the evidence against his client, they don't have to turn that over to him UNTIL she has been charged. That is the law, and so far, she has not been charged with murder so therefore, the evidence and testing they are getting now to build there case does not have to be turned over yet! He knows very well that he can file a motion of discovery ONCE his client is charged with murder- until then he has no right to any of the on going testing that is being done. He can file a motion to ask the court to allow there own independent testing, or to have an observer to over see the testing.

All true and very well put. I think his argument is that they are leaking it to the public but not backing it up with evidence; thus making everyone who reads a paper hate his client, which is causing all sorts of issues that shouldn't be happening with this case.

As for our men and woman fighting in Iraqi- I take great personal offense in him even mentioning ANYTHING to do with our service men and woman- they have NOTHING to do with what his client is being charged with. My son is in the service, he is in the service to protect our country- NOT to protect criminals that are being charged with crimes in the united states. Unless it is terrorism or an attack against our country-which is not the situation in this case, there was NO reason to mention ANY OF THIS.

I'm sorry you're offended by that. I thank your son and his sacrifice every night before I go to sleep, as do millions of others -- but that is what he's there to do. Our country IS the constitution and the bill of rights, and believe it or not, by going to "free" Iraq, they are basically creating a democracy based on our constitution -- thus the correlation.

As an after thought, yes there is a missing child, that's what this case is all about- but apparently he has joined the ranks with the Anthony's - what child?

Correction, his case is not about Caylee. His focus shouldn't be on Caylee; and Caylee should be an afterthought at this point in time for him.

As for the reporters being duped by LE. That's a joke in itself- As long as it's breaking news or any new information about this case- they will report it- even if it's negative info regarding LE

He didn't say they were "duping" them, just feeding the media engine that's driving the case -- which is EXACTLY what LE is doing.

As for the protesters being charged with stalking- well, I guess he does not know Florida law, because to be charged with stalking, you must show the court a pattern of an individual FOLLOWING work, to your home,to places where you might hang can't be charged with stalking just because you stand in front of someones home with a sign.

I'm not versed well enough in FL law to comment on this, but your information seems plausible.

I think some of those protesters should be arrested for there actions- just as I think Cindy, George and Lee should be arrested for some of there actions towards the protesters. Going out at almost midnight with a hammer to pound some signs is nothing more than Cindy wanting more attention for herself. As the attorney said, when it gets quiet LE has to do something for attention- and Cindy has to do it also

I agree. I still have yet to understand what makes these people think that it's going to help -- it's not doing anything but 'causing a scene to the neighbors; the A's obviously could care less.
WHATEVER is all I can say. AND LE needs to make a rebuttal statement/press conference and NOW.

LE has already been approached this morning and has so far declined comment.

I don't know. I found that kind of classy on their part. Seems they take their time and get it right. Maybe Baez should make a note of that.

Local news coming on though:woohoo:
This is an exact example of what he's talking about in this interview. Respectfully to you, please rewatch anything where KC is in court, and watch as she wipes tears from her face but remains strong (as, I'm sure, she has been instructed by her attorney).

I don't defend her or him -- but, the man's right. If they had something, she'd be charged -- they're leaking to get info and to try and scare someone in to talking -- not 'cause they have enough to bring a case against her.

You mean he's right (in your opinion). Yes? If this guy was smart, he would have said "no comment" and walked away. Instead, he rambles about things that have nothing to do with what she's been charged with. So why bother?
This is an exact example of what he's talking about in this interview. Respectfully to you, please rewatch anything where KC is in court, and watch as she wipes tears from her face but remains strong (as, I'm sure, she has been instructed by her attorney).

I don't defend her or him -- but, the man's right. If they had something, she'd be charged -- they're leaking to get info and to try and scare someone in to talking -- not 'cause they have enough to bring a case against her.

I respectfully disagree....I think they have enough to charge her. Lets face it--we've all seen suspects charged on less. An experienced detective on 20/20 stated that he felt they had enough to charge her and if they did not, it is with reason.
I propose that the reason is they want to find that child's remains. Its very important to them to learn as much as possible concerning what happened. My guess is they have at least 2, possibly 3, working theories. All the evidence they get at this point is plugged into these scenarios.
No doubt they have tried everything they can think of to "scare" her or "jolt" her into reality. I don't blame them. Once they charge her, they will get zero info from her.....their best chance is to continue to charge her with other crimes (of which she is guilty, mind you) while they try to discover as much as they can about what truly happened to Caylee.

The pink elephant in the room is that Cindy, George, Lee, Casey, and Jose haven't devoted one man hour to actually searching for this missing child. Yet they blast LE? Get real.....these people live in another world.
Is he kidding???? Saving the taxpayers money??? Hey, JB, tell your client to get off her behind and come clean.
His insistence that "this could happen you, folks, this could happen to you" is absurd.

If I were guilty of the same economic crimes -- heck yeah it should happen to me!!

Are we supposed to be swayed into thinking that KC is just some average upstanding citizen who has been unfairly targeted and hauled off to jail on a whim? Oh wait, isn't that what KC said?

If I hadn't actually seen a picture of them together I would start wondering if JB was KC in disguise.
I think JB is right about a lot of things in this press conference.
He is right about the leaks of "evidence"
the hair - there is no evidence of it having a death band
the chloroform - there is no evidence of it being in the trunk. It is merely speculation.
the chloroform searches - nothing here either, not with out times and dates of the searches, reciepts, a delivery or proof that a transaction was made, or that she attempted to create chlorofrom herself.

It makes me wonder why they are leaking information, when they don't have the whole story? It gives a lot of credibility to what JB is saying.
This is an exact example of what he's talking about in this interview. Respectfully to you, please rewatch anything where KC is in court, and watch as she wipes tears from her face but remains strong (as, I'm sure, she has been instructed by her attorney).

I don't defend her or him -- but, the man's right. If they had something, she'd be charged -- they're leaking to get info and to try and scare someone in to talking -- not 'cause they have enough to bring a case against her.

I saw her "tears" that she wiped away when she was in court. It's a shame that it took her parents getting on the stand for her to show any emotion. Why no tears prior to this? Surely she could have learned that much from her 'friend' Juliette Lewis - the actress.

The way LE grilled her during their interview was enough to break anyone with half a heart. Still haven't seen Casey plea for her daughters return? Looking for that video. :rolleyes:

And, FWIW, just because they haven't charged her at this point, doesn't mean they don't have anything on her. It's called BUILDING A CASE....getting your ducks in a row before you make the leap.
Not really. We already know they have plenty, and we don't know what on top of that they're not telling us - or him - about. Prosecutors in NJ just filed murder charges in the case of the college students killed a year ago at a local school - the prosecutor in that case was quoted yesterday as saying they took their time to build an airtight case.

Baez is trying to worm information out of LE without being able to file for discovery because Casey has not yet been charged with Caylee's death.

His defense is going to be that Caylee is alive, yes? And he has investigators trying to track her down, based on the information that his client has provided only to him.

If that's the case, why would he be so eager to see forensic evidence that would be meaningless if he can produce a living Caylee?

You can not say in an actual argument that LE has anything; just like he can't. You haven't seen it, so all you know is media hype and leaks (from LE as well). This is what the man is saying.

Besides all the other stuff, if his defense is based on a living Caylee (which at this point I think would be stupid, since there's SO MUCH EVIDENCE SAYING OTHERWISE </sarcasm>) he would have to produce Caylee, which he can't do, as he just said, 'cause KC doesn't know where she is.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. He's doing the best with what he has to work with. Everyone in this thread saying he's a joke has obviously never been to court, let alone had to get an attorney. There still has yet to be a person on this board that has a law degree or is studying for one that has disagreed with me: words are words, fact is in front of a judge.
You mean he's right (in your opinion). Yes? If this guy was smart, he would have said "no comment" and walked away. Instead, he rambles about things that have nothing to do with what she's been charged with. So why bother?

Some of the stuff he said is right; the parts about his client, I think, are absolutely ridiculous. However, he's workin' with what he's got. Why bother? He took a chance on some media support, and he'll win a few hearts with it. :p
i think what JB is missing is that LE has not created this circus, his client did by never reporting her daughter missing and then by repeated lying about it, her job and making people up. if she would have reported her missing the first day and then just not talked, i dont think there would be "stalkers" outside of her house. too bad these "stalkers" seem to care more about where caylee is then her own mother. and your client is the one wasting tax money by committing crimes in the first place to get herself into jail. its expensive to keep people in jail, especially when they get their own cell.

and i keep hearing lately about them questioning her without providing her a lawyer. is everyone forgetting that they were investigating her kidnapped daughter? the interview just so happend to turn into an interigation because of her lies.
I think JB is right about a lot of things in this press conference.
He is right about the leaks of "evidence"
the hair - there is no evidence of it having a death band
the chloroform - there is no evidence of it being in the trunk. It is merely speculation.
the chloroform searches - nothing here either, not with out times and dates of the searches, reciepts, a delivery or proof that a transaction was made, or that she attempted to create chlorofrom herself.

It makes me wonder why they are leaking information, when they don't have the whole story? It gives a lot of credibility to what JB is saying.

ummm.... okay.... :waitasec::waitasec:
Correction, his case is not about Caylee. His focus shouldn't be on Caylee; and Caylee should be an afterthought at this point in time for him.QUOTE]

I'm going to have to disagree with you hear. KC has been charged with child neglect, so Caylee most definitely should be in the forefront of his mind as he has to prove that KC did NOT neglect her.
Remembering CLEARLY when LE announced that the FBI DNA reports and scientific information from the Tn. Body Farm showed that Caylee WAS in that trunk of Casey's car, and that she no longer is with us. I am not stupid and realize that these statements would have never been made, IF they did not have testing to prove what they stated. IS Baez disputing the competentcy and validity of the FBI ?

Baez is attempting:waitasec: to throw out reasonable:rolleyes: doubt with the public, and for me it had no :eek:effect !:mad:

It was approx. 3 mos. for the arrest of S Peterson for the murder of Lacie and his unborn child. I believe with all of my heart and soul that LE KNOWS Casey is guilty, and they are carefully crossing all t's, and dotting the i's.The day is approaching when Casey will stand trial for her daughter's murder and I believe she will be convicted.

Perhaps after Yurri's trip to Ca. He is NOT going to fly there for nothing,:eek: and much of this MUST be kept close to their vest, in order to get a positive outcome for LE. I believe in them. Casey may attempt to get out of this, but OJ she is not and never will be !:rolleyes:
I think JB is right about a lot of things in this press conference.
He is right about the leaks of "evidence"
the hair - there is no evidence of it having a death band
the chloroform - there is no evidence of it being in the trunk. It is merely speculation.
the chloroform searches - nothing here either, not with out times and dates of the searches, reciepts, a delivery or proof that a transaction was made, or that she attempted to create chlorofrom herself.

It makes me wonder why they are leaking information, when they don't have the whole story? It gives a lot of credibility to what JB is saying.

Where did you get your information? Just curious.
i think what JB is missing is that LE has not created this circus, his client did by never reporting her daughter missing and then by repeated lying about it, her job and making people up. if she would have reported her missing the first day and then just not talked, i dont think there would be "stalkers" outside of her house. too bad these "stalkers" seem to care more about where caylee is then her own mother. and your client is the one wasting tax money by committing crimes in the first place to get herself into jail. its expensive to keep people in jail, especially when they get their own cell.

and i keep hearing lately about them questioning her without providing her a lawyer. is everyone forgetting that they were investigating her kidnapped daughter? the interview just so happend to turn into an interigation because of her lies.

GREAT post ~ I agree !:woohoo:
i think what JB is missing is that LE has not created this circus, his client did by never reporting her daughter missing and then by repeated lying about it, her job and making people up. if she would have reported her missing the first day and then just not talked, i dont think there would be "stalkers" outside of her house. too bad these "stalkers" seem to care more about where caylee is then her own mother. and your client is the one wasting tax money by committing crimes in the first place to get herself into jail. its expensive to keep people in jail, especially when they get their own cell.

and i keep hearing lately about them questioning her without providing her a lawyer. is everyone forgetting that they were investigating her kidnapped daughter? the interview just so happend to turn into an interigation because of her lies.

AWESOME COMMENT . . . LE was helping with the search of her missing child at first. That was their main purpose and KC did not cooperate.
Everyone in this thread saying he's a joke has obviously never been to court, let alone had to get an attorney.


He's a joke. I've been to court, many times.

I think JB is right about a lot of things in this press conference.
He is right about the leaks of "evidence"
the hair - there is no evidence of it having a death band
the chloroform - there is no evidence of it being in the trunk. It is merely speculation.
the chloroform searches - nothing here either, not with out times and dates of the searches, reciepts, a delivery or proof that a transaction was made, or that she attempted to create chlorofrom herself.

It makes me wonder why they are leaking information, when they don't have the whole story? It gives a lot of credibility to what JB is saying.

I want to respond to the bolded part (that I bolded): THAT WE KNOW OF!

In every case there are 'leaks' as these like to be labeled. I don't call an investigator giving a statement a leak, but whatever. LE is building a case and until they are finished with their case they will not make charges against Casey for murder. They have plenty of time - why rush into it? FWIW, if Casey cared about Caylee she would come clean with what she knows. She's a proven liar and still doesn't tell them anything. If she is innocentwhat does she have to hide by telling the truth?

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