Jose Baez News Briefing of today 9/16

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
LE has already been approached this morning and has so far declined comment.

I don't know. I found that kind of classy on their part. Seems they take their time and get it right. Maybe Baez should make a note of that.

Local news coming on though:woohoo:

LE comment will be when they arrest Casey for the death of her daughter
I respectfully disagree....I think they have enough to charge her. Lets face it--we've all seen suspects charged on less. An experienced detective on 20/20 stated that he felt they had enough to charge her and if they did not, it is with reason.

Agreed, based on what's been leaked. What if it isn't true though?

I propose that the reason is they want to find that child's remains. Its very important to them to learn as much as possible concerning what happened. My guess is they have at least 2, possibly 3, working theories. All the evidence they get at this point is plugged into these scenarios.

Possibly more; heck, we have like 100 here and we're not trained professionals. The key to a death sentence would be a body that can show a jury cruelty. I would definitely hold out for as long as I could to find her.

No doubt they have tried everything they can think of to "scare" her or "jolt" her into reality. I don't blame them. Once they charge her, they will get zero info from her.....their best chance is to continue to charge her with other crimes (of which she is guilty, mind you) while they try to discover as much as they can about what truly happened to Caylee.

Yup. Here is where I agree with JB. They're forcing her back in front of the cameras every time they charge her with a new crime. Look, she could have 5000 fraud and theft charges; they're PETTY compared to murder. They should want that and focus on that; not the media frenzy. She might do 5 years tops (uppped from my previous estimate based on some other things).

The pink elephant in the room is that Cindy, George, Lee, Casey, and Jose haven't devoted one man hour to actually searching for this missing child. Yet they blast LE? Get real.....these people live in another world.

Well, they did go hand out fliers and such -- but that was way back in the beginning. That really urks me that they aren't even trying -- seems pointless to believe or hope if the family isn't even trying. That's what made me really start looking at the leaks in the first place; and now you couldn't convince me Caylee is alive unless you showed me her with a newspaper that had today's date on it.
You can not say in an actual argument that LE has anything; just like he can't. You haven't seen it, so all you know is media hype and leaks (from LE as well). This is what the man is saying.

Besides all the other stuff, if his defense is based on a living Caylee (which at this point I think would be stupid, since there's SO MUCH EVIDENCE SAYING OTHERWISE </sarcasm>) he would have to produce Caylee, which he can't do, as he just said, 'cause KC doesn't know where she is.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. He's doing the best with what he has to work with. Everyone in this thread saying he's a joke has obviously never been to court, let alone had to get an attorney. There still has yet to be a person on this board that has a law degree or is studying for one that has disagreed with me: words are words, fact is in front of a judge.

I have one. I humbly disagree.:)

Where do we check everyone's resume?
I'm a newbie; I guessed I missed it. Heck, they didn't ask my educational background. This place must be open to all of us! Thanks Websleuths!
He needs to lay off the brownies, pick up some law books , take a public speaking class, join a gym, and hire someone to write his speeches.

As long as it isn't Todd B....but then again, they'd be some funny speeches.:rolleyes:
You can not say in an actual argument that LE has anything; just like he can't. You haven't seen it, so all you know is media hype and leaks (from LE as well). This is what the man is saying.

Besides all the other stuff, if his defense is based on a living Caylee (which at this point I think would be stupid, since there's SO MUCH EVIDENCE SAYING OTHERWISE </sarcasm>) he would have to produce Caylee, which he can't do, as he just said, 'cause KC doesn't know where she is.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. He's doing the best with what he has to work with. Everyone in this thread saying he's a joke has obviously never been to court, let alone had to get an attorney. There still has yet to be a person on this board that has a law degree or is studying for one that has disagreed with me: words are words, fact is in front of a judge.

I have had to get an attorney for my son....this attorney was so upfront in private that I was shocked. He said as little as possible in public about anything.

Casey knows where Caylee is....does Jose think she is going to tell him just because he lets her sit in his office 6 hours a day? Really now, come on. This kind of attorney/client relationship is very unusual, to say the least. His inexperience is shining through.....

He would be wise to keep his mouth shut.
Correction, his case is not about Caylee. His focus shouldn't be on Caylee; and Caylee should be an afterthought at this point in time for him.QUOTE]

I'm going to have to disagree with you hear. KC has been charged with child neglect, so Caylee most definitely should be in the forefront of his mind as he has to prove that KC did NOT neglect her.

Your honor, esteemed members of the jury, my client did not neglect her daughter - as seen here, she went out looking for her daughter through various means throughout the 31 days that she was missing. She did as she was told, and did not draw attention to the fact that her daughter was missing - she lived life as normally as she could.

End of argument - the neglect charge is based on the 31 days; and it'll get dropped to the background of the case.
You can not say in an actual argument that LE has anything; just like he can't. You haven't seen it, so all you know is media hype and leaks (from LE as well). This is what the man is saying.

A 'leak' is when information is released anonymously by an unattributed "close to the investigation" source.

There sure has been some of that, but there is also this:

"The information we've gotten back from the lab that she was in the trunk of that car and that she is dead is certainly something we take seriously," said Orange County Sheriff's Office Sgt. John Allen.

You don't get much more 'on the record' than that. What Jose is burning up inside about is the fact that although LE has made these statements, they are preventing him from filing for discovery by delaying the filing of formal charges. Thus his attempt to sidestep the system by asking a judge to halt forensic testing in case the samples are used up before he can get to them.

Has that motion been addressed yet?
I have one. I humbly disagree.:)

Where do we check everyone's resume?
I'm a newbie; I guessed I missed it. Heck, they didn't ask my educational background. This place must be open to all of us! Thanks Websleuths!

No, no thank you Miracles !!:clap::clap::clap:

Correct, and unlike a murder charge, there actually is fact that she committed the financial crimes.

Elitenls ... aren't you the one who used to remind us all about the difference between "facts" and evidence prior to adjudication? I thought you would have come back with a consistent message, but I find the only consistency is your defense of KC. :shakehead:
I have one. I humbly disagree.:)

I asked in an earlier post. :)

If you would be so kind as to demonstrate how the circumstantial evidence through means of hearsay is indeed fact; I would love (no sarcasm) to see it.

Welcome to WS!
I have one. I humbly disagree.:)

Where do we check everyone's resume?
I'm a newbie; I guessed I missed it. Heck, they didn't ask my educational background. This place must be open to all of us! Thanks Websleuths!

Thank you...I don't think it's fair for a poster to assume that no one here with a law degree wouldn't, or hasn't, agreed with him/her. No one knows what educational background we have or how many visits to the court room we have made.
Everyone in this thread saying he's a joke has obviously never been to court, let alone had to get an attorney. There still has yet to be a person on this board that has a law degree or is studying for one that has disagreed with me: words are words, fact is in front of a judge.

I also think BAEZ is a joke . . . I have been to court, have an atty on retainer, and have a law degree.

IMHO He is star struck because of the media attention this case is getting. He will be a hoot to watch on CourtTV if this case makes it that far . . .
I would like to see what LE has as well..
However it really ticks me off to hear this man talk about soilders over seas fighting for the constitution. He is right that they are doing that, yet must not realize that they also have rules to abide by. These soilders cannot just shoot anyone they see, nor can they abandon their units..Gee whiz...I can assure you that if you pole the US Military, they would tell Baez to make that girl tell the damn truth.
Sign her up for the military..Let her face what they face, let her fight in a war, then maybe you can bring them into this..
Baez is now lower than low..
How dare he speak of LE playing games? What the crap does he think Casey has been doing all these months? And if he is getting leads and feels that LE isn't doing anything with them, then come out of your air conditioned office Baez, and go find her yourself.
Your honor, esteemed members of the jury, my client did not neglect her daughter - as seen here, she went out looking for her daughter through various means throughout the 31 days that she was missing. She did as she was told, and did not draw attention to the fact that her daughter was missing - she lived life as normally as she could.

End of argument - the neglect charge is based on the 31 days; and it'll get dropped to the background of the case.

Show me any evidence of this. Oops.. guess I will Just have to wait and see.
whatta joke! This whole thing is a joke, CAYLEE'S EXPENSE! These people should be ashamed of themselves! I am sick of the lies, the stalling, all of it! Casey is the only one that can't stop this maddness and she sits and says nothing! They need to stay off TV and go find Caylee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jmo
I have had to get an attorney for my son....this attorney was so upfront in private that I was shocked. He said as little as possible in public about anything.

That's the way they are supposed to be. Question: did you have 50 reporters in your driveway 24/7 and flocks of people protesting your house, and following you everywhere you went?

I didn't have that much; but we had a camp in our front yard of reporters -- and my LB's attorney made a public statement or two. Got good coverage back home too.

Casey knows where Caylee is....

Don't assume things, it doesn't help us have an educated discussion, please. Opinions are great, not assumptions.

does Jose think she is going to tell him just because he lets her sit in his office 6 hours a day? Really now, come on. This kind of attorney/client relationship is very unusual, to say the least. His inexperience is shining through.....He would be wise to keep his mouth shut.

1. She probably has, if she's at all smart (and she doesn't come off as intellectual) she has told him every single detail.
2. It is very unusual, but he is more than likely prepping her for a murder trial.
3. Yup, he's a newbie, and he talks too much.
Guys, we have more than "leaked" evidence! LE has stated that DNA evidence from Caylee was found in the trunk of Casey's car. We also have a tremendous amount of "testimony" from friend interviews concerning Casey's timeline. AND we have those horrific 911 calls from Cindy.....and the fact that Casey partied and lived it up for a month, while her baby was missing--or "kidnapped." We have the interviews where Casey LIED...about everything from her job to her associates. These are things we KNOW.
And there is much more that we do not know, I'm sure. They have enough....but have the time to secure more due to the fact that Casey can be held on other charges. They can rest assured that she's not going anywhere.
Doing everything they can to find the Caylee?? Why is it that the whole family spends their time in the one place that they know Caylee's isn't?
Has that motion been addressed yet?

I don't think so. If they are trying to build a rock-solid case against KC for M1, they would do well to keep the defense out of their pockets as long as they can.

I argue to argue, and keep people knowing that there are two sides to everything. Remember, I came here initially 'cause I was mad that everything I read pointed to this woman killing her daughter and lying about it. My views haven't changed -- I just like talking to people who are actually intelligent enough to give good rebuttals. :)
Your honor, esteemed members of the jury, my client did not neglect her daughter - as seen here, she went out looking for her daughter through various means throughout the 31 days that she was missing. She did as she was told, and did not draw attention to the fact that her daughter was missing - she lived life as normally as she could.

End of argument - the neglect charge is based on the 31 days; and it'll get dropped to the background of the case.

I promised myself I wasn't going to respond to this, but oh well....

Is this what you think his opening statement will be? I hope not cause he will be laughed right out of the court room. "Various means throughout the 31 days".....which means was that? Cooking dinner for her bf, bumping and grinding on the girl at the club or playing it up on the pole at Fusian? Are we really supposed to believe that there was a 'script'? If so, where is that script at anyway...surely she would have turned that over to LE.

Anyone who had a missing child would want all the "attention" they could get. Whether it be LE, media or whichever means they could get.

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