Jose Baez News Briefing of today 9/16

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Another thing that Baez doesn't talk about is the differences between proof of a murder and evidence sufficient to go to court. They are different. For instance with all the info that has been released and leaked, even on this board their are still people who insist that Caylee is alive. I sometimes think WS is representative of a jury pool. And if there are holdouts on WS, then it is likely there will be holdouts in the jury.

Authorities are often reluctant to take a case to court without a body because juries are often reluctant to convict without a body. So they may have evidence of a murder, evidence of the suspect, and yet the evidence may be thought insufficient to go to court. Authorities get one chance to get a conviction. There is very seldom a do over. So they will wait and try to recover the remains, even if they have strong evidence.

Weaknesses in the state's case could lead up to reasonable doubt, with what we know so far. No remains, no cause of death, no murder weapon, no witnesses even to when Caylee was last seen or who she was with. And Baez will exploit those to the fullest extent. It doesn't make Casey innocent, but it makes prosecuting her difficult.
Thank you...I don't think it's fair for a poster to assume that no one here with a law degree wouldn't, or hasn't, agreed with him/her. No one knows what educational background we have or how many visits to the court room we have made.

I literally asked for lawyers and law students to argue with me right before I got my 3 day time out -- no one did, and I'm guessing it was deleted. :/
Does the think he is Norma Ray? Trying to rally the masses for his cause???
Yeah ok. Does he have a clue that the masses are completely backing LE and just enrages us more.
JB is trying to provoke LE into filing charges against KC before they're completely ready to do so, hoping that the case will be so weak it will fall apart and she will go free. That's part of his job. So ignore his mouthing off. LE isn't falling for it.
Show me any evidence of this. Oops.. guess I will Just have to wait and see.

When it comes to be there will be, lots. I'm pretty sure he will be able to use the evidence from the financial charges in this case as well.:crazy:
JB is trying to provoke LE into filing charges against KC before they're completely ready to do so, hoping that the case will be so weak it will fall apart and she will go free. That's part of his job. So ignore his mouthing off. LE isn't falling for it.

Now THATS a statement that makes complete sense to me! Thank you CaliKid!
I would like to see what LE has as well..
However it really ticks me off to hear this man talk about soilders over seas fighting for the constitution. He is right that they are doing that, yet must not realize that they also have rules to abide by. These soilders cannot just shoot anyone they see, nor can they abandon their units..Gee whiz...I can assure you that if you pole the US Military, they would tell Baez to make that girl tell the damn truth.
Sign her up for the military..Let her face what they face, let her fight in a war, then maybe you can bring them into this..
Baez is now lower than low..
How dare he speak of LE playing games? What the crap does he think Casey has been doing all these months? And if he is getting leads and feels that LE isn't doing anything with them, then come out of your air conditioned office Baez, and go find her yourself.

Good post. I think Baez made a serious tactical error in trying to compare Casey's legal situation with soldiers fighting in Iraq. How insulting to have brave servicemen and women mentioned in the same breath as a callous, careless girl who despite an extensive support system and cushy living conditions, couldn't be bothered to keep her own child from harm.
I asked in an earlier post. :)

If you would be so kind as to demonstrate how the circumstantial evidence through means of hearsay is indeed fact; I would love (no sarcasm) to see it.

Welcome to WS!

I have an evidence handbook in my hand. The issue of whether or not evidence is "hearsay" is one which would consume a full semester course.

The term, "circumstantial evidence through means of hearsay" is a puzzler but I think I understand your question.

Actually the concept that circumstantial evidence is being used to show a certain fact, and not being offered for the truth of the matter therein, would be one of a plethora of exclusions to the hearsay rule.

I am not here to be put on trial. I am more here as a Websleuth. I am allowed my own opinion of Baez, as is everyone else, whether my degree is in law or accounting.

Baez has shot himself in the foot.

Any defense lawyer who expects to wheel & deal, to plea bargain on behalf of the client, knows that any experienced prosecutor will, as a courtesy, run the deal past LE to see if it's "OK with them." It's off the record, behind the scenes, perfectly ethical, perfectly legal.

Baez has lessened his own effectiveness ; That is a huge strategic blunder.

I promised myself I wasn't going to respond to this, but oh well....

Is this what you think his opening statement will be? I hope not cause he will be laughed right out of the court room. "Various means throughout the 31 days".....which means was that? Cooking dinner for her bf, bumping and grinding on the girl at the club or playing it up on the pole at Fusian? Are we really supposed to believe that there was a 'script'? If so, where is that script at anyway...surely she would have turned that over to LE.

Anyone who had a missing child would want all the "attention" they could get. Whether it be LE, media or whichever means they could get.

I have no idea what his argument can/will be. *laugh* That wouldn't surprise me though; and yes, the part about "living her life as if nothing was happening" would play in to the clubbing and hanging out with her b/f.

How do you know she hasn't turn the script over to LE? That would be something they wouldn't leak to the media and would come out in trial. :p I doubt there is one -- but we have no clue. :)

I would be on the rooftops, on the net, on TV the radio, whatever I could do to get my baby's name out there in everyone's heads. I would tell every person I met as I searched, and pass out her picture to every person who was breathing. Soon we will know the whole story (and it will be outlandish and ridiculous I'm sure) about why she says she didn't (we know some, not all now) -- and then we can all go "hmm, she is a nutso" and keep going on with our posting.

Crazy isn't it -- I'm sure I'm not the only one that can argue like this -- people get paid to do this; I'm getting paid to do this while I should be doing other things! :p
He is just trying to force LE's hand. He WANTS that discovery evidence and isn't entilted to it until they formally charge her. He knows charges are comming and he can't really build a defense until he has what LE has. Taunting LE, that's what he's doing.
Good post. I think Baez made a serious tactical error in trying to compare Casey's legal situation with soldiers fighting in Iraq. How insulting to have brave servicemen and women mentioned in the same breath as a callous, careless girl who despite an extensive support system and cushy living conditions, couldn't be bothered to keep her own child from harm.

THANK YOU!!!! :blowkiss:

As the wife of a service member (GO NAVY), I know my husband and all others at his command would disapprove of Baez making this comparison as well. My husband has told me that they discuss this case at his work and they all just want her to 'woman-up' and tell the truth and end this madness. Surely, Caylee deserves that much!
another thing that baez doesn't talk about is the differences between proof of a murder and evidence sufficient to go to court. They are different. For instance with all the info that has been released and leaked, even on this board their are still people who insist that caylee is alive. I sometimes think ws is representative of a jury pool. And if there are holdouts on ws, then it is likely there will be holdouts in the jury.

Authorities are often reluctant to take a case to court without a body because juries are often reluctant to convict without a body. So they may have evidence of a murder, evidence of the suspect, and yet the evidence may be thought insufficient to go to court. Authorities get one chance to get a conviction. There is very seldom a do over. So they will wait and try to recover the remains, even if they have strong evidence.

Weaknesses in the state's case could lead up to reasonable doubt, with what we know so far. No remains, no cause of death, no murder weapon, no witnesses even to when caylee was last seen or who she was with. And baez will exploit those to the fullest extent. It doesn't make casey innocent, but it makes prosecuting her difficult.

^^ qft
This I do agree with despite my impatience with LE. BUT I do not agree with LE leaks. They need to stop these leaks unless they are going to make an arrest. JB had a point with that.

JB is trying to provoke LE into filing charges against KC before they're completely ready to do so, hoping that the case will be so weak it will fall apart and she will go free. That's part of his job. So ignore his mouthing off. LE isn't falling for it.
LE doesn't have to turn over any evidence to Baez for anything dealing with a potential murder case because to this point she has not been charged with murder.
LE will and has give what has been found in discovery for the Child Neglect charge..At this point, that is all Baez can get..

Regardless of what Baez says, LE needs to build their case.
Baez will get that information when she is charged for the homicide of Caylee..Not one moment sooner.
Thanks MiraclesHappen for this link! Okay, I have only one comment (shocking right!)

It has been PROVEN to me that he does not tell the truth (meaning "There is no immunity deal" said JB) and then we see the fax about the immunity.:eek:

I don't believe a word he says.

Its like a match made in heaven isn't it.:whistle:
I bet Baez has never even tried a murder case. If he has, he sure doesn't seem to know the rules. LE won't give him anything until they have to! And that is their right. JB, sometimes when someone is guilty, there isn't much you can do! 95% of the time the judicial system works right and guilty parties go to prison and I hope your client does many many years.

He is just trying to force LE's hand. He WANTS that discovery evidence and isn't entilted to it until they formally charge her. He knows charges are comming and he can't really build a defense until he has what LE has. Taunting LE, that's what he's doing.
I want to respond to the bolded part (that I bolded): THAT WE KNOW OF!

In every case there are 'leaks' as these like to be labeled. I don't call an investigator giving a statement a leak, but whatever. LE is building a case and until they are finished with their case they will not make charges against Casey for murder. They have plenty of time - why rush into it? FWIW, if Casey cared about Caylee she would come clean with what she knows. She's a proven liar and still doesn't tell them anything. If she is innocentwhat does she have to hide by telling the truth?

I agree they are building a case and they won't bring charges until they have something to charge her with.
So far it is economic crimes and child neglect.
Everything else is speculation of what might or might not be actual evidence, and we won't know that until JB has his turn and his experts looking at what LE does have and presents KC's side of the story in court.
Ummm....may I point out that the jury is not composed of legalists. I've never sat on a jury with an attorney, a legal secretary or a former judge. The jury is composed of everyday people and all of those that I have served with are fairly smart folks. We didn't agree on every issue but we never had to disband without a verdict.
I personally have had my opinion swayed at the last moment, after weighing ALL aspects of the evidence. I also have swayed others, so it works both ways with people that respect each other.
Obviously we don't have all of the evidence that LE has collected. But Baez will face an uphill battle in a murder trial against Casey...and thats an opinion.

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