Jose Baez

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Did she really? Tell us about it! I hadn't heard. Thanks!

At another website someone chronicled in pictures/video stills the loss of his wedding ring, and then chronicled the odd behavior between the two such as the all day meetings with her while she wore short shorts and ponytails. It was scrubbed by the website because they didn't want to go there at the time.
Jose Baez Repeatedly Told To Stop Touching Casey During Jail Visits
Friday, October 31, 2008 – updated: 8:43 am EDT October 31, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- In the past two weeks Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez has visited her at the jail, seven out of 14 days.

Eyewitness News has discovered that on at least two occasions jail staff had to step in and Baez was warned repeatedly about hugging Casey during their visits.:slap:

A jail report states: "The inmate's attorney was observed hugging inmate and was advised that physical contact was prohibited."

Then a week later another report stated: "Baez again observed hugging his client.":slap: :slap:

The room Baez and Anthony meet in is very small and typically there is a desk and two chairs.

Sources told Eyewitness News that on one occasion, Anthony was sitting and Baez was very close to her face. A corrections officer had to go into the room to separate them.:slap: :slap: :slap:

Eyewitness News confronted Jose Baez about the situation.

"I have no comment," he said.:lipssealed: :ashamed:

Eyewitness news' legal analyst Bill Schaeffer said it's unusual that an attorney would ever touch a client.

"The more experience you are in handling these type of clients or situation, the less likely you are to place yourself in a situation that could be regarded as a compromising situation," said Schaeffer.

When Casey was out on bond, there were several times that she would spend six hours a day at Baez's office including Saturdays. There's nothing criminal about having a relationship with a client, but Schaeffer said there are ethical issues.

"The appellate court could find that relationship overstepped the bounds of attorney client relationship and affected that performance and order a new trial," he said.

There was no evidence that Baez and Casey were actually having a relationship.

The reason touching isn't allowed at the jail is because contraband items could be passed. Baez told jail officials that he didn't know the rules, and wouldn't do it again.

Bolded by me: Oh- he didn't know. This is why they had to tell him TWICE!!!
I wonder if it was more and some of the guards are not as observant as others?

That dog don't hunt! EVERYBODY knows you can't touch inmates during visits. One good-bye hug is often allowed.... And, that's family, not counsel.

Hey, J! Look up, "pro-fess-ion-al boun-dar-ies."

If he suffered a career setback, and his wife tossed him...he's still got to support his kids. He'd be on a world of hurt.

And, KC would be off with the next legal eagle.MOO
Jose Baez Repeatedly Told To Stop Touching Casey During Jail Visits
Friday, October 31, 2008 – updated: 8:43 am EDT October 31, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- In the past two weeks Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez has visited her at the jail, seven out of 14 days.

Eyewitness News has discovered that on at least two occasions jail staff had to step in and Baez was warned repeatedly about hugging Casey during their visits.:slap:

A jail report states: "The inmate's attorney was observed hugging inmate and was advised that physical contact was prohibited."

Then a week later another report stated: "Baez again observed hugging his client.":slap: :slap:

The room Baez and Anthony meet in is very small and typically there is a desk and two chairs.

Sources told Eyewitness News that on one occasion, Anthony was sitting and Baez was very close to her face. A corrections officer had to go into the room to separate them.:slap: :slap: :slap:

Eyewitness News confronted Jose Baez about the situation.

"I have no comment," he said.:lipssealed: :ashamed:

Eyewitness news' legal analyst Bill Schaeffer said it's unusual that an attorney would ever touch a client.

"The more experience you are in handling these type of clients or situation, the less likely you are to place yourself in a situation that could be regarded as a compromising situation," said Schaeffer.

When Casey was out on bond, there were several times that she would spend six hours a day at Baez's office including Saturdays. There's nothing criminal about having a relationship with a client, but Schaeffer said there are ethical issues.

"The appellate court could find that relationship overstepped the bounds of attorney client relationship and affected that performance and order a new trial," he said.

There was no evidence that Baez and Casey were actually having a relationship.

The reason touching isn't allowed at the jail is because contraband items could be passed. Baez told jail officials that he didn't know the rules, and wouldn't do it again.

Bolded by me: Oh- he didn't know. This is why they had to tell him TWICE!!!
I wonder if it was more and some of the guards are not as observant as others?

Notes are being passed-I bet you. They should toss her cell.
All I can say right now is Wow, I mean come on, the jail said this is the first time they have had to tell an Attorney that physical contact isn't allowed. That says a whole lot to me, he can claim all day long that he didn't know there was suppose to be no physical contact, but if that was the case....he shouldn't have had to be warned Repeatedly.

This is just the strangest case I think I have ever seen. I also hope if this report is true, that action by the Bar is taken.


I would think Judge Strickland could force JB to step down as her attorney after this??? It's just such a blatant disregard for the rules on JB's part, makes you wonder what else he plays fast and loose with.
I would think Judge Strickland could force JB to step down as her attorney after this??? It's just such a blatant disregard for the rules on JB's part, makes you wonder what else he plays fast and loose with.

Well now we know how JB is getting paid for his services right? Tradsies!!!!!!
Seriously...I mean I am starting to believe that this is a pattern of behavior designed to insure that the verdict of her trial is overturned because of less than adequate counsel. Think about it....

Hats off to Mr. Baez if he was the one to come up with this.
Jose Baez Repeatedly Told To Stop Touching Casey During Jail Visits
Friday, October 31, 2008 – updated: 8:43 am EDT October 31, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- In the past two weeks Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez has visited her at the jail, seven out of 14 days.

Eyewitness News has discovered that on at least two occasions jail staff had to step in and Baez was warned repeatedly about hugging Casey during their visits.:slap:

A jail report states: "The inmate's attorney was observed hugging inmate and was advised that physical contact was prohibited."

Then a week later another report stated: "Baez again observed hugging his client.":slap: :slap:

The room Baez and Anthony meet in is very small and typically there is a desk and two chairs.

Sources told Eyewitness News that on one occasion, Anthony was sitting and Baez was very close to her face. A corrections officer had to go into the room to separate them.:slap: :slap: :slap:

Eyewitness News confronted Jose Baez about the situation.

"I have no comment," he said.:lipssealed: :ashamed:

Eyewitness news' legal analyst Bill Schaeffer said it's unusual that an attorney would ever touch a client.

"The more experience you are in handling these type of clients or situation, the less likely you are to place yourself in a situation that could be regarded as a compromising situation," said Schaeffer.

When Casey was out on bond, there were several times that she would spend six hours a day at Baez's office including Saturdays. There's nothing criminal about having a relationship with a client, but Schaeffer said there are ethical issues.

"The appellate court could find that relationship overstepped the bounds of attorney client relationship and affected that performance and order a new trial," he said.

There was no evidence that Baez and Casey were actually having a relationship.

The reason touching isn't allowed at the jail is because contraband items could be passed. Baez told jail officials that he didn't know the rules, and wouldn't do it again.

Bolded by me: Oh- he didn't know. This is why they had to tell him TWICE!!!
I wonder if it was more and some of the guards are not as observant as others?

Oh, my! :eek: I guess we know what was happening during her long visits to his office. :(

This case would make a great soap opera. Too bad it's real and a precious little girl has lost her life before she even had a chance to live.
Well now we know how JB is getting paid for his services right? Tradsies!!!!!!

Casey is a "one trick pony" with how she controls men, IMO. I suppose it might not be in her nature to approach Mr. Baez any differently, but he has to know that the "payoff" for him will be some kind of disciplinary action or disbarment...I think he is just falling on the sword because it plays into the publics perception of him as ineffective...again JMO.
:slap: what is this guy thinking.....?....

Seems like he might be thinking what a lot of men have thought...from the dawn of mankind.:Banane57::Banane45: Nuzzling his client.:Banane59::Banane47: Six hour visits. :Banane52::Banane35:Brownies. Seeming lack of professionalism.:Banane39: :Banane18:Blatant disregard for jail policy.:Banane48: Hum:popcorn:. Imo, good chance he's feelin' more than thinkin.'
Anyone know if JB has any children? If so, that makes his attraction and personal involvement with her even more freaking despicable.
That could easily be the case.

She needs a tough, seasoned, middle-aged, straight, female lawyer.

KC needs Gloria Allread, although I doubt she would touch this case but I am certain she would not touch KC!
JB makes my skin crawl! What a creep. YUCK!
Jose Baez Repeatedly Told To Stop Touching Casey During Jail Visits
Friday, October 31, 2008 – updated: 8:43 am EDT October 31, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- In the past two weeks Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez has visited her at the jail, seven out of 14 days.

Eyewitness News has discovered that on at least two occasions jail staff had to step in and Baez was warned repeatedly about hugging Casey during their visits.:slap:

A jail report states: "The inmate's attorney was observed hugging inmate and was advised that physical contact was prohibited."

Then a week later another report stated: "Baez again observed hugging his client.":slap: :slap:

The room Baez and Anthony meet in is very small and typically there is a desk and two chairs.

Sources told Eyewitness News that on one occasion, Anthony was sitting and Baez was very close to her face. A corrections officer had to go into the room to separate them.:slap: :slap: :slap:

Eyewitness News confronted Jose Baez about the situation.

"I have no comment," he said.:lipssealed: :ashamed:

Eyewitness news' legal analyst Bill Schaeffer said it's unusual that an attorney would ever touch a client.

"The more experience you are in handling these type of clients or situation, the less likely you are to place yourself in a situation that could be regarded as a compromising situation," said Schaeffer.

When Casey was out on bond, there were several times that she would spend six hours a day at Baez's office including Saturdays. There's nothing criminal about having a relationship with a client, but Schaeffer said there are ethical issues.

"The appellate court could find that relationship overstepped the bounds of attorney client relationship and affected that performance and order a new trial," he said.

There was no evidence that Baez and Casey were actually having a relationship.

The reason touching isn't allowed at the jail is because contraband items could be passed. Baez told jail officials that he didn't know the rules, and wouldn't do it again.

Bolded by me: Oh- he didn't know. This is why they had to tell him TWICE!!!
I wonder if it was more and some of the guards are not as observant as others?

Apparently the main stream media is going there.

I mean am I reading this right? I know alot of people, including many around here have engaged in idle speculation concerning JB and KC's "special relationship", but putting it out in a mainstream media, that has to get run past the corporate lawyers first? That is a very harsh question to ask publicly about a lawyer. One that could greatly efffect the lawyers ability to practice, and as such one that a lawyer would be prone to respond to with litigation. So would a MSM news source print that unless they knew that the lawyer in question would not or could not respond? Which then begs the question, what exactly does the media know that they aren't outright saying?

I may be reading way to much into a comment by an analyst, but given that the analyst is a lawyer, and the linked article would have gone past legal first, I sort of wonder?
NG (if she is on tonight) will be ALL over this.

I am still just shocked.
Baez' behavior is really alarming. He's either deliberately creating a paper-trail of his incompetence for Casey to have a reason to appeal, or he's truly uncontrollably smitten with Casey. When I was in college, I had an affair with one of my teachers. Sometime during the 3-hour long sessions (it was a drawing class), it was common for students to take short breaks. Every time I would step out, he would soon follow me. Against all professional protocol, he just couldn't help himself. None of my fellow classmates ever said anything about it to me but, in retrospect, I'm sure some of them must have had a clue. Well--that's all water under the bridge now because my teacher and I stayed together and have been very happily married for several years.
Anyone know if JB has any children? If so, that makes his attraction and personal involvement with her even more freaking despicable.

I thought he has at least a daughter that is KC's age and went to school with her?
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