Josh Duggar charged with Receipt/Possession Child Sexual Abuse Material, 29 April 2021 #1

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I was reading about this case in discussion on another forum and someone said something I had to run to look up because I didn't believe it, because I didn't remember it that way, but it was true.

Josh confessed to his parents about molesting his sisters contemporaneously.

Maybe if they had done something productive at the time of the confession, this wouldn't have happened.

This has produced in me a little tiny spark of empathy for Josh. He tried to do the right thing by what he was taught growing up, and instead he was enabled.

I am not saying this is an excuse for his adult behavior, not by a long shot. Just to be clear.

JMO of course.
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I did hear that at least one member of her extended family offered her assistance after Josh was arrested the first time, and she declined because she wanted to stay married to him. (Or maybe that decision was made for her.)
Just to be clear, he hasn’t been arrested previously. When he was caught cheating on his wife, her brother agreed to help her out if she would leave him but she refused.
I did hear that at least one member of her extended family offered her assistance after Josh was arrested the first time, and she declined because she wanted to stay married to him. (Or maybe that decision was made for her.)
Just to be clear, he hasn’t been arrested previously. When he was caught cheating on his wife, her brother agreed to help her out if she would leave him but she refused.
I bet there's worse to come. Often, the first charges are just enough to get the case rolling and the perp arrested, and the Feds build from there with more dramatic charges to come?
Yes and some of these child predators who view this stuff online belong to networks with others who are as sick as they are and share videos with each other. I would share a link to the details of a case in my area but it’s too disturbing. This dude was nabbed by Homeland Security.
Yes and some of these child predators who view this stuff online belong to networks with others who are as sick as they are and share videos with each other. I would share a link to the details of a case in my area but it’s too disturbing. This dude was nabbed by Homeland Security.
Yep. They sure do. Birds of a feather.
Yes and some of these child predators who view this stuff online belong to networks with others who are as sick as they are and share videos with each other. I would share a link to the details of a case in my area but it’s too disturbing. This dude was nabbed by Homeland Security.
Yeah, the Homeland Security angle is interesting... Do they normally handle *advertiser censored* investigations? Or would this have to be about trafficking, maybe from a foreign country?
I would have thought it would just be FBI handling this, but HSA is the lead?

Interpol listing is not public, but there could be some international figures involved in this case?
Yeah, the Homeland Security angle is interesting... Do they normally handle *advertiser censored* investigations? Or would this have to be about trafficking, maybe from a foreign country?
I would have thought it would just be FBI handling this, but HSA is the lead?

Interpol listing is not public, but there could be some international figures involved in this case?

Citizen's Guide To U.S. Federal Law On Child *advertiser censored*

“18 U.S.C. § 2251- Sexual Exploitation of Children
(Production of child *advertiser censored*)
18 U.S.C. § 2251A- Selling and Buying of Children
18 U.S.C. § 2252- Certain activities relating to material involving the sexual exploitation of minors
(Possession, distribution and receipt of child *advertiser censored*)
18 U.S.C. § 2252A- certain activities relating to material constituting or containing child *advertiser censored*
18 U.S.C. § 2256- Definitions
18 U.S.C. § 2260- Production of sexually explicit depictions of a minor for importation into the United States

Images of child *advertiser censored* are not protected under First Amendment rights, and are illegal contraband under federal law. Section 2256 of Title 18, United States Code, defines child *advertiser censored* as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (someone under 18 years of age). Visual depictions include photographs, videos, digital or computer generated images indistinguishable from an actual minor, and images created, adapted, or modified, but appear to depict an identifiable, actual minor. Undeveloped film, undeveloped videotape, and electronically stored data that can be converted into a visual image of child *advertiser censored* are also deemed illegal visual depictions under federal law.

Notably, the legal definition of sexually explicit conduct does not require that an image depict a child engaging in sexual activity. A picture of a naked child may constitute illegal child *advertiser censored* if it is sufficiently sexually suggestive. Additionally, the age of consent for sexual activity in a given state is irrelevant; any depiction of a minor under 18 years of age engaging in sexually explicit conduct is illegal.

Federal law prohibits the production, distribution, reception, and possession of an image of child *advertiser censored* using or affecting any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce (See 18 U.S.C. § 2251; 18 U.S.C. § 2252; 18 U.S.C. § 2252A). Specifically, Section 2251 makes it illegal to persuade, induce, entice, or coerce a minor to engage in sexually explicit conduct for purposes of producing visual depictions of that conduct. Any individual who attempts or conspires to commit a child *advertiser censored* offense is also subject to prosecution under federal law.

Federal jurisdiction is implicated if the child *advertiser censored* offense occurred in interstate or foreign commerce. This includes, for example, using the U.S. Mails or common carriers to transport child *advertiser censored* across state or international borders. Additionally, federal jurisdiction almost always applies when the Internet is used to commit a child *advertiser censored* violation. Even if the child *advertiser censored* image itself did not travel across state or international borders, federal law may be implicated if the materials, such as the computer used to download the image or the CD-ROM used to store the image, originated or previously traveled in interstate or foreign commerce.

In addition, Section 2251A of Title 18, United States Code, specifically prohibits any parent, legal guardian or other person in custody or control of a minor under the age of 18, to buy, sell, or transfer custody of that minor for purposes of producing child *advertiser censored*.

Lastly, Section 2260 of Title 18, United States Code, prohibits any persons outside of the United States to knowingly produce, receive, transport, ship, or distribute child *advertiser censored* with intent to import or transmit the visual depiction into the United States.

Any violation of federal child *advertiser censored* law is a serious crime, and convicted offenders face severe statutory penalties. For example, a first time offender convicted of producing child *advertiser censored* under 18 U.S.C. § 2251, face fines and a statutory minimum of 15 years to 30 years maximum in prison. A first time offender convicted of transporting child *advertiser censored* in interstate or foreign commerce under 18 U.S.C. § 2252, faces fines and a statutory minimum of 5 years to 20 years maximum in prison. Convicted offenders may face harsher penalties if the offender has prior convictions or if the child *advertiser censored* offense occurred in aggravated situations defined as (i) the images are violent, sadistic, or masochistic in nature, (ii) the minor was sexually abused, or (iii) the offender has prior convictions for child sexual exploitation. In these circumstances, a convicted offender may face up to life imprisonment.

It is important to note that an offender can be prosecuted under state child *advertiser censored* laws in addition to, or instead of, federal law.”


Child *advertiser censored*

“Child *advertiser censored* Today

Because the term “child *advertiser censored*” is used in federal statutes, it is also commonly used by lawmakers, prosecutors, investigators, and the public to describe this form of sexual exploitation of children. However, this term fails to describe the true horror that is faced by countless children every year. The production of child *advertiser censored* creates a permanent record of a child’s sexual abuse. When these images are placed on the Internet and disseminated online, the victimization of the children continues in perpetuity. Experts and victims agree that victims depicted in child *advertiser censored* often suffer a lifetime of re-victimization by knowing the images of their sexual abuse are on the Internet forever. The children exploited in these images must live with the permanency, longevity, and circulation of such a record of their sexual victimization. This often creates lasting psychological damage to the child, including disruptions in sexual development, self-image, and developing trusting relationships with others in the future.

The expansion of the Internet and advanced digital technology lies parallel to the explosion of the child *advertiser censored* market. Child *advertiser censored* images are readily available through virtually every Internet technology, including social networking websites, file-sharing sites, photo-sharing sites, gaming devices, and even mobile apps. Child *advertiser censored* offenders can also connect on Internet forums and networks to share their interests, desires, and experiences abusing children, in addition to selling, sharing, and trading images.

These online communities have promoted communication and collaboration between child *advertiser censored* offenders, thereby fostering a larger relationship premised on a shared sexual interest in children. This has the effect of eroding the shame that typically would accompany this behavior, as well as desensitizing those involved to the physical and psychological damage caused to the child victims. For this reason, online communities attract and encourage new individuals to join them in the sexual exploitation of children.

The methods many offenders use to evade law enforcement detection have also become increasingly sophisticated. Purveyors of child *advertiser censored* continue to use various encryption techniques and anonymous networks on “The Dark Internet”, attempting to hide their amassed collections of illicit child abuse images. Several sophisticated online criminal organizations have even written security manuals to ensure that their members follow preferred security protocols and encryption techniques in an attempt to evade law enforcement and facilitate the sexual abuse of children.

Unfortunately, no area of the United States or country in the world is immune from individuals who seek to sexually exploit children through child *advertiser censored*. The continuous production and distribution of child *advertiser censored* increases the demand for new and more egregious images, perpetuating the continued molestation of child victims, as well as the abuse of new children.”
-more at link


ICAC Task Force

“The Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program is a national network of 61 coordinated task forces representing over 4,500 federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies. These agencies are continually engaged in proactive and reactive investigations and prosecutions of persons involved in child abuse and exploitation involving the Internet.”


Violent Crimes Against Children/Online Predators — FBI

Child Sexual Exploitation Investigations

Child sexual exploitation investigations—many of them undercover—are conducted in FBI field offices by Child Exploitation Task Forces (CETFs), which combine the resources of the FBI with those of other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. Each of the FBI’s 56 field offices has worked investigations developed by the VCAC program, and many of our Legal Attaché offices have coordinated with appropriate foreign law enforcement partners on international investigations. Several of these investigations are also worked in coordination with Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Forces, which are funded by the Department of Justice. Furthermore, training is provided to all law enforcement involved in these investigations, including federal, state, local, and foreign law enforcement agencies.“


“Investigative Priorities

Child abductions—child abductions, including domestic and international parental kidnapping
Child sexual exploitation enterprises—domestic child sex trafficking organizations; online networks and enterprises manufacturing, trading, distributing, and/or selling child *advertiser censored*
Contact offenses against children—domestic travel with intent to engage in illegal sexual activity with children; child sex tourism (international travel to engage in sexual activity with children); production of child *advertiser censored*, including “sextortion” involving children who are extorted into producing child *advertiser censored*; and coercion/enticement of a minor
Trafficking of child *advertiser censored*—distribution of child *advertiser censored*; possession of child *advertiser censored*.”


Crimes against children / Crimes against children / Crime areas / Internet / Home - INTERPOL

“Crimes against children

Crimes against children tend to be local crimes with the vast majority taking place within the home or family circle. There are, however, a number of areas where there is an international angle:
Internet crimes: crimes against children are facilitated by the Internet, the increased use of which in recent years has led to a huge rise in offending. Not only can offenders distribute and access child abuse material more easily, but they can also come into direct contact with children – via chatrooms and social networking sites. We run a project in conjunction with Internet Access Service Providers to block access to child abuse material online. “

Access blocking / Crimes against children / Crime areas / Internet / Home - INTERPOL

“The "Worst of"-list
INTERPOL has taken responsibility for providing a list of domains containing child sexual abuse content to any (Internet) Access Service Provider (ASP) willing to participate in reducing the availability of such material on the Web.
INTERPOL's "Worst of"-list includes those domains that contain the most severe child sexual abuse material, according to defined criteria.“


Child Exploitation Investigations Unit

“As part of ICE’s Cyber Crimes Center (C3), the CEIU uses cutting edge investigative techniques to bring justice to consumers, producers and distributors of child *advertiser censored*, as well as to predators engaging in child sex tourism. The efforts of the CEIU, in addition to ICE’s participation in national programs like Operation Predator and international partnerships like the Virtual Global Taskforce, have resulted in the rescue of thousands of children.“


Report a Crime

Child *advertiser censored* and/or sexual exploitation of children
Call your local FBI field office or Legal Attache' Office
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
800-THE-LOST (800-843-5678)
For more information see the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section


Child *advertiser censored* Victim Assistance (CPVA)

“The FBI’s Child *advertiser censored* Victim Assistance (CPVA) program serves as the central repository for information on identified victims of child *advertiser censored*. Pursuant to federal statutes, law enforcement may be required to notify victims each time images of their victimization are seized as part of an investigation. The amount and frequency of notifications can be overwhelming, especially as victims may have difficulty coping with the impact of the crime and its ongoing aftermath.

To help streamline the notification process, CPVA attempts to minimize any additional trauma by limiting unnecessary contact with victims through utilization of the centralized and automated DOJ Victim Notification System. Through this system, CPVA continues to ensure victims are advised of the rights and services they may be entitled to as a result of any federal cases opened against offenders found in possession of their images, regardless of how much time has passed since the original exploitation took place.

CPVA is a joint initiative and coordinates directly with law enforcement or victim/witness personnel at various federal agencies, U.S. Attorneys’ Offices, and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.“


National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
I was reading about this case in discussion on another forum and someone said something I had to run to look up because I didn't believe it, because I didn't remember it that way, but it was true.

Josh confessed to his parents about molesting his sisters contemporaneously.

Maybe if they had done something productive at the time of the confession, this wouldn't have happened.

This has produced in me a little tiny spark of empathy for Josh. He tried to do the right thing by what he was taught growing up, and instead he was enabled.

I am not saying this is an excuse for his adult behavior, not by a long shot. Just to be clear.

JMO of course.
He only confessed after his sisters accused him.
Yeah, the Homeland Security angle is interesting... Do they normally handle *advertiser censored* investigations? Or would this have to be about trafficking, maybe from a foreign country?
I would have thought it would just be FBI handling this, but HSA is the lead?

Interpol listing is not public, but there could be some international figures involved in this case?
I'm just guessing here, but these abusive images can be a national security issue as the material can be used for blackmail. There might be another reason, but that's what came to mine.

Just to be clear, he hasn’t been arrested previously. When he was caught cheating on his wife, her brother agreed to help her out if she would leave him but she refused.
This is true, but there’s also another reason he has never been arrested previously.
As a teenager, he confessed repeatedly to his parents that he molesting young girls.
As the number of victims grew, the girls all told the same story of waking up to him fondling them in their sleep, four of them were his younger sisters.
The police were never called, eventually, after numerous confessions by Josh, daddy Jim Bob told the church elders and he was sent for 3-4 months to a Christian “work and counseling center”, no professionals were involved.
Josh also received additional counseling by a State Trooper friend of the family, Joseph Hutchens, who is presently serving a 56 year sentence for a child *advertiser censored* conviction.
Josh apologized to his victims after his “rehabilitation” and the family said all the children had forgiven him.
It became public a year later after someone called and told this whole story to a child abuse hotline and they alerted the authorities, but by then, the statute of limitations had expired.
I found the references to one of the rehab places being in trouble, the LE officer being in trouble and Anna’s neither wanting her to leave. The end as one of the many references sites. I believe IMO “Jim Bob” needs to step out and let his son handle this on his own. I have more opinions but I will sit on my hands.

“Duggar was sent to the Institute in Basic Life Principles Training Center in Little Rock, Arkansas in 2003 for treatment. It later emerged that the institute's founder, Bill Gothard, was accused of sexually harassing or assaulting 34 women in 2014 and resigned shortly afterward. “

Josh’s parents had him talk “to Arkansas State Trooper Jim Hutchens, who gave him a 'very stern talk” but “Hutchens, 75, was later imprisoned on child *advertiser censored* charges of his own, and has been in jail since 2007. He was sentenced to 56 years.”

Anna’s brother Daniel did not like at all what Josh did and her brother said (wrote) 'Confessing and getting caught are two different things. You want to know what happens when you cover ur sin maybe you should go read ur bible instead of beating people over the head with it.'

Anna’s brother wanted her to come home and he would pay for her and the children to live with him. children to move in with him. Anna said NO.

Moment 19 Kids and Counting star Josh Duggar is booked into jail on child *advertiser censored* charges | Daily Mail Online

I cannot believe Anna went to the jail with him for support. She is not helping him at all….FIL needs to stay out of it. Anna needs to stay with the children and help them.

Prior to the charges being formally announced, a source told The Sun that his wife was 'standing by' him and accompanied him to the police station.l

Also, I want to say, someone asked where could he stay if released? Well his twin brothers had an apartment together. One got married living one at the original apartment…..with an extra bed. So if no one is with the unmarried twin, I can see “Jim Bob” making it a requirement of the twin to let his older brother stay there.
I found the references to one of the rehab places being in trouble, the LE officer being in trouble and Anna’s neither wanting her to leave. The end as one of the many references sites. I believe IMO “Jim Bob” needs to step out and let his son handle this on his own. I have more opinions but I will sit on my hands.

“Duggar was sent to the Institute in Basic Life Principles Training Center in Little Rock, Arkansas in 2003 for treatment. It later emerged that the institute's founder, Bill Gothard, was accused of sexually harassing or assaulting 34 women in 2014 and resigned shortly afterward. “

Josh’s parents had him talk “to Arkansas State Trooper Jim Hutchens, who gave him a 'very stern talk” but “Hutchens, 75, was later imprisoned on child *advertiser censored* charges of his own, and has been in jail since 2007. He was sentenced to 56 years.”

Anna’s brother Daniel did not like at all what Josh did and her brother said (wrote) 'Confessing and getting caught are two different things. You want to know what happens when you cover ur sin maybe you should go read ur bible instead of beating people over the head with it.'

Anna’s brother wanted her to come home and he would pay for her and the children to live with him. children to move in with him. Anna said NO.

Moment 19 Kids and Counting star Josh Duggar is booked into jail on child *advertiser censored* charges | Daily Mail Online

I cannot believe Anna went to the jail with him for support. She is not helping him at all….FIL needs to stay out of it. Anna needs to stay with the children and help them.

Prior to the charges being formally announced, a source told The Sun that his wife was 'standing by' him and accompanied him to the police station.l

Also, I want to say, someone asked where could he stay if released? Well his twin brothers had an apartment together. One got married living one at the original apartment…..with an extra bed. So if no one is with the unmarried twin, I can see “Jim Bob” making it a requirement of the twin to let his older brother stay there.
That's unfortunate.
How is this helping him ?
In her appearance, Anna looks like Josh's sisters. Just a coincidence, though.

Wish she'd get tough on him, and at least have a trial separation ?
Make him come to his senses ?
I just wanted to explain, in layperson's terms what I learned today when I actually Googled "What is child *advertiser censored*?" because I had always thought it was simply the image of a nude minor, a person not of legal age.

Google took me to the site for the U. S. Marshalls, and Homeland Security. ( And the Texas Rangers also have excellent input resources).

I, a nurse for many years, never knew exactly what the thing which used to be called " child *advertiser censored*" was. I learned that more criteria is involved. Abuse is photographed or filmed and distributed, and that's the definition of exploitative, illegal photographs of a minor child.

Also, Homeland Security is involved BECAUSE many to most of the images come from countries we have hostile relationships with, or terrorist cells which move across borders of countries like Syria, Iran, Somalia, etc. MANY many countries.

What the terrorists do is 1) Kidnap children for the images and the sexual abuse. 2) Then, when the file is uploaded to the first computer, encrypted data related to the TERRORISM is put on the file ( and a key is provided in a benign looking file, of course).

The harm of exploitative photographs and other media involving children is multifocal, then. It is to 1) Promote terrorism. 2) Earn money for child sex trafficking and the trafficking of displaced young adults who also show up in their illegal abusive jpgs. and so forth.
3) They promote the downfall of morality in the form of Pedophilia with the distribution of the images worldwide.
I think most of us can make up our own minds, given the history of abuse of minor children who were sisters ( one as young as 8 and who was not sleeping but doing family laundry in the family laundry room whether Joshua Duggar fits the criteria for Pedophilia.

A convicted child killer said this but:
" Mothers, hold your babies close". Josh Duggar has been a rider on the storm.
Unfortunately, most people who use their computers to watch child *advertiser censored* do little time in jail. These sick individuals are required to take treatment programs on prison. After completing these treatment programs they sometimes serve half their sentence. I’ve recently received a wedding invitation, the father of the bride is one of these individuals. He’s being released just in time for the wedding. Insure if will attend this out of state wedding.
That's unfortunate.
How is this helping him ?
In her appearance, Anna looks like Josh's sisters. Just a coincidence, though.

Wish she'd get tough on him, and at least have a trial separation ?
Make him come to his senses ?

No, actually, Anna's looking so similar to Josh's sisters is NOT coincidental.
Bill Gothard, the founder of IBLP, had strict guidelines about what females in each age group and station in life should look like. He had " ideal girls" and " ideal young mothers" and so forth in his sicko perverted mind, then in his literature and indoctrinations for the young teens who were interns at his office headquarters. They never changed, no matter the year or styles.
I know them so well from, which is a gathering place for HIS personal survivors of abuse, that I can quote them, but I will not give the sick0 g0at the recognition.

Just remember, if you see people like the Duggars, they were once earnest believers of the lies spouted by Bill Gothard. SOME of the 2nd and 3rd generations are breaking away to form healthy lives and relationships, but not nearly enough.
With all due respect, I think y'all are giving Anna too much credit expecting that she will react or take actions that might be expected from a woman in her position.

Josh confessed to a *advertiser censored* addiction and cheating on Anna with women he found on that well known cheating website.

That wasn't enough for her to dump him as any self-respecting woman would have, especially, as I understand it, with her family members urging her to and offering to support her if she did.

A lot of women stay in abusive marriages because they have no way out. Anna had a support system ready and waiting for her and she still stayed with Josh.

Thus. There's no evidence whatsoever from her past actions that Anna has the will to take her kids and run.

This is not in any way to say that Anna is not herself a victim of growing up in whatever toxic environment gave rise to her passivity in the face of such outrages on the part of her husband.

But she's not going to suddenly break free of all that of her own free will, if she has any remaining.

JMO of course.
No, actually, Anna's looking so similar to Josh's sisters is NOT coincidental.
Bill Gothard, the founder of IBLP, had strict guidelines about what females in each age group and station in life should look like. He had " ideal girls" and " ideal young mothers" and so forth in his sicko perverted mind, then in his literature and indoctrinations for the young teens who were interns at his office headquarters. They never changed, no matter the year or styles.
I know them so well from, which is a gathering place for HIS personal survivors of abuse, that I can quote them, but I will not give the sick0 g0at the recognition.

Just remember, if you see people like the Duggars, they were once earnest believers of the lies spouted by Bill Gothard. SOME of the 2nd and 3rd generations are breaking away to form healthy lives and relationships, but not nearly enough.
That's sickening. ^^^
Thanks for explaining it, though.

I've wondered since the first story broke about Josh and his first victims-- his sisters and I think the daughter of a friend of the family -- if HE had been abused ?
Like a generational thing ?
It's so creepy and weird that the family seems so forgiving and protective.
As if it's more than just holding on to the income their TLC show was generating ?
Unfortunately, most people who use their computers to watch child *advertiser censored* do little time in jail. These sick individuals are required to take treatment programs on prison. After completing these treatment programs they sometimes serve half their sentence. I’ve recently received a wedding invitation, the father of the bride is one of these individuals. He’s being released just in time for the wedding. Insure if will attend this out of state wedding.
IF they are convicted of downloading manufactured child exploitative imaging, it is a Federal Crime, which means that 85% of the sentence must be served.

Josh has 2 counts which carry a sentence of 20 years each right now. We do not know if there will be additional charges....

I do not think Pedophiles can ever be rehabilitated. One of the few physio-psychological disorders for which there is no hope, IMO. SKs are the other hopeless group, but no one has been foolish enough to try to rehab. SKs except for one group home for teen killers in NY state. ( They bribe the dudes into doing " nice things" instead of killing. Yeah, a new pair of Nikes will be waiting for them when they are released, right? When they kill the owner to pick the shoes off his feet!!!

We truly do have to pick and choose our battles in this world. Some things are out of mankind's hands except for the punishment and penalty phase. In 40 years, if Duggar is convicted of each count separately, he will at least have left his family members alone long enough to grow up unmolested, and his wife will be too old to bear any more offspring for him.
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