Jury Duty? Would you?

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Would you be able to serve on a jury for this trial?

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I would be on the jury in a heart beat. It would be a honor to be part of our Judicial System.

But I am fairly sure when I walk in the court room wearing my Squirrel Costume and ask, When can we Fry the SPITEFUL B@TCH they would excuse me. :mad:
I love it, Karate Dad!:clap::clap::clap:
I would love to sit on this one. I absolutely could be fair and impartial. I believe everyone is entitled to a fair trial, and I would do anything to be sure KC gets one. Once a fair trial is done, there is no room for appeal. (guess I'd have to leave that comment off the questionnaire)

I think anything is possible.
I also think most things are just "probable."

I know i would never be selected for jury duty because I have heard of the case prior to the jury questioning.

But, then again, who in FL hasn't?

I fully believe that Casey is guilty of murdering precious Caylee, but I do believe that I could sit on the jury without prejudice.

Lady, they could move the trial up to the Panhandle. There are lots of folks up here who haven't heard of the case; so many without computers and cable. In my 36 years, I have never had jury duty - tell'em to bring it - I'm ready!

Like Newuser said - you don't want Casey to have any room for appeals after the trial is over. I would love to see Casey get what's coming to her; however, the State would have to prove their case if I were on the jury for me to hand down a guilty verdict. When it comes to the penalty phase, if she is found guilty, then I actually prefer LWOP over the DP for her (I am pro-DP.) I just think she needs to have to have daily face-to-face meetings with her 'peers'; not in isolation. She'll be talking then...to someone...Bertha? :waitasec: From what I've heard, they don't take to kindly to baby killers in prison.

I was a juror on a double murder trial, the defendant, a twenty year old male. It is SO emotionally overwhelming to know that you hold the life of a young person in your hands, I think most people would feel as I did when stepping into that jury box. She is someones daughter, sister, friend and you see them in the courtroom to support her, you want to find that shred of reasonable doubt that leads to a non guilty verdict, you listen carefully, go over and over and over the evidence, actually looking more for proof that they are innocent than proof that they are guilty. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, to find a young person guilty and send him to prison for life. Guess I'm voting yes, I could be an objective, impartial juror even after reading all that I have read and knowing what I think I know.
The Judge who presides over jury duty here does not allow excuses! I watched as he told people to cancel their elective surgeries, find other caregivers for their terminally ill family members, and he even told one person to close their business down or find someone to work! He had no mercy at all. It was ridiculous the hardship he made people endure for jd!

Decided to explain my laughter with your post. I was called to jury duty 2 years ago. I have lived in Palm Beach County FL for 10 years. My husband was terminally ill at the time. Judge let me off the hook. Then my husband died a month later (this was Oct 2006).

Eight months ago my deceased husband was called for Jury duty in Palm Beach County, FL. I called them...said geeeez, he DIED in this county, what kiind of records do you keep? Was told they have NO WAY of knowing this type of stuff. They asked if I would send them his death certificate. I did not. They are now threatening to hold him in contempt of court. Maybe I have a sick sense of humor, but I have decided to wait for the sherrif to come to the door and serve him papers. At that time I will hand him my husbands urn and say "have at him". My point being is even being dead in this County does not seem to be an excuse. :)
This gal has already gotten a fair trial from me. I've weighed the evidence, the circumstances, her testimony, and everyone else's. Any more evidence released won't be in her favor, I'm sure, or we'd have heard about it already. So, no, I think a trial by jury would be a waste of time for me.

We all know how trials can contain tainted evidence and testimonies (OJ's pal suggested he not take his arthritis meds so his hands would swell up and the gloves wouldn't fit!), so I don't trust defense attorneys and their witnesses in cases like this.

Casey deserves as much justice as little Caylee received. :furious:

Although, I could claim almost total innocence of knowing about this case. I could move to Florida and rightfully claim my previous area's local news had almost nothing about this case. :waitasec: Yep, yep, that's what I could do.
Decided to explain my laughter with your post. I was called to jury duty 2 years ago. I have lived in Palm Beach County FL for 10 years. My husband was terminally ill at the time. Judge let me off the hook. Then my husband died a month later (this was Oct 2006).

Eight months ago my deceased husband was called for Jury duty in Palm Beach County, FL. I called them...said geeeez, he DIED in this county, what kiind of records do you keep? Was told they have NO WAY of knowing this type of stuff. They asked if I would send them his death certificate. I did not. They are now threatening to hold him in contempt of court. Maybe I have a sick sense of humor, but I have decided to wait for the sherrif to come to the door and serve him papers. At that time I will hand him my husbands urn and say "have at him". My point being is even being dead in this County does not seem to be an excuse. :)
Makes PERFECT sense to me now! Thanks for clearing that up! LOL

I would let them serve him...unless it means they will peg you for jury duty once a year from then on. Just saying...

(Sorry about your hubby~ :( Hugs~)
If it meant I would get to spend time watching YM on the stand for days...I would be totally objective and listen to all testimony then decide solely on the facts of the case. ;)

......first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage..... Sorry, I SO could not help myself:crazy:
I was a juror on a double murder trial, the defendant, a twenty year old male. It is SO emotionally overwhelming to know that you hold the life of a young person in your hands, I think most people would feel as I did when stepping into that jury box. She is someones daughter, sister, friend and you see them in the courtroom to support her, you want to find that shred of reasonable doubt that leads to a non guilty verdict, you listen carefully, go over and over and over the evidence, actually looking more for proof that they are innocent than proof that they are guilty. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, to find a young person guilty and send him to prison for life. Guess I'm voting yes, I could be an objective, impartial juror even after reading all that I have read and knowing what I think I know.

My brother-in-law recently served in a murder trial, similar to what you said. He also felt terrible to have to convict the young man, even though the defendant claimed he shot the people three times in the back accidentally! My relative was quite upset about the whole thing afterward and was quite relieved the defendant received a life sentence instead of the death penalty because he was so young.

In Casey's case, it would be more difficult for her to live 50-60+ years in prison than to be snuffed out quickly and soon. Although she'd just be costing tax payers more and more money, which would be a burden on everyone. :bang:
Decided to explain my laughter with your post. I was called to jury duty 2 years ago. I have lived in Palm Beach County FL for 10 years. My husband was terminally ill at the time. Judge let me off the hook. Then my husband died a month later (this was Oct 2006).

Eight months ago my deceased husband was called for Jury duty in Palm Beach County, FL. I called them...said geeeez, he DIED in this county, what kiind of records do you keep? Was told they have NO WAY of knowing this type of stuff. They asked if I would send them his death certificate. I did not. They are now threatening to hold him in contempt of court. Maybe I have a sick sense of humor, but I have decided to wait for the sherrif to come to the door and serve him papers. At that time I will hand him my husbands urn and say "have at him". My point being is even being dead in this County does not seem to be an excuse. :)

Very interesting. I had similar with a different outcome. My parents died this year. They received notices from the registrar of voters saying they were being removed from their books because of their deaths. About two weeks ago, a sheriff's deputy came knocking on my door looking for my dad for jury duty (I bought my parents' house after they became ill and I moved in to help out). When told Dad recently died, the deputy said okay, no proof needed. That simple. The kicker was my dad had been exempt from jury duty for years.

The reason they are sending deputies out with jury subpoenas is because so many people have ignored the mailed jury notices in recent times and because after Hurricane Katrina rearranged our area, people are difficult to find. :)

Susanlee, they may slap you with some sort of fine for being "contemptible" and not producing that death certificate when asked, just to be nasty and for causing them extra trouble. :cool:
I could serve on the jury if they allow me to make lots of derogatory smart-a$$ comments during the trial.
If it meant I would get to spend time watching YM on the stand for days...I would be totally objective and listen to all testimony then decide solely on the facts of the case. ;)

Well, by golly! I'd sure like to see a picture of the Object of your Devotion. YM must be something else! Can you give a link for a pic?
I think I could remain neutral but I think she is guilty as sin and if I was on a jury panel I would probably speak up and tell them that. I would definitely be going into it with a very negative view of her and that isn't fair to sit on a jury that way.

But you know, I know a zillion people that know nothing about this case or her. I even met an Orlando gal on myspace where I mentioned the case and she never heard of it!!! so there is no reason why KC can't get a fair trial.
I could serve on the jury but I would never make the jury. Just because I'm sure she did it in my heart though doesn't mean that I close my eyes and my mind. If there had been presented one shred of proof that was at all believable up to this point (sorry, no wild geese named ZG, JG, or any such), I could give her the benefit of the doubt. Instead we get "code" and "scripts" and "mistruths." But I can keep my mind open if something logical, believable is presented; however, in this case, the Prosecution would never let me sit on the jury because I am a CO against the death penalty so it's really a moot point because it would never happen anyway.
Very interesting. I had similar with a different outcome. My parents died this year. They received notices from the registrar of voters saying they were being removed from their books because of their deaths. About two weeks ago, a sheriff's deputy came knocking on my door looking for my dad for jury duty (I bought my parents' house after they became ill and I moved in to help out). When told Dad recently died, the deputy said okay, no proof needed. That simple. The kicker was my dad had been exempt from jury duty for years.

The reason they are sending deputies out with jury subpoenas is because so many people have ignored the mailed jury notices in recent times and because after Hurricane Katrina rearranged our area, people are difficult to find. :)

Susanlee, they may slap you with some sort of fine for being "contemptible" and not producing that death certificate when asked, just to be nasty and for causing them extra trouble. :cool:

Hi Aksleuth. First, so sorry about your parents (((((hugs)))). The death of one parent hurts...but two in one year in unimaginable to me.

I did ask my Attorney about the summons, and was told, among other things, that thier incompetence was not my problem. Time will tell, yes? :)
Well, by golly! I'd sure like to see a picture of the Object of your Devotion. YM must be something else! Can you give a link for a pic?

Look at her posts slowly, from top to bottom. You can't miss him. I want him too, but will not steal from a friend, lol!
Well, I dont' live in FL, so this should not come up for me personally. But if I was selected for jury duty on Casey's case, I could remain nuetral, not because there is any doubt in my mind as to her guilt, but it would be my duty as a good citizen to pay attention only to the case presented by the prosecution and the sefense and no the case that has been presented in the media.
I could not be on this jury because I would be incapable of proper courtroom decorum! I would wind up in jail!

No, really, I would be honest. I have stated so many times on this very board that I feel Casey killed little Caylee, so I do not think I could be fair. I believe with all my heart she is guilty, so that leaves me out.
Look at her posts slowly, from top to bottom. You can't miss him. I want him too, but will not steal from a friend, lol!
:blowkiss: Thanks, but I found out he was very married so I can't have him either! (sigh)

I still carry him with me everywhere I go here. LOL Corporal Yuri Melich. I am the President of the WWYMD? Fan Club. (What Would Yuri Melich Do?)

Look below for his photo. ;)
I would serve on the case. I'd probably lie, like Casey does, and I say I could be fair when in my heart, soul and mind, I would convict her of murder. Hard for me to get pass the evidence and her lying. Therefore, since she is lying, I will too just to prove to her what lying actually does.. hum :waitasec: :waitasec: hum, this doesn't make me look good does it? :crazy: :crazy: hehe

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