Kathi Belich as a Defense Witness? Seriously?

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Awesome as usual, AZ. And the first one just sounds silly. Jose wanted to strike the SA's strike. I mean really, how schoolyard can you get?

This whole thing is 'schoolyard'.

As usual, the Defense were embarassed by the State's Motion to Strike response and calling them out. How many times now?

So ... as usual ... JB retaliated with his petulant retort that if the SAO had talked to him or called he could have corrected the mis-statement. Hello!

The crazy thing is ... the Defense make a public official filing with the Court that contains erroneous and/or invalidated witnesses ... as usual ... and they want to sort it out secretly under the table, i.e., don't embarass me yet again.

If you file publicly with the Court then you'd better make sure you do it right since you cannot then whine and seek backroom deals or corrections.
Found it!


I think I may have answered my own question as to why, at least for the interview he let her know he knew her previous name. IMO, he was letting her know that she should back off because he could find out stuff on her. He also attempted to obtain personnel files on John Allen and Yuri Melich.
Found it!


I think I may have answered my own question as to why, at least for the interview he let her know he knew her previous name. IMO, he was letting her know that she should back off because he could find out stuff on her. He also attempted to obtain personnel files on John Allen and Yuri Melich.

LL, thank you for digging that up--I'd never noticed it in the interview before, but red flags went up when he pulled the "Belich AKA Gallager" thing in that motion. Like, what are you insinuating? That she got married? Divorced? She might be of Irish extraction? That JB 'knows who she is and who her family is'? What is this, The Sopranos? :waitasec:

I agree with your IMO: the earlier interview and the mention in this motion were both thuggish and none-too-subtle attempts to intimidate. And they both reek of desperation.
I have this herbal tea that I have stocked up on. It helps with healthy liver and kidney function. I figured with the alcohol consumption in the months to come that it would be a good idea. The taste takes a little to get used to, but now I love it.

Oh, alright. Probably need a good multi vitamin too. Wouldn't want anything to interrupt this blockbuster

Novice Seeker
LL, thank you for digging that up--I'd never noticed it in the interview before, but red flags went up when he pulled the "Belich AKA Gallager" thing in that motion. Like, what are you insinuating? That she got married? Divorced? She might be of Irish extraction? That JB 'knows who she is and who her family is'? What is this, The Sopranos? :waitasec:

I agree with your IMO: the earlier interview and the mention in this motion were both thuggish and none-too-subtle attempts to intimidate. And they both reek of desperation.

Spot on. I do remember something about JB letting something go in a TV interview about KB and her divorce, or something very personal that he tried to get a "smear" in about her. HE IS SUCH A TOOL
LL, thank you for digging that up--I'd never noticed it in the interview before, but red flags went up when he pulled the "Belich AKA Gallager" thing in that motion. Like, what are you insinuating? That she got married? Divorced? She might be of Irish extraction? That JB 'knows who she is and who her family is'? What is this, The Sopranos? :waitasec:

I agree with your IMO: the earlier interview and the mention in this motion were both thuggish and none-too-subtle attempts to intimidate. And they both reek of desperation.

Exactly! What relevance does it have to use a former name? KB is clearly known as Belich as her current public persona and there is no confusion at all so ... why use a former name if not just to harass and intimidate (of which the intent is clear from the video)?
LL, thank you for digging that up--I'd never noticed it in the interview before, but red flags went up when he pulled the "Belich AKA Gallager" thing in that motion. Like, what are you insinuating? That she got married? Divorced? She might be of Irish extraction? That JB 'knows who she is and who her family is'? What is this, The Sopranos? :waitasec:

I agree with your IMO: the earlier interview and the mention in this motion were both thuggish and none-too-subtle attempts to intimidate. And they both reek of desperation.

You are welcome. TY for reminding me. She said in response on the OS blog that she had been married, but divorced ten years from a G. I agree. Desperation smells alot like attorney piddle pants.
Nicked from

WFTV-Channel 9's Kathi Belich is one of the most aggressive reporters in town.

So she's bound to come in for some needling. And Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez did the honors today.

When Belich joined a group of reporters, Baez told her, "You're screwing up everybody's sound bites."

Later, he asked Belich if her name is really Gallagher.

She said she didn't understand his question. Later, she asked: "Has your private investigator been looking into me instead of Casey's case? Why are you asking me the question?"

Baez shot back: "Another reporter told me. You're not well thought of among your colleagues."

As if that mattered. Reporting isn't a popularity contest. What matters is that she has delivered for her bosses at WFTV and for viewers who admire her work. Her name should be Scoop today — she was the first reporter to have Caylee Anthony's autopsy.

For the record, Belich told me in an e-mail: "I have no idea why he would care, but I was married to a Gallagher and have been divorced for more than ten years."

Yep! He's a tool!!
One of my close neighbors is a local News anchor. She does not use her own married name (by which we all know her) on TV, she uses her professional name. None of them do as far as I'm aware.That's the norm.. their phones would be ringing 24/7 if they did.
One of my close neighbors is a local News anchor. She does not use her own married name (by which we all know her) on TV, she uses her professional name. None of them do as far as I'm aware.That's the norm.. their phones would be ringing 24/7 if they did.

Makes a lot of sense and ... that needs to be respected -- especially in these crazy dangerous times of stalking. Reporters have been targetted and murdered. This makes JB's tactics and personal agenda even more questionable.

JB is a lot more focused on his own agendas than on reading the discovery, contesting the growing mountain of circumstantial evidence or, zealously representing ICA.

JB is zealousy representing ... JB.
Additionally....reporters use a name that rolls off the tongue easily. Names are shortened....altered.....and omitted in order to appeal to the "ear".

A reporter's name should have fewer syllables. On air... "Belich" is easier on the ear than "Gallager". Especially when followed by the station letters as in ....WFTV
Additionally....reporters use a name that rolls off the tongue easily. Names are shortened....altered.....and omitted in order to appeal to the "ear".

A reporter's name should have fewer syllables. On air... "Belich" is easier on the ear than "Gallager". Especially when followed by the station letters as in ....WFTV

After this crap, they should rename their call letters WTF-JB-TV
he cant be a tool a tool is a useful instrument... more like an empty tool box :)

has he given his good reason for having KB as a witness today as promised?

ah well wont hold my breath
You are welcome. TY for reminding me. She said in response on the OS blog that she had been married, but divorced ten years from a G. I agree. Desperation smells alot like attorney piddle pants.

KB should have told JB that yes her name was Gallagher at one time and it was probably around the time the time that he was not playing child support but what does that have to do with the facts of this case. Either answer the question, as a professional attorney would normally do or say no comment. He just cannot keep his mouth closed, can he? jmo
JB just proved how itimidated he is of KB. So childish and uncalled for.

I want to see her sitting right up front in the courtroom with a dead on view of JB. Should he be sucessful in keeping her out, she will be waiting for him on the outside. You are not going to get rid of her JB.:loser:

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