Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #11 *Arrest*

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Ok, I was about 50 pages behind and here are my thoughts:


1. The dog thing on the last thread: That's changed my mind yet again about what happened. It sounds to me like the lack of comment by LE and the fact that they haven't been in a hurry from the beginning (not asking for public to help search, not giving info so they could get actual tips, etc), means they had a cadaver dog come in and it hit on something. They were "unsuccessful" because the cadaver dog didn't find Lucas. It actually makes a lot of sense. How did they know he wasn't abducted or didn't walk away? Because they knew he was dead. That means we're looking at her leaving him somewhere in a radius of their house. I realize a lot of you were already working off of that assumption, but I was thinking it may have happened somewhere else, which would change where she would leave his body.

2. EG never claimed Lucas walked away. She said the door was open and his shoes and coat were still there. Any 5-year-old would put on their shoes to go outside in February in the Midwest. She's also started showing us which way she's going with her story with the whole "smoking couple" nonsense. She's claimed abduction from the beginning. Therefore, I'm not sure the ideas that he's super close to home to make it look like he walked away are the right direction (I could obviously be wrong... I have no idea).

3. After reading ESO's post, I'm now leaning toward the "sickness" being internal injuries (maybe a ruptured spleen?). That also makes a lot of sense. That's why he was standing there with his little hands in his pockets... he was in pain. That's why she tried to get him to play instead of letting him rest in bed. That's could also very likely be what killed him. That's why she didn't mention his "illness" in the interview. That's why she couldn't just say he died of the flu and get charged with neglect instead of murder. The timing of the "illness" and the "disappearance" are just too coincidental. That also leads me to believe that maybe she DID act alone.... maybe.

4. I definitely don't think closing the tip line means they have all the info they need. I would think even if they knew where he was and they had recovered his body, they'd still want tips to continue to build their case.

5. JH... his comments made me physically ill. BUT, you have to remember that JH and EG have a history of domestic violence. They're allegedly both violent towards each other and the children (maybe different children, but still). They're super co-dependent at this point. He also might be in denial, knowing that if she IS guilty, he's the one that left Lucas with her. There is blame there, and he knows it... and he doesn't want it. I would be absolutely shocked if he was just acting to try and get her to tell him something. That's super wishful thinking, but you have to look at who we're talking about here. He literally sat there during his interview, looked the reporter in the eye, and said that he had NO indication that something like this could happen. And now he's playing the "you just don't know!" card. My pre-teen does the same thing. It's that belief that you're so different from everyone else. Your relationship is SO different. Your situation is soooo different. No one could possibly understand you. When in reality your "missing child" situation is pretty much exactly the same as every other missing child situation.

There it is... my 2 cents about the last 50ish pages. Again, all JMO.
"Wichita Police have worked with Texas-based search group Equusearch to search multiple locations across the area, but say no new evidence has been uncovered. They continue to seek tips from the public and follow up on any information received."


"The tips have lessened as we continued farther on into the investigation," said officer Charley Davidson, Wichita Police Department. "At this point, the determination was made to close the tip line. We will receive information through Crime Stoppers and our investigators."

Tip line changes in search for Lucas Hernandez
KSN News
Updated: Mar 12, 2018 11:39 AM CDT
I’d like to see Lucas’ Law prevent anyone who does not have legal custody or has only supervised visitation with their OWN children be prohibited for being the caregiver of someone else’s child. It makes absolute no sense that she was legally able to “care” for Lucas.

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Boy oh boy! I went thru nightmares with this issue with my grandson, who's biological father served time for animal abuse, had supervised visitation with his daughter, gave her up legally when my grandson was born, but petitioned the court for primary custody of my grandson!
Plus there was my other grandson who he of course abused! It was not his child, but his stepson. Why was he ever allowed to be in this position?
The laws need to take into accountability the history of parents/caretakers. It would have saved us lots of money, heartache, and much more.
The bio father of my grandson relinquished his custodial rights to me and my husband to get out of years of child support. It saved his biological son and my other grandson from further abuse. I have so many stories!
But basically the courts need to allow other cases to coincide if it fits. Defense attorney can get so much inadmissible it's scary!
Heck! The father of my grandson was living with a woman whose high school daughters were into serious drugs and one of them had sexually abused her younger brothers and neighbor boys. But it was a separate case, not involved with ours, WTH?
Fortunately he relinquished his custody before my grandson ever had to "visit" in his home.
All prior visits were monitored in a monitoring center.
Sorry for the rant, but I'm kinda passionate on this subject. EG should have NEVER been allowed to be a caretaker to Lucas. The courts deemed her not fit for her own children, who by nature she would have cared for more than Lucas.
Awesome! Thanks Eso and MsM! ::wave:
This is awesome information. I highly suspect LE is pretty certain they have the correct person.

I pray for the boys boys in blue today. And Equusearch be strong. Emotionally I can’t imagine what you are facing. And bless eac if you who volunteer to help. I wish I was closer to help with something, anything.
Are police officers not mandated reporters? Mandated reporters are required by law to report suspected child abuse/neglect. Even if they couldn't investigate, etc. because it's out of their jurisdiction (which I completely understand), they're still required by law to report suspected abuse to DCF.

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This is a good question. I would think they would call either LE or DCF in the appropriate jurisdiction.

I would like to add, if you need anything, please let me know. I mean this. I am able and willing to do whatever you need whether it is an area to help you search, a shoulder to cry on, a homecooked meal, anything!
That was police officers in El Dorado that refused to even look at Lucas because the abuse took place outside of their jurisdiction :(

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With the media attention right now on this case, it would be a good time to make this known to lawmakers thru the media. Investigating abuse of a child should not be regulated by jurisdiction.

And databases of child abuse should be nationwide like sex offenders. No more moving to get away from accusations.
This is a good question. I would think they would call either LE or DCF in the appropriate jurisdiction.

I would like to add, if you need anything, please let me know. I mean this. I am able and willing to do whatever you need whether it is an area to help you search, a shoulder to cry on, a homecooked meal, anything!

I second this and would be happy to help as well! Ms Pink - you have such a kind heart. [emoji177]

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I think JH is scared of EG! We have heard of the domestic violence in their house, plus my guess is she has some kind of hold on him that will put him away for years. JMO.

These two were more than likely not raised in what we would call a loving home where discipline was done in a controlled safe manner. They are probably products of the type of discipline they dish out to their own children. Put two of them together, and the children don’t stand a chance!

Hope Tuesday will be the day Lucas is found.

:( :cry:

Can't go there ..... It's one thing to hear about abuse.. another thing entirely to see videos and photos.
Drives the horror of it home -- like words do not.
Never have I thought people needed the death penalty like that sperm donor and step "mom".

And how could that older man see/hear that and go about his business like it was nothing ?
I'd have gone insane if I didn't do something.
And another reason why I think there need to be stiffer penalties for those who don't try to help the child escape... or at least report it.

I have noticed that parents who aren’t necessarily the abusers, but their partner is, are more and more getting charged and convicted of the same charges as the person who actually did the crime. I haven’t been keeping track of punishments on my spreadsheet but I think I’m going to add that information. One of the charges I’ve seen time and time again is the charge of torture because that’s exactly what it is.

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Are police officers not mandated reporters? Mandated reporters are required by law to report suspected child abuse/neglect. Even if they couldn't investigate, etc. because it's out of their jurisdiction (which I completely understand), they're still required by law to report suspected abuse to DCF.

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Yes, they are mandated reporters but since they are law enforcement I would imagine they might have other policies that they have to follow in order to make a report like that. Marks and bruises on a child are not themselves proof of child abuse since those injuries could have been acquired in any number of ways. In order for LE to determine if the injuries are in fact abuse that would require investigation, which throws them back into the jurisdictional issues. Another issue to consider is if DCF isn't going to act on reports you give them then what are the chanches they are going to act on unsubstantiated reports of abuse they receive from LE? I'm not trying to defend the police here or their lack of action but it's all so complicated and frought with issues.

The best I can do is offer advice my mother gave me (she was a nurse that worked with abused children for a time with our county social services agency): she said if you think a child is being abused, either bring the child to the hospital so they can document the injuries and contact DCF or call DCF yourself. If you see a child being abused with your own eyes, call the cops.
Discussion of these potential internal injuries (post#384, good post) has me really wondering now maybe he didn't just take a quick and fatal blow of some sort...and if so, might she have been able to save him had he gone to the hospital but instead just let him die?

On another track here, might Lucas have witnessed something? Perhaps infidelity? Just a thought.

("Daddy, who was that man in bed with stepmommy?" (What did he call her anyway?))

Purely speculative brainstorming. I'm not saying this is the case!!



Were the other boys there when "smoking man" was mentioned? I can't remember...need to go back...
I think JH is scared of EG! We have heard of the domestic violence in their house, plus my guess is she has some kind of hold on him that will put him away for years. JMO.

These two were more than likely not raised in what we would call a loving home where discipline was done in a controlled safe manner. They are probably products of the type of discipline they dish out to their own children. Put two of them together, and the children don’t stand a chance!

Hope Tuesday will be the day Lucas is found.

This is a good question. I would think they would call either LE or DCF in the appropriate jurisdiction.

I would like to add, if you need anything, please let me know. I mean this. I am able and willing to do whatever you need whether it is an area to help you search, a shoulder to cry on, a homecooked meal, anything!
You rock, Pink! :loveyou:
Just want this to be really clear:

"Although the emergency operations line is closed the public can call detectives or Crime Stoppers."

Wichita police close tip line in missing 5-year-old's case
Associated Press
4:47 PM, Mar 12, 2018
I’ve been stewing in this all night. I don’t recall a single case where a tip line was closed at 3 weeks!
I’m thinking of 2 ( only 2) possibilities for this.
Has anyone else seen this before? This quickly especially?
I’ve been stewing in this all night. I don’t recall a single case where a tip line was closed at 3 weeks!
I’m thinking of 2 ( only 2) possibilities for this.
Has anyone else seen this before? This quickly especially?

Never seen it, that I recall. Was going to ask you guys the same thing...
Never seen it, that I recall. Was going to ask you guys the same thing...
In advance of the ( unknown) search tomorrow, and the same day EG requests bail reduction, a hearing scheduled for Friday.........
The MSM article says people can still call crime stoppers or detectives, BUT, doesn’t list phone numbers or names for each.......
Yup- I’m even more hunkered down on 2 reasons why!
Guess we will see what tomorrow brings.
I'm bringing ESO's post from the last thread over (with permission) because I feel it's important information. It's a summary of elements that cases often have in common. I modified it a bit but only in the formatting, not the actual text. I numbered the points to make it easier to reference. For example, in the cases I've followed I've frequently seen 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 (a big one IMO) , 12, 14 and 15 (two more big ones).

ESO's Post begin:
Another weekend has passed and it’s heartbreaking that Lucas still isn’t home. Since it’s tax season and I can’t help search as much as I’d like to, I’ve been researching child deaths where they are reported missing by the same person who killed them because I’m hoping to learn something from the research. I’ve come across hundreds of cases, and I will continue to update my spreadsheet for anyone whose curious to see what I’m finding (I know there are some high profile cases missing on there but since those are pretty well known, I’m not in a huge hurry to put them on here). I am finding some interesting patterns:

1. Missing child reports are often preceded by family members asking a child’s whereabouts or an upcoming event where a child will be expected at.

2. In the other cases, kids are reported missing after everything has been cleaned up and time to rest has gone by.

3. its common for remains to be moved more than once before reported missing

4. Kids who are fatally abused are often “sick” for a length of time due to internal injuries going untreated, not days but weeks are reported to have passed

5. If two people are involved it’s usually mom and dad, mom and stepfather, dad and stepmother, etc. who help in the cover up

6. Ive only seen one or two cases where someone not involved with the abuse or as a romantic partner are involved in the body disposal.

7. Bodies are often wrapped in plastic and/or trash bags. Then some are placed in plastic tubs or drums, duffel bags, suitcases, coolers or more trash bags.

8. Few bodies are found during random searches, most are found because police are led by the person who buried them. People walking their dogs find a bunch too.

9. bodies placed in water, even weighted down, do come back up eventually

10. It is common for there to be potty issues with these kids of all ages, a lot of final fatal beatings are due to accidents

11. I have yet to come across one of these kids who dies after being physically disciplined harshly the first time. It’s an escalating pattern of abuse going on where people around the child really had no idea just how bad the abuse has gotten.

12. Common dump sites are dumpsters, roadside off rural highways, ponds and shallow graves in woods. Very few are hundreds of miles away, some have even been taken on public transportation to be dumped off side roads.

13. What makes EG a little different is that JH has long stretches of not being home. In the cases where a stepparent fatally beats a child, the biological parent once they are home, will call for medical attention for their child. It is more common for biological moms to cover a death by a stepfather than it is for a father to cover it up for a stepmother.

14. All the homes where a child dies violently have history of domestic violence and substance abuse, the family’s have often been in some sort of contact with state child abuse agencies.

15. Its amazing how many kids “disappear” while the adults are “sleeping” and wake to find a child gone.
Original post in its original format:*Arrest*&p=13986193#post13986193

Thanks for your excellent summary ESO!

Again, this is fantastic.

Any commonalities on COD? I know often it is undeterminable due to decomposition.

In advance of the ( unknown) search tomorrow, and the same day EG requests bail reduction, a hearing scheduled for Friday.........
The MSM article says people can still call crime stoppers or detectives, BUT, doesn’t list phone numbers or names for each.......
Yup- I’m even more hunkered down on 2 reasons why!
Guess we will see what tomorrow brings.

It seems be in such stark contrast to Abby's and Libby's case, where it's all about LE continuing to stress that they are still seeking tips. Of course these cases are completely different, but that's what first popped in my mind naturally, the glaringly obvious difference re: this tip line aspect.

Trust me, you won't be scared....probably mad as a hornet!! :)

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Oddly, I had no emotional reaction. It all seems somewhat scripted, moo.

To comment further might not be constructive, considering certain people might be reading here. Wish I could say more. Everything is jmo.
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