Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #12 *Arrest*

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Someone pointed out a few threads back(sorry, I forget who it was to give credit to!) That Emily makes a point to say how little and small Lucas is and how because of that, he was always told by her & JH to be careful, yet NOTHING was ever mentioned (by her) about him being really sick with the flu/stomach bug for 8 days prior to his "going missing!?"

Was his being sick a compounding factor to all the other stressful things others have been pointing out? (Moving, getting rid of the cat, JH leaving marks on her youngest bio child and ex filing a police report & obviously going to get the courts involved in her recently granted unsupervised visits again, etc
I really hope this wasn't a matter of a bathroom accident or vomitting on the new rental house floor making her fly off the handle. :(
Why would she not mention his being sick as part of her "poor Emily" narrative? hHmmmm.....

She wouldn’t point out him being sick if she was intentionally causing him to be sick ?! IMO
Keeping fingers crossed some good samaritan doesn't pay the $5000.00 to get her out.

Did she get up and walk off while judge still talking? Looked like it to me.

She looks so pissed off, she thought she would wiggle out of this one. She thinks she's so much smarter,and above everyone. Her powers of B.S. aren't working. She's in check now, and she absolutely hates it.
This gives me hope. Lucas will check mate her.
Go Team Lucas.
All of the discussion about him being sick reminds me of the Zahra Baker case a few years ago in North Carolina. The stepmom claimed she had been sick for quite some time before reporting her missing. The truth was the stepmother had killed her and dismembered her, tossing her remains out of the vehicle while driving through at least three counties. Poor child, they never recovered all of her remains and probably won't. I hope poor Lucas' case is resolved soon.
So, here is what I understand we are left with:

Lucas was seen by someone before dark on the 16th, late enough that we know he was not gone before EG went to OG -- we need to focus on time after OG.

The dark hours were from (give/take) 6:15 pm on the 16th to 7:15 am on the 17th and there was little to no moonlight, very dark.

We know EG didn't report him missing until 6:18 pm on the 17th.

I know I have several questions outside of that and I've been picking apart her statements, but I think that none of that really matters just yet. We need to figure out where she went that night so we can find Lucas. I've come to the conclusion that all her lies add up to EG minimizing any responsibility with a goal of pleasing DCF, the courts, her ex, etc, and I think any decision she made was to promote the appearance of "good mom" and out of fear of anything compromising HER ongoing progress. If Lucas passed from illness, EG may have wanted to minimize any possibility she'd be accused of neglect -- he had to go "missing" no matter what happened. Any lies are to protect HER or to cover up previous lies.

As PB mentioned in a previous post, EG had time to see what the public has to say about her via SM, and so her LE interview and subsequent media interview are influenced by her effort to make people understand and like her. With all her lies, it's nearly impossible to figure out which one served what purpose, how long she will cling to them, and what it will take to get her to tell the truth. In the meantime, we are left with finding Lucas.

I do have one question for our VI if they can answer -- have we verified whether EG did in fact snap a picture of that couple? If so, is it date/time stamped? Was it sent to JH? EG mentioned their appearance "a few days prior" -- another poster pointed out "a few days prior to WHAT?" Prior to her arrest? Prior to her reporting Lucas missing? When did this happen, if it really happened?
ETA: I know EG is deflecting by talking about his couple -- I wonder if they really existed and if so when because I wonder if they caught her off guard -- were they standing outside when she was hoping to leave that night? when she returned? Why all the detail about why she was talking to them and their reaction? I'm wondering if proof of their existence can narrow our time frame (ex: dark to 3 am or 3 am to sunrise)
I would believe he was still actually sick. Even people who love their children appreciate the break they get by dropping them off at school. I don't think she'd have kept him home with her for 10 days unless she had to.

Just thinking out loud...

There's a pretty bad bug going around and it comes in 2 doses for some. Trust me I know! The second dose is worst than the first. Last night I couldn't breathe until I threw up. Not trying to talk about me, but this bug going around is killing people! Now if Lucas was very sick plus she had beat him with marks and bruises to show it, then he died, she might want to hide him so that she isn't accused of abuse against him. I also wonder if she failed to get him proper medical treatment because she didn't want the physical abuse and neglect to be reported. Was he taken to the Dr. for his sickness?
There's a pretty bad bug going around and it comes in 2 doses for some. Trust me I know! The second dose is worst than the first. Last night I couldn't breathe until I threw up. Not trying to talk about me, but this bug going around is killing people! Now if Lucas was very sick plus she had beat him with marks and bruises to show it, then he died, she might want to hide him so that she isn't accused of abuse against him. I also wonder if she failed to get him proper medical treatment because she didn't want the physical abuse and neglect to be reported. Was he taken to the Dr. for his sickness?
That's right along my line of thought too. And I would think how/where she hid the body is very different than if she actually set out to kill him. Can either of our VI's speak to tbr knowledge of a doctor's visit in the few weeks prior to the disappearance?

Just thinking out loud...
Ok, just throwing this out there.

IF the landlord came by the house while EG was at OG, and IF he saw Lucas, of course he'd/she'd ask where Lucas' mom was. If Lucas told the LL he was home alone, there's likely no way any responsible adult would just say ok and leave. The LL would probably stay until EG got home.

I have a feeling EG would be really angry at Lucas...
I think there is one supporter not JH who could be helpful . But she is in her corner and was on the scene very quickly after he was missing. I feel she had help......a.m. I allowed to say that
Does anyone have the WPD media report PDF from 2/16 saved?

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Ok, just throwing this out there.

IF the landlord came by the house while EG was at OG, and IF he saw Lucas, of course he'd/she'd ask where Lucas' mom was. If Lucas told the LL he was home alone, there's likely no way any responsible adult would just say ok and leave. The LL would probably stay until EG got home.

I have a feeling EG would be really angry at Lucas...

Unless the landlord did not communicate with Lucas but just saw him in the house. Maybe through a window or something.
Ok, just throwing this out there.

IF the landlord came by the house while EG was at OG, and IF he saw Lucas, of course he'd/she'd ask where Lucas' mom was. If Lucas told the LL he was home alone, there's likely no way any responsible adult would just say ok and leave. The LL would probably stay until EG got home.

I have a feeling EG would be really angry at Lucas...
Yes. My thought on this is, what if one of those phone calls came from however came by the house. Maybe Emily told them they were all sick and for them come back in a couple of days when they might be feeling better. Plausible.
Unless the landlord did not communicate with Lucas but just saw him in the house. Maybe through a window or something.

Yes perhaps he heard someone knocking at the door and looked out to see who was there. I could see that happening.
So when I search, I always start at the address she would have left from. Here is something that just hit me-that house has been what looks to be empty for the past 3-4 days. No cars, no lights on, etc. I understand whomever might be home would have shades drawn etc because of the situation, but what if nobody is at the house because of work or left town and Lucas is at that house somewhere. If she were to bond out with an ankle bracelet, she would be confined to the house where she wants to be-enabling her to hide him all the better. How many cases have we all followed where victims are found in shallow graves, chimneys, attics, walls etc! If no one is there they wouldn’t be smelling decomp if the victim was somewhere inside the house. Just thinking here....... thought??

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I would believe he was still actually sick. Even people who love their children appreciate the break they get by dropping them off at school. I don't think she'd have kept him home with her for 10 days unless she had to.

Just thinking out loud...

On that topic, parents still take their kids to school sick because they work, or still want that needed break.....

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Someone pointed out a few threads back(sorry, I forget who it was to give credit to!) That Emily makes a point to say how little and small Lucas is and how because of that, he was always told by her & JH to be careful, yet NOTHING was ever mentioned (by her) about him being really sick with the flu/stomach bug for 8 days prior to his "going missing!?"

Was his being sick a compounding factor to all the other stressful things others have been pointing out? (Moving, getting rid of the cat, JH leaving marks on her youngest bio child and ex filing a police report & obviously going to get the courts involved in her recently granted unsupervised visits again, etc
I really hope this wasn't a matter of a bathroom accident or vomitting on the new rental house floor making her fly off the handle. :(
Why would she not mention his being sick as part of her "poor Emily" narrative? hHmmmm.....

That being said, she brings up everything else- pull up etc, so to me, she wants to shy away from him being sick because that’s probably a contributing factor to him passing!

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I think she was caught. They arrested her and confronted her with *something* to do with that time period - maybe video from OG showing just her and the baby, maybe video showing her driving erratically. Maybe residue or paraphernalia in the garage... and given that Wichita has reduced penalties for marijuana in some cases (it’s like a traffic ticket, pay a fine basically in certain circumstances) maybe she thought she wouldn’t be in much trouble for it so she gave that info up. At first she’s ‘sure ok yeah I did this one itty bitty thing’ and now it’s ‘OH HOLY WOW WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS NOT LITTLE’
Does that make sense?

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Also, I would imagine that driving with a restrictive license in her condition didn't help her cause.
That being said, she brings up everything else- pull up etc, so to me, she wants to shy away from him being sick because that’s probably a contributing factor to him passing!

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I think you may have hit it on the head.

For all our efforts in figuring out why she goes into great detail about various things, we also need to be talking about what EG is not talking about -- especially when our VIs are.

Bruises may or may not have kept him out of public eye, but at the end of the day, everyone is talking about Lucas being sick except EG. If JH was out of town, it was up to EG as the daily care provider to ensure Lucas received appropriate medical attention -- did she? Did she avoid medical attention because of bruises? Or could she simply not be bothered? To me, this case smacks of one bad decision leading to another and another, and so it goes with all the lies as well.

Oh, here I go again--either way, she had to make Lucas vanish and play dumb. Right now the only thing that matters is figuring out how to bring Lucas home.
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