Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #13 *Arrest*

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Are they on septic where EG and JH live?
I wonder if WPD is watching anyone
I obviously have no idea but I hope they are. Seems likely to me that EG had help in the disposal. Once again I am drawn to the general El Dorado KS area, which I state right now has zero to do with any of Lucas's relatives. Zilch.
Andover is almost half-way and there are several possible routes.

ETA I am really focused on Eureka KS.!1m1!1s0x87badb6ad27f182d:0x9396d5bf74d33d3

Over the past week, volunteers met with the Texas search group EquuSearch and received special training. EquuSearch is the search and rescue organization that has worked on many high profile missing persons cases.

“We learned a lot. We learned what to look for. We learned what not to look for,” La Force said.

The group is now choosing to not let the public know where they are searching and they said it’s for a good reason.

“There’s a lot of bad stories that we learned with EquuSearch about, you know, bodies and evidence being moved into cleared areas after the areas were cleared. So, basically our silence leaves Lucas where he is right now so that we can find him,” Lucas search leader, Sheila Medlam said.


I have typed and deleted enough times my fingures should be raw. I am just going to request all landowners PLEASE search your property.
I just had a thought about getting the word out to farmers and what not to search their land. Has anyone considered contacting the county USDA Agricultural Extension Service for the relevant counties. The Extension Service provides support in the way of different programs and assistance to farmers within their jurisdiction. I bet they maintain an email list of most, if not all, the farmers/ranchers in their service area. Might be worth a phone call to see if they could send a mass email out.

ETA: Another thought re: the Extension Service. Provide the number to whoever the local search contact person is and make it known to the farmers that if they have neither the time or man power to conduct a search on their property they could invite a local search time to search the property for them. a time like this, she said in her interview
I’ve been thinking about that part of her statement
Knowing about the ex filing the report on 2/5 according to his court filing
They move immediately thereafter - has it ever been confirmed why? I heard a reason but I’m not sure if it’s been I won’t say it here...
It really starts to sound like she was already on edge and this time she went too far. And then she had to clean up -yet another- mess (he had been sick for 2 Weeks after all, among all that too)
Sorry guys I’m just trying to get inside her head, inside that statement...
It’s really revealing I might be the key...

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That's true. LE has told the public about several of the locations they have searched, including the many parks. But LE may have reasons for releasing certain location information, but not other location information. I don't know. Some areas are much more remote so maybe they think it's more likely that someone would go to those places rather than to a public park in the middle of town. I'm sure they have a reason of some kind.

Parks being public and open probably had something to do with them saying they were searching there too, as they had to shut them down while they did so. Keep some of the looky-loo’s away too.

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I think we all LE included want Lucas brought home and to receive a proper burial. I will speak only for myself I Want justice for Lucas so that the person or persons that hurt him feel the full force of the law. This type of crime against our helpless children has to stop.
This. Plus, child killers cannot roam free to kill again.
It was just a suggestion. And as for timelines changing, I have seen stranger things. Kansas has had problems for at least six or seven years with interpretations of Sunshine Laws, and for your reading pleasure, I have included this link:

I really would hate to see this case end up like the Adam Herrman case, or like the Colton Barrera case.

WHO IS IT THAY SAW LUCAS ON. 2/16?? I have read nothing to that effect. The last verified was the neighbor on 2/11?

pls let me know.

Know that everyone here is very respected and deeply appreciated.
it's not illegal to mail things. anyone wanna get me some addresses for these places out in the boonies? I can mail them a flyer... a time like this, she said in her interview
I’ve been thinking about that part of her statement
Knowing about the ex filing the report on 2/5 according to his court filing
They move immediately thereafter - has it ever been confirmed why? I heard a reason but I’m not sure if it’s been I won’t say it here...
It really starts to sound like she was already on edge and this time she went too far. And then she had to clean up -yet another- mess (he had been sick for 2 Weeks after all, among all that too)
Sorry guys I’m just trying to get inside her head, inside that statement...
It’s really revealing I might be the key...

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Her words are interesting to pick apart for sure.
I wonder how much she is into symbolism? She seems street-smart in a way and certainly crafty with a dark side. Trying to appear to be peace and light on her FB. There was a CGI image on there that held a lot of symbolism for her. It was the angel with one white wing and one black wing. I understand this could signal affinity with yingyang and balanced life etc. But to me it was somewhat telling.
It was one of her cover photos.:thinking: :moo:
WHO IS IT THAY SAW LUCAS ON. 2/16?? I have read nothing to that effect. The last verified was the neighbor on 2/11?

pls let me know.

Know that everyone here is very respected and deeply appreciated.

PB verified it it’s in the first posts of this thread
The landlord stopped by the rental house around 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 16th. He saw Lucas peeking out a window. That is all I know about the encounter.

I do not know what he did upon seeing Lucas. I do not know if he knew that Lucas was home alone or if he found out at a later date when questioned by detectives. I do not know which room Lucas was in at the time.

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What's going on in that image of the angel?
There appears on close inspection to be a wound or something where the gray/black wing is attached? Heck I'm tired and grasping at straws.
All we have from her to think about besides her obvious lies are the things and images she used on SM I guess.
:moo: a time like this, she said in her interview
I’ve been thinking about that part of her statement
Knowing about the ex filing the report on 2/5 according to his court filing
They move immediately thereafter - has it ever been confirmed why? I heard a reason but I’m not sure if it’s been I won’t say it here...
It really starts to sound like she was already on edge and this time she went too far. And then she had to clean up -yet another- mess (he had been sick for 2 Weeks after all, among all that too)
Sorry guys I’m just trying to get inside her head, inside that statement...
It’s really revealing I might be the key...

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What confuses me about the court filing, it indicates he went to police then next day (2/5) to make a report. Did the police show up and interview JH as he was the one accused of striking the child? Was JH upset that EG let her boys come over the 11th after the one child had accused him of hitting him and police involved? We know that JH distanced himself from the people who reported EG for abusing Lucas. Had the police even questioned JH yet, they may of not had the new address due to the move right around that time. The actual court papers were not filed until after Lucas was reported missing, so what I am wondering is if EG was even aware that LE had been notified yet.
What confuses me about the court filing, it indicates he went to police then next day (2/5) to make a report. Did the police show up and interview JH as he was the one accused of striking the child? Was JH upset that EG let her boys come over the 11th after the one child had accused him of hitting him and police involved? We know that JH distanced himself from the people who reported EG for abusing Lucas. Had the police even questioned JH yet, they may of not had the new address due to the move right around that time. The actual court papers were not filed until after Lucas was reported missing, so what I am wondering is if EG was even aware that LE had been notified yet.

It does say in the court filing that he- the ex- had called her regarding the incident. She first said she kicked JH out and then blamed it on the boys’ behavior. (One of our wonderful members here transcribed what could be seen of it from the news video). Makes me wonder if the move had something to do with that but 2 Days is *really* fast for a move. From what I’ve heard; in general, sometimes DCF can look into cases lightning fast and sometimes they drag their feet responding to a report. It is possible they had contacted them following the 2/5 report to police.

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It does say in the court filing that he- the ex- had called her regarding the incident. She first said she kicked JH out and then blamed it on the boys’ behavior. (One of our wonderful members here transcribed what could be seen of it from the news video). Makes me wonder if the move had something to do with that but 2 Days is *really* fast for a move. From what I’ve heard; in general, sometimes DCF can look into cases lightning fast and sometimes they drag their feet responding to a report. It is possible they had contacted them following the 2/5 report to police.

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I knew the ex had talked to EG about it, but I don't know what standard procedure is does LE go out and talk to the person accused about the incident and notify DCF if they feel there is a danger to the child? Does the ex have to report the incident directly to DCF for DCF to get involved.
What's going on in that image of the angel?
There appears on close inspection to be a wound or something where the gray/black wing is attached? Heck I'm tired and grasping at straws.
All we have from her to think about besides her obvious lies are the things and images she used on SM I guess.

It appears to me that the angels arm is above her head. It is pushing the sheer fabric back so you can see the dark side that is usually hidden
I knew the ex had talked to EG about it, but I don't know what standard procedure is does LE go out and talk to the person accused about the incident and notify DCF if they feel there is a danger to the child? Does the ex have to report the incident directly to DCF for DCF to get involved.

That’s a good question. I do not know the answer to that. Hopefully someone does.
And did it say which LE dept he reported to- the custody agreement is in Butler County - would there be possible jurisdictional issues as well?

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It definitely gives credence to the fact that the remains could have been moved in this case:thinking:. Or potentially still could be. Glad they are being discreet.
Just another thing to factor in.:moo:

...Great. So much for keeping the reason we wanted the search areas to be private...

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...Great. So much for keeping the reason we wanted the search areas to be private...

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I’m getting the impression that the Wichita volunteers didn’t really understand the meaning of the nondisclosure statement they had to sign to help TXEQ. This is a risk that any group utilizing volunteers takes.
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