Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #14 *Arrest*

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thread #14...

think about you often, sweet boy. :heartbeat:
IMO being together just a little over a year is an error - they have a one year old daughter which means together for at least two years and evidence on facebook been together since 2015. We also know police were called to their apartment in early 2016.

Yea. The weather was wrong too. Wasn't there an ice storm that sunday?
Yea. The weather was wrong too. Wasn't there an ice storm that sunday?

It was unusually warm the day he was reported missing but we had ice just a few days later

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Good point! I was just thinking about the recent allegations from EG’s Ex about JH and his accident with her boys..... I’m sure all combined doesn’t bode well for him- IMO, JH was at home on the 7th to see how sick Lucas was, or had been for 3 weeks- he should have done something for him then. Sick in the head mom and dad. Or just completely oblivious to the obvious - I just can’t right now!!

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Oh now I understand what you meant be JH and her boys. Just all of it doesn't look good. This poor family.
I meant why JH didn't get his daughter back. Do we know why it was denied? I'm sure it has to do with the investigation but I'm not sure why or how. I would also think the fact that he knew EG was driving high on the 16th with the baby doesn't look too good for him.

I’m still searching for the article. I know I read it in msm. I wonder if it was just a mention in another article, or one of those tidbits that got edited out in updates *frustrated*

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Hi guys- I’ve read a lot of posts about Lucas potentially being in the house- while I still go back there in my mind (daily), I remember something PB said earlier about IN her opinion, she could say 1000% two places she could bet he wouldn’t be-one was the House. I’ve spent all morning looking for the post to add to this, but cannot find it!!! If anyone can post her quote can you bring it forward? I think it would be a good time. As a VI I think any insight they might have, is useful. TIA!

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(PB, I'm stalking you for this whole purpose :giggle:) ... ETA: I agree. I just haven't found the quote!

Love it! I had to cut myself off after an hour of searching for it! But it’s there!!!! Thank You AnaPisces!! You Rock The Ever Lovin’ House!!
YRTELH-New Lingo for BadAsses!!

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Hi guys- I’ve read a lot of posts about Lucas potentially being in the house- while I still go back there in my mind (daily), I remember something PB said earlier about IN her opinion, she could say 1000% two places she could bet he wouldn’t be-one was the House. I’ve spent all morning looking for the post to add to this, but cannot find it!!! If anyone can post her quote can you bring it forward? I think it would be a good time. As a VI I think any insight they might have, is useful. TIA!

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I’m a lot behind reading but is the quote you are thinking of: only knowing 1000% two places where Lucas is not, my house and Mars? That was me if so.

I do agree Lucas most likely is close to home, but it depends on your definition of home-the new house isn’t going to feel like home so quickly, and there are other places EG would feel “home” to

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I’m a lot behind reading but is the quote you are thinking of: only knowing 1000% two places where Lucas is not, my house and Mars? That was me if so.

I do agree Lucas most likely is close to home, but it depends on your definition of home-the new house isn’t going to feel like home so quickly, and there are other places EG would feel “home” to

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Yes, that is the quote. Thank you for clarifying.

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I think it would be well worth the effort to bring in dogs again and search in and near the home. Whatever smells the dogs may pickup will be much more stronger I would think and maybe dogs can find him if they try again.

I still think the boy is relatively close to the home. Guessing within 3 to 5 mile radius at most. I would start in the home first and work outwards. It would be worth a try IMO. Wish they would do that with the dogs again.


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So, here we are. Somewhat O/T , I recently had surgery performed by a pediatric cranial facial “specialist “. Through talking to her Learned that cleft pallate is her speciality. I know little Lucas needed a lot of medical intervention. I hope he got it. Speech difficulties are so hard on kiddos. What the school districts have available for free is wonderful, I’m hoping he had more. I hope he had a lot of friends at school, had a good lunch, and adapted well with his speech issue.
My mother recently told me this: I believe the children are already “gone, with God” while living through a nightmare like this. She told me that it is the circumstance, that WE see, as the lesson, because God would never allow his children to be hurt like this. I know this may be controversial to some, but I wanted to share this with anyone that needed solace in this case. I had nightmares about little Adrian before I had this talk with my mom. Knowing these babies aren’t alone helps me. Back to the facts tomorrow. Thanks for listening.

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Yes, that is the quote. Thank you for clarifying.

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No worries, I just didn’t want someone to think it was a fact. Bodies get missed all the time in houses, I think considering that house is a crime scene is just common sense but I can’t recall it ever being described by LE that way. My only thought is that it was from day one, LE just didn’t want EG to know they were suspicious of her story until they could prove it.

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I wonder if LE and the LL would give us searchers permission to check the outside of the house itself during this weekends search? Probably not but it doesn’t hurt to ask.

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While it has been done before, so it can be done in some cases, imho I don't think they will attempt it in this case.

Conflicting expert opinions confuse juries. Good defense lawyers confuse juries. Let's say there's a case where a cadaver dog picks up scent in a house but there's no other supporting evidence. You're effectively putting the dog on trial...I am not a lawyer but I don't think that would be a good basis for a trial.

I think LE have good basis for suspicion at this point, but not a good enough case to take to a jury.

Even if a person disappeared and the suspect was put on trial and there was evidence the suspect bought rat poison the day before the disappearance, a good defense lawyer would be able to make a good enough case for reasonable doubt. And that's how it should be.

Let's say there's no stranger fingerprints or DNA on the door handle..the missing person could have opened the door to the stranger and then been abducted. No one saw an abduction? Maybe no one was looking, maybe they did see but haven't come forward.

Evidence will always outweigh lack of evidence as far as tangible things are concerned. I don't know if cadaver dog evidence is often presented in court, but things like that for a jury would be convincing with a body...without a body it's not so convincing. With a body a human goes into "wow, dogs are amazing" mode. Without a body a human goes into "surely a dog could be wrong? And even if the dog is well-trained, what about the handler?"

I think if the DA is convinced that a body is unrecoverable, then maybe they try to scrape things together to make a case. I don't think they're at that point in this case, I think that the only likely way Lucas will be unrecoverable will be landfill, but from what ESO has said that seems unlikely, at least as far as residential trash bins go. So I would say that at this point they're right to not bring any charges against EG relating to Lucas and to continue case-building and searching for a body. Even if COD can't be found, a body will help a jury to convict (imho).

And it's not just COD with a body, there's also context, and the right contextual evidence can help a jury to vote for conviction (vote isn't the right word, but it's close, right?)

I don't know... I am feeling really strongly about the fact that the judge refused to lower her bond even though she isn't in jail for charges related to Lucas. Add that to the fact that her charge is a misdemeanor and the child in question has been removed from the home. The judge wouldn't even lower it a little or let her go home on house arrest. I have heard that this isn't something that happens often. It really makes me feel as if there is some really compelling evidence that isn't being released because it is absolutely crucial to the investigation. I believe that the judge was shown the evidence and that is what helped determine his decision in rejecting even the slightest bit of a bond reduction. Imo.
I don't know... I am feeling really strongly about the fact that the judge refused to lower her bond even though she isn't in jail for charges related to Lucas. Add that to the fact that her charge is a misdemeanor and the child in question has been removed from the home. The judge wouldn't even lower it a little or let her go home on house arrest. I have heard that this isn't something that happens often. It really makes me feel as if there is some really compelling evidence that isn't being released because it is absolutely crucial to the investigation. I believe that the judge was shown the evidence and that is what helped determine his decision in rejecting even the slightest bit of a bond reduction. Imo.

I have to admit I was a little surprised. No charges have been filed against her re Lucas missing. I thought the judge could only rule on the charges before the court. We just recently had a case where this was the issue, frustrating as it was. (I can't remember which case it was right now, but it was recent). So, I'm a little confused.
Here I am awake again and one of my first thoughts is to check on word of Lucas. Praying constantly that the searchers will find him.
:heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat: Lucas
I’m still searching for the article. I know I read it in msm. I wonder if it was just a mention in another article, or one of those tidbits that got edited out in updates *frustrated*

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Thanks for looking. I too have been looking and can't find it. I'll bet it was edited out. Well anyway, I don't get the feel that JH is under any suspicion of being an accomplice in Lucas missing, but a questionable protector so they're keeping the baby in a safe environment while they sort it out. Do we know if JH is living in the home or if it's still under investigation?
I have to admit I was a little surprised. No charges have been filed against her re Lucas missing. I thought the judge could only rule on the charges before the court. We just recently had a case where this was the issue, frustrating as it was. (I can't remember which case it was right now, but it was recent). So, I'm a little confused.

The judge has some discretion---a little bit of wiggle room. He cannot hold someone for jaywalking on a 500k bond. But child endangerment can be stretch much further, if the behind the scenes info is very compelling that the defendant might skip town or be violent etc.--- and is likely going to be charged with further crimes.
According to the court documents regarding her visitation with her bio-sons, they had been together over 2.5 years as of last October

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Yes and in her jailhouse interview EG continues to use the same words "I take care of him every day" etc.:gaah:The sheer audacity just sickens me. Lucas called her Emily not ever anything else.
The judge has some discretion---a little bit of wiggle room. He cannot hold someone for jaywalking on a 500k bond. But child endangerment can be stretch much further, if the behind the scenes info is very compelling that the defendant might skip town or be violent etc.--- and is likely going to be charged with further crimes.

Interesting, with no charges before the court. I'm guessing the judge has been told EG is a suspect, although not publicly named as of yet. Wasn't it said she could be a flight risk? I wonder how that was determined as I don't see her as worldly, nor know of where she could or would go. She could have been put under house arrest, have an ankle bracelet. I can however see her a possible danger to others and a possible, if not probable mob mentality from others similar to what happened in the CA case if she were released. Who knows how EG might respond to something of that nature!
I don't know... I am feeling really strongly about the fact that the judge refused to lower her bond even though she isn't in jail for charges related to Lucas. Add that to the fact that her charge is a misdemeanor and the child in question has been removed from the home. The judge wouldn't even lower it a little or let her go home on house arrest. I have heard that this isn't something that happens often. It really makes me feel as if there is some really compelling evidence that isn't being released because it is absolutely crucial to the investigation. I believe that the judge was shown the evidence and that is what helped determine his decision in rejecting even the slightest bit of a bond reduction. Imo.
A lot of defense attornies are very good at spin. Now much is going to depend on the jury pool. Where it comes from. What backgrounds the jurors have. I mean this applies in every case.
Hoping Lucas is found soon enough to determine COD. I think that played a big role in why CA wasn't found guilty of murder in the Caylee case. Along with her (IMO) deceitful yet wickedly capable attorney.:gaah:
Interesting, with no charges before the court. I'm guessing the judge has been told EG is a suspect, although not publicly named as of yet. Wasn't it said she could be a flight risk? I wonder how that was determined as I don't see her as worldly, nor know of where she could or would go. She could have been put under house arrest, have an ankle bracelet. I can however see her a possible danger to others and a possible, if not probable mob mentality from others similar to what happened in the CA case if she were released. Who knows how EG might respond to something of that nature!

If she was under house arrest with an ankle bracelet, the judge may have been concerned with future potential visits with her children. The custody arrangements are all up in the air still, even though she will likely be very limited in her parental duties for now. But it seems safer for all if she stays put ....:jail:
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