Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #15 *Arrest*

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Jumping off this post, thinking about this, would there be any reason she might bury him close so she could revisit the body? SKs do this to relive their crimes, but I dont think that would be applicable here. If she had remorse and cared for Lucas, she may want to do this, have him close to visit the gravesite, but I don't think this is the case either. Lastly, she may want him close so she can keep tabs on if anyone is searching close, etc. But I am not sure about this either. So, point is, maybe she did go far. But that would be going away from stats in similar cases, or so I would think based on the similar cases I've seen. So, question is have any "caregivers" in other cases traveled a far distance? Malik was 50 miles out...others?

There was a couple tailed by the police on a child they killed’s birthday that they followed and caught visiting the child’s grave. Most of the time, kids are found and parents confess, the guilt and the pressure get to them. The not knowing if today is the day the body is found leaves them paranoid, and the cases where two people are involved are solved much quicker. I know my opinion isn’t a popular one, but I do base it on experience and education, I believe EG does love Lucas, and that’s a good thing. I also believe if we were to look in her own history, I’d bet we’d find history of violence and physical abuse.....if she were raised in a manner in which it was considered normal to physically discipline kids to the point bruises are left, then it might be instinct to her. And could explain why seeing bruises on Lucas didn’t raise red flags in her family. I don’t think she hated Lucas, he “legitimized” her-made her look like a “good mother” so hiding him when he’s bruised would be very important to her image. And it’s why I think he would be left behind during an outing or kept home from school. Kids are the most vulnerable when they are young and not spending time in school or around mandated reporters. Home schooling has a whole website devoted to abused kids who were considered homeschooled just to hide the abuse. It saddens me that Lucas hasn’t gotten to the point of being in school long enough to get real intervention. It’s hard to make a case for child abuse unless a child is observed over long periods of time with consistent injuries that aren’t able to be explained away. Bruises that are in places like knees, shins, bony parts of arms, even the temples and chins are normal places kids will hurt themselves while playing....there is little fat between the bone and skin, it’s places where impacts will happen first, etc. Bruises that go all the way around a limb, or have odd shapes over large areas for instance, are not typical. Bruises on meatier parts of the body aren’t normal if they are showing up constantly, and seeing bruises on babies who are not sick are almost always signs to be concerned-babies just don’t bruise easily if they are being properly cared for.....premobile stages of course.

I digress, that happens, I think the lack of information or control for EG will be huge. I think it would be her first move outside of jail to come on the internet trying to see where people have searched, and where they haven’t. I don’t think she would go so far as to visit him just because she will be highly monitored, and she would know that. However if she were to think searchers are close, I’d expect her to all of a sudden have some kind of “memory” or detail to come out hoping to throw searchers off. She’s smart, but LE is smarter......l do think given enough time, she might confess once she realizes it better for her to do so than not. No body cases are difficult to prove however ones involving kids are actually easier because kids can’t take care of themselves the way adults can. Especially ones as young as 5. The chances of EG getting a reduced sentence will depend on her telling her “story”, otherwise she leaves that in the hands of a jury and that’s unpredictable. I don’t think EG will be able to afford the type of attorney Casey Anthony had plus there were signs of abuse, whereas with Caylee, there were not.

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So much agree on everything you posted. Caylee didn't have to pay Baez tho did she? Lots of folks were standing in line to be her defense attorney because the case was so high profile.
Like or not, NG and others kept CA's case in the spotlight nightly. Wish we could get that kind of coverage for Lucas.:heartbeat:
My thought about the landlord seeing Lucas would the landlord actually know he was reaaaally alone, that she wasn't asleep, in the shower or just not answering the door? In other words, I'm not sure her being worried about leaving Lucas alone and the landlord knowing this is motive...

(but wait if there was no vehicle there...still...)

Eta: just saw Amonet's post, maybe she divulged she wasn't home to the landlord via phone.

The only reason I don’t think the LL knew he was alone is I can’t see any adult leaving a child whom you know is alone. Especially when it’s getting dark and that is an extremely busy street they live on. Of course we don’t know what the details are here......liability wise, we have owned a rental property before I for one, would have stayed to make sure someone was there if I had any concern or question about a child being left unattended. You never know if an adult is having a medical issue behind the door and a child can’t communicate that properly for instance. But if EG were to have some sort of excuse after the fact, that may not raise concerns or suspicions. Most people would not automatically think a 5 year old would be unsupervised like that. It’s like the expression when you hear hoof steps you think horses, not zebras........

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Again, wondering about painted rocks...where did she get the stones (if not randomly picking them up, buying them), and where did she leave the stones for others, if she did in fact participate in this?

Are you talking about the Batman painted rocks? Those are being done for Lucas, not by EG.

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So much agree on everything you posted. Caylee didn't have to pay Baez tho did she? Lots of folks were standing in line to be her defense attorney because the case was so high profile.
Like or not, NG and others kept CA's case in the spotlight nightly. Wish we could get that kind of coverage for Lucas.:heartbeat:

She paid him by giving him the rights to her story. That’s risky because if someone is convicted, they aren’t allowed to profit from their story so that’s why high profile cases, someone will do that. It gives the incentive to the attorney to make it as highly publicized as possible. The difference here is that the first time a case like that happens is easier to exploit but follow up cases are not so much. Plus, Casey hadn’t been accused of the things that EG has in the past.....losing custody of other children due to domestic violence or pictures of a bruised Caylee being reported to CPS. Casey is a lot like Susan Smith in that regard, she killed her kid most likely due to cramping her lifestyle, but she didn’t abuse or neglect weird as that may sound.

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It's creepy thinking about EG getting out of jail but I don't think they can hold her for very long unless they can get a solid case together for the DA to present for an indictment.
I absolutely agree that she would be monitoring the internet and likely her defense is doing so constantly to judge what a possible jury pool might be thinking. Also there are very probable supporters of EG who are doing the same thing. :thinking:
Again, wondering about painted rocks...where did she get the stones (if not randomly picking them up, buying them), and where did she leave the stones for others, if she did in fact participate in this?
Why do we think she does that painted rock thing? Is it because she pinned posts about it on Pinterest? Or has she posted about actually doing it somewhere?

I have over 6000 posts I've pinned on Pinterest. I've probably actually done only 5% of what I've pinned.

Just curious if I've missed something with the rocks.

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EG does remind me of Susan Smith. :gaah:Crocodile tears IMO.
Why do we think she does that painted rock thing? Is it because she pinned posts about it on Pinterest? Or has she posted about actually doing it somewhere?

I have over 6000 posts I've pinned on Pinterest. I've probably actually done only 5% of what I've pinned.

Just curious if I've missed something with the rocks.

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I don't know but hugs to you this morning:grouphug:
my thoughts on the landlord - without knowing more (which maybe LE does and hasn't released or maybe EG is keeping her lips sealed), its so unpredictable to me how exactly the landlord plays in. on the one hand, i totally see the theory of he realized Lucas was alone/EG knowing the LL knows this and spiraling EG into losing her temper with Lucas and his disappearance.

On the other hand, the LL could have come by and then carried on with his day rather quickly - its possible he wasn't even coming to do something inside or figured if the babysitter/mom was in the shower or w the baby, Lucas knew not to answer the door. its easy to say in hindsight "if the child appeared alone, i would definitely contact someone" but in the moment, if Lucas appeared safe and normal at the window, i truly can see not being suspicious. So, maybe the LL didn't even come forward until after EG reported him missing because he was like "wait, i saw him on Friday...". maybe that was a surprise to EG.

my overall point is without knowing more (how long the landlord was there, where all he walked on the property, the outgoing calls by EG, if LL left a note), i can totally see it both ways. i can see reacting "wait this kid shouldnt be alone, why isnt mom/dad at the door yet. im going to call the # i have on file". but i can also see it as "mom/dad's probably in the shower/basement etc and i have a busy day so ill wave to the cute kid in the window and come back later".
Has there been any mention of any kind of “relationship” between the LL and EG? I apologize but I still question everthing EG has claimed or said since the beginning. We won’t ever know the true facts in this case until this goes to trial. I don’t think she ever took into consideration she could be tracked either by her vehicle or by her cell phone.

I believe IMO her story quickly fell apart when LE began to verify her every movement for the time after her significant other left for work.

Although pribaby voluminous there would be cell pings for every phone in the area which may be taking copious amounts of time to identify. LE from several agencies are most likely putting in significant man hours to identify individuals who were at the house and whose phones pinged at the same locations as EG.

THE SUBPOENAS RESEARCH AND IDENTIFICATION ALL take time and I have no doubt LE is taking all the time needed to complete a thorough job. The DA in the CINA. Case and her bond issue is effectively keeping her incarcerated until they have sufficient evidence to proceed.

At at some point it will be a nice thing to convey thanks. The agencies who work for missing persons ESPECIALLY CHILDREN OF A TENDER AGE NEVER GIVE UP All their work will be an unknown factor until she is charged and this goes to trial. Sometimes cases have similar identifiers and facts. This case appears to be in that category. If EG was thinking she was unique and inventive she was way off base. The agencies have studied this behavior for a long time and usually have a good investigative direction the minute it comes to their attention. The concocted story surrounding his mysterious disappearance isn’t even close to unique or originally clever. In my opinion she isn’t as smart as she believes she is. Decieptful, dishonest and lacking in filters and boundaries yes, intelligent or original, not even close. And once LE discovers one lie undoubtedly they look and find more.

My sympathy goes out to the families in this case. They are not only coping with a missing and lived child, they are trying to rationalize and understand how an innocent child can be harmed with all of the safeguards in place.

I hope they seek professional help. I can’t imagine the pain and suffering they are experiencing every second of every day until this is solved.

And nothing i share here is intended to further their pain. It is opinion only. My deepest sympathy goes out to them.

The bigger issue looming over Lucas and the recent Brewer murder is the agency that has failed these, and many more children still suffering under the governance of child protective services.

I dont hear anything calling for investigation or change to protect the children who are forgotten or who are suffering as this is written.

A sad sad legacy to Lucas.

All ll is my sorrowful opinion
Why do we think she does that painted rock thing? Is it because she pinned posts about it on Pinterest? Or has she posted about actually doing it somewhere?

I have over 6000 posts I've pinned on Pinterest. I've probably actually done only 5% of what I've pinned.

Just curious if I've missed something with the rocks.

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I’m not sure about EG, but back in the threads PB mentioned she gets them and paints them (meaning PB does).
Jumping off this post, thinking about this, would there be any reason she might bury him close so she could revisit the body? SKs do this to relive their crimes, but I dont think that would be applicable here. If she had remorse and cared for Lucas, she may want to do this, have him close to visit the gravesite, but I don't think this is the case either. Lastly, she may want him close so she can keep tabs on if anyone is searching close, etc. But I am not sure about this either. So, point is, maybe she did go far. But that would be going away from stats in similar cases, or so I would think based on the similar cases I've seen. So, question is have any "caregivers" in other cases traveled a far distance? Malik was 50 miles out...others?

Fact- I worked very close to where these kids were kidnapped on the 4th of July that night- I wasn't ten minutes away. I will NEVER forget this case. Look how far that jerk took his kids:
Jumping off this post, thinking about this, would there be any reason she might bury him close so she could revisit the body? SKs do this to relive their crimes, but I dont think that would be applicable here. If she had remorse and cared for Lucas, she may want to do this, have him close to visit the gravesite, but I don't think this is the case either. Lastly, she may want him close so she can keep tabs on if anyone is searching close, etc. But I am not sure about this either. So, point is, maybe she did go far. But that would be going away from stats in similar cases, or so I would think based on the similar cases I've seen. So, question is have any "caregivers" in other cases traveled a far distance? Malik was 50 miles out...others?
Difference lies within whether the perp is male or female.
Females by statistics usually will go opposite direction of their awareness space
And with LH, I’m willing to bet there was no sophistication (burying, wrapped in a blanket) more like a dump and leave.
He was disposable to her,.......
He is probably within no more than a 5 mile radius of their home , OG etc.
So much agree on everything you posted. Caylee didn't have to pay Baez tho did she? Lots of folks were standing in line to be her defense attorney because the case was so high profile.
Like or not, NG and others kept CA's case in the spotlight nightly. Wish we could get that kind of coverage for Lucas.:heartbeat:

Ugh, Baez. *Shudder*
Difference lies within whether the perp is male or female.
Females by statistics usually will go opposite direction of their awareness space
And with LH, I’m willing to bet there was no sophistication (burying, wrapped in a blanket) more like a dump and leave.
He was disposable to her,.......
He is probably within no more than a 5 mile radius of their home , OG etc.

I agree with you I think he is close. But....mine is because I think she had time to come up with the "the door was open and he was gone" theory and by her dumping him somewhere close to home, she can say "see, he DID walk away".

UGH!!!! This poor baby needs to be found. I don't think I will ever come to grips with how many people are actually missing and their bodies never found. It floors me that there is that much area that is not traveled that someone would never be found, or, with the amount of cameras these days, someone isn't caught! (and live in OK with lots of land!)
I guess the question by LE about "anybody running barefoot" still haunts me. It's possible EG claimed she ran after Lucas to find him after 3+ hours. Or they were looking for anyone that saw him on the road barefoot to verify he left the home on his own.
It's just mystifying...:thinking:
ETA link
"We're still searching for a missing, five-year-old, little boy," Officer Davidson said. "That's why we continue to plea and ask our community, if they saw somebody running with no shoes on a couple days ago, or they saw something suspicious, something out of place that might be related to this case, please call us."
Has there been any mention of any kind of “relationship” between the LL and EG? I apologize but I still question everthing EG has claimed or said since the beginning. We won’t ever know the true facts in this case until this goes to trial. I don’t think she ever took into consideration she could be tracked either by her vehicle or by her cell phone.

I believe IMO her story quickly fell apart when LE began to verify her every movement for the time after her significant other left for work.

Although pribaby voluminous there would be cell pings for every phone in the area which may be taking copious amounts of time to identify. LE from several agencies are most likely putting in significant man hours to identify individuals who were at the house and whose phones pinged at the same locations as EG.

THE SUBPOENAS RESEARCH AND IDENTIFICATION ALL take time and I have no doubt LE is taking all the time needed to complete a thorough job. The DA in the CINA. Case and her bond issue is effectively keeping her incarcerated until they have sufficient evidence to proceed.

At at some point it will be a nice thing to convey thanks. All their work will be an unknown factor until she is charged and this goes to trial.

The bigger issue s sue looming over Lucas and the recent Brewer murder is the agency that has failed these, and many more children still suffering under the governance of child protective services.

I dont hear anything calling for investigation or change to protect the children who are forgotten or who are suffering as this is written.

A sad sad legacy to Lucas.

All ll is my sorrowful opinion

Oh there is major stuff going on as far as changes being made, the director of DHS was fired/quit, the jury is still out on the real story. I had posted a link awhile back about that. But like I continue to say, I know first hand how many kids that are saved that we just done hear about for good reason. The failure with Evan speaks to a bigger issue that I found difficult to navigate and that is the limitations the state/social workers/police have put on them by the laws protecting parents rights. In Evan’s case there were restraining orders and custody orders issued, but being able to serve them was made difficult because the other parents weren’t cooperating. As far as Lucas is concerned, I don’t know exactly what happened on CPS side tho I have a pretty good idea. I will say social workers and police absolutely work very hard to keep kids as safe as they can. It’s common to investigate parents where no concerns are found the first couple of times because stuff does happen. But parents also do abuse CPS in custody fights all the time, attorneys will tell clients to call every time the other parent strays from a parenting plan because they know police won’t get involved in civil court issues. But CPS has to investigate so the thinking is to use those investigations against the other parent.

I don’t want to get started down this road too much because it’s not helping find Lucas, but until we find out more, it’s hard to speculate what went wrong other than one person who is responsible here. I would just say that it should be hard to take a child from a parent, it should have a high standard of evidentiary findings, it should be up to the courts and not police or social workers as to who loses their kids and who just needs guidance and outside services. Kids lost to foster care can live very unpredictable, highly at risk lives outside of the home too, we just don’t have enough foster homes for siblings and older kids. But every kid on CPS radar whose lost like Lucas is a failure and should be treated as a case to study so it doesn’t happen again. It’s hard to predict the one, not even EG, could have known this would happen, the signs for concern were there, but knowing Lucas’s life was an imminent threat doesn’t seem to be there.

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New graphic is up and posted. We have had such success with the shares. Everyone is sharing so far across the country its amazing.

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