Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #15 *Arrest*

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Sorry you're not feeling well and hope you get better! As far as there being foul play in Lucas' case, I guess it starts with them saying there was no evidence of abduction, and as is common in these cases, the responding detective first on scene was a homicide detective.
He was also in court for EG's denied bond reduction hearing.
I think these are strong indicators of foul play suspected.

I agree
I will put my "theory" forth, since you did, and it hurts to write. I think that when EG got home from OG, Lucas told her the man was at the door, as Lucas knew the man saw him, and she flipped the heck out and beat him ... dead. He was telling the truth thinking she wanted to hear it, and she heard it as "I left you alone and already have CPS problems" and severely punishing him. She left right after to hide is little body. Did LE do cadaver dogs on EG's vehicle? Thanks...

I've wondered the same about if the dogs picked up his scent in her vehicle. We seem to be on the same page as to what happened.
I've wondered the same about if the dogs picked up his scent in her vehicle. We seem to be on the same page as to what happened.

Omg this is a great point. Maybe this is why Tim says its reminiscent of Caylee Anthony.
I hope LE has considered putting in a plant in her cell to try to get her to slip up with some information.

Oh man. I had to read that first sentence here over and over. What? A plant? Do you really think she would talk to it? Will it provide extra oxygen to her brain so she ...ohhhhh, not that kind of plant.
I’m so sorry you haven’t been feeling well.

LE has confirmed very little to the public since EG was arrested, but, rest assured, they know much more about her movements on the 16th and 17th than they have released. They have good reason for keeping the information quiet. I’d love nothing more than to answer ALL of your questions, but I don’t want to compromise the case.

I do believe Lucas will be found. I just wish it were sooner rather than later.

Thank you, - perhaps it's not wise for me to post when sick, my mind wanders sometimes in the wrong direction, even with the best of intentions.

Its hard to not be able to help. I have a darling nephew named Lucas- other than their smiles are a bit different (my darling nephew has dimples on the side that several of us in the family have), they look a lot alike and are the same age- it is freaking surreal how much they look alike- same hair, eyes, skin color- my Lucas has more weight on him, but they're just about the same height as well. When FindLucasAllen told us that her Lucas loved Batman and his green shoes- how my heart stopped for a bit. My darling nephew LOVES Batman, too, and new shoes that he picks out is a big deal to him, too! Uncanny the similarities.

This is just killing me, seeing what happened to Lucas, and now, his loved ones and friends (I do recall he has a bestie that misses him very much) are left with more questions than answers. More why's and how comes. Why no one from the child protection agencies as well as the cops who were called, cared enough to take their abuse allegations more seriously when they tried to save him from more abuse. Why his father didn't allow any contact with JH's own mother and his family, even if he is angry at them. They love Lucas and wanted the best for him. This child is loved and adored by his family and friends, and now complete strangers all around the world love him, including yours truly here.

I'm so angry for his family. For his bio Mom who I can't imagine the agony and despair she's going through. I'm sure JH is also going through the same, but why he's under that witch's spell and believes her story is just puzzling to me. My thoughts are always with FindLucasAllen who has been an amazing, classy, thoughtful and kind family VI here at WS.

Thank you, , for all that you're doing for them. I just pray everyone gets an answer soon. Sorry to say this, but I've prayed that some loving soul, whether a family member, former neighbor, friend or stranger, has Lucas right now and he is healthy, happy, and thriving like a darling little boy should be. Just the thoughts that he's possibly no longer with us on this earth makes me angry and sad- when I look at him, I see my darling giggly nephew, who loves to play flashlight tag, who's loving and gentle with animals, who's friendly, adorable and impish, too, boy, can he make a mess, and laugh about, too! - it just shatters my heart that he's not able to do this right now with his own loved ones and friends. Just so unfair.

Sorry for this long winded post that has absolutely nothing to do with helping find Lucas. It just hurts to know his family is going through hell right now, and only one person, and/or maybe anyone sick enough like her that might have helped her, is allowing their suffering to go on like this with an ounce of guilt or remorse.
I call him Luke and my mother in law calls him Luke a lot, but his mom calls him Lucas.

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My father-in-law calls my husband Samuel, but my mother-in-law calls him Sam. My parents are the same way with my name. I think it's normal.
Oh man. I had to read that first sentence here over and over. What? A plant? Do you really think she would talk to it? Will it provide extra oxygen to her brain so she ...ohhhhh, not that kind of plant.

yeah lol, I mean the kind of cellmate that may be placed in with her to try to gather whatever information they can. I am sure LE has already thought of that as they usually are 2 or 3 steps ahead.

Ive been keeping Lucas in my prayers and hoping so much that he is found very soon.

I know as more time passes it is hard for us not to get discouraged but I am hoping LE will begin to play some cards they havent played yet. Maybe if they drop some serious charges on her then maybe she will be forced to start working with them.
In a lot of these cases is there just not enough evidence to prosecute without a body. Are there any missing child cases that have successfully been prosecuted w/o body

Yes, Sierra LaMar, age 15, was kidnapped and killed over 6 years ago, but her body has never been found. Her murderer was sentenced to life in prison without parole. He was a stranger, though, not a relative of Sierra’s.
How do you prosecute a murder without a body? California has been doing it for more than a century

The recent discovery of 5-year-old Aramazd Andressian Jr.’s remains at a Santa Barbara recreation area was a grim achievement for investigators who had spent more than two months frantically searching for the boy.

It was also a boost for Los Angeles County prosecutors, who had already filed a murder charge against the child’s father without having found the body.


Pursuing a murder case without having found a victim’s body presents a unique challenge for prosecutors. Lacking a corpse means they can’t show jurors the type of powerful evidence that proves someone was beaten to death rather than killed in an accident — or tortured rather than slain in self-defense.

“In a murder case, the body is the most significant piece of evidence,” said Tad DiBiase, a former assistant U.S. attorney who consults for law enforcement on “no body” homicide cases.

Days before the boy’s remains were found, Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey said she was confident about the decision to file a murder charge against Aramazd Andressian Sr.

Her office, she noted, has handled several “no body” cases with success. Four years ago, for example, a Los Angeles County jury convicted Lyle Stanford Herring for the second-degree murder of his wife, who went missing four years earlier.
Just wanted to share that there are quite a few people on SM who ordered pizza's and got flyers!!! :)
As far as theories, I've been wondering if the 2 outgoing calls from EG's phone were her calling the landlord after possibly having a missed call or message from him that he was heading over or already there knocking on the door. If the landlord saw Lucas peek out the window and tge landlord told EG this, I think her next call could have been to JH to make sure he hadn't gotten wind of her leaving Lucas home alone. I wonder if she drove home in a fit of rage and it was then she premeditated what was going to happen and how. I think the reason she waited to report Lucas missing was to put some distance between her anger and the reporting. In other words, she needed to make it look like it was just a normal day and then suddenly he goes missing versus she got busted and took it out on a poor innocent child. She so wanted the world to think she was something she is not and Lucas innocently exposed her for what she is. All JMO of course.
LE must have some pretty incriminating evidence against EG in this case or the judge would have lowered her bond.They aren't letting it out of the bag yet and haven't pressed charges but I do think they will, regardless of whether or not they find Lucas. Obviously many terrible things happened to our little Lucas and under her care. And now he's gone! Her whole story of taking a shower then falling asleep and when she woke up Lucas was gone is just so suspect it's not funny! I mean c'mon now. What are the chances as opposed to she did something and has to make up an innocent sounding story?
I think he will be found and close to home. Unless she had help. But I tend to think she did everything on her own.

I feel like the nap thing is a lie because she said that they laid down to take a nap like they always do. I believe I seen somewhere on one of these threads that Lucas was in the afternoon pre-k. Here in Topeka, elementary school gets out at 3:40 pm. So it can't be that much of a difference there. Why would her nap routine be around the time that she would normally be getting Lucas from school? And the previous day, she had been awake at 3pm and left to go to Olive Garden around 3:30-4:00. No nap. I don't think she ever took a nap. She probably propped that door open and went and laid down in her room with the baby and waited until dark to call police. Imo
I feel like the nap thing is a lie because she said that they laid down to take a nap like they always do. I believe I seen somewhere on one of these threads that Lucas was in the afternoon pre-k. Here in Topeka, elementary school gets out at 3:40 pm. So it can't be that much of a difference there. Why would her nap routine be around the time that she would normally be getting Lucas from school? And the previous day, she had been awake at 3pm and left to go to Olive Garden around 3:30-4:00. No nap. I don't think she ever took a nap. She probably propped that door open and went and laid down in her room with the baby and waited until dark to call police. Imo

Wichita elementaries let out at 4:30; None of her story makes sense to me even the parts we know are true.
Granted we know he was sick and out of school for two weeks, but still.

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“Please help us thank Papa John's Pizza Wichita for sharing Lucas’ flyer on their delivery boxes! 4000 more citizens of Wichita will now see Lucas’ face and be reminded to search their properties.

Pizza Hut, Domino's Pizza, it’s your turn to help share the story of “Wichita’s Son.” Are you up for the challenge?”

“Please help us thank Papa John's Pizza Wichita for sharing Lucas’ flyer on their delivery boxes! 4000 more citizens of Wichita will now see Lucas’ face and be reminded to search their properties.

Pizza Hut, Domino's Pizza, it’s your turn to help share the story of “Wichita’s Son.” Are you up for the challenge?”

OT: it is great to see a city come together like this. I am glad my family decided to move there this fall.

I hope the flyers catch someone's eye and he is found.

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I will put my "theory" forth, since you did, and it hurts to write. I think that when EG got home from OG, Lucas told her the man was at the door, as Lucas knew the man saw him, and she flipped the heck out and beat him ... dead. He was telling the truth thinking she wanted to hear it, and she heard it as "I left you alone and already have CPS problems" and severely punishing him. She left right after to hide is little body. Did LE do cadaver dogs on EG's vehicle? Thanks...

But the landlord didn't know she wasn't there. She could have told him she was in the shower when he came by.

The only way it was figured out Lucas was alone then was when the police checked her phone records, found the message to JH about going to OG, and matched her phone pings to the OG area. And that happened days later.
We now know from the affidavit that she lied about the shower/nap thing IMO. She went to OG and left him @home. As far as we know now he was alone, I mean that no one else other than him was there. But we don't know that for sure. IIRC that's what she told LE. :thinking:
The whole timeline she gave is false IMO, and LE is already able to prove that. They don't need a body for conviction and they may already have forensic evidence and evidence found by the dogs.
He was sick, abused, weighed only around 45 pounds, and left at home while she went to eat on the OG giftcard JH sent her for Valentine's day, along with gifts he sent to the kids.
I wish I could get inside her head but it's probably such a dark place it'd really be like an abyss and it's best to avoid that.
Waiting for more info from LE. So glad that WPD changed its' FB background to Lucas. This is a good sign.

She went to OG and left him alone on FRIDAY. She says she put him down for a nap and took a shower and a nap herself on SATURDAY.
But the landlord didn't know she wasn't there. She could have told him she was in the shower when he came by.

The only way it was figured out Lucas was alone then was when the police checked her phone records, found the message to JH about going to OG, and matched her phone pings to the OG area. And that happened days later.

But if the landlord can see Lucas in the window, what if he waits outside for ten minutes and then puts a phone call through to her and she says "Hi, I'm at OG so of course I can't answer the door!"

So in her mind she might not know if the landlord is going to put 2 and 2 together and realize Lucas is alone, or if she might get lucky and the landlord will assume a babysitter is in the bathroom. So even if she didn't have reason to go home and 'disappear' Lucas (which doesn't make a lot of sense to me) she might well be in the frame of mind that if things don't feel like they're going well for her, she's going to blame Lucas and give him the beating of his life. Kinda like some people get mad and throw plates, but she takes it out on a person? I don't think she needs proof the landlord knew Lucas was alone, I think she just needs a (tenuous) reason to get angry in her head, then she needs a punching bag, and Lucas serves that purpose for her.

Either way, if there was contact from the LL to EG, she probably didn't get back feeling as happy and relaxed as she had hoped. What if Lucas had puked or broken something while she was out, just one more thing to break the camel's back might be enough to turn her into attack mode?
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