Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #15 *Arrest*

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As far as theories, I've been wondering if the 2 outgoing calls from EG's phone were her calling the landlord after possibly having a missed call or message from him that he was heading over or already there knocking on the door. If the landlord saw Lucas peek out the window and tge landlord told EG this, I think her next call could have been to JH to make sure he hadn't gotten wind of her leaving Lucas home alone. I wonder if she drove home in a fit of rage and it was then she premeditated what was going to happen and how. I think the reason she waited to report Lucas missing was to put some distance between her anger and the reporting. In other words, she needed to make it look like it was just a normal day and then suddenly he goes missing versus she got busted and took it out on a poor innocent child. She so wanted the world to think she was something she is not and Lucas innocently exposed her for what she is. All JMO of course.

What you've said about putting distance between the anger incident and the missing person's report, that's really interesting.

I've lost the link to ESO's updated doc for the list of where child bodies were found in the case of caregiver murders? I would like to have a look at that again.
And Deorr has never been found has he? So many cases it's just incredibly sad and makes me so:stormingmad:.

Oh hell. I thought you said that Deorr was found then. Heart-stopper. No he hasn't. Poor little thing :(
“Please help us thank Papa John's Pizza Wichita for sharing Lucas’ flyer on their delivery boxes! 4000 more citizens of Wichita will now see Lucas’ face and be reminded to search their properties.

Pizza Hut, Domino's Pizza, it’s your turn to help share the story of “Wichita’s Son.” Are you up for the challenge?”


When I feel like crap, my mind wanders into new places with cases like darling Lucas. To my knowledge, I don't recall hearing if she left again that night or early morning. If she left again at night- she could have traveled a bit of a distance.

I know folks think that she wouldn't chance it because she wouldn't want to be caught with a body in her vehicle, but we have to remember, she was high as a kite before she went to OG. Who's to say she didn't take something stronger after she got home, flipped out, harmed Lucas, then left with him and traveled a bit of a distance away because she wasn't in her right mind at the time? Drugs (and alcohol) can make people say and do things they wouldn't do when not under the influence. By the time she buried Lucas somewhere and came down from her high, she probably took something else to give her energy and went into cleaning mode, which would explain why she showered and napped afterwards- that part would probably be true.

I have always had the feeling she took the kids with her to buy/use and something happened there. If they were loaded they wouldn't have called 911 if he had an accident. I think whomever the person or persons she was with disposed of his body and she may not know where he is. In her interview she says "I keep thinking and keep thinking what could have happened, you know… And I keep thinking back to these two people… ehm… (IMO the following [FONT=times, times new roman, serif]part[/FONT] she made up) that were outside of my house a few days prior… ehm, ‘twas a black man and white woman."

She went to OG and left him alone on FRIDAY. She says she put him down for a nap and took a shower and a nap herself on SATURDAY.
You are right....I just think her entire story and timeline are a lie:moo:
When I feel like crap, my mind wanders into new places with cases like darling Lucas. To my knowledge, I don't recall hearing if she left again that night or early morning. If she left again at night- she could have traveled a bit of a distance.

I know folks think that she wouldn't chance it because she wouldn't want to be caught with a body in her vehicle, but we have to remember, she was high as a kite before she went to OG. Who's to say she didn't take something stronger after she got home, flipped out, harmed Lucas, then left with him and traveled a bit of a distance away because she wasn't in her right mind at the time? Drugs (and alcohol) can make people say and do things they wouldn't do when not under the influence. By the time she buried Lucas somewhere and came down from her high, she probably took something else to give her energy and went into cleaning mode, which would explain why she showered and napped afterwards- that part would probably be true.

Jumping off this post, thinking about this, would there be any reason she might bury him close so she could revisit the body? SKs do this to relive their crimes, but I dont think that would be applicable here. If she had remorse and cared for Lucas, she may want to do this, have him close to visit the gravesite, but I don't think this is the case either. Lastly, she may want him close so she can keep tabs on if anyone is searching close, etc. But I am not sure about this either. So, point is, maybe she did go far. But that would be going away from stats in similar cases, or so I would think based on the similar cases I've seen. So, question is have any "caregivers" in other cases traveled a far distance? Malik was 50 miles out...others?
Jumping off this post, thinking about this, would there be any reason she might bury him close so she could revisit the body? SKs do this to relive their crimes, but I dont think that would be applicable here. If she had remorse and cared for Lucas, she may want to do this, have him close to visit the gravesite, but I don't think this is the case either. Lastly, she may want him close so she can keep tabs on if anyone is searching close, etc. But I am not sure about this either. So, point is, maybe she did go far. But that would be going away from stats in similar cases, or so I would think based on the similar cases I've seen. So, question is have any "caregivers" in other cases traveled a far distance? Malik was 50 miles out...others?

I can't think of any right off hand. It seems even non caregivers don't go that far. It seems it would be to risky. jmo
Jumping off this post, thinking about this, would there be any reason she might bury him close so she could revisit the body? SKs do this to relive their crimes, but I dont think that would be applicable here. If she had remorse and cared for Lucas, she may want to do this, have him close to visit the gravesite, but I don't think this is the case either. Lastly, she may want him close so she can keep tabs on if anyone is searching close, etc. But I am not sure about this either. So, point is, maybe she did go far. But that would be going away from stats in similar cases, or so I would think based on the similar cases I've seen. So, question is have any "caregivers" in other cases traveled a far distance? Malik was 50 miles out...others?
Good line of thinking. Statistics are important but there are always cases that don't fit. If EG acted alone I think he will be found close. If she had help after the fact then it's all up in the air as to where he is. We know she was at OG without him for about an hour, and maybe she was waiting for a call or confirmation that he was gone from the home and then she went back.
I don't think she really cared much for Lucas after her new baby was born, if she ever did.:sigh:
She was already busy covering for herself by saying she left him at home because he was asleep and SICK. But he wasn't.....he was wandering thru the house probably looking for food himself. I don't believe one damn word she's ever said.
Jumping off this post, thinking about this, would there be any reason she might bury him close so she could revisit the body? SKs do this to relive their crimes, but I dont think that would be applicable here. If she had remorse and cared for Lucas, she may want to do this, have him close to visit the gravesite, but I don't think this is the case either. Lastly, she may want him close so she can keep tabs on if anyone is searching close, etc. But I am not sure about this either. So, point is, maybe she did go far. But that would be going away from stats in similar cases, or so I would think based on the similar cases I've seen. So, question is have any "caregivers" in other cases traveled a far distance? Malik was 50 miles out...others?

Two cases I have seen just this week - not missing children, but dead children found in cars, really make me wonder about keeping them close.
I think it’s more a question of speed, and ease, for EG than keeping him close for any sentimental or morbid reasons. I think he’ll be found relatively close especially if she wasn’t picked up on any road cameras which would have given LE a better location idea for searches I would think. *speculation*

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What you've said about putting distance between the anger incident and the missing person's report, that's really interesting.

I've lost the link to ESO's updated doc for the list of where child bodies were found in the case of caregiver murders? I would like to have a look at that again.

I will post an updated one, it’s just gotten bigger because I’ve added information I’m interested in looking for a pattern with. I’ve got about 150 cases on it but not all the details are filled out yet. A lot of bodies are found in wooded areas and fields not far from the home, very few are thrown in the trash, thank God, women tend to not dig graves because it’s too much work. Bodies get moved a lot but that’s a challenge for EG seeing as she’s in jail. The only time people get help with getting rid of bodies is when the other person is involved in the abuse and death, with the exception of one case. Just one. It’s also usual to find bodies wrapped inside trash bags, blankets, plastic, inside storage boxes, suitcase and other storage bags. One lady was caught with her son’s body decomposing in her trunk whom she had killed 11 years before and no one knew he was missing. It’s crazy. But I will repost it, it’s huge so I hope you all can read it. I have links to my research, and I’ve added pictures, some are graphic and shocking. Especially the case of Adrian Jones, the videos and pictures will tear your heart out. His body was fed to pigs, the worst cases are the ones where both parents are involved in the abuse. For whatever reason, two people seem to feed off each other and that’s where you will see a lot of charges describing acts of torture against these kids. Thankfully, I don’t see evidence that was happening with Lucas, tho he definitely wasn’t having an easy life for sure.

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My thought about the landlord seeing Lucas would the landlord actually know he was reaaaally alone, that she wasn't asleep, in the shower or just not answering the door? In other words, I'm not sure her being worried about leaving Lucas alone and the landlord knowing this is motive...

(but wait if there was no vehicle there...still...)

Eta: just saw Amonet's post, maybe she divulged she wasn't home to the landlord via phone.
But the landlord didn't know she wasn't there. She could have told him she was in the shower when he came by.

The only way it was figured out Lucas was alone then was when the police checked her phone records, found the message to JH about going to OG, and matched her phone pings to the OG area. And that happened days later.

(Just posted the same thing, weird)
Two cases I have seen just this week - not missing children, but dead children found in cars, really make me wonder about keeping them close.
I think it’s more a question of speed, and ease, for EG than keeping him close for any sentimental or morbid reasons. I think he’ll be found relatively close especially if she wasn’t picked up on any road cameras which would have given LE a better location idea for searches I would think. *speculation*

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I agree about picking her up on camera's. If they had I would think they had some idea of what direction she was headed. I presume they checked the camera's leading away from the house. jmo
My thought about the landlord seeing Lucas would the landlord actually know he was reaaaally alone, that she wasn't asleep, in the shower or just not answering the door? In other words, I'm not sure her being worried about leaving Lucas alone and the landlord knowing this is motive...

(but wait if there was no vehicle there...still...)
I don't think the LL would know if he was really alone.
The thought of him in his extremely weakened state peeping out the window...
I think they did the camera check early and that's what led them to want to search those initial parks they were in.
Again, wondering about painted rocks...where did she get the stones (if not randomly picking them up, buying them), and where did she leave the stones for others, if she did in fact participate in this?
Again, wondering about painted rocks...where did she get the stones (if not randomly picking them up, buying them), and where did she leave the stones for others, if she did in fact participate in this?
Good thoughts on the rocks though I don't have an answer but will give it a lot of thought. :thinking:
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