Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #15 *Arrest*

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You have some interesting aspects to add to these cases.
The public is generally unaware of how much bureaucracy is behind what appears to be very cut & dried obvious situations. Some of the process is a great thing, while other procedures seem to be... ah... bizarre and unfounded (catering to adults who 'need' to feel whatever).

I spoke specifically to the concept that adults who've inflicted needless cruelty upon their wards, being protected and promoted by a legal process- in spite and Because of a mess they themselves have created. By all means, put those people into programs to treat whatever ails them.
But on the same token... NEVER allow these psychos any contact with the innocents they have damaged and tried to break. Sure, I know how foster kids scream & cry- most of them have no clue what torture is; they'll live. And they will find balance & grace without the demons their predecessors loved.

I know full well how this works. I had to be shown (not told) to pretend to threaten suicide at the end of a therapy session, to be taken into custody; with a shrieking abuser at the door it was not hard to beg & back to a high up window yelling I'd jump through it, if she came in the door, while the therapist dialed the local police.

You might know the things I went through for years while no worker managed to remove me. Slept in animal feces huddled by livestock for warmth. Forced to eat pine needles and beg food from strangers at truck stops. Dumped in my junior high parking lot stark naked in winter sneaking & tapping at office window for help (but not too loud, god forbid). This is the light parts. The Normal daily routine stuff.

Her 'feelings' took center stage, enraptured by the endless posturing there was no room for my brother & I, or our worthless lives anywhere, much less later in court.

I spent time being fed by tube in an institution. Placed in a 'safehouse' for months. eventually CPS tried to close my case & put me back because she 'cried a lot' (while throwing the favorite child, my little brother at walls & beating him with books). Stalked me at my school (cafeteria work, after being told to stay away from everything associated with my life). Conned a church to help her stalking mission (I was forced to attend fake counseling with her & hand delivered to the crazy by GAL)- after begging to never see her EVER again multiple times in court.
This 'parent' took 'her side' to local papers, and when that wasn't enough vindication, went on Oprah.

At no time did anyone convict her with her well documented crimes.

I am very lucky to still be here. My body tells me in many ways every day. She still tells my grandmother and anyone who will listen, I am an addict, I have eating disorders, anything to exonerate Her.

And people are happy to listen.

EG does not need that chance.


OMG tnith! I am crying reading what you had to go thru. Thank you for sharing with us. No wonder you have such insight. You know how bad people can be, how bad the system can be. You and your brother were innocent children living in it! Thank goodness you made it out alive!
I can read page 2 onward, but page 1 isn't zooming in far enough to read it. Is there any chance you could do what you did before to make it zoom in further?

You must have worked SO hard on this! Thank you so much!

I did a summary sheet, check it out and hopefully it’s much easier to read! I can’t figure out what I changed with the other report........I put this in a spreadsheet program on my iMac, I miss Excel so much 🤯.

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This is a summary of basic information. Once I get it done I will format it differently so people can see all the information they want. I hope I can find a better way to share this information before that!

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Thank you for doing this! What a lot of work for you! It's amazing to see this! Interesting how many of the children were place in bags, containers, wrapped in blankets. If someone is found deceased in something such as these it automatically points to homicide.
I absolutely 20000% agree with you. That’s what scares me about thinking we’d have to sacrifice justice for Lucas in order to find his body. The fact is, our obligation now is getting him justice, and that can’t come in second behind finding him. To me, Lucas isn’t lost.......he knows exactly where he is and being away from all this pain on Earth is the safest place for him. We want to find his body for his family, but we owe Lucas his day in court. If EG gets out of jail without being charged with his death, as disgusting as it sounds, she’d still have her rights intact to be around not just her own children, but everyone else’s. We failed at protect Lucas from her so we have to protect all other children from being a victim of hers too. I think for anyone outside the legal system, it’s hard to understand why things happen the way they do so I’m doing my best to fill in those gaps as much as possible. I’ve read cases that have haunted me, the ones like yours are so hard to comprehend because it goes against everything I’ve ever known about being a parent. Hearing cases like yours are so important, thank you for sharing it. I’m trying to see these things from all angels, especially from the victims themselves.

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I feel like I'm part of an obvious group here very busy working on finding Lucas 'quietly', but am behind on the swing of things & need insight on how one goes about presenting any of this to the detectives assigned to his case. Very strong reservations about discussing openly online, asking any questions that 'conspirators' may convey or act on, media hype catching wind & mucking things up even more, my anomia acting up (as is wont to do during personal communications since kidnap/murder/disappearance/subsequent pd neglect/coverup of a teen in my neighborhood)- sounds get stuck in my mouth like I have lockjaw and I end up stuttering over it all like an absolute idiot.

Paranoid? Maybe... but there are a LOT of reasons I consider so much now, none of which have come from pure & simple imagination.

OMG tnith! I am crying reading what you had to go thru. Thank you for sharing with us. No wonder you have such insight. You know how bad people can be, how bad the system can be. You and your brother were innocent children living in it! Thank goodness you made it out alive!

Lets assume 'what happens in the limbic system stays in the limbic system'... but the prefrontal cortex... well. Just hang on & enjoy the ride.
Oh yes, 'living'. Like humor zombies, but with 97% more need for personal space & nonlinear creative expression. Silver linings, you know.

The world is absolutely not about 'knowing' the same things that seem to be really obvious to the people on this site. It's good to be around people who can see this, accept it and are impelled into action from there.
I'm hoping that extra people being out over the Easter weekend might help someone come across something. People doing hunting, nature watching, fishing, clearing up around their property...and as the spring comes on more people will be doing those things at weekends.

Deep concerns & questions about this regarding properties managed by cities and real estate, developed and undeveloped.

No one is tending to 'retired' private & government sites that I can see of in approximately a decade of google maps.
I feel like I'm part of an obvious group here very busy working on finding Lucas 'quietly', but am behind on the swing of things & need insight on how one goes about presenting any of this to the detectives assigned to his case. Very strong reservations about discussing openly online, asking any questions that 'conspirators' may convey or act on, media hype catching wind & mucking things up even more, my anomia acting up (as is wont to do during personal communications since kidnap/murder/disappearance/subsequent pd neglect/coverup of a teen in my neighborhood)- sounds get stuck in my mouth like I have lockjaw and I end up stuttering over it all like an absolute idiot.

Paranoid? Maybe... but there are a LOT of reasons I consider so much now, none of which have come from pure & simple imagination.

Lets assume 'what happens in the limbic system stays in the limbic system'... but the prefrontal cortex... well. Just hang on & enjoy the ride.
Oh yes, 'living'. Like humor zombies, but with 97% more need for personal space & nonlinear creative expression. Silver linings, you know.

The world is absolutely not about 'knowing' the same things that seem to be really obvious to the people on this site. It's good to be around people who can see this, accept it and are impelled into action from there.

I have a friend that lived thru horror at the hands (psychologically and physically) of her own mother and aunt. Her father just looked the other way. Very wealthy family. Nobody protected her and her sister. Not the family, not the police, not CPS, not the courts. She has told me of her coping mechanisms while she was growing up. It's amazing.
I did a summary sheet, check it out and hopefully it’s much easier to read! I can’t figure out what I changed with the other report........I put this in a spreadsheet program on my iMac, I miss Excel so much 勞.

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That list is too long. Even one name on there would be too many, but scrolling down and down :-( Those poor babies :-(

Yes, that's readable, thank you very much!

I just wish I could look at it and see the answer to where Lucas is :-(
I do have a question. Since we know JH was keeping the families away from Lucas because of the abuse allegations, was he also keeping Lucas's mother away from him?
You have some interesting aspects to add to these cases.
The public is generally unaware of how much bureaucracy is behind what appears to be very cut & dried obvious situations. Some of the process is a great thing, while other procedures seem to be... ah... bizarre and unfounded (catering to adults who 'need' to feel whatever).

I spoke specifically to the concept that adults who've inflicted needless cruelty upon their wards, being protected and promoted by a legal process- in spite and Because of a mess they themselves have created. By all means, put those people into programs to treat whatever ails them.
But on the same token... NEVER allow these psychos any contact with the innocents they have damaged and tried to break. Sure, I know how foster kids scream & cry- most of them have no clue what torture is; they'll live. And they will find balance & grace without the demons their predecessors loved.

I know full well how this works. I had to be shown (not told) to pretend to threaten suicide at the end of a therapy session, to be taken into custody; with a shrieking abuser at the door it was not hard to beg & back to a high up window yelling I'd jump through it, if she came in the door, while the therapist dialed the local police.

You might know the things I went through for years while no worker managed to remove me. Slept in animal feces huddled by livestock for warmth. Forced to eat pine needles and beg food from strangers at truck stops. Dumped in my junior high parking lot stark naked in winter sneaking & tapping at office window for help (but not too loud, god forbid). This is the light parts. The Normal daily routine stuff.

Her 'feelings' took center stage, enraptured by the endless posturing there was no room for my brother & I, or our worthless lives anywhere, much less later in court.

I spent time being fed by tube in an institution. Placed in a 'safehouse' for months. eventually CPS tried to close my case & put me back because she 'cried a lot' (while throwing the favorite child, my little brother at walls & beating him with books). Stalked me at my school (cafeteria work, after being told to stay away from everything associated with my life). Conned a church to help her stalking mission (I was forced to attend fake counseling with her & hand delivered to the crazy by GAL)- after begging to never see her EVER again multiple times in court.
This 'parent' took 'her side' to local papers, and when that wasn't enough vindication, went on Oprah.

At no time did anyone convict her with her well documented crimes.

I am very lucky to still be here. My body tells me in many ways every day. She still tells my grandmother and anyone who will listen, I am an addict, I have eating disorders, anything to exonerate Her.

And people are happy to listen.

EG does not need that chance.


I am so very sorry for what you’ve been through. I’ve typed and deleted, typed and deleted...words cannot express how sad and angry and outraged I feel for such treatment of any child. Prayers for you, for healing and peace and health and joy and every good thing that a person can know.

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Am I the only one here who wonders if it's possible EG had nothing at all to do with the disappearance of Lucas?

Just wondering.
Am I the only one here who wonders if it's possible EG had nothing at all to do with the disappearance of Lucas?

Just wondering.

I have some open thoughts. But, the fact that LE said Lucas was not kidnapped and he did not just walk out of the home, the fact that EG was abusing him, the fact that she left him alone and while he was sick, the fact that her bond remains high tells me LE knows a lot more than we do and they are pointing the finger right at her. And look at how much we do know that also points to her! I have a little wiggle room (very little) for one other possible scenario tho but it can't be discussed on here.
Am I the only one here who wonders if it's possible EG had nothing at all to do with the disappearance of Lucas?

Just wondering.

Very much so. Unfortunately there is very nothing reflected of what I personally can find from the mountains revealed here, in the major themes which surface now and again in missing persons' pages elsewhere.

I am cursed to recall many other's experiences and consider them now- a toddler whose aunts would force him to smoke pot until he passed out, while his angry mother partied elsewhere and beat her ex (his father) during frenzied hookup binges.

Gun thieving loadie clans who used their kids in every way to make money, blow town and repeat until they made their way back to the first state many months later, minus a kid or 2.

A friend coerced out to a very personally significant location with friends, executed as a means to demand loyalty (kid was only 19, none of us knew his fate for another year & a half)

Yeah. Musing, how does this not fit those patterns? And some pieces proving that aren't on the table. I've looked out my whole life. Won't miss the piece if it's there now.
Checking in, hi. Just nothing for me to add. Sorry, Lucas :(
Me too Ana just reading everywhere I can looking for clues. Digging deep and still not getting there. For sure I'm missing something/s here, likely several things I have yet to consider deeply enough. It continues to haunt my mind. :rose:For Lucas
Ontario mom . No I believe she is responsible . I do question if she had help with disposal of body.
I'm guessing EG won't be in the courtroom today for the hearing and discovery. I'm hoping we learn anything at all from it :gaah:.

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